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Topic discussion:
Centaurs apparently

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Why are centaurs one of the worst fantasy races outside of greek myth and japanese anime

Do you prefer male centaur on your female character, or female centaur on your male character?

Honestly, it's probably got to do with fucking ponies

Why does Paizo hate playable constructs? Why aren't there any available outside of using the race creator rules?

They are, there are Wyrwoods

checkmate retard

Wyrwoods are what you're looking for.

Centaurs are terrible. Drunken, degenerate rapists the lot of them. Don't even get me started on the smell, I've sniffed Otyugh more pleasant.

Damn good at archery though.

Is the the animated version of the doujin who's name I cannot recall?

Male centaur on female character, but only if they're a witch

>implying my GM is gonna let me use a 20 point race
They have that half-construct trait, why don't they do a race that uses it officially

I prefer my witches having to please a devil's Nightmare for her powers

Wouldn't Pony type Centaurs be more common in urban areas? Feels like even buildings would change heavily to accommodate Horse sized Centaur. Scyscrapers don't seem like they would work with horses.

Because being a construct would make you immune to so many things that there would be no point to play anything else and if they would restrict, say, classes and stuff for them then people would REEE about that too.

I know this is shitposting but this topic interests me.

How do you make a "decent character", by whatever measure you each personally choose to use in an app?

I think it's understood that most characters want to have a lot of room for growth, and the bulk of what makes a character good is going to come down to the roleplayer's ability and the developments of a campaign. This can run counter-intuitive to writing a realized characted in an application. What's the appropriate compromise between too broad that they're bland and too narrow that they're archetypes?

Except a construct just fucking dies when it hits 0.

Witches tend to be associated with the worst sexual degeneracy out there, huh?

Hate the least? That's a pointless distinction.

Even the least smelly turd in the toilet, is still a piece of shit.

Pretty much- I can foresee the pony-sized ones ending up more common than the biggun's, primarily for logistic reasons. In more rural/suburban areas you can get away with building with the space needed for a centaur- but in a city, where you're looking to go more UP rather than OUT, pony-sized ones are gonna be a bit more comfortable, as they can make use of MOST of the same stuff that the normal, bipedal humanoids will use.

To me, a decent character needs to have plenty of identifiable strengths and weaknesses. Also, they need to have a backstory that explains what needs to be explained about the character without overstaying its welcome. Finally, the character needs to be relate-able somehow.

TL;DR: Give people a reason to care about their ambitions and plights.

because it would be half horse, half halfling. Thats a pony centaur.

But is immune to half of an average wizard's spellbook's content, the extra nasty of early enemies and can pretty much be used as a mine detector if anybody fears disease or charm persons being a threat.

Yeah, just because a blaster wizard needs not to do about 20 extra damage to gib you doesn't mean you are still not a walking, talking ball of immunities.

I built a robot race called Ancient Robotics, and while it was still a construct and had most construct immunities and restrictions, it also had a few negatives to it that made the race fair to play. The excuse was because they were so ancient, they developed glitches or their bodies were too old and needed a lot of replacements.

I mean, you could talk to your gm about it.
The it gets a laundry list of immunities, doesn't need Con, but nothing else of note. Actually, it has a lot of downsides to, like auto dying at 0 hp, and only being healed by Make Whole and other spells like that.

It's not like it's front loaded with Ridiculous Stat bonuses or SLAs. I'd let it fly.

I prefer female centaur on female

Fuck if I know man, that typing's kinda whack.

>Constructs in general
Construct typing is loaded as fuck and would need to be given weakness after weakness stacked on top of the race to compensate for the assload of bullshit it has. Seriously, APs (and undoubtedly some GMs) can't handle an earlygame construct. A fuckload of "puzzles", traps, and obstacles just cease to be problems when you have a construct who can just waltz through status effects like they're not even there. The only actual problem is the lack of easy way to even heal a construct until 3rd level minimum (when a Wizard/Cleric gets Make Whole) just as an added fuckover, unless Mending works on constructs. Or you're a spherecaster with something that heals constructs.

t. person who watched a construct totally bypass a ton of shit during his climb from level 1 to level 11.

[20170506] [Studio Zealot] Zton Jingai Animation A Beautiful Greed Nulu Nulu [720p]

I mean warforged were immune to a lot of stuff and pretty much the only people that complained were bad DM's.

Don't forget to vote!

Pretty hard to vote with no polls, lad.

Because looking in an old thread is soooo hard, baka.

This poll?


People often include repair spells to the wizard's spellbook specifically for repairing constructs besides the good ol' make whole.

God damn, that's such an ugly UI

Riding a female centaur in every way.


I ain't the dude who made it, dude.

The general just wants to be entertained - that's why sex and memes are most of the equation. Some of the best characters from other media like movies and books start off with nothing interesting going on in those character's lives until the show starts, which makes sense, because all the audience/reader really cares about is the narrative going forward, just as the GM and players in these games should be focusing on the start and going forward.

