Warhammer Age of Sigmar General /AoSG/

Eight Lamentations edition



General Handbook

Army builder

So we finally get a cover to Eight Lamentations book we've heard about ages ago
Is that a Chaos Dwarf in the back or is it Grimnir?

Other urls found in this thread:


first for new starter collections

>want to order some things
>out of stock for weeks

Seriously, why is fucking everything in finecast out of stock? Did they run out of resin or something? Even a lot of the less popular plastic kits are out, too.

Tell me about it. Was just starting to really get into my beastmen army and literally like everything except gors went out of stock.

Most of their production capacity is going towards the new 40k edition.

the downside of doing most of their casting work in-house

>first for new starter collections
I fuckin wish so

>reading all new Battletomes
>Good quality mins on display, fluff text under each rule entry
>reading Seraphon Battletom
>Poor quality minis on display (prob done by that woman who's obsessed with Lizardmen) and no fluff text under entries

God damn. They're gonna do it again, aren't they? Gonna take years for 2nd Edition Seraphon Battletome. Also, once again, no novels with Seraphon bar that one Josh Reynolds wrote before he got semi-blacklisted by GW.

>probably writes more for age of sigmar than anyone else
>literally wrote the book in OP

Yeah, but he still got into shit and that was right after his Clan Pestillins book, so I guess he's gone off that idea. Also I said semi.

This is WHFB all over again. Lizardmen are at best antags to anti-heroes.

Guess I'll drop them.

Hey Guys. I Just got the Sylvaneth Start a Collection Box. Got a few questions. First, it says Dryads can be fielded in groups of five, but every list I've seen has them in ten-twenty, even with pricing for groups of ten. What's with that? I also don't know what to build the treelord as, and there's a ram Head kind of thing in the Dryad sprues that look neat, but have no idea how to use. Any ideas? Thanks.

1) For matched play, 10 is the minimum unit size for Dryads. Matched play minimum unit size overrides the warscroll.
People play them in groups of 20 because they get a buff at 12 models, so 20 Dryads will stay buffed for a while.

2) Can't go wrong with a Treelord Ancient, since it will be in most lists, but then you would have 2 heroes and one unit. I built my first treelord as a regular treelord, since I like the unit, but most people only use Ancients or Spirits of Durthu.

3) The ram head is just a bit of decoration. It also fits on the dryads as a head just fine

What book do I need to read to get the background info on the races that survived but aren't yet updated?
e.g. Free People, Dispossessed and the like

Yes please do, you're an embarrassment to lizardfags everywhere with that defeatist attitude, go play stormcasts or chaos if you need your faction to be the center of attention in each novel.

I don't know why you think him getting in trouble for freelancing on his personal blog had anything to do with what he writes in material edited and published by BL.

Grand Alliance books have like, a page each on them, but it is barely anything. There isn't much in the way of lore for any of them yet.

The book that come out around the time as the last Warhammer quest game is probably the best, but even then that has very little.

Oh, OK, thanks.

I get that it may be too late to complain about this, but what the fuck is with the first rule of one? I understand that some unique spells need to be limited but at least bolt and shield should be castable multiple times. I really don't get why was this rule necessary.
How do you feel about this so far?


It, along with the magic system as a whole, is my primary issue with Age of Sigmar. Most wizards already have a severe lack of spells to use. What should we do? Limit their choices even more, of course!

Centre of attention for each novel? Mate, Lizardmen got ONE book in WHFB era. And they were antags to Thanquol. In AoS they got one and even then they were 3rd, with Stormcast and Skaven being first.

Fuck you, I just want some novels who aren't Stormcast.

I hate it. The problem as I see it was people doing stupid stuff like stacking multiple Mystic Shields onto units for 2+ Saves or something like that. That problem is just as easily solved by not playing assholes. without writing it into rules that then handicap everyone else.

