He missed ETH

>he missed ETH
>he missed NEO
>he missed IOTA
>he missed TRX

You're just going to sit there and miss ICX too?

Other urls found in this thread:


N..no.. sir

I didn't miss the first three.

TRX is and always has been, a shitcoin.

I am heavy in ICX.

Yeah, I have about 25% in ICX. I can't wait to see biz's reaction when this takes off 10-20x.

Probably the most promising coin right now

ICX has kept me most of my gains while btc/apts bled. Wabi has been solid as fuck the last 24 hours too

Went all in last night. I’ve had some since 1000. Sold my TRX yesterday because it’s shit and now have 100% ICX. Saved my ass during last night’s cryptocalypse.

i am not m8. this shit will go ballistic

>Saved my ass during last night’s cryptocalypse.
Love this coin simply for doing that.

hope you are sure
i am in icx about 3 days and waiting for fun, for my self I didnt look how icx doing well, i had close enough from heart attack for todays menstruating all coins, i had enough of my work, not done well AAS cycle, too much work, not enough sleep, heavy stress from life around and coming xmas (no presents yet, doing well..), all together with this shitty day without time to interest more into crypto world.. so exhausted, that not done well AAS cycle makes all much worse (stay away from that shit forever,never try,trust me), focusing on take a rest and chill out (you says 420?), so I hope that my hodling (wtf ! holding, nope?) will not betray me

I am in, crossing fingers, chilling out for coming fun