ITT We build a setting by adding a piece of fluff from everyone's homebrew setting
Easy Mode: make it up on the spot
Impossible Mode: try to keep it coherent
ITT We build a setting by adding a piece of fluff from everyone's homebrew setting
Wizards are the only ones who can build technological marvels like laser guns and robots and shit, and they usually can't reproduce the results
Most of the planet has been ravaged by superfood projects gone wrong, the soil in many stretches of land can only support one type of product. The biggest city state is one of the only places where multiple types of food can be grown, and it has grown rich from trade
Technological progress has been haphazard and slow in large part because the concept of 'science' and the free sharing of information does not exist. Instead, guilds jealousy guard their secrets and wizards possess geas and binding techniques that make it so those who know a scientific secret can never pass it to others outside the guild. Because of this, cannons have been invented and lost three times over in different parts of the world.
Slowly moving high above the clouds is a landmass with an old stone castle resting on it. It is enchanted to not be visible until you get within 1,000 feet of it. Connected to this landmass are much smaller masses similarly enchanted that usually support nothing, though a handful have completely ruined buildings on top of them. They are connected to the main castle in the sky by rickety rope bridges.
The most prevalent church is led by a species of sentient bears. These bears don't have human speech though, and communicate either through highly skilled interpreters or through writing in their own bearphabet. There is no fear of the interpreter lying on purpose, since the bear will just maul him/her then.
The physical universe is just a reflection of the Platonic spiritworld.
There is only one other plane or dimension attached to this one. It is a realm made of demons and nightmares, but said demons and nightmares don't mind loaning out their power at reasonable prices to whichever wizard asks them for it.
Bears, in this case, refers to large, hairy gay men. Not the animals. Homosexuals who aren't religious slowly lose mental abilities and become non-sentient world spirits.
and then there's this faggot
I liked it better when I was picturing sagely anthropomorphic bearmen
It's actually rather easy to get out of the Underworld; if you were an adventurer in real life it would be no different from a normal dungeon.
as a ghost or as a person?
The core of the world is, instead of molten iron as it is in our world, the slowly rotting corpse of a primordial god of chaos.
All gods in the universe are eternally babies and naturally benevolent. It's just that they fucking things up and do stupid shit because they are babies.
Bees evolve on each planet and are 100% connected to the planet's life force. When the last bee dies, so does the planet.
Get that furry shit out of here, I mean actual fucking bears.
Humans are well known for meddling in things they shouldn't be, such as the time they accidentally invented mortality.
Centaurs exist in abundant numbers. Every type of terrain has their own. Plains have regular horse centaurs. Forrests have deer and elk centaurs. Steppe have antilope centaurs. ect.
death guards the gate. he is willing to play a game for your soul. death has the worst luck and always looses whatever game she plays. having the worst luck ever is what landed them the job of death in the first place
>he is willing
>she plays
>them the job
All creation is made up of the eight prime elementals in different combinations. Fire, Ice, Light, Dark, Water, Lightning, Earth and Wind.
Each prime elemental is also a prime god on the pantheon.
There's a small community of unusual, fishlike people living in the large lakes and bays of the northern taiga region. Their language is very archaic and incomprehensible by modern standards, and several wars vere narrowly averted by virtue of neither side undertanding simple insults of the other.
Let's make this a little more entertaining guys, you can post more than once if you feel like it.
the underworld is actually inhabited by hedgehogs that have spines made out of psychic energy, and glows a dark turquoise.They can also only speak through telepathy and are the most ancient race on the material realm.
There's been a large-scale catastrophe far in the past, caused by the humans. While other races have forgotten or forgiven the humans already, about one quarter of the human population still repent and apologize profusely over the catastrophe. No one seems to remember what the catastrophe was, however...
The world is divided into massive segments of continent and ocean by extremely strong ley lines. Those are areas where the natural magical field is so dense that pure Mana flows into the world, forming massive barriers of permanent storms of lightning, flame and mana, and constantly shifting, extremely difficult terrain. Regions near the lines suffer from violent and unstable weather and natural disasters, as well as large populations of magical creatures. No one has ever crossed a ley line, but there are rumors that in a far away continent the line has shifted and weakened enough for a single safe pass to form.
