Anyone here a Christian who plays DnD? Been playing for about a year now and I'm at my parents' for the Summer, and today she forbid playing it in the house (e.g. at all, basically.) Anyone got wisdom or experiences following a religion where you're considered demonic for playing make believe?
Christian 5e Players
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Baptist here,
Tell them it's based on LOTR and Chronicles of Narnia, is really just improv, the creator was a christian, any stories of suicide really had previous mental problems, and any demons that appear will be unanimously depicted as enemies. Also, censor the warlock page, or depict them as people who thoroughly regret their decisions and are trying to get back to God. Pseudo-christian/ full christian monotheism is strongly encouraged, because the catholic church is/was really cool.
If all else fails, play Dragonraid
Good luck on your walk of faith!
Play it in secret in the woods and cut the D&D symbol into your arm. If a players character dies sacrifice them IRL.
P.S. remember that God says to respect your father and mother, so don't lie or get worked up. If you can't convince them, then wait until summer is over. Sometimes denying yourself the things you like will help you to overcome the other sins in your life, like how food is good, but fasting helps you to get to God. God be with you!
I'm a devout Catholic myself, but honestly I'm probably more stringent than my parents, so I really don't have the experience of people looking down on it as anything more than a waste of time. But really I love to play faithful characters like Paladins or Chaos Word Bearers in 40k cause I like bringing in the same motivation behind my life ideology into RPG's. Really you know what it actually is about and so your parents ought to realize that it's nothing more than about being creative and enjoying good company.
I wrote a paper on this stuff once but have since lost it and its sources.Either way, while I doubt it will help a lot of the whole "DnD supports paganism and demonic rites" thing can be attributed to a very small number of people in the 80s who lied, blackmailed, and led witnesses until they got the narrative they wanted.
That said if your folks are the kind of people who think that Harry Potter leads kids to sin then you're already past the point where sense will do anything.
Man. the hell is wrong with some people
My father is a pastor and he never minded me or my brothers playing DnD.
Was that sarcasm, cause all of that made perfect sense to me and I felt guilty about thinking the OP should just go ahead an play it anyway without telling them. I only guess sarcasm because most of my mates try to make fun of my faith by saying "you do this and its weird" as opposed to actual critique
Weak people fear outside influences
You know what? I didn't really think religious people played ttrpgs. I've never met one who did, but then again my parents are faithful Methodists and they don't really give a shit about me playing. Then again again, I also haven't gotten around to telling them I became an agnostic years ago.
Your best bet is to just keep your power level hidden from them. I dont know if you share their beliefs, but if they think it's evil or what have you, nothing will change their minds. Do what makes them happy while you're around them.
Isn't Veeky Forums is a sin or something?
>Anyone got wisdom or experiences following a religion where you're considered demonic for playing make believe?
Last time I read the Bible it didn't say playing D&D turned you into a demon, you might want to stop reading the KJV.
As a Christian? You obey your parents, that's what you do.
>18 If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, 19 his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. 20 They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.” 21 Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you.
You got some good points there, I'll try to use these to explain it to her. Her issue is the use of magic PERIOD, and if I didn't have a magic user, I could see that working.
I'm DMing with my three siblings right now (all 18+) and my little brother is a 2nd Level Ranger with spellcasting, so I don't know how to approach that aspect.
Good advice user, thanks
I will respect their decision, and pray that she changes her mind, thanks
>fear of Harry Potter
Nailed it on the head unfortunately
It's my Baptist community, not KJV telling me this
It's always easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.
Jews were hardcore, man.
P.S. If you're a Christian and you live by the Old Testament, you didn't understand.
Ahh the baptists, the outgoing assholes of the protestant family
Whenever some fucker winds up on the news for doing shitty shit, it's always a baptist
>I didn't really think religious people played ttrpgs.
One guy I played with a while back was religious enough to move to Africa to become a disciple of T. B. Joshua.
>I also haven't gotten around to telling them I became an agnostic years ago.
You and half the fucking country.
I was being perfectly serious with all I said. maybe except for the bit on dragonraid, that system is pretty bad. Just play redemption cards.
The ten commandments (where God says to honor your parents) is the moral law, which we all must abide by, even when we are adults, and especially when we are staying in their house. And on self-denial, I am currently struggling with some sins and I have found that self-denial, even on things that are/should be benign helps me deal with temptation immensely. It reminds us of God and Increases our perseverance, Pic jokingly related, though my advice is serious.
Mm, that's the honest truth mate. I'm home for the summer and I've been working on appreciating my parents as I should, but my own sins make that difficult, particularly just being honest with them.
