D&D 5th Edition General Discussion
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D&D 5th Edition General Discussion
>Stream of Annihilation:
>Unearthed Arcana Update
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are druids gay?
No, just ghey
I was going to play a fabulous Bladesinger with a longsword in the AL, but nevermind that now.
5e more than any other edition is about letting go of the rules and just going with the flow of the narrative.
If you want something changed or refluffed, just go for it. It's less about being anal retentive about rules and mechanics.
When will the official errata for the Player's Handbook be released that allows elven weapon training to use a longsword as a dexterity weapon?
What about organized play, motherfucker?
Why can't an elf use strength?
I feel your pain brother.
That has its place too.
Any guesses for some magic items or archetypes that will be in Xanthar's guide that weren't released in UA?
AL actually allows you to refluff stuff to be whatever you want, as long as the name of whatever thing you're using the stats for is written on your character sheet
>cursed instrument
>You are cursed to play music fitting of the current situation you are in.
>You no longer require sleep.
They can, but we are talking about a dexterity character not being able to use a longsword.
>make a madness roll after playing lullabies for 8 hours
Necromancy bard. More wishful thinking than a real guess, but hey.
Elf-folk are known for being dexterous buggers.
Elven trait for elven weapon training gives them longsword proficiency.
Agile-footed elven fighter cannot use a longsword as a finesse weapon.
Spry, combat-born wood elf fighter has to use a shortsword (lame) or a scimitar (ew).
Do you understand my pain now?
because dex melee weapons are all one handed and top out at 1d8 damage. why would longswords be an exception? why not make warhammers and battle axes finessable too?
cause versatile
>mfw the only way to play a Geralt build is with a rapier or scimitar.
use a rapier you fucking worm sucking idiot
Fuck, never even thought of that.
I'm so sorry man.
Fuck you guys, scimitars are awesome
The only way to play Geralt is with 20s in every stat except Charisma
Damn, that's nice.
Yeah, his charisma would be 24.
>Except Charisma
>Literally fucks almost every girl in the game
Rapiers aren't longswords. If you mention rapiers again I'm going to shove one up your ass for 1d8 piercing damage + 1d12 rectal damage for the bleedout.
Scimitars are fine for some kind of fruity faggot but I want a hardcore elven fighter with a longsword and a shield.
Who needs Geralt when you have Drizzt, right?
Yeah, its up to you. He isn't well-liked by most people, but he undeniably has a presence.
>Rapiers aren't longswords. If you mention rapiers again I'm going to shove one up your ass for 1d8 piercing damage + 1d12 rectal damage for the bleedout.
Do it, faggot.
>Just let my fighters use any weapon and give them the stats of the martial weapon they want to use with it as long as it fits
rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers use a fucking rapier
Some autist /r/epost the 5e Guide to Sex.
Time to roll for initiative and engage some grapples. Rape check incoming faggot.
I think this dumbfuck is whining about not being able to use a dex longsword in AL but who the fuck cares about AL
Ray Pierre
You're the worst kind of person.
dexcucks will never answer this because they can't, they just want to make their special snowflake elf master swordsmen
can't rape the willing, senpai.
>boohoo im too autistic to talk to my dm to ask him if i can use dex for a longsword since im some faggoty elf princess
Not everyone has a group of players to play with, faggot.
>One or two adventures per year
Why the fuck are we not getting an adventure per *month*? Sweet jesus I hate this release schedule.
I don't care about Drizzt, scimitars are just actually cool IRL
make friends, ultrafaggot
The adventures take 6 months to play through, I guarantee you this release schedule was chosen to maximize sales
Because the slow release has proven extremely, *extremely* profitable, and good for the growing popularity of the hobby. D&D as a brand had its best year in its entire history last year, and this year is slated to be even bigger (WotC's own words during the stream).
Can you stop? This is your punishment for playing adventurers league.
you guys are both retarded anyway
How does that even work? I understand the concept of oversaturating everyone with adventures, but would it be so hard to do...I dunno, six or seven adventures a year? Maybe 8 or 9 but vary the setting a little bit? Keep it at paperback so they're affordable and I'm not sure how it would hurt profits at all.
Fewer people would buy each one, and you'd be having to pay more people to work more hours to produce more content.
Can you give me a source on that?
Okay. I'll stop. I just wanted... I... ... yeah, okay, I'll go. I'm done.
>Fewer people would buy each one
How do you know? Paizo does a shit ton of adventures every year and they don't seem to have any trouble.
>A slender woman plays a haunting melody on her flute at the edge of the lake. Bubbles slowly form on the surface, and a short while later limbs breach the calm water's surface. The corpses follow the sound of the flute into the night.
I've never thought about this before but it sounds really cool.
>but would it be so hard to do...I dunno, six or seven adventures a year? Maybe 8 or 9 but vary the setting a little bit? Keep it at paperback so they're affordable and I'm not sure how it would hurt profits at all.
While there is no absolute answer for this sort of thing, but the running theory that makes economic sense is that people get easily overwhelmed by a oversaturation of products, so they don't know which is 'good' to buy, making them more likely to not buy anything.
