Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Tournament players debate tier of each army edition part 2.


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First for I'm gonna finally get off my lazy ass and batrep what may be my last game of 7th against Death Guard. You anons play any games lately too?

Who's this saemen daemon?

XX'th for true loyality

No one would play 7th with me for the last month so I've just been building and acquiring new models.

What are you going to use for 8th?

Guilliman is an unironically good character and will Make The Imperium Great Again!

Probably will stick with Guard and fight the good fight. And will probably bring the batrep over to the other thread because it seems to have more replies.

UM fluff wank has turned me against him permanently.

Whose been playing 8E? Do you think the named characters are way overblown? I feel like Lysander literally can't die.

>pop into local GW to check out chadmarines and death guard models
>chat to redshirt about the various rulebooks
>"yeah, the free rules aren't really enough for playing the game, they might get you by for games at home, but you need the rulebook to play it properly"
I see through your scheme you dastardly dastard.

I bet they demand people own the rulebook to play instore or some bullshit though.

I just played a trial game of 8th ed with my buddy, my Mechanicus and his Harlequins.

I just played IF against IG 7E today. Maybe my last 7E game. I see almost no reason to ever revisit 7th. I've been playing some 8E, in fact I just now finished a Crimson Fist vs DE game. And it's just so much better. Terminators teleporting around the field, Melee everywhere, not taking fifteen hours and a dozen arguments to make one artillery attack. It all works so well. Maybe the only thing I don't like is how some transports become crippled as soon as someone looks at them. But that seems intentional, and at least they don't explode from a single lucky attack anymore, it seems like the game has a big focus on soldiers now, in fact I've only used transports in half the games I've played. Hell I've only used a single drop pod once.

Actually the drop pod change is something I'm very fond of. They're without a doubt better, being able to pinpoint deepstrike whenever you feel like, and potentially charging out of them, but being more expensive makes them less of an autotake, and when you do take them, you are only taking one or two for specific units. Anyone who spams drop pods will likely find their army gimped as they lose hundreds of points that could have been additional gunlines. Especially now that getting around the map is just less of a hassle in general.

I also LOVE that characters are harder to target. It means you can have solo characters running around behind the front line buffing units where needed. Whereas before you'd be too scared to have a character out by himself.

mfw someone is using my OC

1st guardsman. Stiil needs a bit more work. Think it looks alright so far?

Well after Wrath of Magnus and Disciples of Tzeentch I started painting these guys, but just the other day I saw that these guys became glorified objective holders that couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag, but hey, I'm this far along, I might as well finish the rest of them.


Seriously though, it's more than adequate for the tabletop.

No. I have no friends who like it, the closest store is 100km away and full of children.

What should be my next step after buying and painting pic related? It is better to buy a second SC box or maybe an Ork Trukk Boyz Box for a variety of models?

Returning player from 5th here. I play tyranids and when I heard 7th was a mess I decided wait for the next edition.

Is Nidzilla playable now or are we fucked yet again?

I just want to play my Carnifexes and Trygon..

can somebody post 8th edition timeline and warzones?

go on ebay


I think you need a hug user.


Problem with the start collecting boxes is that you get several identical characters. Sadly there's not much you can do to make that painboy look different. Doesn't do much helpful in terms of rules either. Could always sell him on ebay, I guess.

Trukk boyz is an ok deal, you will need the boyz, although the trukk isn't great in 8th edition and probably a bit of a luxury for boyz. Best load it up with nobz and burnas. Or convert some tankbustas (all necessary bitz on the boyz sprue, although in limited quantities).


So8th rules out tomorrow?

Fuck that's one epic cover

Nids are in a good place right now. 8th ed is great for them.

Played my first game of 8th yesterday.

Shhh, daddy will make everything better soon

>Go to local GW to check out the new rules
>Everyone there (including the redshirt) are making lists and discussing units exclusively using the power level
>Actively avoids acknowledging the point system even exists


>Trukk not good

I had two trucks survive a seven turn game against nids while he focused on my battlewagons.

How many daemonettes should I get before I start grabbing other stuff?

Do we have a full list of all the pseudo-templates in 8e? I get the feeling these are going to be very relevant with the surge in horde armies.

Necrons: Seismic Assault C'tan power
Tau: Razorshark bombs

Guard Players, can I get an opinion on the Hellhound and its weapons in 8th edition?

I feel like the Devil Dog (melta cannon) might be in a good place as sort of a medium tank.

