Paizo Games General /pgg/ (Pathfinder & Starfinder, formerly /pfg/)
Where will you adventure next?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/ (Pathfinder & Starfinder, formerly /pfg/)
Where will you adventure next?
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Never in Golarion.
Since you asked, not in Golarion.
I wanna go to the Sodden Lands. I don't care how boring it is, I just want there to actually be content and reason to go there.
Gib Ustalav adventure, pls. Lots of cool stuff down there, I've had a soft spot for it after I read the setting guide book about it. Too bad Pathfinder sucks for a low-power campaign, because I think something low power with a lot of investigation would work best... Oh wait, that's really just a Call of Cthulhu game, isn't it?
Tian Xia, hopefully!
What happened to the old thread?
You bet! There is one and only one setting Pathfinder is good for, and that is high fantasy dungeon crawling adventures. The same goes for Starfinder, given it's built on 3.PF's system. Please, for your own good, broaden your horizons.
Nihilist scum got their own stupid thread annihilated. It was poetic.
Carrion Crown. The first book is pretty low level and has some cool encounters. Not sure about the rest though.
Oh, I've played Call of Cthulhu before, and a couple other systems besides. I'd rather play another Eclipse Phase game than a Starfinder one.
I've heard it's pretty bad overall, getting worse as it goes on. I have no idea though, really. Strange Aeons could be an option too.
I want to adventure in the Land of the Linnorm Kings, Galt, Katapesh and Druma.
All in one campaign? What would the order be and how would the story move the party from one nation to the next?
What nations haven't been covered in adventure paths? Or, maybe better, which ones have?
Maybe visit some other place in between Galt and LotLK
Well, considering Golarion will be gone proper i guess the various bits and pieces of Absalom that have the cultural markings of the prior nations.
What would an Andoran AP look like?
Since the last thread got deleted, I did find a single chopped piece of the character sheet I was asking about, it being the pic. It's from when one of my players sent it to me in a message but not an actual pdf. I'd love the actual pdf since this is probably the best generic custom sheet I'd seen for pathfinder.
Please /pgg/, you are my only hope
So since it got nuked last thread, how would /pgg/ feel about a game where gestalt was treated like AD&D Multiclassing - you could do it, but you'd level slower. How much would it need to be to balance out against the single class users, assuming no one tried to break anything?
An attack in one of the cities leads the nation of Andoran into a long term war and occupation of Katapesh and eventually another long term war and occupation of Qadira when the real culprits of the attack are in Druma.
quirky CG rebels fighting against the corruption of the Lumber Consortium and its CEO Ronald Prunt
One of my GMs ran one once. It was mostly based around an urban feel but players left from time to time.
I can elaborate if you like?
Here's what has been done. Barring some things I might have missed
Varisia, Katapesh, River Kingdoms (Stolen Lands), Mwangi Expanse, Ustalav, Tian Xia (Linnom Kingdoms, Spine of the world), Irrisen, Osirion, Numeria, Cheliax, Nirmathas, Molthune
Magic operators
>implying Andora can take on Katapesh
No one uses XP anymore, and also it seems kinda a dick thing to say "alrigh, everyone can level up, except for you Jason."
Why not just either disalow Gestalt, or may instead rework it so that it functions more like VMC?
>when you go from a game that moves at a lightning fast pace to one that's a complete and total crawl
Tell me about it.
Concept: A Starfinder character who's end goal is to become (or who already is) a sentient computer virus. Good or bad?
Depends entirely on how efficient the gestalts involved are, and would need to be done on a case-by-case basis.
Could someone post the /pgg/ campaigns? I'm considering applying for one or two.
>All in one campaign?
I'd be happy if it was just one!
So you want to become Sigma? I approve of this.
Paizo's campaign setting is so bad holy shit
I like your system well enough, but stop trying to force all these genres together, please, let something be emergent and natural
Games that do that will never pick back up. I am sorry.
>Where will you adventure next?
About to go North to Irrisen and face down some witches.
>Playing Reign of Winter that just started.
>I like your system well enough,
Well that was our first mistake.
Golarion is oddly enough one of the few redeeming qualities, though only for how batshit things can get if you put in the effort that Paizo didn't and go full balls out crazy with your fantasy amusement park
"Nobody uses XP anymore" is a meme. Lots of people use XP still. You might not think that's the right choice to make, but it's still what most people do- even in /pfg/, I'd wager.
What happens when your GM drops and you gotta pick his campaign up and you've never even played much as a player so you know jackshit?
Start a new game? Or just make up shit along the way if you're determined to finish what they started.
It's two different games user.
