Low market cap

>Low market cap
>on small exchanges
>7000 tps
>instant fee-less transactions
>much better than IOTA

Tell me Veeky Forums why you holding raiblocks while it's cheap?

Other urls found in this thread:


i already am

rai is bae


RaiBlocks had a very quick recovery from the bitcoin crash by the way!

What about quantum proof?

Regarding security, is "quantum-proofing" a big concern at the moment and how do you guys plan to approach this when the time comes. And how possible would it be for bad actors to successfully implement a 51% attack.

Quantum computing is going to be an amazing leap for humanity but it's also going to cause a lot of flux in cryptography. The plan I see is the similar to what I did in selecting the cryptographic algorithms we're using right now: look for leaders in academia and industry that have proven implementations and use those as they recommend migration based on computing capability. Quantum vulnerabilities can be an issue in the future but a vulnerable implementation would be an issue right now.

I saw a post on /r/iota that claims that their quantum resistance is a main benefit over raiblocks. Can you go into detail about this? explain any plans you have to let XRB persevere through upcoming quatum revolution?

I think everyone with cryptography in their programs is keeping an eye on quantum cryptography because we're all in the same boat. I don't have cryptanalysis credentials so I didn't feel comfortable building an implementation and instead chose to use one off-the-shelf from someone with assuring credentials.

There are some big companies that have made small mistakes that blow up the usefulness of the entire algorithm, it's incredibly easy to do. arstechnica.com/gaming/2010/12/ps3-hacked-through-poor-implementation-of-cryptography/

Where can you hold it? Is there a wallet for raiblocks?


quantom proof?
user, IOTA is not even cryptographically secure, for today.

iota dev CfB, in his infinite narcisism, thought they could outwit the entire global cryptography community, and produce their own hash function AND digital signature scheme (something which takes the effort of the global community +5 years to accomplish).

yet of course the crypto was vulnerable to high-school level of attacks.

Then CfB claimed it was all just an intentional backdoor.

A backdoor in your financial software.

Have fun with IOTA

>7000 tps
>Fastest currency payments!

>PayPal: 15000 tps
>Visa: 50000 tps

Really makes me think

yes, raiwallet.com/
And there's a desktop one too.


How is it better than IOTA?

as opposed to what?
XLM, XRP are 2000
bitcoin is 7, eth 15.

is there anything that actually works?

>>much better than IOTA
>much better than IOTA
>much better than IOTA
>much better than IOTA
>much better than IOTA

obvious pajeet so obvious

Its almost as if centralized payment systems have faster verification based on trusted 3rd parties.

Lost like 15-20% in USD, but stayed so stable in BTC terms.

This is a winner boys.

>functioning wallet
>users don't lose their funds every upgrade
>devs don't put security flaws by rolling their own crypto
>doesn't requires a coordinator
>10 second transactions, will only get better
>doesn't fake partnerships to get pumps

Any big news coming for a pump?

I am all in on XRB senpai

You forgot
>no retarded butthurt dev that is salty 24/7 responding reddit comments and making the product look unprofessional.

>the web wallet requires registering to their website instead of just giving me private keys


exchange listings, mobile wallet and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

So the answer is no, then?


Last Price 0.00032513 BTC

What is this supposed to mean?
I sincerely don't understand this image.
what's the problem with this?

Does it need any more news? IOTA mooned while all the exchanges aren't able to transfer it, and all of its other flaws.

It's only on a shitty exchange, once its somewhere bigger there will be nothing to hold it back.

My only concern is the transfers are down on mercatox, been like that for a few days. I hope its not going to end up like IOTA in that regard.

go make your own research brainlet

Stupid name.

thats why you should look into PASC

'Even provided Bitcoin’s current node storage, PascalCoin could have a block size of 5.4 GB and achieve 72,000 transactions per second'


Why the fuck do I need to register to use a crypto currency? Half the appeal is to be at least pseudo anonymous

Also there is no way to cold store anything.

okay, use the desktop wallet then.

Could they have come up with a shittier name for this non feeless coin?

I can't cold store it though. I want to pick up a DAG token, but I mean wtf.

the seed is all you need for cold storage

true. should rebrand. but thats why its so overlooked. and quite low in mc

they are also implementing zcashs privacy in the future.

0 confirmation transactions etc. huge imho

I'm aware, but I don't think there is a way to generate a seed offline with this stuff. Thus not cold storage.

true it has a good price, if I ever sell some XRB i ll put some money at it :)

gl - bought rai at 15c sold some and put it into pasc

cya on the moon B-)

now: RaiBlocks $4.15
now: IOTA $3.49

>500 million
>low marketcap
It was like 4 just a month ago, have fun getting dumped when its on a new exchange

Will only increase more on new exchange.. idiot

XRB going to space in 2018. Don't miss out


Good tech overtakes memecoins, who would've thought?

You’re dumb as hell. I see posts every day about people that want to buy but are too afraid of the exchanges. It’s mooning once it’s listed on a new one

Do you only deal in shitcoins? Because XRB is not.

>what is market cap

I bought Solariscoin(XLR) so i will shill it.

* only available on a small exchange
* 4 million market cap
* Big news in January.
* Increase 109% last 7d and 30% last 24h
* Limited supply
* Masternodes

Privacy coin. Working product. New developments being implemented. Infant stage in terms of the low marketcap.