Fuck you I like the name Edition
Discuss Dark Eldar/Drukhari this edition. If you must drew carey post, please contribute to the discussion.
What are your predictions of the rules for the forgeworld tantalus and reaper vehicles?
Fuck you I like the name Edition
Discuss Dark Eldar/Drukhari this edition. If you must drew carey post, please contribute to the discussion.
What are your predictions of the rules for the forgeworld tantalus and reaper vehicles?
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So I am trying to see it, but I see absolutely no reason to run anything over min squads of anything DE in this edition.
Multiple squads can share transports. A big squad can easily be fucked over by morale. Shooting that kills a squad will not carry over into another squad, so it limits enemy shooting effectiveness. Since characters give arua buffs, multiple squads can benefit from them rather than just 1. Force organization slots are really not an issue anymore with the flexibility of the rulebook detachments.
I get some armies want to do it, like with necron warriors or ork boys, but for DE, I dont see it being necessary.
I guess i am thinking of something like kabalite warriors in a raider. If you want the archon to ride along, you wont be able to do 2 units of warriors and an archon. So if you want to fill the raider, you will need to do a single unit of 9 with the archon.
Shit man, your right! at worst it means I can just dump 5 men on an objective.
what happens when the guard fires on you with flamers or the new space marines hit us with their bolters. I think min-maxing would be a mistake
Even still, since you can take two 5man units of warriors in a raider, dump both squads on an objective, and they will both be holding it. Your opponent needs to remove 2 separate smaller units from an objective rather than 1 big one that could get fucked over even further through morale.
Some may think why not just split the unit's fire between the 2 units? Well it's a risk. The order of operations is you choose the unit firing, then choose the targets, then choose the weapons, then make the rolls. So you cant fire weapons until one target is dead, then choose to allocate the rest to another unit.
Yeah multiple small units will be the way of DE at least this edition.
Same as any weapon? It still stands.
Let's say i have a 10 man unit of warriors, or two 5 man units.
Lets say whatever shoots and kills 6 warriors from the 10 man unit, i have 4 warriors left, but morale is going to fuck me over big time. If he does those 6 unsaved wounds on a 5 man unit, the max he will kill is just 5, leaving the other squad unscathed.
Are the full Deldar spoilers out? All i heard was that splinter cannons are now rapid fire and that made me angry
Yes theyre out. Splinter cannons are rapid fire 3. It shouldnt make you angry, you should be happy. The core rules have changed significantly.
Rapid fire just means double shots at half range. So rapid fire 3 means 3 shots at full range, 6 shots at half. It has nothing to do if you moved, and you can even charge after firing ANY weapons. You just can't run and fire weapons (except assault, which you can run and fire assault weapons with merely a -1 to hit)
I might as well post all of these to get this discussion going further
I guess that's neat because at half range we net 2 more shots i'm just used to assault 4 cannons on my scourges
You can now choose the drugs for your addicted commorite brethren.
And that's all. I am much more confident going in to this edition with my DE now than ever
Also another benefit i realized, if im taking multiple smaller units, i am getting multiple sergeants. because in this edition, a sergeant upgrade is free no matter what.
I wonder what would be more viable then running a raider with 2 min squads (pro you get a dark lance base plus it comes to about 47.5 points per squad spent on transports) or 2 venoms which you lose out on the dark lance and have to pay 20 points more for per vehicle but you can zip around 2" faster and you're not committing both squads to the same destination not to mention it's an additional target.
So, court of the archon. I'm thinking of using 4 sslyths, and mounting them and the archon on a venom to get to an objective, which they will then turtle. Is this a good idea? Or should I leave capping to some deep strikers like mandrakes?
It still bugs me more than it shoukd that Lelith Hesperax uses combat drugs now.
What size base does this kit come with?
It's a 25mm right? I just wanted to make sure.