If nothing else, I definitely think you should be allowed to ATTEMPT spells multiple times. Nothing like having a "pool" of 4-6 casts in a turn and one guy failed MS, guess everyone else will just sit with their thumb up their ass for a turn? Fuck that I want one of those other wizards to try it over again.

And I don't even play Seraphon, but specifically limiting Kroak in the FAQ when his spell has specific wording that it can be cast more than once just seems dumb to me.

>I hate it. The problem as I see it was people doing stupid stuff like stacking multiple Mystic Shields onto units for 2+ Saves or something like that. That problem is just as easily solved by not playing assholes. without writing it into rules that then handicap everyone else.
Or just changing that Rule of One to say something like, "You may only cast one support spell of one type per unit," or something like that.

Hush, you silly sandpupppet.

PATH TO third WITHERING MUCH-MUCH LITTERED WITH MARTYR-RAT AHAHA PROTECT PESTILENS yes-yes FUKc scab-tail lizards no good i spit ichor in the mouth eye of ur slann-thing VERMALANX aliv and mighty-strong wizard red-withering soon kill-kill all the StARdrake farm-patch aminals hahah

>TFW the only other Age of Sigmar player at the local GW is a complete piece of shit.

>So we finally get a cover to Eight Lamentations book we've heard about ages ago
so what book is this? whats the story with it?

ive been out of aos loop for a few weeks because of the 40k hype, but i have never left aos

The Rules of One stem from the fact that the General's Handbook was a band-aid to try and fix the game once it became apparent that they had to have some sort of rules structure besides "play whatever you own" if the game was going to survive.

The Ro1 make balancing easy. It makes the game worse but makes balancing wizards with more than one cast possible without them having to think too hard.

I play Tzeentch so I have been forced to learn to mostly work around it but there are times where it just straight up fucks me. That being said, I understand that they did just not have the time to playtest point values for high power mages.

The best solution is each individual mage can not cast the same spell more than once (this is already a rule) and make it so identical buffs do not stack.

Fixes everything while still allowing ubermages like Kroak to chainspell his unique shit repeatedly due to his special rule bypassing the one cast per mage rule.

>Someone who actually understands the GHB was slap-dash as fuck, good but nowhere near perfect and hurried out to save a shitty dying version of the game

You. i like you.

It's interesting how you talk about how tzeentch is so fucked by the ghb, and yet they continue to be one of the top tournament armies

cry more. ghb rules are fine. rule of 1 for spells is fine. summoning is fine. don't count on them changing those 2 things in ghb 2, and I dont think they need to

Tzeentch is one of the best tourney armies because of a non caster unit, the Skyfires. If you field a cheesy amount of Tzaangor Skyfires you do not need spells to get ranged damage. If you want your friends to ever play with you again in a non tournament setting you need to play something besides just Skyfires.

And I never said Tzeentch was fucked. In fact I specifically said I have learned to work around it. I said that OCCASIONALLY it fucks me. Not always. Read the whole comment next time.

As for changes, I expect none whatsoever. Nor should I. Spells are extremely strong in AoS if you know what you are doing. My second game (2000 points) against the Ironjaws player in our group I tabled him in without him ever landing a hit on anything but my first Pink Horror squad (and their derivitive Blues and Brimstones).

>ghb rules are fine

You make Sigmar cry.

So I'm wanting to expand my stormcast. I've got 10 hunters, 3 palladors, 1 aquilor, 3 raptors with birds, 1 venator, 10 judicators, 1 relictor, and 1 veritant with gryph hound.

I'm wondering if I should keep going with the (mostly) vanguard theme and get more of those units or expand in to prosecutors and palladins. Watchy'all think?

A pure vanguard army is something you don't see much of and that's a shame. It's a cool theme and fun playstyle imo. Though, it's also worth saying that there isn't really any variety in what they do. I'd say stick with it until you get an itch for a different play style.

