Warhammer 40k general /40kg/

Where the fuck is the thread Edition


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First for the Drukhari! Long live Commorragh!

Assembled the whole new box today, AMA

Playing our first 8th edition game tomorrow, 1500 pts.

I'm bringing:

Terminator Librarian

10 Tacticals
10 Tacticals

5 Sternguard in a razorback
5 Vanguard
5 cataphractii
Contemptor dread


He's bringing:
Old One Eye
Flying tyrant
Brood lord

20 genestealers
30 hormagaunts
10 termagants
10 termagants
3 warriors

2 carnifexes
trygon prime

I think I'm about to get my ass kicked.

How hard was it to put together? They're snap fit right? Is there the option to put different shoulderpads on them?

What chapter are you going to paint them as?

I just bought my first minis today (Necron Warriors), and I also got the tool set from Army Painter. It comes with super glue

Can I get away with using super glue instead of plastic glue, or is that not really a thing I should do?

Fuck plastic glue, only use superglue.

So there's no adverse effects of using superglue on plastics?

>Where the fuck is the thread Edition

OP forgot to give it a title.

super glue will work, honestly if you're just starting out it's probably better - plastic glue will basically melt the plastic together so any newbie mistakes you make are permanent, super glue is a pain but it can be snapped if you have to change something

Let it die. If you don't know how to use Veeky Forums, stop trying to make threads.

I heard they require glue

>a general without a header

just delete it

This. Fucking retards on Veeky Forums talking shit about super glue because they're retarded and can't use it right or buy the right brand, then insist on plastic glue for everything and end up needing super glue for resin/metal anyways.

Can't count how many times someone fucked up with plastic glue then goes "WHAT DO" and I tell them not to use plastic glue anymore and the retards swarm out of the woodwork to defend plastic glue.

14th for Cawl is a Heretek.

What's up, little man?

>tfw I'm not fucking retarded and use plastic glue just fine

I use Crazy Glue for everything. It's strong enough to hold even if the model is dropped - but if you want to tear a model down it cleanly breaks on flat surfaces. IE: Marine arms. (Pinned joints is a different point though.)

>durrhurr styrene cement doesn't work on metal or polyurethane resin
Well no fucking duh. Use the right tools for the job.

Yeah, right tools for the job. Plastic glue should only be used on vehicle hulls and similar joins. Using it for feet to base or 25mm infantry limbs is fucking retarded. Good luck getting that shit apart if you need future work, or if you drop it and it breaks somewhere other than the join.

Another Kabalite for Commorragh!

Side note, do Aura abilities of two Characters stack? We'll use the Master of Pain of the Haemonculous as the example, if there are two of them next to each other, do they each get +2T or just +1T

I know they don't in 7th and I'm going to assume they don't in 8th but I can't find anything in the leaked rules that specifically say they do not stack.

What is the next decent 8th tournament? I want to see top 8 lists before buying my new army.

>retards flocking out of the woodwork

Right on cue, too fucking stupid to even keep their mouth shut when the penis is blatantly slapping them in the face. This is the sort of mouthbreathing retard that uses plastic glue.

All the aura abilities I have read are worded in a way that makes them not stack. I suppose Master of pain is like that.

Will this be a good army? Buying most of it used.


Commander Shadowsun [167]

Riptide w/ ATS and Drone Controller [317]
Riptide w/ ATS and Drone Controller [317]
Riptide w/ ATS and Drone Controller [317]
Riptide w/ ATS and Drone Controller [317]

Fast Attack
Marker Drones x4 [56]

TOTAL = 1491


Should I keep the broodlord or take a deathleaper and something else? Broodlord can't get missiled with the genestealers using Hive Commander so the blob won't get benefits until turn 2 at the very least

What the fuck is wrong with your models that you need to break them apart after assembly? They're not LEGO.

Ah, fuck I'm illiterate, I misread how the ability works. At least they affect the models themselves.

Waste of trips right here.

I confirm, the master of pain ability says that it gives +1T to friendly models within 6" of one or more models with the ability. So no stacking.

