Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1538: Never Split The Party Edition

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I'm reading through the exalted mortals gauntlet right now, and I have to say these names are pretty dank.

> Ten-thousand Winter Nights
> Gem, The City of 1001 Imminent Dooms

Some sick-ass shit

Exalted has many good things and many bad things.
The names are almost always amazing.

I went to Gem once.

It led to the shortest jump writeup ever.

I was thinking of making a Ruyi Jingu Bang noble phantasm, but I have no idea what to do with it other than it being an EX-ranked NP. What do /jc/?

You know who never splits the party?

Freestyle Bane! youtube.com/watch?v=fLFAXvFYhsE

Surely a few of you have been to settings and used the internet: did you have known internet personas? Became a regular on website? Become a known hacker?

What are the bad things, out of curiosity?
The TTRPG looks interesting, but I've never delved into the system, just looked over some fluff.

I'm just going to leave this here.

There is literally not a single major threat in the Exalted setting that doesn't have Gem as one of its first targets. It's not even that great a strategic target, it's just a relic of it being one of the few big-name Southern cities in 1st Edition. Anyone who happened to be causing trouble in the South was going to wind up conquering Gem.

It doesn't really strike me as EX actually.
It's ability is to get really big and change shape a bit. It doesn't fuck the world like Ea or Rhon.

Why would they target the South and not the Scavenger Lands, the North, or the West? Somewhere more interesting? Nobody gives a shit about the East so I can see targeting Gem beforehand, but come on.

Where can I get a really good silenced pistol, not suppressed like the ones in reality but an actually silent one.

I say you should defy expectations and make it not be a weapon NP. Before Sun Wukong got his hands on it, it was actually a measuring stick. Make it a tool for performing advanced calculations, that greatly enhances any magic based on sacred geometry or mystical math. Have it be the equivalent of Sun Wukong beating people to death with a slide rule and never realizing what it was actually for.

Using a combination of Genius Loci and Glitch from Generic Creepypasta, I usually build up a reputation as a ghost that haunts the Internet and spends its' time making deals with people for various things (money, favours, magic, revenge,etc.), shitposting, and screwing with people for fun.

It's precisely because the South is so uninteresting that they're targeting it, no one would expect an invasion in the South.

>It doesn't fuck the world like Ea or Rhon.
Not him but pic related user.

That's exactly the point. No one cares about Gem, so it's made the first target of everyone. This way, nothing of value is lost at the start of whatever campaign destroys Gem.

>It's ability is to get really big and change shape a bit.
That can be extremely powerful user.

Yeah but that's "It can wipe out armies and mountains with a single hit stuff." EX is like breaking down reality as it hits for weapon stuff usually.

So, can you upgrade them at all without plurging on a class hall to go along with them?

Because I'm not sure if I'll have the CP for all this...

On the other hand, the Dreadscar Rift is hilarious awesome. Just the idea of stealing a burning legion portal world...

Most Urban Fantasy jumps, or take some crafting perks and magic. Bind a proper Silence spell into your gun. BAM. Silenced anything achieved - standard revolver, heavy pistol, anti-tank rifle, shotgun...

I want Trueshot Lodge myself. It's so comfy.

That's beyond the scope of even EX.

You can, yes. It's just having the class hall + the upgrade station will make it easier to properly GUIDE it's growth. Y'know?

Could someone post a link to the Class Hall pastebin? I would appreciate it.

Just running this one last time to make absolute sure everybody is on the same page. Even if it might disrupt builds, people would like me, if I'm willing, to split the Dark Souls Jump up, making two new jumps for Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2 as their own things?

What jumps would allow me to become a technology god?

To be fair, that's not just because of the Ruyi Jingu Bang's inherent abilities, Sun Wukong boosts it with his transformation magic.

That sounds ace.

I would personally like that.

Honestly I'm more interesting in garrisons, but that may be because my only experience with Class Halls was with the priest's Netherlight Temple which was pretty boring.

I'm not sure if Ill pick up a class hall or an artifact weapon because of how bored I was with Legion.

generic virtual world/digimon/tron to enter/exit VR, some sort of technopathy (custom robo is the only one that comes to mind), and then maybe generator rex for his nanite schtick.

And then supernatural or god of war or danmachi to be an actual god of tech.



Oh god yes, more Dark Souls!

>It's just having the class hall + the upgrade station will make it easier to properly GUIDE it's growth. Y'know?

Troof. Also I'm now reimagining how I wanna do this. Instead of going Hybrid with Blood Elf/Nightborne and Demonic, makes more sense to just go Night Elf/Demonic and save myself the 400CP.

But just imagine the look on Malfurion's face when he sees the majority of the Night Elves go to druidic and harmonious paths... then there's that ONE asshole who went full tilt and instead hopped themselves up worse than Illidan ever did, to the point where the demonic night elf in question has their own Warlock order and army of demonic servants on TOP of a preserved font from the Well of Eternity...

And then all they ask is to have a spot of tea in Darnassus.

Depends on what you mean by that.

Please include the Moonlight Greatsword this time.

>Trueshot Lodge
Fair enough. Not really my thing, but certainly comfy.

Cool then.

There's a pastebin?

That's what the last thread said.


RIFTS was already "tentatively" claimed by Mir a couple of weeks ago.


Yeah me and my guild talked about how cool it could have been if they made garrisons guild based. While actual garrison vs garrison PVP would have been awesome, Im not sure if they could have pulled it off.
But there is no reason they couldn't have made them guild based to avoid the fucking isolation.

Honestly the only reason I want a garrison over a class hall if my build is crafting based.


That'd be fine with me, more jumps are always great.

