Paizo Games General /pgg/

Paizo Games General /pgg/ (Pathfinder & Starfinder, formerly /pfg/)

How did your character react when everything they knew as real and loved as genuine was a lie? Has it sunk in yet?

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I chose to perish like a dog t b h

Just because there's no intrinsic value doesn't mean it's not valuable anyway.
t. CCC

Well looks like I have to be a hero again

CCC is a good girl made for breeding

>Starfinder fags think that there won't be weeb OPs come August
Weeb OPs are eternal!

>Just because there's no intrinsic value doesn't mean it's not valuable anyway.

Isn't that the core philosophy of Nihilism? That if the universe lacks intrinsic or even philosophical value, than it's the duty of the Superman to assign value to what they deem valuable?

I want to impregnate CCC while holding her hands!

So what are you making for PLD? How would you round out the party?

Kind of, which is why I said CCC said it.

I'm torn between making her entirely sterile or making her a grown-up version of a once-massive slut that had 6+ bastards and "donated" them to random temples.

I want Alexander to sow his strong tiefling seed in my fertile fields!

>6+ bastards and "donated" them to random temples
>one certain applicant is a half-elf orphan raised by a temple


A Sleep character would unironically be perfect.

By not applying. Glad the players all have fun, but fuck that setting amd its fetish shit.

Sleep already GMs on Thursdays though.
No chivalrous fuccboi for you

Either of those will push a woman to be as insanely singular in purpose as she is.

Whatever gave you the idea it was not desired?

Someone should PM the fucker and get him in on this shit.

What's wrong with the setting? And don't say "because it facilitates smut"

I don't like a setting that blatantly dark and hopeless. Mechanics and tone seem like they're made to preclude actual heroism. Just not my cup of tea.

>Isn't that the core philosophy of Nihilism?
Yes, but not totally. ITs more of the philosophy of Existentialism in general, that in a world where no discernible value and meaning can be assured in the universe that it is our responsibility to create and enforce a meaning unto it ourselves. Afterwards, the various Existentialists bickered and argued about the finer details as to how one can achieve and form that self-assured meaning in the meaningless world themselves. For example, both Nietzche and Kierkegaard areboth existentialists and believe much of the same core ideologies about founding meaning in a meaningless world, however they have differing view points as to how to find it and how ethics and the like play into it. Though they both at the core place emphasis on the individual with the fortitude and strength to deny the hedonist world and society around them to form their own thoughts, with Nietzche advocating the Ubermensch, while Kierkegaard has his Knight of the Infinite

I heard they were a real bitch. That's not glorious at all.

How can I make Dugu Qiubai for JttW?

>Mentioning Kierkegaard
>He was my trump card


Man, you need to get out of your comfort zone more and read some more stories.

Eh, Monster Rape isn't my jive, and I prefer to not mix my fetishes with my tabletop stuff. If I wanna fap to monster sex, I'll just either redownload CoC Reloaded or spend an evening browsing /trash/, /d/, /aco/, and e621. And maaybe h2r if I need something more weebish

You don't Quibai is a plot device so much so that only his bird shows up to teach the MC how to use his martial arts.

Why would I want to play for a shitbag like Vult

Nothing. Thursdays are all filled up now.

Do it anyway, that's what a true Knight of the Infinite Faith would do

So how are your socialites riding around Abasolom?

I'm not able to play with appropriate passion if I don't agree with the tone. There's nothing wrong with sticking to what you like, I just like different shit.

Daily reminder that FĂ«anor did NOTHING wrong


Wrong thread bucko

What would a Knight of the Infinite even be, Chosen One Paladin? That feels like a good fit. With a dove as his spirit animal.

My Silmarils are smiling upon me, traitor. Can you say the same?

Regardless, fantastically cute and a sharp writer if ever there was one

Human endeavor may yet lead to the defeat of the False Gods. Have hope!

harlots, harlots everywhere

>tfw I'm an elfaboo who just wants to play qt elves while in Starfinder, elves are effectively written out of the setting

Paladin is a good choice in general for a Knight of the Infinite, though I'd not go for Chosen One, since part of the KotI is being self-assured in one's faith in the impossible and pursuing it anyway so that it may come to pass regardless.