>Trying to "free" Chealiax by killing key government leaders and blaming it on rebels.
>Killing lots of its civilians just for to clear the magical arsenal so the government have an excuse to spend more of its annual budget on deadly magical armaments.
>Training up thieves and other criminals to be "freedom fighters" that knows how to use popular social causes to disguise their crimes and murders.Then give them access to Andoran mundane and magical arms.
That sort of thing.
Hey guys, I'm thinking of working on remaking the shitty Monk Vow system to actually be interesting and usable, providing unique boons for each vow rather than just the crappy +1 ki pool. As well as making it re-converted to the UC Monk
I'm also working on maybe making and adding some new vows (currently I have Vows of Beauty, Physicality, and Obscuration)
So, I'd like to pick your collective brains for ideas on this project. What kind of benefits would you like each Vow to give, and what other kinds of new vows would you like to see made?
First you should fix it so that the Monk isn't so MAD.
I'm a homebrewer, not a miracle worker. Plus its for the UC Monk, so its not so bad, only just slightly MAD.
So, do you have any actual advice or no?
user, all you have to do to free Cheliax is kill the Queen and most of House Thrune. Hell's Contract with Cheliax is to House Thrune and House Thrune alone, to the point that an attempted alliance between Einmarch Henderthane and the devil Orxines resulted in House Thrune executing the entirety of House Henderthane's immediate branch - a bold measure, when you consider House Henderthane is the right-hand of House Thrune and the Empire's primary supplier of arms and armor.
Cheliax has been an Empire for over a thousand years, and only 60 of those have been with the descriptor "Infernal" added onto it. Cut off the head, and the Empire will much return to what Sargava currently is; a nation of haughty, pale-skinned Imperialists... Who don't worship Satan.
>any actual advice
Yeah, don't play D&D.
The idea of vows is interesting, but they're so heavily RP-oriented that you run a giant risk of them being free upsides for murderhobos while being crippling for low combat groups. You'd have to be very careful in how you made them, and ensure they'd help as much as they hindered in all situations.
I have no fucking clue how this system plays.
>Yeah, don't play D&D.
>He says in a PF thread.
user, if we could avoid playing D&D, do you think any of us would actually be here?
Well, start with learning to play...
Have you tried switching the system to something you're not utterly ignorant about?
Yes. Being here is a choice, just like moving to North Korea or committing suicide.
Startoad, fuck off.
Bumping more for this. Please. /pgg/, you all are awesome and I'm sure one of you must surely have it.
Did you pay any sort of attention to my description of my situation
Wow it's like, totally fucking solving my problem and shit.
I have to learn to DM it on the fly if that happens (and it's likely). And I need coaching, that's what.
What day is PLD played on again?
Drop the campagin and make a different one in a system you actually know.
Pathfinder is terrible to try and play when you don't know how to do so, its atrociously beginner unfriendly
I wish they would release more lore about the Solarion. I find myself watching a bunch of destiny lore videos and stuff like infusing your light into things seems like something the Solarion would do. I could see some quest where you have to meditate infront of some special sentient black hole and avoid having your soul devoured by it in order to increase your power or something of the sort
Can't I just drop some party CR creatures on the Party when it needs a fight?
>Did you pay any sort of attention to my description of my situation
Either pick the game back up, or don't. If you plan on doing the latter, you wouldn't be fucking asking for advice, so you must be doing the former.
Thus, we're telling you how to do that.
Hell no.
No, because CR is a fucked system that barely works at all. Further there's also the issue where numbers and formation of enemies and what their skills are matter significantly for determining how difficult an encounter is.
Sorry, user, I'm just not getting any results.
Best of luck, though.
I think it's still Thursday.
If I take the Silent Spell feat, would that allow me to still cast spells if I find myself gagged often, like with a ballgag?
a-asking for a friend
Depends, are you a sorcerer, wizard, or arcanist? If you're a sorcerer then yes you can. If you're a wizard, then only if you prepared it as a silent spell in the morning. If you're an arcanist then you can fuck game balance with a spiky dildo you conjured as a spontaneous still silent spell that doesn't have an increased spell level.
we should get a preview of the next iconic on Monday, with the actual class preview on Friday. If you're lucky, it'll be solarion.
of course, if I'm lucky, it'll be mechanic instead.
As long as you could fulfill the other components of the spell? yes.
Just take sacred geometry so you can cast while gagged and bound with silent/still metamagic
Yeah, I saw
>"I have no player experience, and GM might be dropping, so I won't get much of it"
How do you judge the correct things then?
I was thinking of trying to apply these to a divine spellcaster but haven't finished chargen so it could be anything.
