3 GPs this weekend
GP Manilla Top 8 decks:
Esper Vehicles
White-Blue Flash *1st place*
Mardu Blue Vehicles
Mono Black Zombies
Temur Marvel
Red-Green Pummler
Black-Green Energy
Mardu Vehicles
>but muh one-deck format
3 GPs this weekend
GP Manilla Top 8 decks:
Esper Vehicles
White-Blue Flash *1st place*
Mardu Blue Vehicles
Mono Black Zombies
Temur Marvel
Red-Green Pummler
Black-Green Energy
Mardu Vehicles
>but muh one-deck format
Other urls found in this thread:
Mediocre control (or midrange with some Quellers or what have you) decks are favored against Marvel, but disfavored in every other matchup. Marvel itself is just a janky combo deck that can brick over and over, but is still favored in every matchup that doesn't have 4+ clean answers because it can turn 4 Ulamog half the time. These results aren't surprising, nor do they contradict Marvel being the tier 0 deck -- it's just less of a tier 0 deck than cat was.
Nobody but us crickets
Almost done with this (I know, late to the party) but I'm running 1 khenra charioteer and 3 Voltaic brawler.
Anyways, I want to add fling in the deck as well. What's the best split between fling and uncaged fury?
>Went to Friday Night Magic for the first time in ages to pick up those Aether Hub promos
>Only 7 people show
>Store owner gives us all who showed up a promo and we just play for funsies.
I mean, I'm glad I got the thing I came for but this seems like a bad sign. How is Standard attendance elsewhere?
Draft and Modern do well on Fridays. Standard hasn't fired in a long time.
Have to played in a while. How's the meta for standard? I'm hoping it's better than hearthstone.
I'm still beign completely Stubborn and playing RW Equipment Allies.
I'm currently digging using Insult//Injury.
I'd rather play Hearthstone than standard. Tier 0 in standard is rolling the dice to drop turn 4 Ulamog.
Only 1 deck runs that in the top 8 of GP Manila though. Is it just hard to cast it turn 4 or do other decks have a counter to it?
Marvel, Zombies, Vehicles and RG Energy.
You can play some really interesting decks though. UR Tempo/Graveyard , Cycling Drakes, Grixis Intimations.
Negate, Spell Queller, Ceremonious Rejection, praying for fizzle, getting far enough ahead that losing 2 permanents and staring down an indestructible 10/10 that mills you in 3 swings doesn't matter.
You can Counterspell Marvel, Disposses it or out race it.
Once it lands, you can just get Ulamoged.
And oh yeah, Dispossess.
How can one person be so wrong?
It's extremely high-variance.
Also, it's just not as good as people say it is. People overrate its power because it's so annoying to play against, and also because the last 2 years of terrible Standard environments have fundamentally broken Magic players. I mean, it's clearly the best deck, but not by a large enough margin to be broken or whatever. It's a healthy metagame with unsatisfying play patterns.
All I kept hearing last friday was how people knew Aetherworks Marvel was busted, and it was going to get banned so they wished Wizards would hurry up and do it already.
Things have really devolved rapidly, I'm really surprised.
Things were already quite devolved. Hopefully the NWO has enough of making standard intentionally mediocre.
This deck got a lot of positive reactions last time. Thought I'd share again.
any deck with Tammy FR is going to be super fucking sweet desu
in what fucking matchup do you board in bestiary?
Spell Queller is literally Coldsteel-tier
>Flashes in behind you
>That's a nice spell you got there
>Nothin personnel, kid
Well, 6/8 Top 8 decks at GP Omaha are Marvel
All those decks look very boring
Ironically, Temur Marvel is the most interesting deck to play out of those by a mile
>a top 8 that doesn't include a lot of Marvel
>instead it's about 50% Gideon decks
Obviously this GP is an accurate indicator of the metagame and all the other GPs and tournaments are outliers
WU Flash is fucking sweet
Anything slow. New Perspective combo, midrange mirrors, etc. I'd be willing to replace it though if you have any ideas. It's worked out okay so far but I haven't been amazed.
Everyone on stream tells me I ult Tamiyo the most out of anyone they've ever seen.
