Best quality Nids Index so far
Core rules and other leaks
Updated (for Nids) list builder
What will we see in the first errata?
Best quality Nids Index so far
Core rules and other leaks
Updated (for Nids) list builder
What will we see in the first errata?
first for biovores
>What will we see in the first errata?
clarification on how many attacks you get with multiple pairs of scything talons
>What will we see in the first errata?
monstrous rending claws will cost points or be unavailable to hive tyrants
>clarification on how many attacks you get with multiple pairs of scything talons
Don't you have to use a weapon in combat to get the special rule? You can't use both sets simultaneously so you only get the +1A for one set.
How'd you like my nid scheme so far? Haven't painted in a while, 8th ed is bringing me back
Tyranid prime: BS+LW and devourer 107
OOE: 140
Tervigon: scything talons+stinger salvo (adrenal glands): 255
6xwarriors: Lashwhips + devourers +2 venom cannons (adrenal glands):: 172
6xwarriors: Boneswords + devourers + 2 venom cannons (adrenal glands):: 184
30xtermagaunts: 120
4xhive guard: 192
2xCarnifex: dual scything talons and bone mace (adrenal glands): 188
3xbiovore: 108
1xexocrine: 228
1xHive crone: 156
Total: 1850
hows my list?
>tfw you still have several gaunts, an extra tervigon, 3 hive tyrants (one from each generation) + swarmlord, 2 broodlords and a shit load of genestealers going unused.
Groovy as fuck
You can use as many close combat weapons as you want so long as you have attacks to use them with - a 2 attack model that is somehow carrying 3 close combat weapons would have to choose at most two of them to make an attack apiece with.
Crushing claws on tervigon will have Ap -3 instead of 3
Any real reason as to why put termagants into reserve for Tervigon? Once Tervigon goes splat they are lost for good no?
I mean, yeah, perhaps to get them onto the point faster, but still, I wouldn't risk it having only one terv. What do you guys think?
Seems to me that it's strictly inferior to just fielding them at the start of the game, at least with summoning you can summon what you need at the time.
>clarification on how many attacks you get with multiple pairs of scything talons
This. Why give the trygon and mawloc three sets of talons? There is no benefit to having an extra set
played seven 8th 1500pts test games against myself with chaos and nids today and damn this edition is fast and nids really do feel like they are supposed to.
miniwargaming did their testrun with 8th yesterday and i too have to say that tervigon with gaunts really tarpits anything it manages to touch.also exocrine and biovores are auto include to me atleast.
really hyped here guys
>What will we see in the first errata?
impossibility for tyrants to take rending claws
only one pair of scythalons will give 1 additional attack if you have multiple pairs
scythalons for genestealers will cost 3pts like for their genecult counterpart
exocrine's and tyrannofex's abilities from being stationary will not trigger the turn it deploys from a tyrannocyte
looked busy af on the thumbnail but full image is pretty decent!
>against myself
I hope they just give MC Rending claws a point value and then lower the base price of the broodlord accordingly.
i know i know
had some beers and learned the rules, it really is that fast and easy that i enjoyed it time after time. dunno if thats sad or not, pic related
i have 3 friends that play 40k like 5 of 6 times a year and 7th games with them take like 8 hours everytime but now that shit is going to change.
The black ridges is too thick, otherwise pretty nice.
would probably be easier to just write
Monstrous rending claws (Hive tyrant)
considering they did that shit for every other weapon that was split between MC.
Lol as if a Finn would be able to play against himself without stabbing himself to death.
>tervigon with gaunts really tarpits anything it manages to touch.also exocrine and biovores are auto include to me atleast.
>tfw this is my planned 750 list
Tervigon: 250
21 Termagaunts: 84
20 Termagaunts: 80
3 Biovores: 108
1 Exocrine: 228
Total: 750
Just need to strip the paint off these old 2nd edition biovores and finish painting up the termagaunts.
fair point
i had a mirror to witch i leered at and stabbed pile of pillows every now and then
Has that girl who posted her Genestealer fantasy finally posted that video she promised?
you can move the tervigon, summon, then move and charge with the gants for some sort of first turn charge shananagans I guess.
