What kind of accents should dwarves actually have?
What kind of accents should dwarves actually have?
Depends on where they're from.
Yiddish accents.
Yeah, I'm going to vote for the Yiddish accent, too. Dwarves are short little bearded men with a bunch of incomprehensible rituals and traditions who have a reputation for loving gold that is not helped by their other reputation for being excellent jewelers. Dwarves are Jews.
Dwarvish accents.
Something underground you never heard of until you met them.
They shouldn't even speak English so it doesn't matter.
A guttural, gruff, almost Russian-sounding accent.
German or Norwegian. Possibly Icelandic for really strange dwarves.
Like they come from the far norths of Scandinavia
probably scandinavian, because that's where their myths come from to begin with.
Digging too deeply and unleashing a terror of shadow and flame.
>Not having multiple cultures for each race
>Not having multiple nations for each race with their own customs
>Not having Scottish Dwarves, Norwegian Dwarves, Russian Dwarves, Greek Dwarves, and Turkish Dwarves.
They have soft, sibilant voices that don't carry very far, because there's a lot of very bad shit living in the underdark that you don't want fucking eating your brains.
Ideally they should sound like americans trying to do a scottish accent and coming out with a cross between Mike Myers' "Fat Bastard" character and the Lucky Charms leprechaun
this should be done as loudly and obnoxiously as possible so as to cause maximum second-hand embarrassment for everyone involved
Yorkshire accents
Well their words are probably simple and short, so as to avoid dealing with too much echo hampering communication
By that logic, so should Elves, goblins, mulitple varieties of giants, and wyverns.
This one
They should all sound like they're extras on Fargo. Minnewegian, donchaknow?
Midget from Boston
Yorkshire. It's a practical, working man's accent without getting into the ridiculous celtaboo bullshit that Americans like indulging in.
Fucking this.
Warhammer have hit a beautiful perfect note with the Yorkshan accent in dwarves, it fits them quite perfectly.
Warm but commanding.
What about.. High elves, Dark elves and Wood elves???
Celtaboo? Is that a real thing?
I had a lot of fun with my Russian mobster dwarf
I see nothing wrong with this.
None. But if you wanted to give your dwarf an accent, why not?
None. Because unless you're willing to go to Tolkien levels autistic efforts of creating languages and dialects, accents are the cheapest and laziest form of characterization.
>High elves
>Dark elves
>Wood elves
but the tolkien languages are half done.
specielly the elvish ones
Just make their accent match their surname.
Like, Urist Von Anvilfucker better have a german accent.
>high elves
>dark elves
>wood elves
>but the tolkien languages are half done.
Only because Tolkien died before he could finish them.
Those don't exist.
They sounded just like SQUATS
I've always pictured high elves more as french
high elves are not gay
uh, his son ould've continued, also, if he wanted and dedicated 24/day he could finish before die, he was lazy
You mean in how both speak languages that are considered generally pleasant despite being impossible to master and having way too many vowels?
Or how both are stereotyped as being cowardly prissies despite both having proven themselves to be pretty fierce in multiple parts of their history?
Or how the men of both groups are stereotyped as effeminate and gay, while their women are fawned over?
Or how both are often seen as arrogant and conceited even though it's merely pride that befits their achievements? Makes me wonder if there's an Elf-Paris that even other elves hate though...
Or how both groups have great cities that are widely known for its beautiful architecture?
Or how both groups were once great but now heavily in decline, steadily losing ground to a destructive race of uncivilized savages that dream of nothing more than permanently snuffing the light of their civilizations?
I don't see the resemblance to be honest.
>High elves
>Dark elves
>Wood elves
Southern/Swiss german
Tolkein based the dwarfs off of jews, so Yiddish would be the best
All french.
I once played a game where all languages were depicted in the form of accents. Dwarven was Scottish, Elven was upper crust British, Undercommon was Chav, Draconic was Russian, and Infernal was French.
I was sad when that game ended.
High elves are parisians and urban french in general. Rural france is wood elves. Dark elves are corsican
>High Elves
>Dark Elves
>Wood Elves
>Rural wood elves filled with ennuie and the faint scent of old wine quietly grumbling about how them thar orcs are no good and going fucking apeshit when the High Elven council decides to lower their wages, enacting ambushes on supply trains to the capital until their wages are restored back to normal
Fund it!
>Thank you, Tolkien.
Isn't Dwarvish canonically based on Hebrew to boot?
No, that's drow
>Gri'gori greentext
It's the answer to Tolkien's question of "What if I took Hebrew and Norse and mashed them together?"
A short people who are famous for their metalworking and general technical ingenuity, and have a strong drinking culture.
like the neckbeard avatars they are
The kind of accent where it sounds like they're chewing gravel while trying to speak.
Like Yiddish?
high elves: Edinburgh
dark elves: French
wood elves: Irish
dwarves: Glaswegian
>not giving your dwarves a coal miner look
>not making their voices raspy and muffled from years of coal and smoke inhalation and the masks they wear
should sound like klingon
Isn't Yiddish basically just German but with a lot of Hebrew/Semitic influence.
Any mythology dwarves appear on.
Whatever the fuck kind of faux scottish/irish/whatever-fuck accent I can actually pull off.
Aren't they even used as obvious stand-ins for Jews in the Witcher?
But dwarves are supposed to be able to hold their alcohol.
>spells Basque this wrong
>doesn't call it Euskara
Well, first you have to construct a language for the Dwarves in your setting. If you're lazy just steal Khuzdul from Tolkien. Then look at the sound system of the language and apply it to an ESL speaker. Easy peasy.
Whatever this accent is:
Eh, goblins are more a German thing than a Scandinavian one. Scandinavia has tomtar, vittror, and wights (vættir), often collectively known as The invisible ones and with many local variants (or possibly not, it's really unclear), such as Di sma undar jordi (The small ones under the earth) from Gotland.
I've always thought Dwarfs should be kind of Asian.
>High Elves.
>Wood Elves
>Dark Elves.
Hill dwarves, Scottish.
Mountain dwarves, Russian.
Duergar, Scottish, but more of an asshole.
I have Jewish grandparents, and can confirm that a lot of the Yiddish terms are just variations on German words.
australian, fer sure
I think Rock Gnomes should be Australian. The shitposters of the fantasy world.
High elves -Bavarian
Dark elves- Russian
Wood Elves-polish
>Turkish Dwarves
>Not just Turks