COINBASE IS ARTIFICALLY CAUSING THE FLIPPENING. >add bch unnanounce , instantly moons, shuts it down >insider trading market plummets >market continues plummeting , disable BCH >BCH slowly starts to noon while BTC bleeding >normies attempt to gain lost money by FOMOING the cheaper bitcoin?
btc and bch price follows each other 1:1 during this whole bubble pop
Benjamin Flores
BCH is the only thing green right now. LTC And ETh Slowly stabilizing , but BTC slowly bleeding out
Aaron Ross
BCH or coin base didn't crash btc, all you fucking tears jumping on Altoona train crashed it. Greedy fucks, btc lost its volumeBCH didn't crash btc, all you fucking tears jumping on Altoona train crashed
Anthony Gutierrez
Until now
Jaxson Bell
no it's still the same
Daniel Turner
i much brian make wordy woords u fucks u got on skatebord and ran over old lady BTC u bad greedot on skatebord and ran over old lady BTC u bad greed