>GM has a homebrew game
>Has a bunch of abilities that only work on or get benefits when used on "the opposite sex"
>Got into a big argument with a player over whether gay PCs or gay NPCs should affect how this is counted
I don't even know who I side with.
GM has a homebrew game
Other urls found in this thread:
If the spells are meant to be non-romantic I don't think a homosexual PC has any arguments. If they're supposed to be romantic-based, he has a point.
GM should rule that there are only two sexes: male or female.
Fuck modern western politics.
Even if you were to denounce the gender spectrum, which is easily a pretty stupid and unnuanced thing to do, you'd also be wrong in assessing that there are only two biological sexes when we know that there are more.
>your post
Seriously... cry /pol/ all you want, I don't go there, but to spout such mental retardation is the epitome of fucking unhealthy mental gymnastics
Google intersex you retard. You're actively denying biological facts and saying I'm pulling mental gymnastics?
The statement "there are only two biological sexes" is literally, factually wrong.
I don't see what that had to do with the issue at hand
>maybe if i call him more names ill prove humans have more than 2 sexes
keep trying tho, mongoloid
Here en.m.wikipedia.org
I realize you're just trolling now but hopefully some other retard sees this and realizes he's a dumbass
That entirely depends on why they work on the opposite sex.
That's nice and all but the question was about sexual orientation, not gender.
intersex =/= a 3rd gender
>I'm not wrong it... um... it doesn't count!
king of retards
its a genetic defect, it isnt some magical 3rd gender is all im saying
all your saying is it doesn't count because you can't come up with shit
kys you doublecuck
>t-that evidence doesn't co-count!
intersex people DO exist, im not saying they dont.
what i AM saying is that intersex people have a genetic defect that causes them to have 2 sets of equipment.
Is an intersex person a man or a woman?
a combination of the 2, this doesnt make it a 3rd gender
So if it's not 1, and it's not 2, that must mean it's 3, yes?
>So if it's not 1, and it's not 2, that must mean it's 3, yes?
X+Y =/= Z
>1 + 2 =/= 3
that would be right IF we were talking about the exact same group of people, but we arent
we are talking about different groups
Intersex IS a different type of person. They're not X and not Y, so they're Z. X + Y = Z.
no they are a combination of the 2
if men = X
and women = Y
then intersex = X+Y
But X+Y isn't X or Y...it's X+Y.
Meaning a third state.
Technically, you can't declare them to really be anything.
Not orange and not apple does not mean grape, it just means not orange and not apple. Also, if you end up with an apple with flakes of festering rind because some fucked up shit happened in its development, that doesn't mean it's a whole new fruit.
I'm not even bothered anymore by gender/sexuality politics, just exhausted.
Good to hear, I'm sure the gays being hanged in South Africa wish they were just exhausted with sexuality politics too
X+Y IS X and Y, it isnt a 3rd state its the combination of 2 previous states
If they work on "the opposite sex" then that's as cut and dried as it gets, frankly. Sexual orientation/gender aren't relevant. Though it's a niche point outside of magical realm gaming, I would personally rule that hermaphrodites/intersex are always affected as if they were the opposite sex of the caster.
holy fuck why do you have to be such a dick, if they dont want to talk about this shit anymore, why try and guilt them into continuing the conversation
I'm sure they're tired of not having enough food because their leaders drove out the only farmers working.
Kinda, but also depending on the context no. If a gay guy hits on a straight guy, no matter how smooth his lines are he's not getting anywhere. In this OPs game, if it's some sort of weird magical realm seduction thing, then a gay PC wouldn't get a bonus against the same gender, unless the DM states the NPC is also gay.
Although I feel like we don't have enough context in the OP to really go on here.
What do you want me to say?
That I should constantly feel sorry for everyone, everywhere, who happens to be suffering unjustly? Frankly, I don't have that kind of mental processing power, and even if I did, what would it do to help?
I try to do what I can, when I can, when I think it'll help. And sometimes I don't get around to everyone I should, for sure. But what else am I supposed to do, man?
It's a fictional world, moron. If the GM says there are two sexes then there are two sexes, and if the GM says there are two genders then there are two genders.
