What would her stats and aligment be?
What would her stats and aligment be?
Neutral Good.
I'm tempted to say NG variant human (Lucky feat) ranger
I'm thinking pretty decent CHA and INT stats, and the rest would be average. DEX higher than STR, but not by much.
NG Paladin of Redemption.
Going off the manga, btw.
After all, she [discovered some pretty detailed science about the Sea of Corruption by herself] and convinced [Ohma to not kill everyone in sight]
Going off the manga, btw.
After all, she discovered some pretty detailed science about the Sea of Corruption by herself and convinced Ohma to not kill everyone in sight
True Neutral
Definitely high CHA. Even the jaded Kuratowa is ready to throw himself at harms way for her for no good incentive for himself. She also could take on somewhat elite soldiers one on one and fly both mehve and the plane pretty well.
would DEX be about the same as INT then, with a focus on CHA?
Spoilers aren't as effective when you don't delete your non-spoiler'd post.
>Going off the manga, btw.
Damn right you better be.
will admit, am newfag. sorry.
Lurking more will help you master the art of spoilers. Not really
Wonder how the movie Nauiscaa differs from manga. Wouldn't like to call her shallow, but...
In the books, she's more conflicted between saving the people and letting the Sea of Corruption take its natural course. It's a tough call to make, really.
Lawful good
The pasifism was more ingrained in character in movie too.
Which one was more right?
What's with Japan and world destroying heroes? Even Shinji...
NG scout 6ish
She's very fast and obviously has some kind of skirmish fighting style, but has a bunch of skill points to boot. Probably has leadership. Good all'round stats. However, she also has vermin empathy, which would probably just be a re-crunched animal empathy, implying levels of druid or ranger. Plus she has the animal companion (albeit minor).
So...swift hunter?
She does smite things occasionally
You now remember THAT doujin.