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>not No Survivors Edition
Does anyone know if Protectors of the Plot Continuum got approved?
Panty & Stocking w/ Garterbelt (REDUX?)
> Age: 23 [Rolled6]
> Origin: Angel [-400CP]
> Artistic Reality [-100CP]
> Loser [-100CP]
> Verbose Speaker [-100CP]
> Greater Than Man [Get a Freebie!]
> Sins & Virtues [Get a Freebie!]
> Stylish Weapons: (Goggles/Grenade Launchers) [Get a Freebie!]
> Everyone Wants To Be Me [Get a Freebie!]
> Devil’s Advocate [-200CP]
> Spirit of Anarchy [-300CP]
> Sweet Threads [Get a Freebie!]
> Local Housing [Get a Freebie!]
> Weaponized Stylish Clothing: (Copy Power: Jet) [Get a Freebie!]
> Box of Vices: Sloth [Get a Freebie!]
> Heavenly Catalogue [-100CP]
> Demon Catalogue [-200CP]
> Stalker Fans [Get a Freebie!]
> Panty & Stocking Anarchy w/ Garterbelt [-300CP]
> Obsessed: Video Games!! (x2) [+200CP]
> Animated [Get a Freebie!]
> Fanservice [+100CP]
> That's Against The Rrrules! [+200CP]
> I'm Actually A Demon [+300CP]
... you wanna know something really strange? Being around Panty & Stocking makes me feel kinda... more capable.
Like, they're objectively terrible.
Just absolutely terrible. In every possible way.
> "Wow, love you too, Goggles."
But still, they somehow half-ass their way into protecting humanity. Like, as bad as they are, they still have a positive impact on the world? Mostly positive. Most of the time, anyway.
And seeing that... always makes me feel like I can, too.
That's weird, isn't it?
Anyway, during this jump I was basically P&G's shut-in sister, who sat in her room and played videogames and watched anime all day, while occasionally coming up with cool gadgets or things. But mostly I was just a total hikkomori.
And, because of "Loser", I absolutely looked the part, too, at least until shit hit the fan and I had to go out into the field and help. Then things exploded a lot.
Speaking of: Panty would always complain about the splash, but I can't help it! My weapon totally has a hair trigger. Sometimes it just goes off in my hand! Panty blames it on my inexperience, because I don't play the field enough, but I totally have experience! R-really! There's nothing I can learn out there that I can't alone in my room! The internet tells me everything I need!
Sometimes Stocking says she can help me learn to use it better, but I always turn her down. I mean, she doesn't even have a pistol, what would she know about it?!
Besides, I do it just fine by myself!
Yep, it's in Upload New Jumps Here and everything
That might have been someone jumping the gun, which is why I'm asking.
Well, I can only speak for myself but with the mandatory drawback requirement gone I for one think it looks OK.
Is there a text only version of the the Van Helsing Jump? Preferably as complete as the image version.
Warhammer fantasy:tomb kings build
why would I care? Val is a terrible person,and I have no desire for her feedback since I'm not in need of any clarifications. The only thing she's good for is approving noble phantasms, and you can even get around that by copying what you see in The wiki.
>Does anyone know if Protectors of the Plot Continuum got approved?
If you're not around here enough to know, and unable to figure out how to do a simple search on a Veeky Forums archive site to find out, then you don't really deserve to know the answer.
I wonder what kind of mind control technology you used on Saitama to manage to keep him close to a crazy dictator like you
I don't even want to know the context, but for the record as someone who doesn't like Val you're the worst person I know of in existence.
Good fights over here? Saitama isn't a 'good guy' dude he's just happens to be a Hero as a hobby.
He's not the friendship speech type, but he does have a sense of basic human decency. He doesn't like heroes taking credit for other heroes' work, and he talked down Garou rather than skin and guy him like a fish like Tera.
600 CP introducing his wife to him, the opportunity to go places and punched new and challenging things,and being the only decent sparring partner he has ever had.
Dude I know you don't understand how humans work but you don't just "introduce" wives to people.
You just don't.
>the only decent sparring partner
You are literally the kind of weird monster he oneshots on a daily basis.
Well, you can. My parents met through friends introducing them to one another, its pretty common from what I've seen in life.
The League stays in the shadows for now brother. But soon we will rise.
