It's just a regular correction

>it's just a regular correction
>it'll be 100k at the end of 2019!
>lol this is what nocoiners always say
Let's get real, guys. The only idiots are those who thought it would just keep going up forever. BTC is a zero-sum game and the only reason people are investing in it isn't because they believe in its long-term store of value but for short-term fiat gains. You can still make money day trading, but hodlers are complete idiots. It will never pass 20k, because there will be a cataclysmic drop every time it gets close. Screencap this


You need to zoom that chart out homey

>it's completely realistic for a commodity with no intrinsic value to keep going up forever!


inb4 shorts get squeezed and bitcoin rockets past 20k

Green paper has no intrinsic value.


We're at return to normal right now. 11k WAS the bottom. It's bouncing back up. People will think everything is okay... until America goes to sleep again. And then, sub 10k. This weekend will be a blood bath. We might end up around 6k or so. It wont go back above 10k for at least 3 weeks and probably a month as normie money will run scared.

Just watched Tony Vays on youtube and they looked like they were about to cry LOL