Here, however, we don't get to see the show. All we get is the previews. So the demand is high for something entertaining that reads like a story. The downside is that you get a very skewed perspective on what qualifies as good or not. If you pitched Luke Skywalker here as he started in Star Wars, he'd be derided as shit and ignored right off the bat because his backstory is simple, not filled with dramatic tension or heroic accomplishments or magical powers.

Seriously. Go back and read some of these apps that just get dismissed. There's some fantastic potential in them if you mull their angle for a minute. Sure there are some duds, but those are the obvious ones with shitty formatting and bad grammar.

I figured, I'm just complaining.

>Implying Luke is a remotely interesting character in Episode 4.

Yeah. It irks me that there's no graphs either.

Are there any meme characters that you think fit the "Luke Skywalker" motif really well? As in, they've got fantastic room to grow as people during the adventure but they're kind of shit from the onset?

Never had the chance to play Pathfinder (or DnD for that matter), is there really a problem in the power discrepancy between mundane fighters and magic users? Linear fighter, quadratic wizard; so I hear.

The other worries about this game that I would like to consult about its veracity is about Feats and Animal Companions.
For the for former, I hear there is a lot of "trap feats" that sounds nice but is actually useless, is this a real problem in game or can be handled by even an inexperienced GMs? Also does it affect character customization (ie some ideas are not viable due to their related perk being too inefficient) or incentivizes min-maxing (ie only a handful of perks are actually useful for a specific role so every character filling said role uses those same perks)?
I suppose the latter concern is a particular case of the first one. I've heard before that Animal Companions of Druids and Rangers are quite useless and easily insta-killed. Does this mean I couldn't make a weak character who relies on his animal partner (ie small orphan boy travelling with his big scary wolf momma, inspired by Romulus and Remus)?


>To be honest I did intend to give every applicant full reviews fairly constantly throughout the process, but I've been pretty overwhelmed by the number of applicants, and the number of those who revise their apps constantly and are thus in constant need of new reviews, so I've limited myself to only responding to specific questions for the most part. And I do still give full reviews on request, but have been trying to space out the amount I do at once which leads to backlogs and days off spent on review sprees.

Reviewanons, your help is needed for Flower Court! Help out all those applicants!

Serena did.

I've helped out a few anons already, but if anyone else wants it I can lend my ear. Hit up the review channel if you want.

In the theme of the thread, I need horse-related names for a vigilante's alternate identity.

How about no?


Your loss, mate.

Fuck it.

Anyone need/want help?

equine eunuch.

Might as well get the ball rolling.

Sir Stallion

The Thoroughbred of Sin.

Your vigilante has a horse theme? Does he ride one or is he just Batman but on a farm?

I need you to put on a fucking trip, faggot. I don't want to see this shit.

Review your own app. I'm too lazy to read through it and need the tl;dr.

I want you to roast the FUCK out of Rory! In JttW! But ensoulment will do in a pinch.

You know what? I might as well get a second opinion on this before I do my rewrite.

>I hear there is a lot of "trap feats" that sounds nice but is actually useless, is this a real problem in game or can be handled by even an inexperienced GMs

The meme about trap feats is they're feats any reasonable person would not look at in the first place. Let's be real here, if you're playing a Paladin than you're not going to need Prone Shooter. Furthermore, casters are only an issue when you're dealing with inexperienced DMs and a serious asshole of a caster player who doesn't give two slimy shits about your enjoyment of the game, which is to say they'd be right proper cunts regardless of what they were playing.

So kick back, relax, and make your Barbarian. I guarantee through both experience and understanding of the system that you will be relevant until the end-game.

> that poll
> look at results
> Total votes: 88 Voters: 16

Ha ha ha.

Roll for it.

>Voting systems that allow for more votes per voter than there are spots in the campaign
>It doesn't sort
>That UI

Magic users tend to be much more powerful on their own, simply due to the wider variety of options that they were given. Where a fighter can only rely on things that pretty much every character has access to, magic users have access to entire lists of spells. There's third party systems that get around this, but it exists in pretty much all forms of D&D/PF, with the exception of 4th edition, which made a completely different game.

Feats do vary wildly in effectiveness, but there are guides available for pretty much every class that explains which ones are useful, and which ones to avoid. There are some customization options that struggle, and some feats that basically every character in a particular style looks to take, though.

Animal Companions, on the other hand, tend to be some of the stronger ones out there. It's actually a common complaint against Druids that they get what's basically a Fighter as a class feature. Summoners in particular are great for being a weak character with a powerful partner, since you can hang back and use support spells while your companion goes to town. Druids serve much the same purpose, but with a more natural bent. Lastly, Hunters excel at working alongside their Animal Companion, getting a buffed up version of the Druid's companion, in exchange for fewer spells.