So who's gunna rewrite the Angry Marines codex for 8th edition?

Because GW prefers narrative-based play because that's the bridge between lore people and wargaming people.
Even though it's annoying that it seems like they're trying to throw point costs out the window, they know that the people will riot if they get rid of it.

Anons batrep is in
If you want to read.

Can someone explain how these issues made it through the design stage, let alone playtesting?



>please pay attention to my shitty OC, nobody ever talks about it
Fuck off.

did you draw that comic you just posted?

Leave a brick on the gas pedal and bail out, let the rhino smash into the boyz and go about your business.

So I'm coming from horus heresy.

What should I use my preheresy TS as?

While possible, many dedicated assault troops have abilities that let them reroll failed charges. Additionally, the usually way of this is that you drive your assault transport up to just outside of 1" of enemy. That enemy flees back 6" on their turn. Your turn, you disembark your assault troops up to 3" away from the transport, so about 3" from enemy. Transport and troops can both now move before charging. You're trying to get a 3 on 6+2d6, assuming an M6. If you're failing charges like in your pic, you're doing something wrong.

You can resolve attacks individually. Just do individual attacks until the guardsman is dead. A bit silly, but not actually that useful.

This is just how morale is supposed to work. The loss of the third marine represents him fleeing the fight, likely dragging off his two wounded brethren.

>posted in multiple threads
>must be the same person

Really glad to hear that.

What changed about them if I may ask?

Blood Ravens.

Another "silly but not useful". Airbourne and the lack thereof can seem a bit arbitrary, but you aren't going to see boyz taking down a storm raven, simply due to armor and wound-count. A bigger danger would be something like a big tyranid MC coming up to slash through your storm raven, which is actually pretty badass.


Doesn't bother me.

I do think that heroic intervention should extend to making characters auto succeed charge rolls if they are say within 2 inches of a unit that's charged the same target.

Alright, ladz!

Shootas or Choppaz?

just realized....you can't make double-shooty/double-melee tyranid warriors anymore?

devourer/ranged bioweap
scytal/melee bioweap

this is a bit disappointing.

Why would you post this shit in multiple threads?


It's really not that bad. 50 power is roughly 1000pts on every list I've made so far. 100 power is roughly 2000pts.

Yeah it means you can sneak in some crazy shit, but from the games I've played so far it works pretty well when you just want to quickly slap a list together with whatever you have on hand.

Except it's not, it wildly changes from unit to unit.

1. Their costs (and everyone else's) were recosted across the board. Tyranids are extremely points-efficient.
2. Synapse range now gives complete immunity to the effects of morale, which are now very dangerous. (Roll d6+lost models vs leadership at end of turn for every unit that lost models. Lose an additional number of models equal to difference if check fails)
3. Tyranids are extremely fast now. They have some of the highest movement values in the game, and frequently have abilities that let them move faster during charges, or get free extra moves with certain MCs. They can reliably close to melee within a turn or two.
4. Templates are gone. No more having entire hordes torched at once. Things that were blasts now do a random number of hits, with large blasts now being d6 hits.

etc. etc.

I'll give it to you, these are pretty good bait with how retarded they are.

You know you need Stormboyz to infantry-attack aircraft as orks right?

Both. Choppas are great for charging out of Da Jump (weirdboyz are transports now) Shootas to make your lootas and flashgitz fearless.

Are Wraith themed armies still dickery?

Y'know a couple units each of guard and blades, some lords, a seer and one knight?

"When you move a model in the Movement Phase, it may not be moved within one inch of an enemy model."

This isn't even a possible scenario.

I'm loving the new assault rule on shootas. Move, advance, shoot, waaaagh, charge.

Only I will miss templates?


Silly user, you can't miss with templates.

>(weirdboyz are transports now)
Ha! That will have to do since dey took me looted wagons.
>Shootas to make your lootas and flashgitz fearless.
Wots dis?

I'm not sure what this one is trying to say. That weapons with high S and low AP are not great against heavily armored targets? Because that's the way it should be. If it's making the point that people lost options, yeah, everyone did. Wait for codices.

18 Catachan Mortar teams with 3 Company Commanders and Sergeant Harker, giving out 18d6 (60-70) str 4 shots anywhere on the board rerolling 1's on both to hit and to wound.

All in around 340 points

What do you reckon lads?

But templates aren't gone, user, only hiding. Look at the Seismic Assault C'tan power. Look at the bombs that the Tau Razorshark drop. Templates will always be with us.

