>PCs open a dating service for lovecraftian horrors
PCs open a dating service for lovecraftian horrors
A thread died for this
A few months ago I took part in a challenge on /qa/ to go to a board I never browsed and spend 20 minutes there.
These fantasy GF threads are some seriously depressing shit. No wonder nobody wants to date those guys.
I just thought the idea of ancient lovecraftian horrors turning out to be not entirely incomprehensible to mortals and trying to get along with them despite still having many differences between the two to be an interesting concept.
i always imagined nyarlhotep as a cute redhaired busty bigassed anime girl
I think romance involving lovecraftian horrors can be really great plot device if executed correctly.
one reason i liked bloodborne. they are immortal beings that wish to have kids but cant, so they try to communicate with humans as a surrogate. there are some people who try to understand them and talk in hopes to learn and even ascend to squidhood, while others reeeee so hard they go feral and descend into beasthood.
>It's cute when you try to dominate me.
>... I let you do it, but it proves you're worthy.
My erection strains against the bounds of this dimension.
Neither busty, big-assed, nor a redhead, but have a Nyarly
And here's a busty, big assed redhead horror that isn't Nyarly.
>a cute redhaired busty bigassed anime girl
That's Cthugha.
Shub-Niggurath is close enough too, just not a redhead.
You don't need lovecraft. Almost every line here can be attributed to a regular everyday extremely toxic, controlling gf
bloodborne had incredible lore
it certainly did
Context makes all difference
>regular everyday extremely toxic, controlling gf
is just a vapid cunt with issues
is not entirely comprehensible by mortal human mind being which got a strange endearing fixation on you and restrain her very being for you
Okay, I would be down for a shadow-spawn from beyond the stars gf, going by that pic.
Coming from a human, those lines would just make you sound like a faggot. It's like the difference between someone who thinks they're a dragon and someone who really is a dragon.
Read Awoken. It's a satire of Twligt and other supernatural romance YA featuring the following tag line
>in his house at rlyeh, dead chthulhu lies dreaming of her
>ywn see fem aku hooking up with cthulhu
So, do illithids look for brainy lovers and love them for their minds, or ditzy airheads that they don't constantly want to eat?
The future for all lovecraften monsters here folks.
Sorry, you get silver haired nerd girl, or evil librarian woman with huge knockers.
>evil librarian woman with huge knockers.
Sounds good.
>That handjob scene.
Good lord. The confusion of that scene. No cosmic horror waifu for me please.
>Soulsbabies insist that their games have better lore.
>We have a long sunny period where everything is great, and a long dark and cold period where everything is shit
>mfw they literally just copied ASoIaF
>Everything in Souls lore other than that is some variant of "This generic dude in armour used to be amazing, but now he's not"
>This generic dude in armour used to be amazing, but now he's not
>dark souls lore was successful because it emphasized human male fighters
This is bait right? the souls fandom is a huge wank-fest but the games themselves are good
>grrm invented cycle of seasons, night and day
Grrm autocorrects to From
>tfw no shadow-spawn from beyond the stars gf
I didn't ask for these feels.