I mean, my friend hasn't finished yet.
Speaking of other components, I better take Still Spell as well since I find myself without the use of my hands often as well. Thanks for reminding me.
Ah, reading about this now. Thanks for the input
>mfw a nearby space goblin takes out their super soaker laser rifle and pips me for 1d8+2 damage
I find its very 50/50 in a lot of games. I personally use XP because I feel like milestone leveling can sometimes be harder to judge and XP is still such a baked in concept as part of RPGs and most people either don't mind or really enjoy seeing that XP total go up over sessions.
Do not take Sacred Geometry. That's the one feat that is guaranteed to get you kicked from a game.
>How do you judge the correct things then?
By knowing your party, their abilities, and finding enemies whose abilities complement them.
It's more of an art than a science, and a very difficult one at that. If you're serious about doing this, then go run an Adventure Path, or other pre-written module.
Thursday's 630pm est for about 4 hours
I've found that doing anything less than level+2 CR tends to be a waste of your time. There are a few CR = level entries you could do if you were particularly clever and malicious with them (attack the party while asleep, while climbing, crossing a bridge, on a boat,in a narrow tunnel, etc) but otherwise its just not worth wasting everyone's time to roll initiative 'cause its gonna die in 2 rounds tops.
>You see the goblin furiously pumping away at his rifle to get the charge back up to full
I would be fine with the mechanic as well. I really want to see what options they have for them although I know the magic aspect is kinda the Technomancer's wheel house as it where
Also, how do you guys think environmental effects like gravity will play out and affect combat? I believe Distant Worlds probably already had rules for this but iminage a situation where you go to some moon base and you go from quarter gravity to full gravity and back thanks to some bullshit the badguy is pulling.
Do it
>Also, how do you guys think environmental effects like gravity will play out and affect combat?
If I recall from Distant Worlds, low gravity allows you to shoot farther, and people born and raised on heavier worlds will get strength bonuses?
Oh I looove being clever. See I play all these little tactics games and being devious is the staple of warfare. I think there might be kobolds, and they might have crossbows, and they might hide like sneaky bastards.
But are there other important points to keep in mind when you're trying to run a game? For example loot, magic items, plot, etc?
Have you never really looked at a map of the real world and then looked at a political map of the real world? Golarion is actually more realistic than 90% of the fictional worlds you deal with, user.
This, the setting makes absolutely no sense when you're just starting out but the interactions work more and more the deeper you go.
There are some dumb parts but I found that's more with the cosmology. The world itself is pretty interesting though I have no love for Numeria or Galt.
Making an op character isn't my goal, but it's also not a big deal if that happens. I just wouldn't play it at it's maximum capacity if that makes sense. I'm definitely not looking to take the spotlight.
we're a group of 3 couples who are playing a campaign together and we've been playing a long time without kicking anyone, especially never for character mechanics reasons.
Galt should have either calmed the fuck down, or been conquered by now.
So why is Cheliax the only cool city in Golarion?
Preferably, tell me why without simply saying "Hellknights"?
The thing that bother's me the most usually related to cheliax's fall from it's world power status. Galt, Andoran, Molthune, Isger all feel like a clusterfuck, and mostly because Druma and Kyonin are right in the middle of what should have been a more contiguous empire.
Or how 90% of the world's problems are because Aroden died, and that his death is a big mystery even after all these years. It's lazy writing, imo.
And Brevoy is fucked on an international level. No important neighbors or international relations. No major resources to export, and shit all for crops.
user, even without the powergaming, it requires you to sit and do math while everyone else watches and waits.
I actually really like numeria. something tickles me about barbarians contending with robots.
Cheliax will always be my one true love, though. I love the infernal overtones.
Because it's more lawful and controlled and therefor a hotbed of political machination (and if you go /pol/tard on me for saying it I'll hate you to death over the internet).
Easily the dumbest part of this setting. The whole "we need to have every (sub)domain covered by at least one diety" thing gets really old really fast.
>The only cool city in Golarion
>and if you go /pol/tard on me for saying it I'll hate you to death over the internet
>And Brevoy is fucked on an international level. No important neighbors or international relations. No major resources to export, and shit all for crops.
Where do you guys think Brevoy should have been placed, or perhaps even replace a nation? It's a nation that feels like it really, really wants to be important... But it just showed up a couple hours late to the party and all the good seats were taken.
oh, I see now.
Well I'll figure something out so I can be helpful in combat without adding undue time to my turn.
Thanks friendos
I want to make a NG goddess with the domains destruction, good, repose, and strength. Her favoured weapon would be the greatsword.
OK, and?