binance is a ponzi fraud. worst exchange there is
I literally cant cash out
are you an retard? It's an exchange, not a marketplace.
i bet op tried to send his tether to coinbase and lost his shekels lmfao
its a scam. look at twitter and reddit. im moving everything to another exchange
please leave newfriend
no faggot
back to your friends on reddit
I literally just withdrew XLM and REQ with no issues
Why cant we fucking create a gofund me to pay for a few fuckin mexicans to work around the clock deleting shit posts? 14 hr shift would cost us .00001 btc
agreed. binance viciously fudding all other exchanges is getting fucking annoying
Just stop... please.
You're not making sense
Fuck you OP for even considering cashing out right now.
what about that post doesnt make sense you retarded faggot; youre too old to be here
look here idiot
Binance is very easy to take your coin out, without veificatin last time I checked you could take out up ot 2 BTC
It isn't a maketplace. that means you cant "cash out". This applies to ALMOST EVERY EXCHANGE. Coinbase, Kraken, Bitstamp, Poloniex, thats more or less every marketplace. You can't cash out on any other exchange. Not Bittrex, not Etherdelta, nt nywhere that isn'ta marketplace.
Saged newfag, lurk for 1 year minimum
ive never used binance you retarded faggot
i can see you boiling now. fat fucking faggot with no idea what's going on. cool explanation you cunt
literally withdrew about 2000usd worth of btc couple days ago, the fuck is your problem?
>I literally cnt cashout of binance
>ive never used binance
you must have a double-digit iq
>cant see the contradiction
>calls someone else low iq
I, along with the rest of the posters here have no idea what you are talking about.
I've removed ETH from there 5 times in the last 3 months. What is your problem, maybe stopping with your attitude is a start and then we might be able to help with what problem you are experiencing.
It's a bot.
Just withdrew no issue
herrrr derrrr mee tetters. wodnt cassh oot
youre an incredible idiot. ive bought over 300k worth of tokens off of binance and have transferred them to secure wallets.
>its not a scam you fucking fud shill working for other exchanges kys, Pajeet
does anybody need a referral link?
>new to crypto but been trading for a while
>been trading for a while
>freaks out when the most basic of basic of basic things happens
god you sound fucking dumb, please remove yourself from the gene pool
Up until a week ago i could pull out 2btc a day. Now it says 0 limit. Support wont write back. Im getting nervous.