Well when you put it like that it sounds reasonable, its just a little jarring to think about creating some OC companion and pushing them at someone and telling them they're meant to be together.
>Saitama isn't a 'good guy' dude he's just happens to be a Hero as a hobby.
I guess you just watched the anime, right? Saitama is a hero. A bit absent minded at times, but he is not in the business just because he wants a good fight.
> introducing his wife to him
Somehow I doubt you could pull that off without some kind of supernatural ability.
> the opportunity to go places and punched new and challenging things,and being the only decent sparring partner he has ever had.
That you give him a good fight does not means that he will like you and join your fan club if you are not a good person. And you yourself have admitted that you are a terrible person.
Also, going by what you say in your builds, I doubt that you when you went to OPM you could give him a better fight that the top tiers of the series.
1. I meant that literally the romance is organic, she's one of my previous companions and they hit it off when we were all fighting a mysterious being together.
2,The trick is that he operates with power levels and only can physically assault things,whereas I operate off of attack nullification And percentile-based abstract damage , normal types like him are crap against Spiky Shield and the old Pain Split+rolling counter combo
What are the best spaceships I can pick up? Ideally something I can hop in on my own and take a ride over to the next galaxy, preferably with firepower.
If this was a normal person, maybe. I'm sure that Bancho just pulled an OC monster out of his ass and tried to put her into Saitama's dick.
Light of Terra.
>attack nullification
Yeah, I bet you can nullify one of his punches. Sure thing.
I don't think she looks monstrous at all
I'd let you try to put her inside my dick.
Saitama doesn't have a "type". He's not a pokemon.
Also that shit isn't anywhere near enough to stand above Boros and Garou.
Rolling counter? Great, now he just has to vaguely wave his arm twice instead of once.
He wouldn't even notice Pain Split meaningfully.
Spiky Shell can't depend against Whirlwind, and Saitama's non-serious punches generates a shitton of wind.
Is there anything a little... smaller? Something Millennium Falcon sized, instead of Star Destroyer
What effect does Moving On have on my Greenskin/Waaagh! magics without access to my fellow Orcs?
1. Okay I get this.
2. I have a few things to say so...
2a. Rolling Counter + Pain Split is a neat combo but Saitama is fast enough to take Priority.
2b. Spiky Shield can be beaten by Fienting and environmental (Entry Hazards). See Pic Related for an idea of what he does to folks who have attack nullification.
2c. Saitama's Punches are likely classed as Fighting actually, which is something that Humans can learn.
Pokemon moves are not that kind of conceptual nor powerful so you can pull a no limits fallacy and say that it will stop any physical attack.
But I guess discussing this with you will achieve nothing. I will leave it that you didn't companion no one and you also probably died at some point during your earlier jumps.
A Treeship from Tenchi Muyo or a starship from Futurama should do you. Treeship's got more firepower, out of the two.
Then why don't you just use the millenium falcon. Spaceships are a dime a dozen.
Aren't humans in Pokemon some sort of weird pokemon-relative anyway? So I assumed humans from other settings wouldn't have "types"
1.I think you misunderstand , it refers to move types, not types of Pokémon.
2.what benchmarks do you have for that?
3.which is pretty much double what anyone else has ever had to
4. You honestly don't think he would notice half his health being stolen?
5.that's a fair point
Imported as a car in supernatural or a Horse in ghost Rider
Okay that is a fair point I may need to rethink this. Thank you
I always just Use them as they were described mechanically,I wasn't thinking of a no limits fallacy also he considered me a friend so he didn't kill me. Imagine that not killing someone because you like them
And the move types are strong against specific types of Pokemon. Which he is not.
Boros can effortlessly leap through spaceship walls and his own explosions to blitz a non-serious Saitama, and survive multiple punches strong enough to oneshot the Sea King who can tear through buildings easily. Garou can deflect those same punches with martial arts. ONE has said they're roughly even.
Again wrong, Boros got punched dozens and dozens of times and still stood up to launch a planet-wiping attack
Do the Pokemon visibly cringe in battle? Does Saitama have conceptual health depletion detection powers? The answer to both is no.
>And the move types are strong against specific types of Pokemon. Which he is not.
which just means it goes off, normally without a modifier.
>Garou can deflect those same punches with martial arts. ONE has said they're roughly even
My mighty skill was transcending limits.
