Representative Inkito: Something drastic has occurred, and it will spell the doom of all of us. We must meet to discuss this issue, with an appearance by Professor Koloros, from the research lab of theoretical physics at Orsterp.
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It is.... highly important, and I need the ambassadors to arrive. Right now, in other news we have issued bounties on all pirates, in an effort to reduce federation involvement in the Tiamaxian Pirate Crisis.
In the dwarf galaxy Nubilis 2435, we have seen some strange anomalies, which must be explored further. It... resembles the concept of Vacuum Decay.
We have seen a strange anomaly at the center of the galaxy, which has been slowly eating at the core. While it may not reach us in our lifetimes, it has sped up. I know what I am saying is surreal, but I have evidence.
The evidence states that in the last year we have been observing this phenomena. There was a small nebula, consisting of 5 stars. It would take a year to consume them all, but, it took only a month. Something is not right here, and it must be... something beyond our realm.
We have been recieving weird signals. Something strange, like a howling wind
Here it is
> Unintelligible sounds, along with increased static.
This is not normal, and it is something which we must delve deeper into.
are there any other relevant info or research from others, or in the archive? do you have previously archived readings of nearby areas of this thing?
before we start screaming the end of the world I believe a more in depth investigation is needed.
at least to know what is happening within that area.
We have studies from the Dabulans, and from the N'kronth, and Yxxis, our vassals. We have a set of telescopes from there, and they are the most expensive and accurate ones ever built in the history of Ploraxia.
That is what we request, a formal investigation into this event.
This Vacuum Decay may have started due to
>A. Some retard dabbled with the wrong things
>B. It was just bad luck
>Or C. It could signal something bigger
>Or D. This could be a failed experiment.
Off-topic: P.S., for those who don't know what is vacuum decay, here is a video of it.
well then, what are you waiting for? we should definitely find more related research and assemble a database. speaking of, if there's anyone else here that have related data, please do share.
you know what, why not show us right now? oh, and might as well call in the people who know how to explain to us what that pile of research-stuff to tell us what it means. you know, researchers.
I agree. I have assembled a research division of every species, from the Dukedom to us Ploraxians, to the W'nai, the Human Dominion, and the Dabulans. Every species is playing a role into this.
If this continues at this rate, we will be dead in about.... ~500 years.
...and, is there a solution?
No. We can never seal this great rift. I have theorized a device, the Jorim Device, named after one of our ancient gods, who saved the heavens and the earth with his sacrifice. We have to organize an effort to stop it. If this fails, we will all die. Nothing will be left, and it will be uninhabitable.
It can contain it, but only for the next two millenia. This will help it stop.
is it possible.
is it possible theoretically. as in 'technically possible', such as throwing everything we have into constructing this solution?
or is it possible in a, should I say it in such terms, 'reasonable' cost.
yes, I am aware that I am concerned about costs when there is a world ending disaster happening right before our eyes, but my role demands it.
It is possible, however. We require extremely rare resources, only found in the space of the Hazar Remnant in this area. If we are to save all of the galaxy, then we must go to war with them. the estimated cost will be nearly 3.5 trillion Standardized Federation Credits.
how much would it be after we looted and pillaged all their resources?
It might reduce down to the cost of 3 trillion. We need a vote on this issue, however.
I require the prescience of the ambassadors.
How are you gentlemen!!
I wonder where they are.
is war the only way of getting this resource?
again I must ask.
clearly this imminent danger would be enough to persuade them to delay, or maybe even stop this crisis, by providing us the material.
we could even work out a deal. a trade maybe, anything, or would they still resist like they always have?
in a situation like this?
It is the only solution, as the Hazar are stubborn. I had a friend who is in the military, and he served at the battle of Urli Gulch. Do you know what happened? They killed nearly 6 million hazar, in a mass-suicide, rather than letting them surrender. No, we cannot do it. They are impossible to convince, as they are fanatic purifiers.
I must...
dammit all.
I need time- time to assimilate this.
Pardon me, for a moment.
Basically this is why. We need a vote on this issue to make sure that this is legal.
dammit, I need time!
we have five hundred years- hold it.
researchers, how much time do you people think you need to construct this solution.
please tell us.
is it possible to...acquire/carry this resource with 100 light crusers?
if so I can do it in a few months, just give the word sirs?