This ain't working too well but my fault for making a weak premise.
It's just an experiment to make a setting all together without outright stating it to be honest It turns way more creative this way. Saging this and see you in a bit.
Writing is a form of magic. Unless the writing receptacle is properly prepared, the words are read off the page, leaving the receptacle blank
All dragons are actually ancient sorcerers who have forgotten what they once were. Truly ancient dragons can still lay eggs that hatch into animalistic drakes. The eggs are highly prized by gourmands.
Yeah, just follow the meat tunnels of the Great Goddess cult and you'll be back to the surface in no time!
it was the destruction of the Wizard capital and the massacre of the orc citizens by the human revolutionaries mentioned here
Druidic terrorist cells attack rural settlements with tanks and helicopters made from enchanted skywood
Three words: Eternal Neanderthal Reich
Penis trees that grow ballsack fruit that are harvested by human farmers to make curry
>meat tunnels of the Great Goddess
Most metals act as conductors for all forms of magic, meaning plate armor is a liability against magical attack and the average mage can make prudent use of most martial weapons by way of channeling power through them as a means of giving their power shape.
There is a nation of vampires ruling over simple people. The people pay taxes in blood and becoming a vampire is a great privilege given as a reward or bought for a whole lot of money. The nation is known for its advanced medicine but high disparity in the quality of life.
Cavemen live below the world, in the underworld. They have mastered bio-technology, and have armies of fungus thralls that outnumber their masters 1000:1. All the world fears them
Some scientist once fused magic and technology and crafted an armor that powered it's own functions from ambient magic and any magical attacks, nullifying them. Some Poppets have managed to replicate this technology in small scale.
Most of the gods are busy keeping their respective domains running, and send stand-in gods to service their followers and grant prayers.
The party features some bog standard fantasy races but they've got minor superpowers and work at an adventuring club for people with superpowers.
That's pretty cool.
It's a skeleton, how the fuck are you supposed to know its gender? So no matter
One of the dominant races of the world is implied. As in it's not scientifically possible to prove they exist, but evidence of what they have done or built is everywhere. They are invisible, intangible and silent, impossible to detect or communicate with by any means, but they are constantly building things when nobody is around. There are millions of them but nobody has ever once perceived or made contact with one of them. Some make careers off of researching these imperceptible people.
Would this count as a golem? Or perhaps an advanced form of one?
Goblins are an all female race who require males of other races to reproduce, but only birth more Goblins. As such, they are usually driven out of most towns by the residents, and end up as brothel workers in port and trade cities, or working as camp followers for mercenary bands.
The weirdest thing is a man of any sapient species starting a family with a goblin.
The sea is actually an enormous mass of slimes and water elementals. If they like you they will form a bubble around you and allow you to just stroll across to other continents on foot. If you piss them off they will crush your boat to dust. Sailors are known to carry a large sack of little gifts to toss into the water.
Elves were originally born on one of the moons orbiting the planet, but traveled to earth on a divine mission. Now, centuries later, the elves have divided into 2 factions: Earth worshipers (druids, rangers, wood elves) and moon worshipers (wizards, arcanists, high elves). Moon elves are trying to get back to their homeworld and Earth elves are waging war against them to keep them here.
Think closer in line with powered armor. The Poppets do count as a golem, though, being sentient marionettes.
The Great Squiggly Seas are dwelled by monolithic worm-like segmented amphibians, able to breathe both slime and air, these creatures show no interest in eating things that aren't made of slime but will attack them nonetheless.
The Sea Is Not Pleased With Their Presence.
Evaporation and drying up is a very real problem to the Slime Sea and it's components. While some have chosen rather...unconventional methods of recuperation, most simply wait for liquid gifts. Alcohol is ill advised to give, however, as even slimes get drunk and no sailor can stomach a sea that may decide it has to be a ceiling.
these beings also happen to devastate entire empires in the time of a night to build their own creations.