>Do the Pokemon visibly cringe in battle? Does Saitama have conceptual health depletion detection powers? The answer to both is no.
Is this in reference to him not noticing he took 50% damage? because I'm pretty sure people notice how Very very hurt. They are from stuff like having the blows returned at them, being at 50%, health or someone casting butcher knife on them or something.
>transcending limits
You are so fucking dumb. My head hurts looking at your writing.
Nah humans are just humans. It's just when you do stuff outside the normal abilities of a human, such as like with the guys who fight using Mega Punch and Mega Kick, you usually get your abilities typed because reasons.
No prob. I understand that you're used to most people Reeeing at you so I thought I might as well just make things as calm as possible.
>And the move types are strong against specific types of Pokemon. Which he is not.
Which means that they deal 1 to 1 damage usually.
>Boros can effortlessly leap through spaceship walls and his own explosions to blitz a non-serious Saitama, and survive multiple punches strong enough to oneshot the Sea King who can tear through buildings easily. Garou can deflect those same punches with martial arts. ONE has said they're roughly even.
Garou did a bit more than just deflect strikes but him tanking serious series attacks was regen and not durability and the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist is about directing force away from you so depending on how good that martial arts is at doing that a lot of his tankiness is in his ability to deflect damage and regen from damage. Still doesn't matter to Saitama but a distinct thing that should be pointed out.
>Again wrong, Boros got punched dozens and dozens of times and still stood up to launch a planet-wiping attack
True that.
>Do the Pokemon visibly cringe in battle? Does Saitama have conceptual health depletion detection powers?
First question yes they do. Second question nope.
If you wank your mighty skill comes anywhere near Garou or Boros' level you're retarded. Somefaggit even said some combo between Mighty Skill and another perk would merely give you the potential to eventually train up to Tatsumaki not her power right off the bat.
It's a conceptual hitpoint thing not an actual damage thing. Even so, his attacks are too strong for it to make any meaningful difference before the fight ends.
You are not Saitama's worthy opponent. You're a fuck ugly speedbump.
As above, he hasn't convinced me the moves are that powerful.
Agreed but I would argue it's a bit of both iirc the big monster thing didn't splatter all over the place like Boros.
That said, I did not know about pokeflinching
>As above, he hasn't convinced me the moves are that powerful.
No problem man.
>Agreed but I would argue it's a bit of both iirc the big monster thing didn't splatter all over the place like Boros.
He kinda just sprayed gore out behind him because Serious Headbutt is really focused I think.
>That said, I did not know about pokeflinching
No prob. It's not something that comes up very often but they do in-point-of-fact flinch, which can be a status effect, and do cringe at damage. Which is why they have to reposition after taking a hit.
Actually it was two serious moves wasn't it? Serious headbutt, and before that serious tableflip which launched him into atmosphere. I don't think he quite punched Garou into space and definitely not into the moon.
Still who knows, Murata made the Boros fight way more hype than seen in ONE's style.
actually humans and Pokémon Do canonically share a common ancestor,the earlier games even mention Humans and Pokémon being married and being "one and the same"
>If you wank your mighty skill comes anywhere near Garou or Boros' level you're retarded. Somefaggit even said some combo between Mighty Skill and another perk would merely give you the potential to eventually train up to Tatsumaki not her power right off the bat.
not starting out course,but I have a lot of other flight And strength enhancing stuff
It's a conceptual hitpoint thing not an actual damage thing. Even so, his attacks are too strong for it to make any meaningful difference before the fight ends.
the thing is I can only take so much damage at once, and already having things like My Czarnian Mosaic organ puts me fairly high up there when it comes to regeneration, durability and speed.
>As above, he hasn't convinced me the moves are that powerful. One third of the damage of the attack returned, reduced to 1% of your hit points . How is this not that powerful? You know, I can cast butcher knifeas well, right? finalfantasy.wikia.com
You are not going to convince me any of it enables you to improve to the point where you can give Saitama anything close to a challenge.
Mosaic Organs are diferentiated by the original's size, and Czarnians are already human sized. You are therefore somewhat less powerful than an actual Czarnian.
None of what you listed returns damage.
Tonberries do not stab as fast as Saitama punches.
I am getting the distinct impression you are deliberately making up your chain order in order to justify an implausible and ludicrous claim.