So instead we need an archetype or something that revolves around either being focused and dedicated to a cause (like an Oathbound Paladin), or something that involves undergoing personal sacrifice to perform miracles

I can vouch for this, if who you're talking about is who I think it is than they're an excellent writer and wonderful for conversation.

Don't worry my man, Elves are in the setting, they're from Castroval and are inclined towards sharpshooting.

Except they're now supposed to be hyperparanoid mentally ill ultraxenophobes because the Gap screwed with their brain.

Is this the power of self-shilling? Has the Cabal NO shame?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa who is it aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Oh hush, you know you're dear to us. It's a joy to simply hold your hand.

What's the name of the archetype that trades spells? Sounds like it would fit for the KotI.

Unwist, leave this place

Warrior of the Holy Light?

I hope Wrath of the Raunchy has fun today and gets out of the fucking cave

They don't get enough love.

Castroval Elves were always hyperparanoid xenophobes, that shouldn't stop you from playing one!

Yes, that's a good one!

They've been playing for 5 months and have only now gotten out of the first dungeon in the game?

But this is our house!

is there any kind of rape mechanic in these games?

Still waiting on some dirt on mister sleep. Is he as much of a tool as Rory?

No False Wist is welcome here!

Grapple and Pin, that's really it. One round of pining is 6 seconds of rape.

That's not how Unwist talks, it might be regular Wist.

I think the game only runs every other week.

Move near the countryside and you will be friend of /pgg/!

who the fuck are you

>been running WotR for a month
>about to leave the cave next session

.. huh.

He's basically Captain Slow but for young bucks with something to prove, he's pleasant and informative and fun to be around.

Starfinder is going to be an irredeemable piece of shit.


Get out

hit it right on the head.



>Still no one willing to step up to the plate and run a game with Succ, Slow, Sleep, Rory, and Sweags

Nightwalkers who overheal and fail their will save are incapped and sort of willing

Do another /pfg/-er! Who else is a one-trick?

Go away Succ you're not a celeb


I'm considering it.

But replacing Succ (literally who?) and Rory (fuck off shitty meme dog) with MA, RgPl, and Wubu

What's the premise of this campaign?

What is Wist?

I'm not succula

I wanna see their thoughts on the most infamous of us!

I posted the first team as /pfg/'s boys, man. I want a boy-band!

Broodie, waifus only.

I want to play in this game. How do I pass muster?

They aren't even very good waifus.

By being one of the names on the list.

I want to see Rory get into another game just so I can see how much he fucks up

Slightly above average waifus only

They're okay I guess. Kinda forgettable.

Immoral King in Darkness isn't a one-trick pony if Flower Court is any indication, but they seem to have a real thing for playing troubled women with ample figures (Gloriana, Branwen, Serpent's Skull girl) which harkens towards IKiD being a more lewd Sappy, which it logs are any indication is true. Their writing style cannot be denied as anything less than singularly excellent, however, while they lean towards overly purple prose they know their thesaurus. I can't comment on their behavior, but they seem to be trapped in that new celebrity rush to keep their name alive.

Like one of the side-bitches in an anime

fuck off weirdo

I haven't heard anything about things like that (don't even know what a tipler cylinder is) but I would wager they probably won't be in Starfinder at all. If they are, they're only ancient and derelict things now. More a setting than a plot device, considering their size. It's a bit different to find a ring world than it is a legendary Sword of BBEG-Slaying.

Disgraced knights of the Corddisae Cabal have been thrown out of the city, and must strike out on an adventure to prove their worth to the members of the order. Lots of ERP obviously since there's only one way the ladies could be useful :^)

Is this going to be a ROADTRIP THROUGH AVISTAN?

Do Rory this time! Do it! Break the bones of the doggo!

How would you stat/class Baiken?

What is Vult looking for in new PLD apps?

I don't know how everyone else is getting around, but this is my ride.

Bushi Warlord with Scarlet Throne Style.

Another woman to rape.

Something something Landsnecht something something Mithral Current

Someone willing to publicly suck his dick and talk about how he's great, even though his game has shed two players in a shockingly short amount of time, something that no other high profile games have.