Not as much as it bugs that the Haemy covens don't use them! The Bio-mechanical monstrosities, torture healing chambers and enforced genetic engineering to be promoted is fine, but we DRAW THE LINE young man at DRUGS!
I just assumed they're always using the +1 T version and that's why Wracks are T4
Here's what I plan on starting off with
Battalion Detachment(6 command points)
Haemonculus: 75
Haemonculus: 75
Haemonculus: 75
10 Wracks w/ two Liquifier Guns: 126
Raider: 115
9 Wracks w/ one Liquifier Gun: 103
Raider: 115
9 Wracks w/ one Liquifier Gun: 103
Raider: 115
5 Grotesques: 200
Raider: 115
Three Talos Pain Engines: 264
Should be fun.
I always thought that was due to, you know, the horrific amounts of surgery making them able to literally swap bodyparts.
You might have the T to fight it out, but what's your recourse in the event you run into other monstrous units/vehicles? You won't be able to kill them in time to cap objectives unless you focus fire your raiders' weapons. I'm assuming you're going with darklances, as 95+20=115.
Grotesques have a Flesh Gauntlet, which wounds on 4+ and does D3 wounds on a 6. 4 attacks per model from that should tear a decent chunk out of any MC. And if there's more than one, I can tarpit the others with Wracks, who also have Poison(4+) weapons.
Anyone know of any serpentine bodies i could use to make some budget Sslyths? I have a box of lizardman I had bought to use as slaves for my skaven but that project never panned out
>Acquire 28mm barrels
>Put lizardmen in from waist up
>Model Archon as holding a flute
>Snake charmer w/ snakes: Acquired
It's 305 for an Archon with a blast pistol (295 total w/o the pistol), 4 Sslyths, and a vanilla Venom vs 5 Mandrakes for 95 pts, granted you're getting what you pay for since the Mandrakes aren't going to do much even though the -1 to hit them is nice.
Now this...is genius
>I can take a detachment of Craftworld, a detachment of Drukhari and a detachment of Harlequins and still have it be a legal army while keeping all their flavor special rules.
>I could combine them all together under a bomb ass universal special rule that lets me act out of sequence during turns.
I don't even know what to do with myself anymore.
Man, I could probably go all DE and still use the ynnari special rules. Could I?
Yeah, you could, but DE are defined by their transports and spamming blasters from them. Ynnari tend to be infantry heavy because SfD doesn't include vehicles.
PfP is really good, though. Your klaivex and succubus will hit on 1+ on turn 3 onwards with it.
This, they have relocated all their vital organs to a super-hardened carapace on their back means they can be stabbed and slashed at without serious injury not to mention their 'natural' resistance to pain of course
Hey guys I just made these and I got a little game for you.
I wanted to make little counters to represent what drug each unit is taking in the battle. I like hand painting counters over printed stuff, so I did this for some fun.
Let's see if you can match which drug is represented by which counter. I hope I conveyed their concept enough.
1 = A, lightning hand?
2 = C, paw? strength?
3 = D, move
4 = B, stern = tough?
5 = F, snake
6 = E, splinter
A) Adrenalight
B) Painbringer
C) Grave Lotus (which remains the coolest name for a space drug)
D) Hypex (also solid)
E) Splintermind
F) Serpentin
As long as one notices the crack on the helmet and knows what a lotus looks like, A and E are the only ambiguous ones. I figured a hand represents attack, and a head surrounded by spikes would be defense...
A = Painbringer
B = Splintermind
C = Gravelotus
D = Hypex
E = Adrenalight
F = Serpentin
You were spot on.
The hand shows pain, so paintbringer?
The DE helmet has cracks coming down the top, so splintermind.
I did a black lotus flower. Black seemed 'grave', so grave lotus
The running DE of course just seemed hypex' +2 M
The sunburst around the face is adrenalight. I took the 'light' part to heart. I struggled to do a symbol to convey that
The snake is a serpent, so serpentin
Goody, what is my prize? I guessed as much that they were very literal symbols to represent the names of the drugs.
