Would fantasy like orcs have human rights in our world? Or would they have been hunted down and exterminated a long time ago?
Would fantasy like orcs have human rights in our world...
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We would try to exterminate them, but then everything else would try to exterminate us.
Valley Of Wonders style.
Of coruse we orkz require da rite to choppas, shootas, teef, and loot!
ends in orc sex
There's a lot of kinds of orcs. You need to specify
What'snthat manga called again?
Been looking for it for awhile but I'm hampered by the lack of title knowledge.
Yes plz, I also need this for reasons.
The artist is Fan No Hitori for sure.
>Fan No Hitori
Found it, called uprising!
>Would fantasy like orcs have human rights in our world?
Germany and Sweden would certainly love them.
I understand everyone has their own opinion, but your's is a pile of steaming shit. Orcs are violent creatures that are uncultured and raid other groups for sport and they find it easier to steal food and weapons then make their own. Orcs are disgusting creatures that would of been exterminated in our world for the way they act and visually differences. A human from any part of the world still looks like a human, but an orc is an orc. It would look like a demon in our eyes, and as I stated multiple times, we would try and most likely succeed in Orc genocide.
If i had a gif of the Rambo scene when they throw a baby into a burning building for shits and giggles, I would of used that as reference to what humans would do to orcs.
If there are Orcs then there might be multiple other species they might be in league with.
Orcs warn the Demons who then warn the Undead, etc.
And if humanity is truly capable of genocide, without a shadow of a doubt nor feeling of remorse, there would be a lot less people, far less.
No. OP stated that fantasy orcs on Earth. No other magical creature, just orcs.
>And if humanity is truly capable of genocide, without a shadow of a doubt nor feeling of remorse, there would be a lot less people, far less.
Are you arguing with me that humanity isn't capable of genocide? Are you also forgetting that modern medical advancements and modern law are the main reasons why our population is still rising. There are about 131 million births per year and sadly there's only around 55 million people die each year. If not for modern law or medicine, then the death rate per year would far higher, which would actually be a good thing in the end run. Less people, more resources to use. I digress though, because I'm still stumped with your statement of genocide. Are you saying that humanity, as a whole, is not capable of genocide?
Depends how human they are on a scale from abbo to H. erectus.
Doujins where the woman ends the story as a mind-broken breeding sow make me uncomfortable, but it does make me curious.
Are there any doujins where the woman *breaks* the mindbreak and has a Good End, or where they're rescued and recover?
You make it sound like this is comparable.
Plenty of people who would hate hurting a person would kill orcs without any qualms whatsoever. If anything valuing human life means you are more likely to want to kill orcs.
Silver dragon. Beware its a multiwork series of high octane rape and mindbreaking.
warhammer orks?
hell no, they are a threat
TES orcs?
probably, they can get along pretty well
Depends on the time period, tribal societies from Bronze to Viking Age had no qualms about annihilating entire cultures, the West Saxons certainly did it with the Britons and the Danes gave an honest effort with the West Saxons, but once you get into organized kingdoms or nation-states it simply becomes cumbersome, if not impossible, to do so.
What I'm saying is the best way to wipe out the Orcish tribes is to be a stronger tribe of Humans.
>Implying I would go into reading a Good End mindbreak without knowing there will be a lot of bad shit going down.
How high-octane are we talking, anyway? Constant sex or straight up birthing and breeding like Uprising?
Ask the Neanderthals
>the West Saxons certainly did it with the Britons
Then why do the Welsh still exist?
The Saxons and the Danes did not genocide anybody any more than the Normans did, they just replaced the rulers and brought some level of new immigrants.
I'm saying humanity is capable of genocide, but morally obligated not too commit genocide.
>No other magical creatures, just orcs.
Well damn, if it's modern humanity we're referring to, then the people would probably prefer the option that is peace.
Because their lands were too poor and wild to be worth invading, Wales is not a forgiving place. To say the Saxons failed because the Welsh still exist is like saying the Americans failed to wipe out the Native Americans because the reservations still exist, the Britons as they were known are fucking gone.
Its old school. The most deviant thing it has is mindbreaking by tentacle machine.
Orcs are only good for manuel labor and maybe house duties (as long as you keep and eye on them to stop them stealing the silverware)
Almost every setting shows orcs differently so basically what you're asking is similar to questions like "why are women sluts", that is a r9k, autistic, oversimplifying and retarded.