I mean, ult-ing Tammy is basically one of the top 5 sweetest things you can do in Magic, so obviously it's the correct line of play
dude let's stick turn 4 win the game cards and blatantly pushed and overpowered goodstuff in a weak as shit format with none of the staples colors usually have!
lol, let's tell them we aren't putting said staples like 1 mana ramp, cheap non-narrow counters and hand hate, good burn, 4 mana wraths, or cheap instant exile effects because it holds us back from making the pushed bullshit everyone hates!
How terrible of a deck will this be?
4x renegade map
4x Servo schematic
4x Whirler virtuoso
4x Tezzeret's touch
4x Tezzeret the schemer
3x filigree familiar
3x glimmer of genius
3x dark intimidation
3x fatal push
2x glint-nest crane
2x Nicol Bolas god pharaoh
1x Chandra, Torch of Defiance
4x Aether hubs
4x spirebluff canal
3x Canyon Slough
3x fetid pools
3x spire of industry
3x island
2x swamp
1x mountain
no sideboard yet
Hmm, I'm changing my UW Colossus deck to UR, and I need to get a sweeper to replace Fumigate in the deck. I'm trying to decide between Sweltering Suns and Engulf the Shore. Engulf is only 50 cents, Sweltering is $2. Engulf is an Instant, Sweltering is a Sorcery (but it has cycling). Engulf will rotate in September, Sweltering will be in Standard for longer. But I'm also thinking Sweltering might drop in price as the year goes on, after all Colossus was a $1 when I picked him up, now he's only 30 cents. What do you think, /standard/?
have yo considered the pros and cons with renegade map vs evolving wilds?
GP Amsterdam Top 32 Metagame Breakdown:
16 Temur Aetherworks Marvel (50%)
4 BG Energy
3 UR Control
2 BG Delirium
2 4-Color Vehicles
1 Esper Vehicles
1 RG Pummeler
1 Temur Energy
1 Mono B Zombies
1 Jeskai Vehicles
GP Manila Top 32 Metagame Breakdown:
10 Temur Aetherworks Marvel (31%)
4 Mardu Vehicles
3 BG Energy
3 Jeskai Vehicles
2 WU Flash
2 RG Energy
1 4-Color Aetherworks Marvel
1 UR Control
1 BG Delirium
1 BG Midrange
1 Esper Vehicles
1 RG Pummeler
1 Mono B Zombies
1 4-Color Vehicles
GP Omaha Top 8 Metagame Breakdown
5 Temur Aetherworks Marvel
1 BG Delirium
1 Temur Energy
1 4-Color Aetherworks Marvel
>Implying Marvel is not raping almost every deck and tournament by itself
Is Veeky Forums always this retarded?
I opted for renegade to up my artifact count for added synergy with Tezz touch and making Tezz's -2 better, to give me more answers to late game creatures and indestructible.
Do you think Standard can heal from Eldrazi cycling out?
Maybe. But wizards seems to think that what's good for the players is bad for the company. Until they sort that out, good fucking luck.
I don't understand how Dark Salvation works. Does the -1/-1 effect apply only to the player who was chosen to summon the 2/2 zombie tokens for? Why is this seen as such a good card?
the target creature gets -1/-1 for each Zombie the player who got the zombies has
So you target yourself to get the zombies, and then you target a creature your opponent controls to die
You can have 5 non-token zombies out and then give a creature -5/-5 for B
Gradually working Tireless Tracker into my humans list. I genuinely think green is the more consistent play instead of going all-in on R/W. It's too easy to crush a 100% aggro pile, even in game one.
Wanna try out a crazy Idea, new player and Amonkhet is my first set (Egypt is my crack), and I am having a blast with the cards against a large portion of players.
I want to limit myself to Amonkhet only, make it decently viable and want to know what you think of my White Red Embomber Deck
x2 Angel of Sanctions
x4 Anointed Priest
x3 Bloodrage Brawler
x2 Heart-Piercer Manticore
x3 Oketra's Attendant
x4 Sacred Cat
x4 Trueheart Duelist
x2 Unwavering Initiate
x4 Magma Spray
x3 Sweltering Suns
x2 Cast out
x10 Mountain
x12 Plains
x8 Mountain
x10 Plains
x4 Stone Quarry
x2 Anointed Procession
x3 Forsake the Worldly
x3 Tormenting Voice
x1 Cast Out
x2 Hazoret the Fervent
x1 Angel of Sanctions
x1 Plain/Mountain
x2 Stone Quarry
Lucky, we only got 2 people here.