Skub vs anti-skub pic your poison. If you take literally 10 seconds to pre-fit shit before using plastic glue you won't have a single issue and you won't leave a fuckhuge fingerprint made of superglue on the model because it dripped out of the 2 pieces you were gluing. But apparently you're too stupid to even do that.

>Warhammer 40k
>where literally every edition the ideal loadouts for units and characters change
>buh why you need to do that?

retard detected

Tourneyfags, what army are you looking to build for eighth?

>can't use Primaris in drop pods
>can't use Dreads in drop pods


>Tourneyfags build their armies

Nids but the go to will be IG

is it the base, or are Custodes still taller than Primaris Marines?

Got some painting in.

Buy new models, poorfag.

What does the math say about equipping meganobz? should we be giving them burnas, rokkits, killsaws, nothing at all?

How big are the primaries marines compared to the death guard?

So I was reading up the stats of this guy since I like the model and the more I look at the power first the more I think it's not really worth those 20 points. Heck, I don't know if I would pay 15 points for it.

Why ? Well, mainly the fast it's doomed to wound vehicles on 5+ only and because it deals only d3 wounds no matter how tough the target is. On top of that they have the -1 to hit.

Compared to that the master crafted power sword is cheaper, doesn't come with the to hit penalty but wounds vehicles only on 6s and deals 2 wounds consistently. Granted not everyone has access to it but it's still rather take power swords on terminators rather than pay 20 points for mediocre weapon that the fist has become.


Can you take a straight on shot of them next to a marine and terminator? no titlted angles, no from above views, 100% parallel to the model.

I put together the entire set in about 2 hours. They arent snapfit, but they are in like 2-3 pieces per marine. shoulderpads are attached to the arms unfortunately

Not much taller, maybe half a head taller

>self explanatory
>caring about trips
>too stupid to buy non-drip super glue
>too stupid to not leave fingerprints in super glue
>too stupid to not let glue seep out
>too stupid to realize plastic glue has the same problem as super glue in terms of seepage and fingerprints

Holy fucking shit how can people be this obliviously and obviously retarded.


Are Khorne Daemons any good lads?

ive been under a rock how in the fuck have they pulled these new marines of ? how the hell is ANY space marine chapter going to tolerate these new guys never mind the more fanatical ones?

what "upgrades" have been made to these guys or does it look like we have a thunder warrior situation on the horizon lore wise what are we now talking powerscale wise eg: big E, primarchs, custodes, Nu marines, "old" marines ?

This shit is hilarious since a year ago people only knew how to find the thread by looking for a static general image.

Noob question,
Are the Chaos Space Marines in this set generic?
Can I paint them as any legion or warband or are they specific models for Crimson slaughter?

I know the dark angels are specific dark angels models btw.

Cawl put a picture of Guilliman giving a thumbs-up on all the crates he shipped out

Someone paint this on the shipping containers and document, please.

The galaxy is fucked enough that the Imperium are taking any help they can get. They have the slightest of justifications, that's enough for most, considering how much everyone's been depleted by Chaos' bullshit.

This really made me kek. My minds eye thought pic related but with Bobby G. Instead.

Took that photo yesterday so I can't help you out, but I'd say they're about as tall as those push-fit Terminators I guess although they're not as bulky.


Be straight with me, Veeky Forums

How badly have the Custodes been nerfed?

Is there anything stopping a sergeant from taking 2 plasma pistols?

It says "Up to two weapons can be chosen from the following list:" so I'd assume that it's fine. Want to run all of my Dark Angel tactical sergeants with 2 plasma pistols along with a plasma gun and a plasma cannon; riding this plasma buff hot and hard.

Anything could have been better than that datasheet.

They're pretty fuckin' good in my opinion with all the OP shit being nerfed and the shit shit being buffed to good shit

Most vehicles are T8 or worse so a fist would be wounding them on 3s or 4s.
Not so bad really. Also keep in mind the captain gets to reroll 1s to hit from his aura

Is that a grav Rhino? Hot damn.


>ive been under a rock how in the fuck have they pulled these new marines of ?

Cawl has been making them for ten thousand years.

>how the hell is ANY space marine chapter going to tolerate these new guys never mind the more fanatical ones?

