Screw Guillimarines Death Guard is where its at. Better miniatures, the lore isn't retarded and are better than Ultra-Ultramarines in evey way conceivable.
also Death Guard/Chaos general
Sensual Plague Infested Moan
I don't get how being rotten and corroded is supposed to make you *more* tougher? Their equipment should be suffering from constant jams and malfunctions!
As a marine player with almost enough marinelets to field a while company, I'm more stoked for the new plague marines than chad marines, and I actually kinda like those.
It's chaos I ain't gotta explain shit
Yes yes yes yes!
My glands bloat with anxiety over our attack! I have a great gift prepared. It involves anti-grav plates, crotchrot, napalm, a hidden khorne berserker, warp leprosy and a whale carcass.
I can't wait to see the faces of those guardsmen when they are coated with flaming necrotic whale fat. I'll have one moment to take a pict before the berserker chews their melting faces off.
If it works, I'll start to raid agri-worlds and make swarms of explosive grox zombies.
they look like vomited dead shit
worst god gtfo
That's about all I got.
I think it's more about having less spots that actually stop or kill you if destroyed combined with lot's of now useless flesh. As for the equipment, see
Anyone know the rules for this guy? is he like a Dark apostle?
Not a fan of nurgle aesthetics, Im retarded so I rep khorne daemon kin
>4 inch movement
>on a melee army
death guard is dead
>my generic dudes in power armor painted green are better than your generic dudes in power armor painted blue
>not mechanizing your already tough as nails tactical everything unit
I guess you just take chaos for retards or something
it tolls for thee'
The idea is that Nurgle basically makes them immune to pain, and makes their guns and shit work even though there are tumors in the magazine, the way they themselves aren't being killed by the plague. ebola and syphilis despite having them all simultaneously.