Standard gets around 10-13 players here on average. Standard showdown on Saturdays has only fired once the last 5 weeks.
I don't think it has anything to do with Marvel but no one around here wants to waste money on standard when they could just waste money on modern.
Who here /waiting for rotation/??
NWO wouldn't be so bad if Wizards would stop printing chase mythics and bullshit auto-include mythics like gideon.
You mean if they actually stuck to what NWO was?
I'm relatively new to magic but it seems like My area only plays standard. when I asked about if the store did non standard stuff the guy at the store mentioned commander for potential support from the store and draft if enough people show up, i had to ask about modern for him to even mention it and he said no one really shows an interest.
you could play a deck that's not going to lose any money in the rotation, you know
unless you're trying to dodge Marvel or something
I'm mostly waiting to see what HoD enables. I don't think Marvel is going anywhere without a ban on the namesake card.
I think it surprises them because so many opponents will just straight murder Tamiyo on sight. This is one of my favorite Tamiyo ults. Just because you can see how many different ways my opponent is dead here.
This is also another sweet Tamiyo ult.
A very sensible thing to do, modern retains value and has more variety.
Pre-Amonkhet and ban update killed cat-lady, my store stopped hosting standard events because nobody would play it. They only did draft, and to a lesser extent modern with a turn out of like 30 to 40 people. Post-Amonkhet store does a game every 3 weeks with an attendance of like 12 people. People just aren't interested in the format that much right now. I think everyone is just waiting for rotation because every deck is just gideon, eldrazi, lilanna, or all 3.
People are just getting wise of the fact that Standard isn't even fun anymore.
I think it's alright if you're not facing eldrazi or smugcopter. I have no idea why they decided to print so many easy to cheat insanely op cards for a traditionally weak format.
Smugcopter got unbanned?
>playing "competitive" cardboard
why do you do this
I don't think so. Just an example of one of the few blatant op cards r & d let happen.
Yeah, I get that. Smugcopter, the cat combo, Marvel not coming in tapped, Emrakul, Gideon, and Heart are all examples of disastrously powerful cards that are just not balanced for this format.
It's telling that these all see practically no play in modern, simply because modern has an era in it where there were reasonable answers to these bullshit combos. At this point, Standard could safely print Path to Exile and Bolt and it would still not stop these cards.
Man, looking at the value of boxes is pretty depressing. Battle of Zendikar didn't even beat Dragon's Maze and it's STILL in Standard currently.
Born of the Gods still takes the prize for Most Worthless Set in recent memory but I'll be damned if there aren't a lot of competitors here.
I'm pretty sure Smug, Emrakul and Gideon see modern play. Marvel is basically just shitty tron though, and cat loses to a lot out just because modern is full of faster infinite combos. I think Kiran could show up in modern though, if not entirely because of Gideon ally being a thing.
I wish they had some actual fun mythic designs
the only standard legal mythics I really like the design of are Planar Bridge, Void Winnower and pic related
some are OK but most feel like they're either intentionally really bad and not interesting or just a planeswalker they're pushing
oops meant to post this
I was thinking of that guy when I was thinking about past examples of interesting design though
Is it me or is Standard currently Dies to Removal: The Format?
If something doesn't have some really ridiculous protection, it's unplayable
?????? this is how magic fucking works, creatures have the most "hate" of any card type so either they need to be ridiculously efficient in cost to power/effect, gain value immediately in some way, be cheap enough to be fine trading 1 for 1 with any removal, or be game ending if it sticks in order to be considered "playable"
>be cheap enough to be fine
should be
>be a cheap enough synergy
Playing UR cycle Drakes. When temper and lightning axe rotate I'll be down 8 cards as well as a pretty good discard engine/reward. If they don't print fiery temper with cycling attached I'm.pretty fucked desu. If that happens do I splash white for cast out or just squeeze that 2mana minotaur with discard attached.
Is mono red viable yet. Been playing raper control/super friends and I want to get back to my roots. Pre origins Khan's block was my jam
post a list or something telling us you need replacements doesn't do much if we don't know what else you're running, and don't forget you have a set after hour to get okay shit too
Then what's the point of creatures?
I'm being facetious. I'm just saying that we're in a situation where there are only a tiny number of viable creatures in the format relative to the playable removal.