>I hit 7 models
>no you only hit 6
>no I hit 7
>no you hit 6
>no I hit 7
>etc. until one player finally yields out of frustration

That's a girl on the right, right?

> I shot this lone guy with my battle cannon
> I hit him 5 times with 1 shot

You use the leadership of nearby Ork units now, and mob rule means your leadership is equal to members in a squad. Combined means a 30 boy squad makes everyboy nearby LD30, essentially fearless. Stick small mobs by big mobs and laugh at your foe.

To anyone who has read rules how are Dark Angels and Space Wolves now? I feel like Dark Angels were great in 7th, has that theme carried over? Or shall I dust off my Space pups?

You point-blank exploded a dude so hard he took 5x the damage. Which of course is wasted on anything besides really beefy targets, in which case it's kinda cool to throw giant mortar shells at the Tyranid monstrosities.

Have you not played street fighter?

One tiger upper can hit 7 times.



Anyone have Badrukk's datasheet? The leak in the OP is blurry

>all three males have facial scaring or augmetics
>female character is pristine, even has battle lipstick

That's because contrary to what people are hoping nids are still shit tier trash.

Where are my /guard/ bros at? Just played game against DE haemonculi coven.
He had
>urien rakarth, 2 haemonculus
>2x5 grotesques on raiders
>2x3 talos engines 2 kronos
>2x5 mandrakes
I had
>ccs commander tempestor pask
>4 scion squads 2 veterans 2 infantry squads
>demolisher wyvern basilisk manticore hellhound
>10 ratlings vindicare 2 commisares and psyker
He won, we both had 2 objectives, both line breaker, he got first blood and killed warlord

>Look for painting videos on armies I'm thinking of getting into for 8e
>Everyone's just airbrushing

So move the flyer to be closest to a character but not within an inch of any enemy model. You can still snipe with a plane from hundreds of feet in the air, but not with a rifle from ten feet away.

believe it or not in one of my recent games a standard bearer in my company command squad killed a chaos termie with his flag

he was promptly shredded into mush by the lightning claws termie right next to him though, so his glory was kinda short lived

Would a teahm of 2 multi-melta Retributor teams, a Cannoness, and a pair of Imagifiers be worth their points cost? Use acts of faith to double move on turn 1 to a choice piece of mid-field cover, turning into an entrenched firebase? Even if both retributor squads get Acts of Faith hey can't drop an Imperial Knight on average, but they'll pop anything smaller (2 predators a turn, even) with a 24" threat radius. 396 points if you give both Sisters Superior and the Cannoness combi-plasma, to abuse the rerolling 1s and add to the 24" radius

I'm just having trouble building a good force around them that can both sweep hordes, and pick off tanks that outrange the Rets

Not exactly sure about dark angels but 2+ rerollable cover saves is gone for sure, so expect your ravenwings to be played very differently from now on

The Wolves' central strategy didn't change much, thunderwolves and wulfens got NORMALIZED because almost everyone did, but even when toned down they are still very durable and powerful. Grey hunters get free chainswords so they all have 2 attacks base like back in 5th, so Rhino rush grey hunters might be viable again. I also expect lascannon and missile launcher long fangs to make a glorious return.

Fuck I love Guard.

>Earthbrushing (dry brushing)
>Waterbrushing (glazes / washes)

Firebrushing when?

how does having less people around you make the explosion hurt you more than it normally would?

Any competent enemy is going to bubble-wrap their characters, so they're surrounded by another unit and thus no angling will allow you to hit them without either killing the chaff around them, or by using a sniper gun. If they ARE the closest target, this represents the flyer shooting a minigun at a horde and the commander happening to be at the front so he gets hit first.

Codexes aren't going to play with datasheets. Would defeat the purpose of moving all the point costs into the back.

That image is mocking random weapon values as being retarded (which they are), and poking fun at a unit that was already mediocre losing a significant amount of versatility (the fists).

I can't wait until it's a year from now and only a fraction of armies have codexes and most of the codexes don't really do much to re-inject flavor. Will you dumbfucks still be spouting "muh codexes?"


shrapnel explodes outward, guardsman

the bodies of your stalwart brothers-in-arms would normally absorb this shrapnel with their heroically sacrificed internal organs

but as they are not there to absorb the blast, you alone will take the full blast

++thought for the day: think critically before posting++

>grenade goes off
>Bob is with you
>shrapnel hits Bob instead of you from one direction