I just thought about an even more niche, but interesting situation: hermaphroditic/intersex casters would then be able to freely target anyone with these spells, making them the most powerful magic users.
Not my circus, not my monkeys. You can thank the terrorist ANC for that.
>Game set in America
>GM declares you get racial bonuses based on ethnicity
Nah, everyone is answerable for how they design a game, fuck off with this Rule 0=blameless bullshit.
>>Game set in America
>>GM declares you get racial bonuses based on ethnicity
I don't see the issue.
Now don't get me wrong, I hate SJW bullshit, but what you said just isn't actually true. Ontology binds fiction as much as it does 'reality'.
It does come down to the underlying mechanics of the magic or whatever it is; I guess basically how it selects targets, or the subtle machinery of how it affects targets.
If you got nitty-gritty, though, I'm having a hard time imagining how the effects would be so specific to heterosexuality that they wouldn't also have some affect on homosexual interactions. Like if you imagine one ability is to raise someone's libido, in what circumstance would that ability fail simply because the target is gay? Obviously it would excite them to their fantasies, just a different one. I think you'd have to come up with pretty convoluted explanations for why it only affects heterosexual interactions other than GM fiat.
So actually, I think it is a failure on the part of the GM to conceptualize properly and the player is probably in the right.
Fuck off, /pol/, you shouldn't be wasting your time here, go enjoy your 2nd Amendment 'rights' while you're still allowed to carry around a murder tool.
There are only two sexes, XX and XY. Everything else is a genetic deformity. Even "hermaphrodites" only produce one set of gametes.
As for a "gender spectrum" there should also be only two options, and you tick which one you prefer.
But all the makeup and surgery in the world can't change what you really are.
Explain what you mean by such a broad term as "ontology".
Made me kek
And fagging up some guy's RPG is supposed to fix that?
You're right, next we should remove our first amendment because words hurt people's feelings.
>only two sexes, XX and XY
>everything else is a genetic deformity
Doesn't 'everything else' imply there are things other than XX and XY, you're contradicting yourself, 'deformity' or not these people exist on a spectrum you're idiotically refusing to acknowledge
>oh, but I'm totally for being able to 'pick' your own gender
You don't 'prefer' a gender, you just are your gender. And what if someone 'prefers' not to pick one of those two options, you're basically admitting there are more options here than what you're admitting.
Go back to grade school and learn about people who are different than you, Bubba.
I don't know about feelings, but hate speech is already illegal, the bill of rights isn't some iron wall.
America is just moving slowly toward realizing that more things are hate speech than they initially thought.
>having a genetic deformity makes you a different sex
Yes there are XXXY and XXXX. These people are effected by a birth defect and are sterile.
>prefers not to pick a gender
Than they can fuck off and keep it to themselves for all I care. They can believe what they want.
>learn about people different than you
You should do the same twat, not everyone is going to bend over backwards for mental illness.
I agree that we need more information to really figure out the OPs point. It does entirely depend on what the effect/spell/ability is designed to do. You make a good point with your example about raising a libido, although to go off of that, it would be like a gay PC holding up a magazine centerfold of "ye Olde buxom wenches" to a straight guardsman. His libido is raised, sure, but if the point of the spell is to magical realm the NPC into submitting/obeying the PC I don't see how it can work without also using some sort of mind control shenanigans
Well, that's the other thing, whole thing stinks of magical realm which makes me think that everyone is wrong and nobody should be playing.
Yes soon we'll be living in a liberal utopia like Britain and Germany. Police raids for visiting /pol/ and weekly terror attacks because of an unarmed society.
>hate speech is already illegal
[citation needed]
>Than they can fuck off and keep it to themselves for all I care
Not an argument, you're acknowledging that these people exist and (as they are human) it means that human genders exist on a spectrum.
You're probably a little bit girl, you realize that and it bothers you. You understand that if you acknowledge a spectrum than it means that most people aren't 100% this or that, so that means you aren't entirely a man.
Just deal with it.
What is the nature of these spells?
Running a homebrew game and one feat gives you social check bonuses against NPCs that are attracted to your character. The idea is that your character knows how to use their attraction to manipulate them.