So a good summary of Veeky Forums mentality.
Have I got the memes for you!
>not manflesh
one job, user
That would be cultural appropriation, user.
These are bad, and you should feel bad for posting them.
>cultural appropriation
Still surprised that they're attacking restaurants for cultural appropriation now. When I was a kid that was listed as a positive for the whole melting pot idea.
Get out of here, /pol/. Veeky Forums is better than your retarded political analogues.
I dunno, I had a giggle.
People realized the melting pot actually destroys cultures and want to preserve them yet somehow make them live together harmoniously. It's all very confused.
These were quite amusing. Saved.
>germans being cucks
What a fucking surprise - even the Nips understand now
Depends on the Orcs
>not /h/
You presume that the question isn't "would fantasy-like humans have orcish rights in our world? Or would they have been hunted down and exterminated a long time ago?"
I know of at least one doujin where the woman is thrown in to be raped by the tentacle monster, but the tentacle monster is too embarrassed and nice to have sex with her. So she first teaches it how to have sex and not be afraid of her, then the two of them team up to take out the orcs that threw her in to the dungeon in the first place.
Basically a good end for all involved parties.
Can't remember the name, though...
>Would fantasy like orcs have human rights in our world? Or would they have been hunted down and exterminated a long time ago?
Why don't you ask Homo heidelbergensis, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo floresiensis, nd Homo sapiens denisova for how well they coexist with Homo sapiens sapiens?
Oh, that's right. They're all fucking extinct.
Tentacle Training, I believe.
> tribal societies from Bronze to Viking Age had no qualms about annihilating entire cultures
Yes, they did, if for no other reason than the time and investment of energy and resources involved using the available level of technology would have been absurd.
But the morals were just basically different. It was okay to constantly be at war with someone else - war was seen as the natural state of things - but actually wiping out your enemy down to the last man, woman, and child was seen as utterly debased and evil.
Going by the accounts of what the first guys who discovered iron did I kind of doubt it.
That said, killing off the women instead of taking them captive was generally seen as a waste.
>h. heidelbergensis
Evolved into h. sapiens and h. neanderthalensis.
>h. neanderthalensis
Crossbred with humans.
>h. floresiensis
Extinction probably didn't have anything to do with humans as much as isolation on their island once the land bridges were flooded.
>h. sapiens denisova
Interbred with humans and Neanderthals.
Yup, that's the one. Good times.
Well we fucked a bunch of them carrying their genes to this day after they were wiped out largely due to environmental factors. So...very Well?
My apologizes. Modern man I can see preferring and trying to go with peace, but ending with violence if the orcs don't assimilate (or at least act civil) to our culture. Sadly, I see humanity in a poorer light then most. Not saying I hate humanity, I'm just saying that take what makes modern humanity happy and we'll go back to being violent apes hating each other because we're not the same tribe.
Take everything you just said. That's how elves see humans. If we then display the capabilities necessary to commit genocide of an entire species, who's to say they won't decide we're too dangerous to keep alive? Hell, who's to say they won't find it safest to help the orcs to ensure we're wiped out?
Don't be a fucking faggot, why must there always be one faggy sjw in a thread.
More like...better than total extinction. The won the boobie prize in survival. Being bread out of existence so only traces of your genes are floating around in the future.
We exterminate people of our own race and deny them human rights based on their gender , race, sexual orientation, disabilities , religion or football team.
You can be sure as fuck we'd exterminate big ugly green aliens.
Orcs adapt by turning to the shadows and getting hired by governments to make horrible things like barbed wire, weapons, and oh so many methods of torture.
>Would fantasy like orcs have human rights in our world?
Modern day real world? They would. They shouldn't, but they would.
Dial the era back even 100 years, and the answer would be "No, they'd all be systematically wiped out", which is the sane thing to do. But people today prefer shining their halos to their own survival for some reason.
>Thinking UK is going to get any help from US.
>Thinking UK will have any leverage in negotiations.
UK is going to get fucked.
Don't you mean fUKed?
pol knock it off
>bread out of existence
>The Saxons and the Danes did not genocide anybody any more than the Normans did, they just replaced the rulers and brought some level of new immigrants.
It's funny how paranoid the Anglos are about waves of invading immigrants exterminating and replacing the natives since North America was about the only place where that actually happened.