>Mosaic Organs are diferentiated by the original's size, and Czarnians are already human sized. You are therefore somewhat less powerful than an actual Czarnian.
I thought it was a empowerment by height difference and it would give me one to one since they are human sized?
>None of what you listed returns damage.
spiky Shield does.
>Tonberries do not stab as fast as Saitama punches.
yes, but I'm significantly faster than any Tonberrie,I used them for otherworldly genes in killing bites so I get the magical abilities and the Frog face but not the slowness.
>I am getting the distinct impression you are deliberately making up your chain order in order to justify an implausible and ludicrous claim.
no, I'm really not . It's been on the drive for ages . It's just no one actually bothers to read my builds Or my Chain.
Garou hung in the air long enough to confuse his spacial orientation whilst fighting. Serious Table Flip put a lot of shit up WAY in the air, like LEO levels of high, for a while. Serious Headbutt hit hard enough for Garou to liquify on contact in places, however he was growing weaker as the fight drug out.
Odd station of canon to stand on but okay then. Most folks agree that the whole one and the same bit is a reference to the fact they were all 'born' of Arceus. Not trying to contradict you here just mentioning this fact.
You do understand that Saitama can tank any of his own punches because he still fights with physical strength right? The recoil alone is equal to the amount of force he puts into attacks.
Yes, but they'll still hit him harder than anything anyone else can do and spiky Shield was mainly going to be a defensive thing , since I don't think I could withstand that many of them. also, you're forgetting that it was wild before we started seriously fighting each other and that I have multiple one ups.
I just told you about Spiky Shield-it can't resist wind, and Saitama generates enough wind with his punches to blow you silly. Also just pointed out feinting/environmental hazards bypasses it, so again it's worth jack shit.
You are not meaningfully fast compared to Saitama.
Christ I hope people who read that stuff on the drive don't form opinions about the rest of us based on you.
It is also depowered by size difference. If you take something bigger then you, you get shit all from it, which is why mammal organs were so bad.
>spiky Shield does.
You really think that Saitama would get hurt by the spikes? Because the damage returned is the result of the attacker getting stabbed by them.
I think Marvel was a good point for having you killed either by Doom or some other villain too annoyed by your existence.
so 1to 1 should be 1to1 which was how I was using it
This isn't Hitting normal spikes,this is a Pokémon move it has mechanics which I've already linked to
still proves you're less than a villain of the week to him, your 1 to 1 doesn't mean shit.
He can tank going 14% FAL.
Indeed. Heck most enemies don't even touch Saitama during his punches, he just hits them with the equivalent of a pneumatic cylinder of air pressure so strong it melts titanium I Beams, seen in the semi melted nature of some buildings which his attacks hit.
>this is a Pokémon move it has mechanics which I've already linked to
So you are the kind of powerwanker that would expect surviving a meteor using your shitty spiky shield and also damage the meteor in the process?
Because that's what you're suggesting.
No, a large enough meteor crashing would create a field effect.
Real obstinate of you to ignore the fact people keep pointing out Saitama's punches ARE "field effects" then.
Please tell us more.
Pic related didn't even connected. Your abilities are shit compared to Saitama. You're no sparing partner and he has no reason to be with you.
Just as someone seeing this convo but not having watched one punch, would having gone through all the dbzs, all the xianxias, having multiple durability perks including adamantium body and regen that could literally come back from a severed foot or single cell in less than a minute allow me to have fun sparring matches with one punch?
No, they are area of effect attacks there not disrupting the battlefield Unless they connect with it also There are plenty of status and field effects that it does in fact protect against bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net
he likes me and that's reason enough to start traveling with someone.
Unless you're wanking him enough for him to be truly 'infinitely' strong, DBZ alone at mid tiers should let you haven a good sparring match with him without neither of you going full end of the world.
Maybe add Exalted for some actual conceptual defenses?
We don't know for sure.
The closest we've got to guaging what his ACTUAL serious fighting limits are, is that in the manga he considers being knocked knocked to the moon as a sign a real fight is finally happening. Before jumping back.
I agree with DBZ midlevels mainly because OPM has nothing when it comes to actual chi, they're all just a bunch of big strong guys that punch good.
Fuck off, look at or the webcomic page it comes from. It is clearly disrupting the battlefield by blowing it up.
