Please tell me a story how you left D&D, found another system with players for it and still living happily ever after.
Please tell me a story how you left D&D, found another system with players for it and still living happily ever after
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I never needed to leave D&D as my group played several other systems before it and none of us liked it when we eventually got to it.
I stopped playing the game, looked for other systems, and played those...? It's not hard to do. You just need to do it.
>Be the late 90's
>Playing AD&D
>In the year 2000.
>Suddenly 3.Apocalypse
>Luckily, also playing OWoD
>Leave D&D forever.
I returned briefly for the tacticool board game that was 4e.
Still playing OWoD, Burning Wheel, and Cyberpunk2020.
Feels great man.
No thanks.
I still play D&D 5e for campaigns that fit it, but I play other systems too.
I really don't understand why you shitburgs think you can play only D&D or no D&D at all.
I picked up other systems. It's not hard.
what happened to the creator of that webcomic? Did she become too neurotic to continue working on it, or what? Or am I just outta the loop?
My group has been casually trying different games. We've tried shadowrun and ACKS after moving on from PF and dnd 5e. We've gradually realized how futile it is to have excess game rules and cumbersome mechanics, so we're moving toward simpler and faster games that let us have fun without getting in the way as much.
We're meme-loving cancer and enjoy shouting anime references mid-game, so tomorrow we're trying out a JoJo-inspired Wild Talents/Monsters and Other Childish Things game.
The group DM stopped running dnd and started running L5R instead, as he liked the game so much. Now I'm the guy who runs L5R.
I'd assume the trick is the GM just running whatever they want and the players not being dicks about it.
This. My policy is I´m gonna run the game I like, and my players play It. They understand that I put so much effort in my games that they have to let me play whatever I want, if I do it well. I have the decency in return of trying to look for something that hook us all, but is my call.
Holy shit are you me.
What is with all your shitposting today?
What happened? Mommy said no chicken tendies for dinner today?
I tried and couldn't and now I play 5e.
One day, one of the player said "I want to GM Star Wars FFG and Call of Cthulhu"
It was good.
We never looked back and never played D&D again.
user from the campaign idea thread here.
Now I get it. You're tracking down every post against D&D and accusing those anons of being one and the same person.
This is pretty much my story but with GURPS, L5R, and 7th Sea. Right now my group is playing Deadlands and L5R. Tonight Simeon Rook, is going all out against Dr Jon Dupree on account of what he did to those girls back east. The mad doctor will pay for his crimes against nature.
My group was never exclusively wedded to D&D, but it was our go-to for that genre of gaming. We just houseruled it to hell and back as needed.
When I learned Fantasy Craft, I pretty much fell in love since it accomplished a lot of what I'd been aiming for quite nicely. I introduced my group to it, and now I'm playing in one FC campaign and running another.
There's four trolls that like to chat about how much D&D killed their parents and how they've sworn revenge.
You're best off not defending shitposters like that.
>hey guys I found a system better than 3.5 here's a rundown
And so we played Fantasy Craft.
I was irritated and sad about 5E's lack of hit locations, melee attack options, bounded accuracy, other reasons. Wanted some examples of people getting decent players with less known systems because I don't really want to autistically homerule 5e for years. And just take a system better suiting my needs instead.
Got some support over in /5eg/ and couple of other places though, 5e might work out.
The only shitposter I can see is you.
D&D (specifically 3.5 and 5e) being irredeemable dogshit is a perfectly normal stance to take.
Besides, the only thing I'm upset at D&D for killing is itself. The D&D Next playtest was so promising until they stripped it of every interesting element to arrive at the marketable mush that is 5e.
>hit locations
My first game was a oneshot of D&D. After the game was over, a few of the other players sat me down and basically gave me a quick chat along the lines of:
"Did you notice how that was awkward, confusing, and unfulfilling? Now that you've seen D&D you'll be able to appreciate what else we have to show you."
They invited me to a WoD group, a few months after that I started GMing a group playing random fan systems I found on the internet through that I met enough people that I've never been short of a game since, I've never touched D&D since apart from the occasional one shot to confirm that it's still transcendentally awful.
I'm glad that you didn't even try hiding that you were just a retarded troll for longer than a few seconds.