>building ius the Porta Nigra in Trier
>broken pseudo-German on the signs
works out
>waves of invading immigrants exterminating and replacing the natives since North America was about the only place where that actually happened.
Britain's entire indigenous population dates back to the complete replacement of its Neolithic population.
Sequel never. Kill me.
Is that a Cradily?
Don't get me wrong. I believe that the left is overcompensating Islamophobia by being suicidal doormats and being aggressively multicultural, but I think that comparing an always-Chaotic-Evil fantasy species to an ethnic and religious group is wrong. Even if Islam was an evil religion beyond any sort of redemption or reform, Syrians are still deconvertible and can be persuaded to adopt a culture that is more approachable. Also most of them are fleeing from terror that threatens them rather than causing it. It may be their problem that they're running from and it sucks that someone has to take them in as economic liabilities, but don't act many of us wouldn't do the same as they are if things were gravely going down to shit.
Also I would add that it was never cool when SJWs appropriated Harry Potter in their political bitching. Why would it be ok for the Alt-Right to misuse LotR, a series about multiple races teaming up against a relatively homogeneous evil, for their own brand of political bullshit?
Sauce? When was this made?
I agree, orcs are fundamentally raiding, raping, murderous monsters. Muslims are still people and can still be reasoned with.
Hits a little too close to home?
I blame the dwarves
That depends whether orc + human civilizations are at all possible.
If Orcs and humans can live side by side, we likely have shared laws. A lot of laws would then apply personhood to orcs, because the alternative would be a legal nightmare where Orcs can't commit murder because they are not people.
If orcs and humans living together NEVER works, and the relationship is always hostile, they wouldn't be subject to our laws and as such our laws probably don't cover them. They would likely become the de-facto enemy to rally against, making them politically too useful to ever actually exterminate.
Think Hitler rallying the Nazi's against the jews, but in this timeline IGNORING the jews and rallying against the orcs instead. What matters to such rallying cries is that there exists an 'other' to pit the people against, not really who that other really is. There wouldn't be any consequences to demonizing orcs, so it would happen way more often than dehumanizing fellow humans.
We have niggers which are essentially the same thing
Don't you have homework to finish?
Excuse me?
The elves would if they could.
Sure, but the more likely scenario is them becoming MORE evil, not less.
> a series about multiple races teaming up against a relatively homogeneous evil
This is wrong in a lot of ways.
Lotr is basically about Men taking up stewardship of the world as the elves left and the dwarves delved further and further into jewitude. The war was fought by majority Men.
Meanwhile, Sauron's forces had orcs, uruk hai, goblin, haradrim, easterlings, corsairs, black numenoreans, trolls and goddamn everything that goes bump in the night. Sauron's forces were hardly homogenous unless you were some moviefag.
Well, there's this, but it mightn't exactly be what you're looking for.
Are you sure that it's their genes that are gonna be the runner-ups if they assimilate and breed, though...?
Homework motherfucker, go finish it.
Nice meme
Depends on the setting. But generally, no. Orcs are always aligned with chaos and would be fought against constantly. Imagine ISIS but with even more loyal and fanatical soldiers.
>Believing In human rights
>orcs, uruk hai, goblin
These are all just orcs.
>haradrim, easterlings, corsairs, black numenoreans
And these are all just humans.
>orcposting is unironically embraced by /pol/
What went wrong?
/pol/ is back to what it has always been and always will be.
Retarded 12-year old memers memeing.
Reminder that orcs as envisioned by Tolkien are the force of technological process and industrialization. In our world, orcs would be making memes about how humies dindu nuffin and wuz kangs and shit.
Fuck Tolkien.
man, the stormfag is undeniable stupid but the post at the bottom made a couple of comments that are full of shit
Orcs represent abuse and excessive force, in this case shown through destruction of environment. Also, they present the threat of over-industrialization where everything is shitty and disposable, but readily available - their weapons and armor are shit, but for every legendary elven or dwarven sword, they can make 10000 shitty ones.
So the Orcs are China?
Like which ones. They all fit.
You are, I assume, aware that your two options are not mutually exclusive, yes?
In today's world they would probably be afforded the same basic rights as humans. A long time ago we would have waged war upon them until either they or we were extinct.
Reminder that the EU is the only thing that stopped the UK government from enacting china level internet censorship laws.