>P.S. remember that God says to respect your father and mother, so don't lie or get worked up. If you can't convince them, then wait until summer is over. Sometimes denying yourself the things you like will help you to overcome the other sins in your life, like how food is good, but fasting helps you to get to God. God be with you!
There's a Unearthed Arcana with a mundane ranger, if that helps. I'm glad you have taken my advice. I pray things get better for you in your walk with God
"“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."
My mother is a Baptist, I'm Catholic.
I think the raving asshole trend must be an American Baptist thing. Her church seem to all be pretty down to earth and chilled out.
I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic High School in the early 90s. I have told Veeky Forums the story of Sr Jean Margaret many times so I'll just give the TL;DR. In my Catholic High School there was a Games Club. When my friends and I joined it was primarily family style board and card games. We brought D&D and board games like Axis and Allies in and basically turned it into a broader games club. The Faculty Sponsor was the school's librarian, a nun named Sr Jean Margaret. She was curious what we were playing and joined our AD&D 2e game. She played a kickass paladin and later borrowed my book and played a rogue. You haven't lived until you hear a little old nun say something along the lines of "While Ragnar distracts the orc chief, I'll sneak up and stab him in his filthy kidneys."
She actually advocated for us when a parent was in the "D&D is Devil Worship" mode and got the parent to knock that crap off.
Sr Jean was great.
Same to you brother or sister. God bless you, and thank you for being candid with us.
>Father is hardcore Christian
>Super strict
>Super paranoid about me falling into the wrong crowd
>Get the fuck out as soon as I can
>Come to find out a few years later that he fucked some girl when he was in high school and he had a son who wanted to meet him 30-some years later
>Now I have the ultimate bomb to drop anytime he tries to criticize my life
Half brother was a pretty cool guy
Looks almost exactly like my oldest brother
I can't comment of "obey your parents" but I'll tell you if your faith is unwavering and you know it's make believe, then what does it matter? I'm sure D&D is pretty low on the list of "Worst Things You Could Spend Your Time On."
Sounds like you might wanna check that Ashley Madison leak while you're at it.
Oh there must be quite few, but really there's just not a lot of overlap. People are religious and interested in rpg's, but neither one is because of the other of course
His parents are Jack Chick nutjobs, that's what matters. Your attempts at common sense and reasoning means your SATAN!
Thanks user, you as well
I wish I had a DnD nun right about now, that'd be nice
There is two laws: The moral and the Ceremonial. The Moral law is that which all followers of God must obey, and gives the criteria for which actions are sins. The ceremonial law is the laws set by God when he made the messianic covenant with the Jews, and they cover things that aren't necessarily sins. The messianic covenant meant that, if the jews upheld the ceremonial and moral laws, God would send the Savior through them and set them apart from the nations. The Messianic covenant was fufilled, so the ceremonial law no longer needs to be observed, while the moral still must be obeyed.
I do not know what you are objecting to in my post. I must assume you just dislike christianity in general. I feel sorry for you, in that case.
I do not know the specifics of your situation, but to err on the side of trust, perhaps his strictness stems from guilt and conviction about what he has done. I hope you have not abandoned the faith, though I would understand why you would.
Blast! Foiled again!
Possessing common sense was on the tablet that Mel Brooks' Moses dropped in History of the World Part 1, which was exactly what happened irl.
Seriously though, faith is between you and God. As long as you know what team you're on, play on.
>I really don't have the experience of people looking down on it as anything more than a waste of time
It's an evangelical thing. It's the same sort of people who reject Halloween as demonic and set up alternatives despite it being a Christian religious holiday.
>2nd Level Ranger with spellcasting
Well that's divine casting, so... something something Saint Francis of Assisi?
I live in the boonies and 90% of the TRPG sessions are run at church or by church planners. It's a huge community activity. I've only ever met a few of the "fiction is demonic" types. Texas is always more sane about this shit.
>I love to play faithful characters like Paladins or Chaos Word Bearers in 40k cause I like bringing in the same motivation behind my life ideology into RPG's.
I unironically love everything about this sentence.
This is Veeky Forums. Might very well just dislike respecting anything. What exactly do you expect coming here?
Kill Her.
Or just play at someone else's house
Man, was the DND satan worship stereotype really that widespread? Or are yalls parents just that strict? My whole family is Christian, and when I mentioned I had started playing DND for a couple hours on the weekend they didn't even know what it was. I was just like "oh its a game where someone makes up an epic story and other players adventure through it". They never batted an eye after that, if anything they thought it was cool.