I agree. I'm really trying to fill a niche here. My theory is that by the time they released, all the dedicated SCE players already invested in everything else. Because the vanguard as so different, you do kind of have to almost buy a whole new army. For me, as I'm just getting back in to it from when I dropped it at release, it's easier.

I think you're right in that I should stick with em. Another box of hunters, 2 more boxes of raptors (thankfully they're cheap af), and maybe another of palladors. I think that would give me an auxiliary chamber

I know the formatting is terrible (I don't really know how to make pdfs so it's just a giant, messily typed thing), but any constructive criticism on this? My attempt thus far to make a Fimir Battletome, with various notes and edits.

Try and get some of your friends into the game, I think it's more fun to play with your mates than strangers at a club/game store

Here's a bit of a summary by Reynolds himself:

The book takes place in Ghur, mostly, though there are scenes in Shyish and Aqshy. The Eight Lamentations - of which the spear is one - are mystic weapons forged by the eight weaponsmiths of Khorne. One weapon for each realm. A spear for Ulgu, a sword for Aqshy, a mace for Chamon, etc. Each of the weapons possesses some of the characteristics of the realm whose substance it was wrought from, and, in the right hands, is capable of turning the tide of battle or possibly wounding a god.

The series itself is about the hunt for these mystic weapons, which have begun to reappear in the realms after going missing for several centuries. The weapons are scattered across the realms, either hidden or lost, and the various factions are in a race to claim them, hoping to use them to swing the war to one side or the other. The factions in the first book include the eight weaponsmiths of Khorne, who are in competition with each other, via their chosen champions, as well as everyone else; Grungni and his agents - a Gunmaster of Azyr, a Fyreslayer Doomseeker, a mercenary from Chamon, a warrior-priest from Ghur and a demigryph knight from Ghyran - who are the protagonists of the book; Neferata and her agent, Adhema; a Tzeentchian servant of Archaon; the Spider-God; and, last but not least, the skaven. The book also features numerous cameos and references to most every other AOS book I've written, and a street-level look at Excelsis.

Also, it seems that skaven may invade Excelsis.

Holy shit it sounds awesome.

Post your dudes! I posted mine in the previous thread but it was before I saw that it was on page 10.
But pleas feel free and tell me what you think of my mixed bag of chaos dudes.

It may also be a teaser of new freeguild models incoming. The gunmaster doesn't match the older models and in general current GW art is based around those.

Does anyone have the new WD?? The only link in the OP with them was taken down :((

The problem with Seraphon is that they're literally angels. They sit on their ass in heaven until Slanns summon them, and then they dissipate after the battle. They have whatever personality their slann remembers they had. And slann make awful protagonists. So you'd either have a book about 3rd faction fighting chaos and witnessing a lizardmen deep-strike, or from chaos perspective, about being beaten by digimons.

I hope so. The toned-down XVIc look without skulls everywhere is quite cool- my biggest gripe with post-Perry empire was the skulliosis.

Why don't they send the Stormcast to go find the Lamentations?

What are you hoping to see in GHB 2.0?

>play against tzeentch
>all pink horrors can cast arcane bolt and mystic shield
No thanks

>And I don't even play Seraphon, but specifically limiting Kroak in the FAQ when his spell has specific wording that it can be cast more than once just seems dumb to me.
It's dumb but Kroak is strong enough without it

The problem here is that they don't have a generic spell lore to customize wizards. 40k has a psyker table for each faction, they should do the same for AOS.

>A pure vanguard army is something you don't see much of and that's a shame.
Because Hunters blow and Palladors are only good against mortal wound spam armies, otherwise they are strictly worse than dracoths and paladins

You need specific formations to make Raptors worthwhile, and even then it's only the Longstrikes

WEll they had the fucking chance to fix them with AoS.

They had the chance to turn lizardmen into the Old Ones.
To make them have an evolution, loop around and become their creators, to try to set right what they couldnt do.

That wouldve been a damn good story.
The Old ones were also godlike in beeing, why did they have a personality and the seraphon can not?