Your prize is Drukhari bitches.
We taufag tier now!
A = 1
B = 6
C = 2
D = 3
E = 4
F = 5
Imho E token looks good but not as obviuos as others
According to the frontline gaming guys they are.
Allthroughout the big reveal 6 hour video they kept gushing about how much the DE are improved, how they have so many hidden strengths, and they were each naming off the top 5 armies in 8, and both had DE in that list.
It's super encouraging guys. I am excited to bring these guys to a tournament or 2.
This edition is doing a really shit job with fluffyness. Despite all the formations that were OP, I still prefer having some bullshit I can ignore if it means armies actually have flavour.
Are shredders still shit?
Assault D3, s6, 1 damage, no AP, reroll wounds on infantry keyword
Meh. but 8pts each. however scourges generally want to bring more useful shit, and even more more expensive weapons, you would rather not take them over better stuff
Yup no more getting tabled because of not enough dark light.
>Lets say whatever shoots and kills 6 warriors from the 10 man unit, i have 4 warriors left, but morale is going to fuck me over big time. If he does those 6 unsaved wounds on a 5 man unit, the max he will kill is just 5, leaving the other squad unscathed
Threadly reminder that you are retarded.
In this edition any guy in the squad can fire on any unit.
he will use his 10 marines and shoot them 5/5, effectively being much easier to make you run (he just have to kill 2 in each squad and your whole squad flee.)
I know split fire is a thing, but even killing 2 models per 5man squad isn't nearly as potentially damaging as killing 4 models in the 10man. The averages say I roll bad on one squad and roll good on another at least. Even then +4 puts much more strain on a morale roll than +2 on either, because the leadership does not go up or down depending on how many guys there are in the squad. I'm still not seeing many reasons to take most DE units in anything but min squads.
>Threadly reminder that you are retarded.
Why so rude?
And I think your math may be off. Kabalite warriors are ld8 (because sergeants are free this edition) so losing 2 models that turn for the morale is a +2 to the roll, meaning max I can roll is 8, matching leadership, meaning nobody flees. In order for me to have a model flee on a roll of 6, he would need to kill 3 models per squad. If he kills 4 models per squad, I would need to roll a 5+ for the last to flee.
This is opposed to something like 6 models killed in a 10 man squad, I would need to only roll a 3+ for models to start running.
So reading the combat drugs table, and the power from pain rules, one squad of wyches/hellions/reavers etc can get +1 weapon skill, taking them up to hitting on a 2+ in close combat. Also, power from pain says that on turn three "you can add 1 to hit rolls made for a unit with this ability in the Fight phase". Does this mean that a unit with the +1 to hit drugs, on turn three, adds +1 to their to hit roll if they roll a 1, therefore never missing?
So Hellions can go in Raiders and Venoms now.
There's a rule saying a roll of one never hits somewhere, I vaguely remember.
Mental image of a poor guardsman stabbing a wrack in the chest, only for the empty rib-cage to buckle like a balloon and in his moment of confusion the wrack just takes his head off with a single swipe.
That the second stupidest name after Aeledari.
Aelves, Ogors, Orruks...user the nuGW naming convention is terribad
So since all of the Space Elfs have the Aeldari faction keyword, is there anything stopping me from mixing them in one detachment?
Could I take an Outrider Detachment with a Farseer Skyrunner, 2x Windriders, 2x Reavers and 2x Skyweavers?
You could. All members of each detachment need only share 1 faction keyword. look into the ynnari rules.
Oh shit, i think you fucked up really royally. Do you not know how morale is going to work?
Am I mistaken into thinking that the crucible of malediction on the haemonculus is free?
It checks out. Each only takes up one slot too.
