Stat him
Stat him
>Large Magical Beast
-10 HP
These threads should be permabanned.
To hit 4+
To wound 4+
Attacks 8
Wounds 8
Leadership 10
All enemy units within 10" of scaramouche take battleshock tests even if they suffered no casualties, his tune enchants the very ground itself to strike them down!
>Toughness 0
don't lose your head over it
Toughness is on the enemy statline.
>Stat him
>Not Skat him
Do you even SCA~ARAMOUCHE?
Stat him Veeky Forums.
Special Attack:45
Special Defense:85
Hes obviously a fighter bard or just a very good bard
U mad brah?
Warforged Bard/Geomancer?
Just a Bard who uses Animate Objects a lot.
Why Weavile?
Whats wrong with this guys head?
Looks like a talking Penis!
checking those nice quints
Rest in peace, best character.
Rest in peace.
surprisingly low CHA considering how much he gets denied and yelled at.
See, that's because he is actually an adventure game protagonist.
He doesn't have stats so much as an inventory. Magic flute. Exploding knife. Etcetera.