What was the bit about the "Sunbloods" aka reskinend Gor-Rok? They are the "evolution" of Saurus?

Why cant they run with this?
Why cant they turn the "Seraphon" into this settings ancient Ayy Lmao gods who are basically the opposing force of chaos on a metaphysical level?

Give the Lizardmen personality by evolving them into something more than servants.

ITs easy, it practically writes itself.

We have seen a Prologue for Seraphon

Like with the Stormcast releases the story for Seraphon is still in progress. Give it time, they'll flesh it out

Because Slann are creation of the old ones. They can't re-create their masters any more than a dog can make a human.

Because it's grungi doing a black-ops mission, Sigmar is likely to know jackshit about this. Josh Reynolds mentioned there's a kind of cold war amongst the gods currently.

What the actual fuck? That sounds like "multilaser blood angels" level of Black Library bullshit. Far as we know Grugni left on amiable terms with sir thunderpants. The only Order gods which might be negative to Sigmar are Malerio, and Nagash, cause he's a bony cunt.

IF they actually are willing to put that effort into it.

It appears that they are doing it with Elves. The prologue is them killing Slaanesh, then they will become something new.
For the LIzardmen i can see them doing it, but right now they arent giving them much of a story. They are there fighting chaos. What they need is a storyarc.

Humanity was created by the old ones. And now a Human is a god, creating his own race of superior Humans.

The Skaven were a by product of Chaos. Yet now they have ascended their own idea to the status of one of the great Chaos gods.

The Slann have already ascended way beyond what they were in WHFB, they can now create Lizardmen from thin air, when before they did not even know how to fix spawning pools.

Im not talking about the Slann recreating the old ones.
I am talking about the Seraphon as a race becoming like the old ones.

I can see a memory of Tehenauin becoming Sotek.
I can see a memory of Kroq-Gar becoming Tlanxla
I can see Lord Kroak becoming Tlazcotl.

maybe not exactly those entities, but AoS equivalents of them.
Images by which the race defines itself by.

No. Grungi has abandoned Sigmar for a while, going MIA and telling he can kind of screw himself. That was a thing already, if memory serves right, in either All-Gates or Season of War lore.

My guess is that Grungni wants to study them, while Sigmar would most likely destroy them if he knew where they were

I knew Grugni just wandered off after giving Sigmar the junk in Sigmarabulum, but I didn't read either of the two books.

Not played in years. How are ogre kingdoms these days?

Well, season of war isn't a book, just a series of notes and all stichted together from the community site (still lore that will be fleshed more come plague garden).

Split into two main factions:

Gutbusters: All the guys on foot
Beastclaw Raiders: All the cavalry

Gutbusters are good enough for casual games. The Destruction Battle Trait gets them into melee range pretty quickly and their high Rend and Damage values make them powerful melee combatants.

Beastclaw Raiders are a dominating force in the game, both casual and competitive meta. They are very powerful, albeit with the subtlety of a brick.

And with grand alliance, you can mix them both (or indeed any Destruction forces, like orcs+ogres) in the same army, so it's not like they only let you use one or the other.

Since when do ogres have cavalry? Are gnoblar piggyback riders canon now?

Since good few years ago? They've got a bunch of wooly rhino riders and mammoth-monsters.

Imdredasting. I think I remember the new giant cannon chariot thing yes.

What happened to the "high elves"?
I don't know lore-wise, but miniature-wise nothing happened...

In a nutshell?...

>Humanity was created by the old ones. And now a Human is a god, creating his own race of superior Humans.
But user, he can only make the bodies. He can't make new souls.
Unless he tried it the old fashioned way
Looking at you, Alarielle

Nothing so far

The story hasn't gotten to them yet, but it will eventually

All we know is that the high elf gods Tyrion & Teclis captured slaneesh and are stabbing his/her belly to take back elf souls that s/he ate during the End Times

"Stabbing belly"...sure. We all know they're busy making new, improved, un-neotere'd demon elfs.

