Responding without reading the thread first, but here:
>seperates children from their parents
Entirely voluntary. If parents think they might have a force sensitive child, they call the Jedi. Jedi then come and tell them whether they are or not, and then give the parents the choice to either keep their child or give them over to the Jedi for training.
>discriminate and Exterminate a religion simply due to believing the opposite of them.
They don't discriminate and exterminate dark side users simply for being dark side users. It just seems that way because, almost without exception, dark side users are dangerous to everyone around them and can't keep their sociopathic and destructive tendencies in check. If there was a dark side user who never hurt anybody else, the Jedi would leave them alone.
>Whenever they is a dark slide user, they attack them and kills them
Pretty much the same point you just made, so my above response will go here too.
>They try to assassinate a chancellor of a democratically elected republic due to being a sith
They didn't try to assassinate him because he's a Sith, they tried to assassinate him because he created a galactic civil war, playing both sides against each other, killing and endangering billions and billions of living beings, all so he could orchestrate his own rise to power and be in charge of it all. This is going back to my second response, and you've now made the same point 3 times in a row.
>and if it wasn't for a proud patriot they would have created a theocracy.
Maybe, maybe not. They would have done the best they could. Pretty much anything would be better than an incredibly dangerous madman having absolute authority over the galaxy. They likely would have just kept power temporarily until more elections were held, but we'll never know for sure.