The residents? nowhere to be found, but when dwelled areas disappear a red rain damps the area for a time that varies based on how populated the reconstructed area used to be.
once it's body is gone completely the decomposers will need a new source of sustainment, the time for this to happen is not that far either.
Death is aware of this.
Bees are not to be confused with the regular Earth Bee, Earth's Regular Bees are but the feral ancestors of these new ancient multidimensional Bees
The Sonic 2 boss theme plays for every boss fight.
the beings from are also known for their gigantic toy-like buildings that can be seen at times floating towards the sky, never to be seen back on the ground ever again (as well as whatever had the misfortune to find itself on it as it started leaving the ground).
every boss has a gramaphone that plays the Ancient Song of Terror, known to hit the target/s with a primordial fear
Moon Elves are rather ayylmao-ish, Earth Elves are the same but their ayylmao-ish-ness is covered in fur that makes them look more like regular humans covered in inhumanely too much hair
There are rumors that some wizard's experiment decimated an entire village's worth of people, leaving behind only odd explosions and abandoned buildings. Some theorize that the experiment caused these people to speed up so much that time dilates for them and they move fast enough to break the sound barriers. Although these theories are often debunked, some conspiracy theorists keep reminding people that in sufficiently high time slowdown, people would look like painted statues.
>mentioned here [deleted]
so just the creation of mortality it seems :^)
every now and then every wall of any city and town blinks between written pleads for help and signs of erasure, somebody doesn't like these walls of text apparently.
The Red Rain gets more unforgiving sometimes.
>I was too stupid for biology classes
The dwarves live in a mountain that they chained to the side of a cliff with gigantic metal chains holding it there
Neanderthals and their minions dig too deep, too greedily and unleash the horror of the Giant Eldritch Cazadores&Pals
Yeesh, no need to be harsh! It is rather easy to recognize a skeleton's gender with some knowledge of the human body,.
Of course this process could be easier if Death uncovered her body but who would be brave enough to ask her?
anyone can make a sum up of all of this?
im a lazy cunt but I like how some things can be tied together
>men meddle with things they shouldn't be meddling with and invented mortality in ancient times
>neandethal warlords live in the underworld, wich is dangerously close to the core of the planet (actually a rotting god of chaos filled with giant bugs, also gods are actually babies, the bugs are feeding off a dead baby).
>neanderthal are men from ancient times
>they're about to meddle with things that should not be meddled with, yet again
I hope this thread survives until tomorrow when I'll be able to post the fanart
there is indoor plumbing
>The Great Goddess cult, seeking to prevent the Neanderthals from releasing the evil chaos god in the world's core, dug tunnels of flesh through the underworld for the Druidic Terrorist Cells to hide within, emerging to launch attacks on Neanderthal keeps
They are being hunted to extinction by the Eternal Neanderthal Reich
The world is actually postapocalyptic.
The previous civilization reached the late 20th century, but the only thing left of them are vinyl records and record players.
Bards travel the lands playing the old songs: "Sex Machine" and "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"
Three ninja who are best friends break into wizard towers to steal alchemy ingredients
The want to steal rare "skywood" to build a flying watchtower to protect their turf.
Two people who trust each other completely can decide to form a covenant that links them for life. This special pact allows them to communicate telepathically, share magical powers and in extreme times expend life force to heal one another. When two people in a pact are together and in sync, they can wield more power than any one person could alone. Very few are willing to commit, however, as forming a covenant is comparable to marriage, and if one person dies, so does the other.
Rolled 2 + 5 (1d20 + 5)
rolling religion check
The population of undead is high enough that most services and goods have been tailored to both living and undead customers. Brothels keep a number of zombies and skeletons on staff, and the average inn will have both standard and sunless rooms. Butchers carry both fresh and rotten meat.
Pic related features said covenant formed through magic earrings.
How similar we talking? I've been looking for something to read.
All magic and its use it a controlled use of entropy and accelerates the death of the universe any time someone casts a spell.
Nearly identical. It features heavily in the latter half of that book and all of the third.