Okay, Josh has posted the blurb of his book on TGA:

In the beginning, there was fire. And from that fire came eight weapons of terrible power, honed to a killing edge by the chosen weaponsmiths of Khorne. Now, as the Mortal Realms echo with the thunder of war, the great powers seek to acquire the eight wherever they might be found, no matter the cost. In a city of prophecy and secrets, Grungni, smith-god of the duardin, gathers together a group of mortal warriors from across the realms in order to locate the first of the eight weapons. But they are not alone in their quest; agents of the Ruinous Powers search for the weapon for themselves. Now the race is on, as man, duardin and daemon alike seek to claim the Spear of Shadows...

Awesome stuff user, I enjoyed reading it.

Why do hunters suck and why are palladors effective against mortal wounds?

In my mind, vanguard as a whole require a slightly different mindset to play with. My hunters will be doing their jobs at flanking from the edges or grabbing objectives from the edge. Raptors are sexy, but hurricane raptors are pretty awesome if you grab them as a big unit.

Go 12 hurricanes in one unit and use a priest with lightning chariot to throw your 108 shots 24" away. Add in another priest for blessed weapons and give them another shot on 6's. Then I've got judicators to clean up their mess and a Venator with a luck stone to say fuck your hero

>Why do hunters suck
Hunters suck because they are a middle ground unit stuck between Judicators and Liberators but with none of the good things about either of those units.

Worse melee damage than Liberators
Worse defenses than Liberators
Worse range than Judicators
Worse damage than Judicators

The best thing about them is their ability to deploy guaranteed on a table edge, but when they arrive they dont do any kind of meaningful damage.

>why are palladors effective against mortal wounds
15 wounds per 220 points
Dracoths only have 10 per 240/280

So all you need to do to make them good is bring 4 squads of them, two priests and cast two prayers, one on 3+ and one on 4+, and then bring a hero with a one time use effect, and then another unit of Judicators to support them...

Vanguard units are ineffective. They lack the rend and mortal wounds to do meaningful damage and their defenses are lacking. Their best feature is their mobility, but mobility alone does not win games.

Longstrikes are the exception. They have carved out a niche for themselves in the Stormcast roster as an artillery unit. They excel in battalions like the Aetherstrike force that is dominating the competitive scene.

>7 Pink Horrors
>Arcanite cabal
>Gaunt Summoner
>Blue Scribes
That's 18 spells a turn, for probably about 40+ mortal wounds with unlimited arcane bolts.

Seraphon could also take 6 Slann Starmasters and pump out 18 arcane bolts.

There's a reason rule of one exist I think. Multiple LoC could each just crank out Gateway plus Bolt of Tzeentch and obliterate anything in range every turn.

5 Skaven Arch-Warlocks with 2 spells, 6 wounds apiece, 3+ saves, and an extra one off 5d3 against anything getting close to the deathstar. You get 10 Warpstorms hitting 3 seperate units for 20 mortal wounds each. Then Back it up with 12 Stormfiends as your battleline.

You know demons with host duplicitous is top tier already, don't act like its just because of skyfires.


40k wizards don't seem to have their own unique spells so their table with only three spells doesn't do much to alleviate wizard stacking. A Grey Knight army will have like 5 guys with the same spell.

It really only becomes a problem in AoS with corner cases when you have multiple wizards who multi cast every turn, or you have some other reason to take a wizard with a junk warscroll spell.

since the purpose of the GHB is primarily to provide points for units in matched play I would appreciate it if the GHB 2 actually did a good job of balancing with a total overhaul.

IMHO right now the points balance is abysmal at best.

they all died. in the end times of oldhammer literally all of them died. there were the incarnates who cam out the other end of the warp rift alive (Malekith, Alarielle, Teclis, Tyrion) but no one else survived. All the souls of all the elves got eaten by Slaanesh. Malekith and Teclis then captured Slaanesh and that's where the story ends.