Non Carey player here but isn't Sugardaddy Vect getting fucked out of Commorragh? Maybe times are tougher than usual hence the drugs... Straight edge failures usually party the hardest
He's not, he's just losing some of his power with a bunch leaving for the ynnari and a literal daemonic invasion in his basement. He's in a struggle, so we shall see where the story goes, whether he will get deposed for letting all this shit happen, or if he can fix it all
What units are the winners and losers in 8th?
Question fellow Deldar players:
How the fuck do you plan on dealing with massed blobs? More importantly, how do you plan on removing shit like commissars when our only sniper rifle is found on a melee unit? We don't have a psychic phase, we don't have slashing attacks (we fucking should), and we don't have the CC numbers to force them out of the middle of The blob.
Hellions are pretty good for blobs right?
Not even remotely, sadly. A full wing of 20 hellions hits will kill 7 conscripts in cover, and then likely die if they assault via sheer numbers and shitty saves. Meanwhile, the conscripts then lose a single model to moral because of the commissar.
Pretty much any dedicated melee unit with high attacks getting the charge. Incubi and grotesques are good.
Wyches are a cheap option.
Yes, though a 32 looks a little better for HQ's it helps them stand out a bit without being too large
No Splinter Cannons on
>6 Grav Talon Reavers with 2 Blasters, 2 Grav Talons, and +1 T
Do want. Agoniser, Power Sword, or nothing for the Champion, keeping in mind points costs?
Very true. I thought of another reason too, for the drugs.
Instinctively I wanted to take two 5man hellion squads, but If I wanted them all to have grave lotus', I couldnt run them like that.
So there are a few reasons for running big units.
Well shit.. What do I use all these hellions for then?
Hellions are fast, have a lot of attacks, and damage 2. Send them at tougher shit with 2 wounds. If you survive, zip out of combat and charge that character buffing them.
Excellent thanks fellow Archon!
Except wyches are statistically terrible against conscripts, especially since 50 conscripts kill 7 wyches on overwatch. Even if you mulch through a lot of them in CC, they're immune to moral and you're not.
Then do grotesques.
Having something fast like reavers outflank the conscripts and charge the commie.
But lots of splinter shots can chew through conscripts. Venoms got lots of splinter shots.
Has anyone gotten a hold of imperial armor index: xenos? It is for sale online in ebook form
>12 splinter shots
>8 hits
>4 wounds
>2 unsaved cause cover
>commissar is in the middle of 50 conscripts
How exactly are you planning on outflanking a circle?
Well I was going to send more than one, because my army uses a lot of them. But you know, that's just me.
Conscripts with a commie is a very strong combo. No denying it. I was just spitballing with things that have lots of attacks.
Im open for ideas too.
>kill 7 wyches on overwatch
And what archon lets his witches take overwatch? That's what the venom/raider is for.
It would take 25 Venoms to gun down a conscript squad on average in one. That's 150 shots, or 3 shots per kill.
I don't know, man. We just don't really have the means to stop the blobs. Voidravens with missiles and scythes will put down more pain than a venom as will a Dissy Ravager, and of course a Razorwing will do even more. The problem is the sheer number of points required to do it.
It's possible the raider dies on overwatch, too, though its statistically only going to take 5 wounds. That works to a point. Then the wyches do 4 wounds in combat, and lose 4 in return and pray they don't lose more to moral.
is it just me, or did reavers get kinda shit on this edition?
they have very little killing power now
They were the go-to unit last edition, so they're worthless now.
I think they're okay, especially with drugs and kitted out for killing a very specific sort of unit, and/or if they're just chilling.
So what do we all think of fortifications? The ones in Index: Imperium 2 are unaligned.
Aegis defense line is only 80 pts and grants cover to the guys within 1" of its backside. Plus you can take a plasma obliterator with it.
Imperial Bastion is really strong because it's T8/W20/3+ and lets half of whatever squad in it shoot from within, fully protected from the Fight phases, but the points cost is eh.
I think taking fortifications as dark eldar rustles my jimmies