Filename Thread, post files with funny names.
Filename Thread
OP said funny file names user.
Forgot to actually edit the name
I mean, Fallout 4 is only marginally better than Fallout 3. And that's purely going off mechanics and graphics. Even Fallout 3's story blew Fallout 4 out of the water.
Pretty sure that's an advertisement for a convention?
Look up daicon on you tube, daicon is a weeb pun for a kind of weeb carrot. The two daicon vida are amazing.
>bards in a battlefield
>weeb carrot
Radish. It's weeb radish, you illiterate nignog.
I bet you don't even eat your crops.
Some of us are born robots.
Steel within, steel without.
Did she really say that?
Nope, it's Gainax's Daicon IV an 1983 anime Where the main character rides though both space and time. Fighting characters of the 1980's.
It probably still is.
They predate Gainax and were produced for the DaiCon anime conventions.
This one got me, nice.
Glamer is magic, glamour is fashion.
Advanced references incoming.
That's not the joke I was going for.
Needs filename
Flaw: Allergy (Common, Severe)
>$5.44 for a whopper combo meal
how old is this image?
>Bad Ending with mods
>forbidden lore check
I laughed heartily. Nice dubs, too.
That's some damn fine tracking considering it's just an average webcam with no painted on dots or anything.
Such a good doujin until the end.
Death is a real bone killer.
Well there's your problem.
>AD&D oldfag finds out his son like PF
Will shindoll ever make a non-porn manga?
He has a really likeable art style and can write surprisingly well.
Ai is a cruel, unfeeling monster that only knows how to press your buttons.
When you commission it.
Asanagi has cute and bubbly style too, but the stories are pretty much re-hash of one and the same over and over again.
Where is this from?
Kinda curious.
>inb4: [ShindoL] TSF Monogatari
>inb4: [Asanagi] Dankei Dankei Revolution
Looks like some chick's stream? Character is from LoL.
>Dad finds your Pathfinder Rulebook
>image clearly made by someone who has never had to clean restrooms in their life
>tfw no qt balrog gf
Every time.
>female restrooms
>male restrooms
>piss everywhere but in the toilet
One's a biohazard. The other's just gross