The user who made the poll here.
I initially intended to use strawpoll, but strawpoll has a limit on the number of entries. Ensoulment has too many applicants at this point to fit them in strawpoll, so I had to use another website instead.

>Ensoulment has too many applicants
Yes, it does. And too long of an app period as well, it's RotJR all over again. Just look at the thread.

>Ssalarn implies that he's been given more authority over Spheres of Might and he has control over basically everything in the playtest, even other authors' writing

>Ssalarn still defending stupid bullshit like Guardian Sphere Challenge giving +2 attack AGAINST THE FUCKING TANK even though it still takes a standard action to use

Fucking hell, is Spheres of Might doomed?

Use instead, moron.


Reading it now.

>I'm too lazy to read through it and need the tl;dr.

If only there was literally a tl;dr on the page...


This one is a quickie.

I agree with the general sentiment that she's boring and 1-Dimensional.

You've given many, many opportunities for conflicts and self-doubt in her backstory, but you've taken advantage of exactly none of them.

You're also struggling with too much PLOT and not enough character in her backstory. At the end of it, I don't know anything about her as a person, and therefore have no reason to care about what happened to her.

Not a bad idea, but in need of some meat on its bones. (Also, adding a flaws section only to talk about how pure and special the character is seems like a... poor decision.)


After Ichabod.

Asking as the disgruntled voting system user towards anyone, not just you.

Are there online poll websites that would allow for:
1. Enough entries for all of the applicants
2. Multiple votes per voter, up to a maximum equal to the stated party size on the LFG
3. Decent security to prevent voter fraud and ballot stuffing.
4. Actually sorts the results page to be meaningful.

If anyone knows of a website that would do those, please let me know.

>After Ichabod.

JttW is giving it some competition at least now.

Also, even though FOXTITS is a meme(and a reminder that animalgirls tend to be furries in denial) I have to say that Mira's story is very fitting to the flavor. It reminds me a lot of the folktale of Princess Kaguya and the bamboo cutter.

Posted this in the last thread, forgot it was dead.

Let's say I'm playing a Sphere's of Power Hunter? What spheres should I specialize in?

>tfw have a build that makes the most mechanical sense to use base skinwalker
>hate furries
Welp, time to trash the build.

What neat build ideas do you have?


So now that gathlains have a bunch of neat stuff in the coming books, who's going to play a gathlain cutie for /pfg/ to meme?

Or for less memery, what kind of interesting thematics or builds are enabled by elves having easy access to continual detect magic?

JttW is never going to be comparable to Ensoulment in terms of shitposting. The limited time slot means less applicants and less shitposting as there's less self shilling throughout.


>Also, adding a flaws section only to talk about how pure and special the character is seems like a... poor decision.

The trap feats that matter (and that cause problems) are ones like Combat Expertise or Improved Feint, where it's a waste of time and resources to use them but they look good to newbies at a first glance.

Well put, I guess. I see the issue with PLOT>>>Character. The Flaws part was supposed to convey less of how "pure" she is (which is not my point at all) and more of how she's been twisted and borked by the half-decade she spent selling her soul to otherworldly creatures for power. That, and how she's holier-than-thou as all fuck because of her past.

This gives me some good pointers to work with for the rewrite.

>Easily tricked
>Not a legitimate flaw for a heroic character

That flaw actually is a flaw if you watch Transformers cartoon stuff, where Optimus regularly gets fucked with because he agrees to deals/truces even after the Decepticons just broke the previous one.

Help me unfuck Ortzi pls

Why is it using skinwalker? If it's for stats, is there another race with the same stats? If it's for forest flavor, you could always use elves for MUH FOREST FOLK or some fey thing. If it's for savage, you got orcs etc.

Still no way to both enable multiple votes, while limiting that number to a set size


>while limiting that number to a set size
That part doesn't really matter.

Friendly reminder that Starfinder is a terrible idea and will sink the company.

5e stay in your own thread

Are borderline unplayable as anything other than AM barbarian bullshit. They don't even make good initiators.

If that's the intent, play up the horror of someone who has, and continues to, throw away their humanity. Don't be afraid to make her legitimately alien and unnerving.

Possibly add a bit explaining how that holier than thou attitude feeds into and off of her transformation.

Which of the current recruiting games would be best for a vigilante who's a noble lady slash circus peformer slash thief who beats up people with ribbons and juggling implements?

Which of the current recruiting games would be best for a mischievous but innocent forest faun who's fascinated by the non-fey races?

I wish I had time to make a character for JttW or Ensoulment!

Because the it needs +str/+wis, and claws (to qualify for a bloodforge climbspeed feat). The other bonuses it gives are better than the similar Oni-blooded, and bloodforge races are out.

Friendly reminder most of want to see Paizo burn.

Like I legit don't even play with Paizo content anymore.