Why bother taking the exocrine when you can just take more biovores? The equivalent points cost of biovores just seems better.
that single tervigon doesn't look like a stable enough synaptic skeleton to me
both because once it's out your gaunt game can be considered over between backlash and successive morale losses and because your bio-artillery node will need to move or even advance to keep up within 8" of the synaptic range.
even if I do wonder if shooting with the biovores on a 5+ and missing most of the time is actually going to change their effectiveness.
the exocrine will need planning.
>then move
the summoning happens at the end of the movement phase
Missing seems better for biovores. The enemy must either shoot the mine, or you now have a 3" impassable bubble plopped exactly where they need to go.
U wot.
I mean I guess I could replace the 21 gaunt blob with 3 warriors with a venom cannon?
i think he means with onslaught
dont have the models but you are right they are brutal and fuck with your opponent even when you miss.
did i mention im a girl
[insert thinly veiled post about ovipositor dildos]
Which I actually own. My fetish is 90% of the reason I play Tyranids.
Vid-slates marked in proper imperial date or thy proclamation is in vain.
Plz leave, this thread is about monster space dinosaur bugs, not degenerates.
>did i mention im a girl
Yeah, 40kg has one too with a dick
I just started Tyranids, am I doing good Veeky Forums? I hope my boyfriend will help me with my models later tonight.
Dlfg also was a dude going through hrt
Godspeed you crazy degenerate
I thought she was confirmed having a vagina
can hrt give you a birthing chamber?
Post tits and non-bulge crotch or GTFO
Fuck, I want to have enough spare time to finally buy sc too
nice capillary tower
how you planning your list?
This is false, both DLFG and the recent 40kg camwhore are biologically female.
The slaaneshi cultist is a trap.
>tfw I will never be really dedicated to your nids like (You)
>This is false, both DLFG and the recent 40kg camwhore are biologically female
Who is DLFG and camwhore? I only know the trap attention whore
I am legitimately thinking of making plaster casts and using them as capillary towers on my display boards now.
Probably biovore spam with 2 flyrants and a Trygon-Genestealer bomb. Been playing around with warriors, but I'm not sure if they're better than what I've theory crafted so far.
>not play horde of gribbles
Doing it wrong.
I'm also considering a list with two Tervigons and 60 gants, I promise! Besides, stealers are gribbly.
When he first started posting, circa 5th ed, we tracked him back to old forum posts and a photo of him pretransition.
As time went on and more and more horny virgin neckbeards came to his side, there wishful thinking erased the truth.
Be very careful with your mold release. My understanding is the material is very temperamental to traditional at home staples like petroleum jelly
>DLFG - Deathleaper's Fangirl - old timey (5 years back of so) Veeky Forums regular, quite knowledgeable about the game
>camwhore - GSC Breeder, /d/ regular, androgynous turboslut, quite shameless, some of her earlier picposting had whole thread purged
>attention whore trap - Moap27 @ leddit
I'm lurking Veeky Forums for something like 2 years and 40kg for maybe a year so thanks mate
Another thread on Veeky Forums laid waste by a random dude telling other dudes, that he sticks weird things up his butt.
C'mon - it's not this bad. Also at least he is posting related stuff tho.
How's it looking for nids?
Girbbley Madness?
>legitimately thinking of making plaster casts
then remember that the best capillary towers resemble more the shapes of teeth and claws, evoking aggressive shapes rather than passive ones.
since the base cast would be quite soft looking in forms you would need t reinforce the back with plates (you may as well also cast the tyrannocyte's petals for that) and add numerous talons, spikes and various mandibles running along the side.
either the tail or the tip will risk of betraying its original form/function
casting clusters of eggs/digestive sacs on them, on top of offering colours spots may inspire houserules for fortifications or missions
It's not like posting related stuff didn't get people banned before.
The fact that Tyranids can build structures that big is the most impressive thing about them.
Like seriously, if they actually bothered making armor out of the stuff they'd need to support a structure that long it would put terminator armor to shame.
you know we can do both, right?
the important thing is planting a wood for every inserted wood.
post content user, artworks count too.
>that dude with the axe
>manlet marines are smaller than hormagaunts
how can they even compete?
>Girbbley Madness?