Elves as they existed in oldhammer shouldn't even exist in the new setting because it contradicts GW lore on the subject.

>A Grey Knight army will have like 5 guys with the same spell.
40k doesnt have a rule of 1 on Smite (the Arcane Bolt equivalent) so this is fine

Good points. So what would be the best way in to expanding towards the stronger stormcast? I've mind to get at least 1 box each of [10] libs, [6] pros, and [5] paladins.

Is there a more effective way to go about that? Like would would two of the newer start collecting boxes be better and supplement with a box of paladins and like, 1 extra off ebay?

A quick question, do I need to save points for blue/brimstone horrors if I want my pink horrors to split in matched play?

Its not fine from a flavor standpoint, it still feel's bad. They could basically just take the all the spells from the Empire Battle Wizards and divide them up between the grand alliances or expand the basic spell list all wizards know to include the skirmish spells. When I'm messing around with list that are wizard heavy like Tzeentch or Gnarlroot Wargrove that do have their own 6+ lores I still feel like I'm taking filler on some of them. In the end the best option probably is to just make Arcane Bolt and Mystic Shield able to multi cast but that opens up some abuse potential I'm sure, but just how good spending 600-1000+ points to get 12-18 arcane bolts in a list is seems debatable. Tzeentch can essentially replicate something close to that and it seems pretty good.

I would like wizards to have more spell choices, but spamming the same spell over and over is not good for the game

They can never design a cool spell because theyll have to worry about people spamming it

Yes you do.

The starter box and start collecting box go well together

If you find somebody to buy the khorne half of the starter from you then it's even better

Thanks bud

The problem is the older sprues. I LIKE MY LIBERATORS WITH SWORDS, DAMNIT.

But I probably will grab the newer collecting box as they updated everything but the paladins

The start collecting box has standard liberator sprues with a bunch of swords you can use, the kitbash is very simple

Oh, wow! :)
Could you point me to the book where I can read about elves' demise?

Why human still exist then? They ascended to the sky with our savior Sigmar?

I meant the two player box. And the old sc prosecutors only had hammers. The new one has all the tasty bits

Theyre not "old prosecutors", they are monopose models made specifically for the starter box

They always do starter boxes like this

I like some of the 40k stuff, Casting Phase after Movement Phase and the Fight Phase mechanic that lets dudes within 1" of a model that is within 1" of the enemy attack. Translated to AoS weapon ranges it essentially would simplify it so you would always get double rank with 1" weapons and triple rank with 2" weapons.

40k doesnt have command abilities so they dont have a hero phase so they dont have to cast before moving

40k only has 1" weapon ranges for melee weapons so it needs a rule about fighting in 2 ranks. Not necessary in AOS where weapons are 1-3"

Skirmish question

If I bring 1 Liberator can be it a Prime and can it have a Grandhammer?

>the book where I can read about elves' demise
>Why human still exist then?
they shouldn't exist either. The entire oldhammer world got literally swallowed whole by an unstable warp rift when Archaeon screwed with some left over Old Ones Technology.

The only ones who got out alive were the Lizardmen because they launched their pyramid spaceships into orbit before the warpstone moon crashed into the planet.

youre wrong, some mortals survived by escaping into pocket dimensions

it has been suggested that there are still people alive from the end times in azyrheim

>pocket dimension
(citation needed)

>spoonfeed pls ;_;
read the end times you nigger

I'd argue it is necessary, plenty of units only have 1" options so they can only get attacks in from about 10 guys despite wanting to take them in groups of 30. Even your 40 skeletons with 2" spears can't all get in, however the main reason I like it is because it largely eliminates measuring.

Hero phase after movement makes more sense to me, command abilities don't have anything to do with phase order and the way it is greatly penalizes combat magic compared to shooting.

You need to have 5 already for 1 to have a grandhammer. Not sure about the Prime question.