Makes dismissing you that much easier, you sad little bitch.
Dismissing? You sound awfully upset for that. If anything, you're validating my stance.
To be clear, I've tried to avoid playing the same system for more than a year or two, keeps things from getting stale, makes sure that I have a good network to compare systems and recommend shit to others etc.
For instance, I just can't play DH derived games anymore. I've played a campaign or two of every single book in the series at this point and I am just not convinced that there is any conceivable storyline or specific encounter capable of being depicted in that system that I haven't effectively already experienced. The only thing I can think of is a game of Rogue Trader played like, *normally* or *as intended*, but I'm not convinced it would even be that fun given the threadbare profit factor mechanics.
I also try and make my own system from scratch every couple of years, just to see if I can hit on a good paradigm, it's sketchy for sure, but I'm improving, and I maintain that everything I have made is fun to play at least once.
Here's a final (you). You sound like a particularly thirsty troll.
What's wrong with hit locations? They make combat descriptions flavor mechanically meaningful.
I like D&D 2e quite a bit.
It was rules light and had a ton of neat optional rules and splatbooks.
I fucking hated what I played of 5e though.
Our group has tried a few games but we mostly stick to D&D and MAID.
We plan on trying CoC, Dark Heresy, and MaOCT in the near future.
You're taking the words right out of my mouth.
Thanks for letting me have the last word, I guess.
I was lucky, I started gaming at age 5, and my group had old grognards who'd ditched DnD a decade earlier.
Not that user.
Nothings wrong with hit locations. DnD's not the system for it though.
I'm not sure this actually happened. Why would a he run a system he hates? A reasonable person would just say he doesn't like D&D and he thinks the group would enjoy something else. Running a game no one will enjoy to prove a point is just autism.
GURPS 4e man, took me to a beautiful place where people could actively dodge and parry attacks, people had believable amounts of HP, and the system could handle umpteen times more levels of versimilitude I dare not list here now. Sufficed to say, it rocks.
There is hope; just play *anything else*
Yeah, D&D doesn't seem to be the system for them, bounded accuracy in 5e narrows number ranges to work with in terms of additional hit location bonuses/penalties.
Some people say it to shitpost, but the culture that grew up around 3.5 has done some great disservices to roleplaying.
Are we talking about 3.5 here though? No one ever brought up the edition in the OP. None of the "Have you tried not playing D&D?" -trolls ever do.
I remember AD&D, with tournaments and grognards and the like. Far worse than anything that came before or after.
And, none of that is as bad as the modern system war bullshit. It's fucking ghastly.
It's generally assumed that we are.
On this board, "D&D" without further specification usually refers to 3.5 or 5e; 4e and pre-3e D&D tend to be named specifically.
I was a kid. I played my first RP system, GURPS, in 5th grade. In 7th, me and a friend tried out D&D together to see what the big deal was. We got bored halfway into a dungeon. Trashed it and never went back. Turns out I missed absolutely nothing. The end.
>Be FM
>RPG newbie at the table
>Run the game I like least
>Be sure to point out that its terrible, and that I just waste 2-5 hours of his life
>Expect newbie to return
Probably untrue, but it can be funny to read some of the made-up stories on Veeky Forums. This one fell a bit flat. You need to add some embelishment or details
Even several years into 5e?
Yes. 3.PF is quite the tenacious curse.
I really wonder how long your obsession and butthurt will last.
It may be decades at this point.
I wouldn't call it a curse but it's a pain that DnD 3.X, and 5E crowd out other systems, especially when those systems might be better for a given setting or tone but are crowded out by DnD
You act like you've somehow diminished your own obsession and butthurt.
Dawnforged, is that you?
Switch to RIFTS in the 90s never looked back, way better system way more detailed world and megaverse.
Step 1
Show friends anything that isn't D&D
Step 2
Play it for a session or two
Step 3
Another system becomes standard
gee that sucked, right?
>filename 30 years
>image 20 years
What's the truth.
