/fcg/ Fantasy Craft General

Crossbowfu Edition

Fantasy Craft is a Fantasy d20 Tabletop RPG, using the OGL ruleset. It is geared towards cinematic play where every character can contribute equally, while having solid mechanics and being fairly modular at that. Some have described it as "3.5, except done right."

A few points of note:
>Magic is no longer king
>Several noncombat classes, which can still contribute in combat.
>Martial characters are not gimped outside of battle
>Specialists can be the best in their field without being overshadowed by magic.
>Varied weapon groups and fighting styles mean that most any style of weapon use is viable, except crossbows.

>If you have the money and want to support the game

>If you want to try before you buy

Other useful links:

>Errata & accessories

>Web NPC builder

>Custom PC Species creation guides

>Species feat creation guide & reference spreadsheet

>Class design guidelines

>Leaked Spellbound Preview

So is spellbound out ye-

>Leaked Spellbound Preview


Thanks for making the new thread.

It's still be editing. Official word from on high is that it _will_ be released, but that there's not an ETA for its release.

What's your favourite homebrew species /fcg/?

So, I like the "armor as DR" thing they've got going on, but is there any representation for when you attack somebody and your weapon hits them in a spot they aren't armored? Like, even plate has spots where it doesn't completely cover the body, so if they were hit there (harder to do, but possible), shouldn't it ignore the DR?

There's a trick characters can get that lets them ignore DR by subtracting from their attack roll, and prone characters have armor DR halved to represent the vulnerability.

Called Shot trick from the core book, with the penalty increasing depending on how fully armored the target is.

For targets without any armor or shield, there is the very powerful Exploit Vulnerability trick from Adventurers Companion.

I have a space fantasy setting that includes sapient ioun stones. Drake overlords would keep them as accessories until after the revolution.

They were basically tweaked versions of unborn who could gathering detritus around their core in an attempt to make humanoid shapes to please their bipedal comrades.

The upcoming release of Starfinder has me wondering how well FC would translate to a scifi/sci fantasy game.

What sort of things would you need to account for in such a case? More photon guns and feats? Expanded vehicle rules? How much of a pain in the ass would that be, do you think?

ah, perfect

Let's say I'm using the flashing weapon feat to make 4 attacks in a round as a full-round action or whatever it's called. Can I still use tricks on those attacks?

Yep, you can do a trick for each. Fun with the Shove trick.

My friend is running a Fantasy Craft game where we will make the setting using a worldbuilding God Game first. If anyone is interested he's running it on wed. Here's my discord NoEyesZalgo#1547


Fantasy Craft and D&D 4e are like my two favorite games. I'd love to play in one, but alas, can never find a game. I suffer from ForeverGM, so I'd really like to not GM them.

To all you out there who have an existing Fantasy Craft game, may your dice always roll 20 and your games be fantastic and awesome.

Fantasycraft is my favorite d20 game. It's just perfect for Eberron.

One of the original core members of the Crafty team (since left the company on amicable terms) has had exactly that sort of thing going for ages. Search the License to Improvise board on the Crafty forums for "Farthest Star", you'll find a lot of stuff for sci-fi adaptation (though all pretty piecemeal, no complete guide or anything).

Oh fucking bless you, sir.

Can you get 2 stances running at once? I thought you could but I can't seem to find it.

There's been a homebrew class or two with that as a high level ability (either gamebreaker or the same slot where Master's Touch would fit, don't recall), but nothing in official material.

Bump of life for this thread

In an effort to bump the thread, question for everyone. Ever since I discovered Fantasy Craft a few months ago, I've wanted to play. I'm pretty sure I could find players and GM it myself, but I'd much rather be a player. What sort of networking would be helpful to find an online game?

>Roll20 doesn't let you search for Fantasy Craft games
>But you can look for Pokemon and fucking Yogsquest games

Roll20 might be difficult, due to the lack of a Fantasy Craft tag to search for (as notes). You could try searching under "Other" (or possibly even 3.PF) tagged games for ones with Fantasy Craft in the description, but...good luck.

You might have better chances with these threads (on the rare occasion they pop up), or gamefinder threads here on Veeky Forums.

Best chance, I think, would be to introduce it to your regular gaming group in the hopes they also come to like it, and one of them will end up running it. You might need to run a one-shot or short campaign first to sell it, but that's what did the trick for me. The campaign I'm playing in now is actually being run by my brother, and one of the other players in the campaign has also run his own Fantasy Craft games since my brother introduced him to it. Word of mouth can be pretty effective.
If your usual gaming buddies are all lazy shits who never GM, though...you might need to try to expand your group, or find a new one altogether. Might need to play the long game there, find a campaign other than FC that someone's recruiting for, join in to get established, then offer to run a FC one-shot or short campaign to try to hook them.

Honestly? Probably lighting up here and the gamefinder thread, plebbit, and any of the larger rpg forums.

The primary audience for Fantasy Craft is people familiar enough with rpgs, and D&D in particular, to appreciate the mechanics without being scared away by the mammoth rule book. It is even more niche than several fan-made systems for a reason.

Fantasy Craft can be a good first RPG as long as the GM knows the rules well enough to help the new players through it. I invited someone with no RPG experience into my game and he picked it up fast. The character options spoiled him when he tried playing 4e with his other friends, though.

I have on several occasions run one-shots for entire groups of people who've never played an RPG before. Gave them a set of premade characters to choose from, explained to each person how to read the character sheets and what their characters do, and jumped right into play, coaching them on their options as they went.

It's gone over well every time. One group even liked it so much, we played a few more one-shots after that, basically extending it into a short campaign.

Not that I'm aware. Though there is the "Fluid Style" feat that allows you to switch between stances every time you land an attack. Been wanting to try something with it but alas I'm foreverGM. I think it's in the adventure's companion.

Not the user that posted originally, but I too am a player looking for a GM.

Thanks... trying to figure out if there was a way to monkey grip a battering ram in the stance that lets you drop the heavy tag... Seems like no.

Am I correct in that a giant or ogre using a large-scaled maul deals 2d8 damage?

Yes. scale intentionally doesn't mean very much.

That seems contradictory. 2d8 is noticeably better than 2d6

Hey, at least it has a character sheet that seems to be pretty good at first blush.

Not to say it's bad in execution or whatever. I just haven't played FC on Roll20, so I wouldn't know if it's buggy or anything.

I've played a game using the roll20 sheets and it works fine. In a way, It's better than the standard sheets where you'll easily run out of room for your character options as early as level five. It's also handy that you can tie a token to each character and even have them show said characters vitality and wounds. Along with 5ft square grids roll20 works great for running fantasycraft. It's really a same they don't support searching for it.

I wish they supported the game more on roll20. I play using it and Skype for voice, found a real great group too, but the games I'm actually interested in have crappy support or not enough games. I'm sure that if Fantasy Craft got more love, it'd have more online players, which is what I'm unfortunately restricted to.

So guys, I've had the rulebook sitting on the shelf for years now and I gotta ask, do any of you have suggestions on lightening up the crunch in it?

That depends on what parts of the crunch you think needs to be lighter.

What I don't get on the Roll20 sheets is the attack action buttons on the weapons tabs. If a character has a 15 in their Athletics the Bull Rush button on their weapon gives them a +26 and I don't get where it's getting that number.

I find the character sheet to be quite wonky, but it's functional at least.

There's apparently a much better fanmade sheet for roll20, but like all fanmade sheets you have to be a paid member to access it.

Does your character have +11 to hit? I think that button automatically draws on the general attack bonus for that weapon as a baseline.

Which is, of course, wrong; Bull Rush uses Athletics, not attack. Like I said, wonky.