Respect your parents, but there's no harm in trying to convince them that its just a casual game of adventuring and fun.
So are you a time traveler or what?
Yes. I had to play Shadowrun instead of D&D because of it.
American Christianity is hardcore fucked up on a lot of levels. I blame Calvinism for most of it, and the Southern Baptist Conference for most of the rest.
>American Christianity
Depends on the branch. The Mainline Churches are ok, but they're making up a smaller and smaller proportion of the American Protestant population every year.
>not Catholic
probably won't help much, appreciate the comparison though
Huh? If I was, I would've changed a lot of things by now
I'm not a big fan of my church and them, they're all prosperity preachers who don't challenge modern thought to keep their lukewarm "Christian" audience.
Fundamentalist Pentecostal Christian here, but I play a Sci-Fi GURPS campaign, not D&D.
Got a version without unbordered yellow text? Preferably something legible, thanks.
>You have to be 18 to post here :^)
What is it the 80s? Who has time to worry about satan?
In all seriousness, you could sit down with your parents and just explain that its basically just storytelling. You wouldnt call a dan brown novel satanic.
Nope, sorry but I'm posting on mobile.
>prosperity preachers
Heh, that's a good name. We have Cafeteria Catholics for when someone says "I'm catholic, but I believe that [belief directly opposed to doctrine]." Anyway, a good way to get past the whole thing is to remind them that many of the parables are fictional stories used by Jesus to impart lessons, and that you use the fictional setting of your game to impart lessons on the players in much the same way. It's how I explained it to my friends parent who wouldn't let them play back in the day.
Fuck me people actually think this way. Pro tip do whatever you fucking want in life and enjoy it. as long as it isn't killing people and doing blatantly unethical shit. I'd god existed I'd put a million dollars that either
A. It wouldn't give a single fuck what you did and has probably pissed off to go do something else
B. If it was still here watching us all it wouldn't be so fucking petty as so make rules on which rpg games you can or can't play with your friends
If my parents were letting me stay with them, I certainly would wouldn't bring in a bunch of friends to stay up rolling dice all night after they specifically said not to.
Seriously, that guys advice basically boiled down to 'dont be a dick to your mom at her house', and here you are acting smug about
What the hell
Based on bullshit though. There is no reason behind them refusing to let him play dnd other than they are lunatic fanatics who think the fucking devil will come get them if they play a game. If my parents believed stupid shit like that I would have moved out so fucking fast. What toxic lunacy holy shit and and people just sit around and let people believe this
>We have Cafeteria Catholics for when someone says "I'm catholic, but I believe that [belief directly opposed to doctrine]."
Doctrine exists to be questioned and challenged and brought forward to the modern day. There is nothing wrong with tradition of course, but traditions must be rooted in baseline behaviors that make sense in modern times. Often, Catholic doctrine fails to adapt well, so those "cafeteria catholics", as you call them, make some amount of sense as individuals adopt beliefs that work better in modern days than outdated doctrines do.
Just food for thought. No disrespect intended.
It's like 50 but it's the only website where people are somewhat smart
I lose my mind looking at tumblr or some crap
Bullshit it may be, and bullshit it bloody well is, but at the end of the day it's your family's home. If your mother makes arbitrary rules that are annoying but ultimately innocuous, you grin and bear it in the name of social and familial harmony.
I'm not the sligthest bit christian, but if such a situation were to arise in my homestead, and that making my case didn't help, I would concede to keep the peace with my folks.
What IS it about being Protestant that seemingly gives some people permission to be a goddamn hypocrite?
I'd have less of a problem with protestants if they just followed their own fucking rules.
We have different values then.
If it was reasonable like, take off your shoes cause it tracks dirt through the house, I'd say fair enough, your house I'll respect that. If she said take off your shoes cause my fairytale book has a character that says you cant wear shoes in the house because reasons we can't fathom cause we are only human and we all have to listen to him and obey without question I'd tell her to fuck off
>Anyone here a Christian who plays DnD?
>Anyone got wisdom or experiences following a religion where you're considered demonic for playing make believe?
Nope. Sorry, I'm not pr*testant.
More seriously, try to get her to explain why she forbids it. If she claims it's 'demonic', try to explain that it's no more 'demonic' than any other equivalent (like vidya or even fantasy movies). If all else fails, point out the fact that demons are explicitly described as evil and undesirable in the source material.
Yet for some reason this pissed of the Pharisees more than the idea that Jesus was abolishing the Law. It *may* be related to Deuteronomy 18:15.