Skrillex wave looks seriously threatening especially with old one eye, but I believe a mix of alpha strikers, bioartillery, clogger swarm and a few heavy hitters will prove to be the best combo
trygon prime + hormagaunts + swarmlord's ability can potentially gain you a turn free from the shooting of enemy infantry while some genestealers instead of the hormas could fuck up everything the enemy nay field but I've yet to run the numbers for that
Marines aren't really smaller, Gaunts are longer but not very tall, they both probably occupy the same volume.
Yup, you are right
Alright guys and degenerates - why should I buy it?
I have never played 40k before but I like the setting and Nids aesthetic and theme are amazing. The problem is I also really like Tau for same reasons. I know that Nids are pretty swarmy but is it possible to run them on medium-model-count? Something like 35-45 for 1000 pts games.
I want a tiny pocket swarm to have some casual fun on budget (semi-poorfag here) and eat other players dudes in KT/SWA games
I was thinking of a Hive Tyrant, accompanied by 2 Tyrannofex, and a Trygon Prime, for a Spearhead detachment.
Then another Hive Tyrant + the Tyranid Swarm Box to round out the force.
Yeah it's possible to do a smaller model count army with nids, run the monsters.
remember that tyranids have teleport tech and both psychic and gaseous floating tech
the structures don't really play by the rules conventional architects follow as immutable
speaking of tyranids turfs, it's quite a let down that the fluff offers little examples of tyranids settling on a world for more than a few months, a tyranid infested world could offer some nice pivots spots for the narratives
you can either
A: Run swarm of small gribbles
B: Run blob of big guys (warriors, hive guards, lictors ect)
C: Run MC spam
gaunts are actually pretty big once you stop thinking about their size in relation to the other biomorphs
>tyranids settling on a world for more than a few months, a tyranid infested world could offer some nice pivots spots for the narratives
there aren't many people who can hold the line against nids
Any GSC player here?
What would be the best way (money wise) to start collecting?
(I have nids already). I though I might buy Deathwatch: Overkill and sell the marine part to somebody for like 20e. That would leav me paying only some 70e for the GSC stuff, which is cost effective, plus I get my hands on aberrants as there is currently no other way to get them. Not sure how would I utilize the DW:O game without the marines though.
Deathwatch is the best value for money you can get for GSC, buy several boxes of it infact.
the game itself is also pretty fun.
Its fine at 750. There are very little armies at that point range that can have the luxery of ignoring all that dakka in order to focus the tervigon.
Especially considering its impossible to DS within 9" of enemy units and the tervigon is T8 w14 3+sv
>there aren't many people who can hold the line against nids
I mean a world fully in control of the tyranids, no opposition
either acting as experimental arena for the swarm against itself, safe and quick harbour station for other hive fleets or the start of a biological dyson sphere or psychic superweapon
I have this idea of a world that is a perfect paradise world and lures countless of passing ships and forces to go on it only for it to reveal its horrific nature when the trap springs on them
the thing could be one tactic a genestealer cult may use
>genestealer infects world
>cultists migrate to the planet's satellite
>only small hive fleet tyranids actually detach from the ships to land on the moon and tyrannoform it as a paradise
>the cult grows and offers with open arms immigrants to the heavenly moon
>numerous decades later and the deaths toll of the moon is reaching critical mass while keeping to lure people
>finally the moon has amassed so much biomass to kickstart the consumption of the planet and the system alone rupturing like an egg to reveal a new flotilla of bioships
>while the previous cult looks for another moon to seed
minimal effort, maximum effect
it just goes against the element that hive fleets are quite the hasty entities, but then again they already happen to have developed the genestealer hybrids method that can take centuries by itself.
>I mean a world fully in control of the tyranids, no opposition
they eat worlds though, their homes are in the stars inside their massive ass hive ships.
because nids are on the clock, basically the only time they'd ever nidify a planet is if their hive fleet got fucked but the planet itself didn't get scoured of nids.
>they eat worlds though
Yeah, the idea is that they are using it for things that aren't strictly food
>photosynthetic station
>testing/training arena for new strains and arranged confrontations between fleets
>genetic databank for sharing collected samples to different hive fleets that will happen to share this same route over different time periods
>warp resonator for large scale communication, coordination and autistically screeching all over a whole sector
>modified gravity accellerator for ships and weaponised celestial objects
How long do you think this box will be available? I still got plenty of nids to finish, but I dont want to lose this deal.
wouldnt count on it staying too long, just look at space hulk
Tyrannofex are trash. BS4+ makes basically all their guns worthless. Hives do less damage than 30 devilgants, Acid Spray does fuckall, and the Rupture cannon performs worse against every target than the Exocrine.