As in, what is ontologically possible/impossible will never change under any circumstance. You have phenomenological impossibilities like jumping to the Moon or conjuring a fireball, but that's ultimately only contextually "impossible". In the case of ontological impossibility, however, no possible context makes the existence or event possible, a square circle for instance.
Any mind can solve any phenomenologically "impossible" situation with neumonological solutions - creativity/imagination. A GM can simply dictate that the physical laws of the universe he is envisioning have changed. But no mind can ever solve for a square circle, or in this case, for a reality which has a distinct ontology - a reality in which reason doesn't function identically. In other words, no reality can exist which actually negates a purely ideational construct like gender. Of course the relevance, recognition, and physical basis for ever even identifying gender doesn't need to exist, but it is impossible to declare that "in world X only 2 genders exist".
Unless the DM and players are all into that kinda thing and knew where it was going beforehand, I'm inclined to agree. I can't really think of a non magical realm scenario involving targeting genders being affected by sexuality either. Something like "nut shots give you an extra 1d5 damage on male targets", the sexuality of anyone involved surely couldn't change the effect/outcome
It's a hate crime, they invite higher penalties than normal crimes because they cause greater harm.
>people's thoughts make their beliefs fact
Nigga what the fuck are you saying? Identifying as a wolf doesn't make you a canine. Just because someone with a certain belief exists doesn't make that belief true.
>a little bit girl
Again you are confusing qualities thought of as masculine and feminine for being a separate gender somehow. How do you get this delusional.
>deal with it
Not an argument
What was the point of these spells to begin with? Are they all romantic in nature? Sounds kind of stupid.
Probably based on Lady Killer and Widow from fallout.
>'deformity' or not these people exist on a spectrum you're idiotically refusing to acknowledge
That's like saying that humans have a number of fingers between 24 and 0. Humans have 10 fingers. If you don't have the genetic code for 10 fingers, you are a defective human. So I guess if you are just absolutely incapable of realizing this, you could say that the human sexes are male, female, and defective. Just like how the human genders are male, female, and mentally ill.
Some men just want to watch the thread burn.
I'm telling you that you should deal with your feelings, its not an argument, it's advice, I already made my argument when I pointed out how you admitted that both sex and gender exist on a spectrum in humans.
I admit that I was guessing as to your feelings about being 97% man and 3% woman.
Defining something as a hate crime usually just increases the penalties for something else that's already illegal. If saying "GAS THE KIKES" was illegal by itself, places like /pol/ wouldn't be allowed to exist.
>Probably based on Lady Killer and Widow from fallout.
Those were based on attraction, and therefore a gay NPC should be affected if a male PC has lady killer perk
>feels make reals
Good job m8, I'm really proud that someone can be so delusional.
If that's the case, I would say you would be wrong to say "All humans have 10 fingers, no exceptions!!!" like everyone keeps pushing. You would also be wrong to just call these deformities, as that's implying there isn't some sort of functional benefits to mutation as a species as a whole, you'd also be ignoring the fact that the needs of someone with one extra finger on their right hand would be the same as same as someone with 14 total fingers just because "They both have more than 10 fingers".
You're dipping into the absurd here, but if people were being discriminated against, killed, and denied their identity over their finger count, then it would actually be a similar example.
Stick with those strawmen, /pol/, you'll surely defend your beliefs from overwhelming progress with "What abouts".
Well, there is one thing that's illegal.
There are only two genders. Debate me (and this 5)
>If a gay guy hits on a straight guy, no matter how smooth his lines are he's not getting anywhere
You are wrong, sir
Calling for violence against a minority is illegal, maybe not enforced in the deep south, but it is. Look back on this in ten years and it might seem a bit more obvious why we shouldn't encourage people to talk about attacking people or continuing to invoke the crimes-against-humanity of Nazi's.
So sexuality is a choice then?
Thanks for clearing that up, they should choose to be normal.
>choose to be normal
>be normal
Fuck off shareblue
Normies get out!
First of all, which definition of gender are you using?
>overwhelming progress
Yeah man, there's no way that these people who make up 2% of the population aren't completely normal in every way. Your way of thinking will never be questioned, you're definitely on the right side of history.
>didn't include the 5
Shit argument, try again. Check this 8 though.