Also, this grammatical reading of that verse fucking pr*testants directly contradicts the part in Matthew where Jesus effectively lifts the Jewish dietary restrictions. Schizophrenic Jesus, or does fulfilling the Law mean something deeper that is described within said Law, which somehow upset the Pharisees? By your own interpretation, Jesus should be a Jewish rabbi who's at worst a fundamentalist and therefore should have no beef with the Pharisees.
Texas usually is.
It's the size of most countries, so there's usually SOMEONE who is more rational then the country would have you believe Texas is.
The fact that we're all forced to vote Red is a fucking crime. If you care so goddamn much about your FREEDOM shit then don't gerrymander the fuck out of the state, goddamn hypocrites.
It was a fad back in the 80's, one of the earliest "moral panics" anyone had ever had and thus it stuck around the longest.
t. Austin
It's pretty clear that her decision is based on ignorance. Perhaps you can find some bullshit pro dnd blog or website that talks about dnd in a positive light?
>grow up in australia
>everyone i know is either atheist or agnostic
>fiancee is aus/usa citizen and wants me to move with her to the usa for a few years for work
>mfw I'm moving to a country where half the people are hardcore christian and actually think the bible isn't fiction
>"christian values" are embedded into american culture
>fucking pr*testants
Amen to that.
Really says something when how they got a presence in this country was that they were too extreme for the United Kingdom who literally told them that they wanted things that was breaking common law, so they LEFT because they'd rather not have to follow rules.
It wasn't even like really HARSH laws they were breaking either, they were literally just being pains in the ass.
Where's she moving to?
Christfag here, my family is quite religous and I play daemons in 40k and regularly play dnd and other role playing games and my family dont care, they even bought me shit for my daemons at christmas this year so I guess it just differs between households
los Angeles or Seattle, so I really dunno what its like there, Ive only ever been to NY and Boston but they were pretty good...
>Death to the gays
What the fuck are you worried about fundies in LA or Seattle for?
tell them it's pathfinder, they
re probably too stupid to tell the difference.
Seattle and LA are fine.
I live in Seattle. There's always a few crazies (just like in Australia I imagine), but as long as you stay away from the so-called "fly-over" states people are generally willing to be chill and mind their own beeswax.
Anglican here.
There is not a single piece of scriptural evidence that would suggest that playing a roleplaying game is sinful or leads one to sin. Not one.
You should honor your parents' commandments, to the extent that while you're in your mother's house you shouldn't disobey her wishes. But just because she's your mother doesn't mean that her theological interpretation is sound. I'd speak to a priest on the matter, preferably from a liturgical tradition.
lol shouldn't I be? are they usually not there?
He's never been, and to be fair our country DOES kind of have a lousy reputation right now.
Oh, and be prepared to be really popular.
People think accents are cool here.
alright sweet this eases my nerves on that a little if that's the case, I should have thought that silicon valley would have fewer fundies. my bad didn't wanna steriotype
Not really, no.
On the other hand, come here if you like salmon and fusion cuisine.
No worries dude, I know the fear.
Come join us the Pacific Northwest where all the cool people in the country live.
You are obviously 12 and shouldn't be on this website either so why are you suddenly being such a pussy?
I'm a devout Catholic, I only miss chapel if I'm out of town or sick, I've read the bible several times, I've given advice according to the good book, sung in the choir, and seriously considered becoming a priest in the past.
Your parents are not able to tell fantasy from reality. Normally this makes someone a whacko, but when religion comes into the mix, they become dangerous to themselves, their immediate family, and others. Don't bother trying to convince them, they'll just dig their heels in, bury their heads in the sand, and go on about "but muh debils".
Christian here. Played a Paladin based of pic related.
>mentally abusive and coercive hardcore christian teacher as a kid
>went to a high school which turned out to be the only evangelical christian refuge """school""" in the country
>move to other side of the country, I found out it's coincidentally the same area a group of my online friends is from
>it's the "bible belt" of the country
I fucking swear I've had to deal with 90% of the Christians in my fucking country, fucking hell.
The aforementioned friend group are all very devout, we've talked religion a plenty of times and we've pretty much reached the "agree to disagree" state of affairs.
Anyways, we play a lot of D&D and M:tG. I think Satanic Panic with their scapegoat satanic games were pretty exclusive to US and maybe a bit in western europe.
Had to live in a community like that for some time. It's literally being in a fucking cult.