If they were BS3+ then they might be worth taking with the rupture cannon for popping superheavies but as is they're shit.
>tyrannofex also lost its 2+ armour
>tyranids are now entirely without a natural 2+ save
so I'm a noob to 40k, interested in trying it out with 8th announced.
I love tyranids and wanted to know if a Warrior brood focused list would be viable? They're one of my favorite models and I'd love to just run a smaller more elite tyranid force
I'd advise one unit of 30 Termagants (so it doesn't feel like a waste when you field a Tervigon). After that, you can fill your other Troops slots with Warriors and all your other slots with monsters.
So SC (swap gargoyle with more warriors), Tervigon Brood Progenitor and box or two of gants, yup?
That would already be the case, would it not? There's a blanket rule on units that arrive after deployment that states they count as moving.
>playing nidzilla
I bet you used to spam unpainted riptides.
>crying about nids
oh, how the times have changed.
Doesn't matter that our army is top tier now, you guys always find something to bitch about, jesus.
>50% hit chance
Yeah, because apparently Orks are bothered by their BS.
Tyrannofex aren't trash. With the weapon beast rule they have four shots with the Rupture Cannon and 40 with the hive, plus 8 from the Stinger Salvo.
Why would you need 2+ armour when Tyrannofex/Tervigon have T8 W14 and 3+ as well as probably a -1 To Hit against enemy shooting from your Venomthropes and maybe a 5+ FnP?
Warriors are pretty good now. I'd keep a few monsters around so the opponent doesn't start pointing his multiple damage weapons at your Warriors. If you can manage that, Warriors are a great, versatile unit that can be made to fill just about any role (other than tank killer). Plus, thanks to them being Synapse creatures, you don't need to babysit them, they ARE the babysitters. And with an Alpha close to them they can get to some impressive Hit rolls.
Pretty much, yep. After that, focus on getting an Exocrine.
Bitchboy I played Nidzilla during the high times of D-Strength Wraithcannons. I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to use my favorite list to actually win games now.
A-are dakka flyrants shit now
I have four of them ;-;
I just want to see the Forgeworld datasheets already. Judging from the preview they look like there's a good chanve they'll be disgustingly strong and I'll have the opportunity to field just 5 flyrants + a Harridan and say its legal.
the new dakka flyrant is quad deathspitters
leeches are dead, all hail our new overlord the maggot
Is a venomthrope squad worth the 97 point cost for the aura alone? I dunno what else I'd use them for.
If, like every other idiot, you modeled them with the Fleshborer Hive from the Tyrannofex kit like everyone else, just call them Deathspitters. Might also be a good idea to just give them 2 Deathspitters and keep a pair of Scything Talons so it isn't fucking helpless in melee. On the other hand, Fliers can Fall Back and still shoot, so it's not that bad to be caught in melee.
>keep a pair of Scything Talons
monster rending claws
If you actually make use of the aura then yes, they're worth it. On the other hand, they're almost decent in melee now, so don't be afraid of a few stragglers. Just charge them and kill them.
So much misinformation here. Don't be patronizing when you're also making bad arguments.
Orks aren't as bothered by their bad weapon skill because they bring a weight of fire for the points that counteracts that, and have other improved capabilities. You can't compare a Tyrannofex to Orks because it doesn't exist in the Ork army list, it exists in the Tyranid army list where it has to compete with other BS 4+ creatures. As has already been stated, 4 shots with the Rupture Cannon is worse than the double shots with the Exocrine, and the Fleshborer Hive is worse than just running equivalent devilgaunts.
Monstrous Creatures can't benefit from the -1 to hit on the Venomthrope aura and that aura is fucking expensive at ~100 points for the things it even does.
Your 5+ Feel No Pain is a limited resource that can only target one unit per turn and will almost always be better on the unit leading the charge which is guaranteed to be attacked back if it makes it into close combat, instead of wasting it on some huge ineffectual weapon-beast the enemy might not bother to shoot at.