Best creatures ultimately end up being the ones that seem to be that ridiculous efficiency. It explains why there's dick for aggro decks right now.
People like you have ruined MTG for the test of us. You Timmy cunt
Push kills a large amount of the creatures that are played in the format. Disintegration/Harnessed take care of everything else except ulamog, who costs 10. There's plenty of creatures in this standard that get played that aren't terribly resilient.
It's more correct to say that creatures in standard generally should produce value when they come in to be relevant, with the notable exceptions of scrapheap/various zombies (who just keep coming back or synergize too well with the other cards to not play in the deck) grim flayer (who sets up g/b delirium's gameplan and is a strong card in general) kiran (who dodges removal on the turn it comes in, at least) and others.
I don't know what hell you play in where everyone is playing mono-ulamog and bristling hydra (both of which are in decks that have creatures that are fragile), but I feel sorry for you senpai.
What? Like mardu, zombies, and g/r pummeler? All of which had top 8 finishes at the 3 gp's this weekend?
Does anyone even play this format in this thread?
Whoops my bad. Forgot the list.
>a standard format where the primary grief has been that answers do not match the pace of threats and that creatures are too pushed
Do you even play magic?
People like you have killed MTG. You are the reason it's in such a sorry state
Posted in a similar thread but
>Amonkek prerelease get atleast 16 people
>2-3 people on average on Standard nights
>6 people for the FREE gameday event
They really tried to murder suicide the format with AER and KAL even all my kitchen table friends hate those sets and skipped buying them because generic "magical" machines are just boring in a fantasy setting.
>tfw you sort of want to build a standard deck but you are afraid it'll eat a ban
t-thanks for the f-fun standard enviroment
Vehicles have evasion because they can't be killed by sorcery speed removal
Zombies can be tapped for restless dead before they're pushed. In longer games liliana's mastery and dark salvation help a lot
Dunno how pummeler manages to survive all this removal
Based on this list you'll be down 10 cards after the rotation. Of the current card pool post rotation you could easily just slot in Cryptic Serpent over the Revelers but removal like lightning axe and fiery temper gets sketchier... from what I can recall the only removal spells that work with discarding are some what meh like Fateful Showdown and Deem Worthy... but you do have a good amount of solid discard outlets still like Bloodrage Brawlers, Hazoret is a decent one, Bomat Courier, there are a few other loot effects in red or blue but they're a bit more conditional like playing an artifact or noncreature spell that you could look into as well
>all this removal
Fatal push, harnessed lightning and uhhhh.....
Wow that a lot of good removal!
try building your own thing instead of pasting what some guys topped last event with then.
or you could just recognize why a deck is strong, if it's because of a busted combo it's probably getting chopped else the deck is fine.
People flipped shit that cat got banned but idk man when the devs of a game tell you a card was a mistake it's probably not a smart investment.
Well I like the whole energy engine
I like the energy saheeli-combo-ish decks just by the playstyle. However I could tell by a fucking mile that Cat or Saheeli was gonna eat a ban so I didn't wanna get anything.
Now its the same thing with Marvel decks.
Oh shit. I lose reveler. Nope. My decks dead now. Back to UB control I guess
>want to build zombies while they're good
>Rotation is in 3 months
A bunch of people played Temur Energy this weekend, which is just Temur Marvel's B plan but more streamlined
What creatures other than Bristling Hydra that sees play in top decks has any form of protection?
Avoid marvel, Kiran, gideon and Ulamog.
Literally nothing else will get banned.
Green God, Kiran from sorcery removal, Ulamog, Gideon, relentless dead, dread wanderer, lumbering falls and Scrapheap off the top of my head.
>when a pro you follow tweets some dumb ass leftist shit
>when /pol/acks get uppity about some who cares bullshit
but why does it have to be the pros that i like
Shut up already. You're just bad at magic. People like you are the reason we can't have good things in std. Same reason why they are pushing creatures and midrange and stupid broken shit that can't be interested with gets printed.
When a game you like is infested with degenerates and young men with little to no personal hygiene or social skills but they blame the government for indoctrinating women into not wanting them so they can feel better about themselves.
no u r bad at magic
No. You.
Why is the whole of inistrad going at the same time as zendikar. The card pool is gonna be so shit. I think I'm gonna drop std and never return