They've got a Primarch's blessing and once they prove themselves in combat most Marine chapters welcome them with open arms.

>what "upgrades" have been made to these guys

They are bigger and stronger. They've got three additional implants that we don't know about quite yet.

>does it look like we have a thunder warrior situation on the horizon lore wise

No. Guilliman isn't so wasteful. But he has made it clear Primaris is the new paradigm, and that the old type of Marines will be phased out.

>what are we now talking powerscale wise eg: big E, primarchs, custodes, Nu marines, "old" marines ?



they can, and its a nerf to plasma, you don't get your armor save anymore, you just die. you can mitigate it with apothecaries and rerolls, as in pic related.

on other notes, the Battlescribe files continue apace, look for the v3 release tonight or tomorrow morning with vanilla marines completely finished (all rules, profiles and weapons) currently doing up IG for a friend.

pic related is a rather hilarious list, it seems devastator squads are the new black for regular marines.

Probably not. Lacks variety, doesn't have that much firepower, and you're going to have a hell of a time holding objectives.

You'll be hard as hell to actually kill.

Do we have a list of prices for the new stuff?

How to fix T'Au:

Give marker drones a single rolled bonus

>8 Ld

It's a buff because you don't have to overcharge anymore, and even then captains and all the named captains give re-rolls to hit so overcharging isn't even that dangerous. Also Plasma pistols are cheaper.

> Battlescribe files

Almost nothing has above 8. Marines are 7 normally.

Why fix them?

I don't know how to tell you this, but Custodes are fags, man.

Wasn't their WS nerfed too?

Custodes are better than you think.

>butthurt eldar player

Making sure: Do you know how morale works in 8th?

Not that guy but my Eldar are playing very well right now.


Care to give me a quick rundown?

Catch me up on Blood Angels in 8th, how did we handle the transition?


still in heavy development because manual entry a whole game system, if you find errors you can post here and I might catch it, I'll have an address to send shit to by the time the full system is done.

I need to figure out how to into github for easier releases.

Currently doing IG, then either xenos stuff or other marines or chaos depending on demand.

It's weird how the Eldar SC no longer provides a legal army, since there's no Troops in there for a Patrol. What troop option would you recommend for a new Eldar player in 8th, alongside a SC? Craftworlds.

Roll a dice, add how many died. Subtract your leadership and whatever left over is how many models in that unit runs away.

You roll 1d6 at the end of the turn, add the number of guys you lost that turn to that number, and subtract your leadership.

That's how many guys flee the fight and are removed from play.

No more falling back, being pinned, etc. You're either in the fight and working fine, or you've fled and no longer exist on this battlefield.

I'd say leadership 8 on 1d6 is pretty good.

I promise that I don't play any variety of Eldar. But Custodes entire aesthetic just looks like shit.

Personal request list, not having looked at what you have done yet:
> Necrons
> SoB
> Deathwatch
> Inquisition
> Orks

In that order.



What variety do I need? What's wrong with 2+ re-rolling heavy 12 -3 x4 weapons and rending SMS?

I can hover around objectives then use the 2d6 nova move to them in the final turns if I have to.


ara ara

Someones mad about Big E's glorious golden banana men shitting on your Solitaire

Current plan is to do minor factions in between major ones, as each major faction takes a while with raw data entry.

thankfully the rules across datasheets are mostly the same with minor variables, so for now I've just linked them all to the most common variant (example of this is the explodes rule) once I have done the major rough pass with everything blocked in I can go back and fix tiny details like that (and fix terminator selection logic, not looking forward to that)

ARe those their actual terminators? That's pretty rad.

> Eldar
> Troops options in 8th that aren't overcosted taxes that will die to bolters even outside rapid fire range
Good luck with that, fellow Aeldari.

Primaris Termies when?

Suggested stats?

> What's wrong with 2+ re-rolling heavy 12 -3 x4 weapons and rending SMS?
>I can hover around objectives then use the 2d6 nova move to them in the final turns if I have to.
Zero effort trolling.

They look a tad bit too thin for my taste

Shruiken Cannon Bikes are still good, as are rangers.

No. Super glue is just far, far weaker. Super glued parts can break off. Plastic glued parts are welded together.