Do you guys think its annoying if someone draws in their sketchbook while playing tabletop?
Do you guys think its annoying if someone draws in their sketchbook while playing tabletop?
I'm a drawfag. It's just a habit. I promise nobody is doing it to be annoying, and that we're all paying attention while doing it.
Not if they're participating
I GM a guy that draws all the important environments I describe in a journal. I really enjoy it.
Only if they're not participating and paying attention.
Hell no.
Maybe if their sketchbook is a stone tablet and they're chiseling into it, making a ruckus and getting gravel everywhere
Not at all.
Although if they're drawing something that has nothing to do with the game I do check if they're doing okay and engaging with the game.
Only one of my players draws though.
This shouldn't be an issue unless they're not paying attention at the same time or slow down the game. Unfortunately my girlfriend does this and is guilty of both.
My players are required to actively keep maps and logs, so no.
I wouldn't, unless the person is so focused that they aren't paying attention at all.
I get annoyed when people pull out 3DS' and shit because they're openly saying that they would rather be entertained by something besides themselves and the party.
No and you're a retard for starting this thread to seek validation for your autism.
Ok that was mean and I shouldn't assume that was your reason for starting the thread.
Nah fuck it I'm an anonymous loser on this site on a Friday night go fuck yourself OP. Kill me.
Are you ok
Youre new arent you
There's a lot of 3ds games that you play simply as a chore and don't actually devote much attention to. Everything streetpass related for example
Those are mingames not games
When I think about it not at all. In this day and age I'm just happy when any player isn't constantly on their phone or laptop.
If it's relevant to the game, then no. If it isn't, then yes.
Sure, he's doing "something else", but if he's drawing something relevant (like a city the DM is describing, or a battle he thinks is totally rad), he's still immersing himself in the world and paying attention. If he draws something unrelated, his attention is in two places at once and he's not really paying attention.
Are you alright bruh?
user, you do realise there's a backspace key, right? Not everything needs to be complete stream of consciousness, if you change your mind on what to say while typing your post you can just get rid of it and start again rather than narrating your thought processes for why you're calling OP a faggot.
I had to boot a player for playing World of Warcraft during the game. Fucking WoW.
I'll take a doodler who can tell me what's going on any day.