>poking banchô
let people play our autistic game as autistically as they want
Depends on how you see Saitama. If you're all in on the memes, despite a complete lack of supporting evidence from the series itself, then no, he'll instantly defeat you unless he purposefully holds back so much he gets bored.
If you base it on the feats he's shown, even accounting for him not trying much with most of them, you'd likely not be scratched by his punches with all that.
>he likes me and that's reason enough to start traveling with someone.
He likes many people, but he doesn't become their subordinates or joins their teams just because of that. Fubuki and Silver Fang are canon examples of it.
If that was just last argument for him joining you, you should just remove him from your chain.
Basically the limit to Saitama as we know him right now is the kinds of Kenetic force you get out 14% Fast as Light matter hitting just about anything. That's a lot of force by the way. But yeah with all that you should easily be able to spar with him, and if you're smart then you'll be able to do so without any problems.
>He likes many people, but he doesn't become their subordinates or joins their teams just because of that. Fubuki and Silver Fang are canon examples of it.
He knows the girl he loves is traveling with me
Also none of these are relevant to Saitama nor are they meaningful against a punch strong enough to splatter a building and knock a massive hole in the ground.
Also he like Genos and Genos had to move in with him and BRIBE him to get his time of day. He's not the travelling type.
And Genos is still pretty much his best friend.
You can't even convince anyone you can meaningfully challenge him to a fight, you are not convincing anyone you are a matchmaker nor that there is any chemistry or common ground.
Unless you mean you're holding her hostage.
Thanks guys.
I mean if he took that match made perk in gravity falls he might be able to force 2 people to be in love, but why would she not stay instead?
Don't think Saitama really cares too much about Fubuki romantically. He even calls her just an acquaintance rather than a friend. His only real friend is Genos & maybe Silver Fang.
Yeah but
Saitama is pretty Kuudere
If you have bancho filtered like me, he was actualy talking about the ladyfied Leonardo da Vinchi from Fate not Fubuki. Not that it really matters when he's not a very good planner in general and like you said he really isn't into kissy stuff at the moment
How far along is the webcomic?
I want to see what he thinks of Garou post-defeat. He opens up the quickest to folks who give him a good fight.
If I use the Deconstruction perk from Age of Mythology, can I steal Hogwarts?
I've always wanted my own magical school/castle/wizard army incubator.
Is Hogwarts a building?
For the duration of the jump, sure? You'd need something else to fit or carry it with you.
Also you'd be unleashing a very confused basilisk on the immediate area and possibly killing a bunch of people from sudden disappeared building syndrome but eh, acceptable damages imo as long as Luna and Harry aren't at school
All Hogwartses are buildings
But not all buildings are Hogwarts
Sort of?
Right I need to find a way to keep it in later jumps... Um... Could I shove it in my soul or inner world maybe? Or use miniaturization magitech? But Hogwarts is so full of weird magic I'm not sure I can manage that without catastrophic blowback.
I would never hurt Luna. Harry... eh. Harry's okay. He tries his best.
wouldn't you rather copy Hogwarts that way there still is one in the Harry Potter universe
Fucking richards. Has there ever been a time he did not screw someone over?
He defeated Garou and saw that he wasn't actually a monster or much of a threat. He hadn't killed anyone yet and in fact saved a kid from the Monster Association.
Saitama then moved on to city A as the lowest ranked A hero and now was locked in a fight with Tatsumaki because reasons.
Maybe? They didn't write Charms for that but Charms have a lot of fanwank room.
Sounds about right.
I mean when you think about it the hand he was dealt was just like Shinji Ikari's so I tend to be a little more forgiving of his foibles than the other characters
Well he did fix Doom's face, no strings attached recently.
The whole of Secret Wars was supposed to come off as Doom the megalomaniac eating humble pie and Richards the misunderstood hero learning the true meaning of family or some shit, but when you look at how they got there it really comes off as the other way around.
Then again...
They sure got Cyclops spot on.
Sounds even better yes. Is there any way to achieve that?
Who's the Justice League Dark Jumpmaker, and are they still around?
I mean I'm not breaking new ground here but it's amazing Harry was even as functional and moral as he was given the shitty abusive childhood he went through
Cracker Jack
Oh and he is, whoops
Cool, thanks.
What are some good ways to get stronk without completely destroying my body from trying to lift stuff? I would like to outclass superman at some point.