If I didn't have siblings I'd never visit my hometown ever again.
yeah down here we really only see what the media shoves in our faces. which i should know is horseshit bias. im sure it is only the loud crazy minority which makes it to tv but its still insane to see all the shit that goes on over in the states
and i do like salmon! looking forward to it friend
but I know i shouldn't stereotype, we have people like this
>pic related took the photo from our local newspaper
>she genuinely believes all gays are the devil
>but I know i shouldn't stereotype, we have people like this
You also have those STRAYA COONTS guys, but those guys are at least entertaining to watch from a safe distance provided you don't prolonged make eye contact because it overexcited their primitive "demibrains".
We have folks like that here too, sadly.
It's pretty easy to sub spell casting for some thematically appropriate rogue talents, bonus feats or skills.
Pretty good, though I would add the Civil law also was a thing; "the boundary of the tribe of Benjamin shall be the north border of the blah blah blah" is a civil regulation, as are the *punishments* prescribed by certain regulations. So whereas "honor your father and mother" is still a thing, "thirty days in the pokey" isn't.
What does the word "fulfill" mean? It means, make something happen that was spoken about earlier. "I'm going to fulfill my promise to wash the car" means I talked about washing it in the past, and now I'm actually going to wash it. Jesus is saying that the *point* of the "Law and the Prophets" was to refer to something that would happen many years later - and that he is himself that thing.
Calvinist here, *this morning* at worship I invited two people to play in my next campaign.
>mainline churches are ok
Yeah, if you like empty ceremony with no actual belief behind it. Mainline is empty formalism; why do you think they're shrinking every year? People want their beliefs with some actual belief in it.
>traditions must be rooted in baseline behaviors that make sense in modern times
nnnnnnnno, traditions must be rooted in the truth. It doesn't matter whether "modern times" likes the fact that (e.g.) Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo; it's a fact, and we had best deal with it.
>I'd have less of a problem with protestants if they just followed their own fucking rules.
What if they're not our rules, but rules that were given to us from outside? What if having a moral standard that we are ourselves unable to attain actually propels us to live better and better lives?
Yes, the hypocrites you speak of actually exist. And believe it or not, they make me at least as mad as they make you. But "OMG the church rules are so stupid, they want people to be *extra super* good" just doesn't compute to me.
>does fulfilling the Law mean something deeper that is described within said Law, which somehow upset the Pharisees?
Yes. He's claiming, "You pore over the Scriptures because you *presume* that by them you possess eternal life. These are the very words that testify about Me, yet you refuse to come to Me to have life."
t. filthy Proddie
/co/ would argue with you on which moral panic was the earliest.
Is this a troll thread? Are you all giving old user here the old trolleroo? Are you seriously 20somethings from a developed nation, hanging out on fucking Veeky Forums and seriously claiming you are Christian? Or actually ARE?
This is why everyone makes fun of the USA, you do realise this, right?
>Believes that lesbians are over-represented-in
a sport that requires upper body strength and endurance to be successful
>Believes that bullying and poor parenthood is to blame for the fucked up mindset of children
>Believes that the conditioning children suffer in regards to LGBT issues would be better suited to Christian upbringing
>Believes pre-teen transgender-ism is bad for society and the individual
>Explains this in a fundamentalist manner
>Explains bad/evil/poor/negative as being the devil
>Disregard entire argument for using the devil as a byword for evil
The only stereotype I see is you.
>Yes, the hypocrites you speak of actually exist. And believe it or not, they make me at least as mad as they make you. But "OMG the church rules are so stupid, they want people to be *extra super* good" just doesn't compute to me.
I actually don't have a problem with people legit able to follow their own religous rules and don't just use them as an excuse to be dysfunctional assholes that nobody would tolerate otherwise.
It's the hypocrisy I detest, not the concept itself.
Apologies, I'm this user and my personal experiences have made me extremely sensitive to religious hypocrisy due to how it affected those close to me.
The few devout faithful who genuinely followed their own beliefs and were kind and charitable and forgiving and didn't just use their religion as an excuse for their own shitty behavior I found to be some of the warmest and most noble people I know.
It seems there's fewer and fewer of them as time goes on.
Forgot about those guys.
I'm on /co/ too, though these days I make sure to inoculate myself and bring a snorkel to protect against the shit and poison that compromises that sad place.
The US is a pretty big country.
Sometimes it takes being taken outside your personal experience box to see it.
Dude. Pre-teen transgenderism will fucking destroy your life.
Also, what the fuck is with the sudden surge of anti- christian DnD threads today? there's been like, three
she also goes on to say that gay people should not have children or get married because god says so. that's it. cause god says. and without questioning human rights or modern ethics we should obey everything in the bible without question.
her full argument is pretty unreasonable
if that article had have said "mohammad says lesbians cannot play tennis because allah says so" i fucken bet you would have disagreed
>word bearers