This was actually a huge problem with 3/3.5 according to WotC
So now they release products slowly, so people can afford more easily to buy every product, or at least most.
>How do you know?
Because thats the explanation the developers gave.
I guess that makes sense. I think the best solution is to bring back Dungeon or some sort of monthly 'adventure path' type deal alongside the 'big' DnD releases.
They take 6 months to play through, so a significant amount of the people buying one aren't going to buy another for 6 months.
I'm sure you know better than the massive business that's clearly figured out the most profitable path though.
Their APs have become progressively shit and their mechanics are garbage.
They do and did write pretty good fluff which I'd use in a 5e game.
Paizo's problem is quality, and it applies to more than just the adventures.
In theory DMs Guild could/should serve this purpose.
>Curse of Strahd coming to Roll20 this month.
>Tomb of Annihilation on Roll20 at release
Is Roll20 finally getting its shit together?
It is pretty shitty that there is only one finesse d8 weapon though while str characters can use
>War Pick
Yes, Chris Perkins has specifically said this was the issue and they didn't want a repeat of this.
all those choices, and yet none of them matter.
>I'm sure you know better than the massive business that's clearly figured out the most profitable path though.
I never said that. What I did say was that another big company (big for RPGs, anyway) is doing the polar opposite and they seem to be doing just fine.
>unscaleable code being worked on by new underpaid devs brought on to a skeleton-crew startup
I just said I'd stop bitching about it but you're making me want to keep going.
Choice Paralysis is a well documented phenomenon.
Fuck you, scimitars and kopesh are great.
Also the Master Sword changes size all the bloomin' time.
And from what I can find, the 1:1 scale replicas being advertised out there would totally be short swords, only around 40 inches long.
yea but dex characters are better than str characters
muh flavor
Spewing out shit isn't good for a company though. They also have the luck of retards hovering up their shit like no tomorrow.
Use blood hunter
There aren't that many light weapons that could qualify for d8s, are there? There obviously should be a candidate for a d8 nonlight slashing weapon (Urumi or Cavalry saber), but bludgeoning weapons and polearms don't come light.
You got any proof that they're making as much as WotC?
>You can still move if you're incapacitated
I should really reread the PHB to see if I missed things
>but bludgeoning weapons...don't come light.
Who would have thought that a weapon that specializes in hitting you with something heavy, wouldn't be light.
It doesn't seem to be negatively affecting them. I'm not saying Wizards should do the exact same thing, but a similar model on a smaller scale (which Wizards has done before) would be better than waiting this long for each new release.
Also, people keep saying the adventures take 6 months? Does it really take you guys that long?
>What I did say was that another big company (big for RPGs, anyway) is doing the polar opposite and they seem to be doing just fine.
Different demographics and market strategy.
Yes, that was my point.
I never said they were making as much a WotC, and it seems obvious through sales data that they never were. What I do know is that they were beating WotC in the RPG market for a time and they are showing no signs of economic turmoil.
So what's the Drizzt book I keep seeing in the background of the stream?
Oh fuck! This game is going to be as bad as the one with that pink haired dude yesterday. Fuck this shitty day of the stream
Got a pic?
>the game
Get the fuck out.
my favorite thing about those flavor fags is this:
>I just want to use X, I don't care if it's good
>Dude, just use Y
>You just said you don't care if it's good or not, so why not just reskin?
>but a similar model on a smaller scale (which Wizards has done before) would be better than waiting this long for each new release
Towards the end 3e/3.5e did poorly, and 4e flopped pretty hard so the current D&D team got downsized 'a lot', they simply don't have the manpower to produce so many products quickly and it will take some time of writing solid revenue numbers before they will be allowed to increase their staff to make more products, because they have to prove a market exists for more products.
both of those covers are fucking awesome but what's inside?
Ranged dex > Melee str > Melee dex
4e was a financial success (outsold 3e in the same way that 5e outsold both 3e and 4e) but a critical failure (no pun intended). The path forward for 4e just wasn't good for the brand, especially with Pathfinder growing based on the old system. So much so that they abandoned 4e for two whole years to run the 5e playtests.
What we know:
- About 200 pages
- Has Xanathar (the beholder crime lord of Waterdeep's underbelly) narrating in a similar style to VGM
- More than 25 subclasses, all seen in the weekly UAs, 2 or more for each class except wizard.
- Downtime rules (from UA)
- Revised trap rules (from UA)
- New rules for magic items
- New spells
What we can safely assume:
- New magic items
- Race and skill feats, if not more
- Warlock invocations from UA
- Revised mass combat
- Other variant rules similar to those found in the DMG
Sometimes I feel like the only person on this board that actually likes 5e. There's a whole lot of whining and not a whole lot of discussion most threads.
You guys did it, I fucking hate AL now. Fuck this shit and fuck D&D.
Selection of UA options, among other things
AL isn't that bad when you aren't playing a dex-based wood elf fighter that wants to use a longsword and a shield.
It's actually much, much worse.
5e is great