Nah, but it wouldn't be inaccurate to say that experimenting sexually is a choice or that sucking a dick as a cis-male isn't a defining act of your sexuality, you could just up and choose to do it. People could also not be aware of their sexuality natively, 'don't knock it till you've tried it'.
It's actually the right that says "Anyone who has touched dicks ever is gay forever" which implies you think your sexuality is a choice and that you could make yourself gay by engaging in a homoerotic act.
This is what I've never understood about that viewpoint, you believe that even you could be 'converted' given enough effort, so if that's the case why is it wrong to be gay since everyone, INCLUDING you, is perfectly capable of it?
First of all, OP is talking about sexual orientation, being homosexual or straight. Which is completely different from sexual identity.
Second of all, as a FtM, I completely agree with your post. People seem to have forgotten that being trans means your brain developed as the opposite gender as your physical sex. Which is the whole point to undergoing hormone replacement therapy and sexual reassignment surgery. It's all to make the outside match the inside.
I fucking loathe transtrenders and genderfluid nonbinary tumblr snowflakes. Their insistence that you don't need gender dysphoria to be trans is downright insulting.
It's no different than homophobes who say being gay is a choice, and that you can be "cured" of being gay by just trying hard enough.
Trans rights are going to take a massive nose dive in the near future, because parents who have trans kids are going to see all the snowflakes who took being trans and turned it into a fashion accessory and tell their kids that it's just a phase and they will grow out of it.
>le /pol/ boogeyman
It's literally not illegal to be racist, as long as you don't do anything else illegal. It's also literally not illegal to be a complete asshole to everyone in general, as long as you don't do anything else illegal.
Intersex is not a third sex, dumb ass. It's just a physical deformity. It's as stupid as saying that someone with clubs foot or a cleft palate is a different species from the rest of humanity.
>Wrong side of history
Need an ego check mate? You know that your name probably won't be written in any history book right?
>Veeky Forums - talking about being ftm
There's a difference between being an asshole and actively encouraging genocide and causing harm through your speech.
And of course it's not illegal to be racist, it's just overwhelmingly wrong.
What 8? Nice dubs though.
Your chromosomes and genitals aren't necessarily mangled, dumbass, you literally are functional despite having a difference set of 'sex coordinates'.
>/pol/ believes they are modern day crusaders, clad in armor of golden cheeto-dust
Not a surprise.
I still laugh whenever I read about that.
These two ideas conflict, either you are born different or it is a choice. So which of you are correct?
Wasn't there a drug that cured gender dysphoria with daily doses?
True threats are different, and are one of the few types of speech that's outright illegal. There's some gray areas regarding generalized threats against an entire group, but in order to qualify as a true threat, the statement has to be something that the speaker might actually attempt to carry out (or something that they said with the knowledge and intent that it would result in violence).
Some people would argue that the example I gave counts as a threat (even though it's far too general for that argument to stand up in court), but you could also consider a statement like "white power" - there's a number of places that would consider that to be hate speech, but there's no legal grounds to arrest someone for saying it.
>Look back on this in ten years and it might seem a bit more obvious why we shouldn't encourage people to talk about attacking people or continuing to invoke the crimes-against-humanity of Nazi's.
Jesus Fucking Christ in the butthole, go back to tumblr already, you butthurt snowflake.
Daily dose you say?
>The gender spectrum
There's only two genders.
Unless they reversed Brandenburg vs. Ohio, you can literally be as racist as you want as long as you're not actually getting people to lynch or hurt other people, which was my point.
And yes, it's overwhelmingly wrong, but I think a lot of political beliefs are overwhelmingly wrong as well, and some of them are actively protected public policy.
When we say everyone has free speech, we have to mean everyone.
Clearly a jab at people on the left who think they don't have to justify themselves because what they believe is inherently correct. "The right side of history" was a justification Obama used during his presidency.
Whilst I agree with you here, this information is at odds with the (potential) mechanics of the game OP is playing.
The whole "modifiers to targets based on genders (combined with sexuality changing that further)" just can't work with the kind of thinking in your post. "Oh well yeah, normally this modifier wouldn't come into play here, but dranglar the orc barbarian is questioning himself today, and is wondering what it'd be like to fist a gnome whilst blowing it's little gnomish dong, so imma need that modifier whilst fighting this guard k thx!"