EDH GENERAL - Questions and advice edition

What are the most powerful commanders for 40 life EDH?

Turns out my friends play 4 of the decks in pic related, the top most played commanders of all time, and yeah Prossh is super busted.
If I play Maelstrom Wanderer and Queen Marchesa, will I stand a chance?

Other urls found in this thread:

magiccards.info/query?q=t:"legendary" c!brm&v=card&s=cname

How do I use this card effectively in multiplayer?

>do you even /edhg/

>Questions and advice edition
Maybe senpaitachi will finally notice me!

Do you think my enchantress voltron deck has ok mana base or should I add a Kodama's Reach? If so, what to drop?


Also, what do you think of the deck in general?

Should I just make an Atraxa superfriends deck like fucking everyone else who plays this format?


I'd say any deck with green mana ramp should run kodamas and cultivate, two mana accelerators are better in the long run for commander

and nice commander I just realized how broken it can be

make atraxa infect instead for 50 bucks

It should be mentioned that the cards in that picture don't really accurately show what's the most powerful. Kynaios for example is leagues away from being as powerful as animar or nekusar can be. The proof is that almost every commander from the most recent cycle of Precons makes this list, where in reality only Atraxa and Breya make for really good cohesive commanders.

This is all subjective with how competitive your group is and how willing you are to break your deck in by making small changes as you realize what cards you wanna play. Just think of what makes magic fun to you and pick a commander that embodies that idea.

I know I probably should - the real question is, what to throw out for it? This list is my baby and I honed it over months so every card is super tight. It hurts cutting stuff for ramp.

way to fuck up the OP you dumb faggot

So I'm thinking of building a vorel or experiment kraj EDH deck. Are they any good or am I barking up a dead tree here?

It's all wrong type of question to ask. There is a limited number of vintage-tier broken shit by redditors and then everything else. There is no reason to compare powerlevel of decks in a vacuum, aside from what is said on the commander card


If you want GU counter decks check this, there are better options

Ah, my bad. New to commander, and really magic in general.

What would the right kind of question be? Like what's the first step in building a good commander deck?

Very cool thanks.

I was just using those guys cause they're the only legendary cards I own

Alright, I see now.

What gets your gears running? There is a crude outline on the mtg color wheel psychology, the short answer being white is justice, blue is mind, black is selfishness, red is passion and green is natural vitality. The color combinations interact in interesting ways, producing paradox-filled philosophies. There are always some exceptions to the rule though.

If you are not sure what kind of deck you like the most, try going with commander's flavor and then filling the holes with cards that are generally good.

My playgroup generally veers away from your traditional precon commanders because, honestly, they've been beaten to death and are all very linear/boring.

Plus it feels like when you venture into your pretty average playgroup it's just different shades of three color goodstuff. It tends to be very boring and EDH is a game of self expression and doing fun, goofy stuff. Mashing a bunch of EDH staples together doesn't seem "fun" to me.

Hmm... well red black seems like an interesting combo. from what ive seen from magic, black seems pretty flexible, and red seems aggressive (I like super aggressive decks, from what I've played at least)

staples doesn't happen too often i think, most people just play broken commanders and cards that interact super good with them, like xenagos and prossh

cards made specifically for commander are an ass to play against


rakdos is an awesome general desu

that would be rakdos, i dont know if you would like it though.
magiccards.info/query?q=t:"legendary" c!brm&v=card&s=cname

It seems like there is renaissance or BR lately, for no immediately apparent reason, but I've always had a thing for them too. Be prepared for the drawbacks though, namely enchantments screwing you over, spending way too much life on your spells and reliance on random effects.

Thanks guys, really do appreciate the help.

would adding a third color help? Or is that not a good idea

yes, because RB is aggro and runs out of steam eventually, in a multiplayer game I'd run maybe white too, I'm building a Queen Marchesa deck that is super fun to use

It would help in the same way as adding the 4th and the 5th. The point is where do you want to stop and how badly do you need it. If a commander you like requires it, it's a no-brainer, but if it's only to further your strategy, there is no right answer

The best thing you can do is not care whether you run the "most powerful commander", if you enter that pitfall, you ain't gonna have fun with the format.

Definitely, run commanders that you like or choose strategies that you like then choose a commander based on that.

I usually choose my commanders based on cards/legendary creatures I liked when I was growing up playing Magic or just based on neat strategies I've wanted to try.

Hmm... well most of the commander games I've seen have been 4 person, so running out of steam is a very real concern.

In the context of black red, what should I look to get out of white? Does green help here, or is that a non-aggro color?

Prossh, Skyrider of Kherr is one of the most pwoerful Commander decks in the game, look it up, but build the deck that fits your playstyle, use EDHREC to look for decks.

Well, not to talk smack on , but imo anything OTHER than white is what provides gas to the deck. Black does that for you in BR, and white provides value boardwipes and ench removal, as well as rule-setting effects. Green is probably even more aggro than red, especially given the 40 hp and you can run it on it's own quite well.

Myself, I don't mind running out of steam too much, unless it's due to opponent's actions and we are short on time until he wins. Whe you have nothing threatening on board and in hand, you will most likely be left in peace, unless your opponents are douches (I get mad over unreasonable actions at the table, so people sometimes just piles on me for the lulz)

colours alone dont make a deck.
there is a general tendency in colours but the beauty about edh is that two decks with the same colours can be vastly different.
I would recommend to first answer the question "what do i want from the game?"
do you like to smash faces? or to scheme?
do you like to let jesus take the wheel or do you want to be in control?
do you want incremental value or are you more about that big one turn?etc.

Actual new general.

Depends on how big the group is.

Use it when there is an obvious big threat out and cast it on the second biggest one.

You will hopefully Get a 2 for 1 deal. Some groups will just vote for 1 thing out of spite though.

Are there any anthems that just give infect?

Agreed, too often Breya is 4 color "does it have artifact in the type" and Atraxa ends up being the same, but with planeswalkers instead.

That being said, I'm happy that the most recent commander precon set was able to bring in so many players, regardless of the quality of those entry level decks being so horribly skewed in level of playability.

I think Triumph of the Hordes is the only one