>found out about role-playing games
>started with BRP-system
>had a lot of trouble keeping players interested
>everything was annoying
>stuck with it because didn't know better
>finally broke down
>decided to try D&D
>actually good
>find people to play with
>live happily ever after
Sure thing faggot
>Started playing a long time ago, using 1st edition DnD
>Enjoyed what little time I played of it, eventually shifted to 2nd edition
>Ran a campaign that lasted over two years in 2nd
>Enjoyed playing Neverwinter nights on the PC, only heard rumors of how bad powergaming was in 3.5
>Eventually got invited to a 4th edition group. Did very well as a ranger I think
>Eventually some passive aggressive shit happened and when I tried to try to complete our quest and then have it backfire amazingly even though I did exactly as we were told, and then was told I shouldn't come back to the game sessions (Fuck those faggots)
>Got into a pathfinder group sometime after
>DM ended up forcing my paladin to become wereshark
>Forced me to fall
>I wasn't going down without a fight
>Turned it all around completely to were the local town/city didn't think I was a bad guy even though that was the GMs plan
>GM had to actually move our adventures because I handled the situation so fucking well
>Eventually my paladin died, came back as an orcale of war. Support for party on 200% of steroids. Master of strategy. GM hated how I could trivialize fights when I wanted to. Players loved the power I gave them
>Game ended up being cancelled, only I was the only one told. They kept going though.
>Later I ended playing a Dark Heresy game
>GM was a faggot, house rules, his girlfriend played and was basically given everything she wanted but didn't know how to play
>I did end up sleeping with her a few times, and she never told him. To this day.
>Anyway, GM was shit
>Start my own Dark Heresy game
>Goes great, except for self centered faggot who constantly tried to take the spotlight at all times
>I kept him in is place for the most part
>Long campaign, players always wanting to play. Was given praise for the story and plot
>Crashed and burned when self centered faggot up and attacked their contact, the planets governed. All because he didn't get his way
>Had spend two sessions completely avoiding the mission, dicking around on the planet, being an absolute tard
>Game ended as he threw a tantrum
>Found out later that he had spent the past few weeks trying to turn the players against me IRL
>He still does this shit to this day I'm told. It's been over 10 years
>Ended up running more 40k RPG games, a small pathfinder game. Playing in WOD and looking over various other RPGs
>Currently working on my own RPG system which is in pre-alpha. My 20 some players enjoy the shit out of it when I can find time to playtest.
DnD is the RPG gateway game. It lets you in the door. From there you choose your path. Mine was as a DM. Now game master, now designer.
Don't shit on DnD for being awful, shit on people who never try anything else.
Well, i started with subtle things like sw saga edition and 4e. Then, as the forever gm i began learning more and more new systems on my own. This finally culminated in me running said systems and introducing new players to those systems. We finally began tuning things in almost anything but dnd.
However, we are like a beaten housewife, we keep going back just usually not for long
>was told I shouldn't come back
>Game ended up being cancelled, only I was the only one told
>I did end up sleeping with her a few times
>I kept him in his place
I'm getting a feeling that you are possibly the worst person in this thread.
>every game he's in implodes
Sounds like it.
I didn't because my group refuses to play anything other than Pathfinder despite spending every session whining about how garbage the system is.
I didn't. D&D has it's uses, other systems have theirs.
D&D is about shared experiences and big-ass community. You can tell your tale to thousands of people and they will get it. It's great to play it with people you barely know - if you all know the system and meta-lore, you all are in, whether DM's using published setting or not.
Games that are not so popular are for you and your close circle of friends. Your oh-so-original setting,your unwritten lore known only to you and your gang. And rule set that was chosen because it suits your game.
There's one guy in our group that has never played anything except D&D.
We've run quite a few non d&d games they were generally well received, albeit one offs.
The next campaign we're playing is a non D&D system and I'm really hoping it takes off well enough that we never have to play D&D again.
Otherwise I'll just look for a new group or maybe our group will split into two different groups, one wants that wants to continue to play d&d and another that wants to play another system. It's as simple as that and very anti climatic but I guess that's what happens when you play with a group of reasonable adults and not a bunch of man children.
This happens to most people sooner or later. Once they get over themselves and stop being afraid of trying something new.
Don't believe anyone that says they play gurps OP.
No one plays gurps. At most they just read the book and *wish* they could con someone into dming it for they let alone play it
I found Shadowrun and lived happily ever after