Fate stay night
Warehouse time 89.4
Homurahara High school
15 yo male
Magus heir
Command seals free
Magic circuits free
Basic training free
Power of tsun free
This my absolute territory free
Sorcerers apprentice 500 first magic
Mystical leech 100
Spiritual doctor -300
For her dream -500
Family art reinforcement -700
Family art gemcraft free version

Servant, import overlord homonculous meido

Special ruby free
Majutsu Kokuin- gradation air -1000

Black is the new black -700
Jumper -100
Stay in the kitchen 0
Ego greater than all the worlds evils 200

Convert 200 cp to sp

Import Saki the homonculous maid from overlord, free
1000 sp
Lancer 700

Str B-> A(alter)
End C-> B (Alter)
Agi A ->A+ 500
Mana D-> B (Alter)
Luck E
Battle Continuation C ->A+ 500
Magic Resistance E -> A 400
Alter template 250
Willpower boost (Alter)
Alcoholic fruit A+++ -300
Zealotry B -500
Independant action D -600

Red and black gear (Alter)

NP C rank
Cutscene- becomes better at fighting using a spear as well as looking extremely cool and impressive.

Drawbacks servant section
Does not like using this skill 2 -400
What spiritual form? -350
No mana replenishment -250
Migraines 2 -200
Cp to sp conversion 0


I felt it was time to give my Homonculous barmaid a power boost. She has been in need of one for the last 200 jumps or so. Plus now she can make folks proximity drunk or make people get buzzed by talking to her.

If I have a gun with multiple alt forms that use different ammo types and I load it with a special ammo type would that ammo adapt to fit the other forms when I switch them?

A solid maybe.

Depends on how it shifts between alt-forms.

Well, here's what I ended up doing when I made a Sun Wukong Servant.

Servant: Sun Wukong - 2300 SP
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Lancer
Strength EX
Endurance A
Agility A+++
Mana B
Luck E

Class Skills: Magic Resistance A+ , Battle Continuation A+, Independent Action B
Personal Skills: Chinese Martial Arts A, Divinity E, Animal Dialogue D, Migraine B, God Slayer A, Shapeshifting A

Noble Phantasm:
Ruyi Jingu Bang - Anti-Divine, Anti-Army Noble Phantasm EX

Cloud-Walking Boots - Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm D

Golden Chain Mail - Anti-Army Noble Phantasm B

Gender Bent
What Spiritual Form?
Mana Muncher
Migraine B
Independent Action B

The Migraines were what I used for the headband and the low divinity was reflecting both their low/'honorary' rank and the fact this is Wu at the start of their journey with Xuanzang. You know, the whole 'getting kicked out of Heaven after trashing the place' thing.

The EX rank for Ruyi Jingu Bang, I ended up making a Fate-esque idea that the staff's weight and mass (so a long but thin staff could smash through something with the weight of a skyscraper or more, if she had the mana to burn) could also freely change with its size and length, and it the property that when in use, it seems to bend or 'break' light as thought it were figuratively piercing the Heavens. You can thank Konata for giving me the idea. Also, yes, her stats mostly amount to 'FUCK YOU, DIVINE THINGS', which is pretty appropriate after their Heaven-wide stomp.

Anyone who makes puns or waifu jokes I swear to god

Of course, that's just what I went with.

What are some jumps that have an emphasis on summoning things?
Jojo and Persona let you summon an aspect of yourself or part of your soul, or whatever.
Bartimaeus lets you summon and bind demons.
Anything I'm missing?

Haha Heavens thinks Wukong is his waifu. Instead of it being Wukong summoned to her harem.

Generic Dungeon Crawl has a summoning class/perk and Bayonetta has Demons/Angels/Phantom things you summon and perks that make you better at it based on your origin.

Hey NuBee, would Uplift allow us to go faster with Levitation? Speaking of, what's the upper limit on how fast we can go with that?

Dont get angry because your waifu has a more impressive rod than you do.

Alright, seems pretty unanimous, I've had like 11 Yay and 0 Nay, so I'll mark it up for my future plans. Probably won't happen anytime soon, but since everyone seems to want it I'm not gonna default to no.

Jumpers, how divine are you?

Thanks, Bayonetta would have never occurred to me, and it's exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for.

Only technically.

In the sense of how things that are worshiped I am descended from or are, like 500%. In the sense of things I would consider divine and worship not at all.

Where can I find, or put together, a perk or ability that makes the Inverse Ninja Law applicable?

More Dark Souls is always appreciated, but how will you split the Jumps? Do you any ideas for origins and general perk line for each one?

If not then I, and the rest of the board can probably pitch in.

What inspired you to split the jump/continue working on it?




EX is kind of weird. I think Valeria ruled it couldn't go beyond nuke level in terms of conventional damage, but shit at A++ like Excalibur is capable of cutting up mountains. Which nukes can't really do.

At least a dozen or more different kinds of god, and just about as many kinds of demigod. Worship empowers me, and I've got billions of worshippers that live inside a world within my soul. And then I've got an entire pantheon of godly descendants and companions, as well as externalized Deva aspects of myself running around too.

So... a little bit divine, I guess?

An user talked about SB doing Souls Jumps so that the games each get their own, other anons said "no, go ask NuBee about splitting it", and then either they did or NuBee saw the discussion and decided it was a good idea.

But user, there's one in the Dark Soul's 3 jump.

You must really want to shoot lasers. I don't blame you.

Why is the Devil May Cry in Unimaged not in WIP? There are perks missing, and it explicitly says in the jump that it's not finished.

Of course SB would try and fuck with an existing jumpmaker by doing that.

While I'm not that familiar with how much damage a nuke can do, I'm pretty sure something that can level a city is, at least, capable of putting a good dent in a mountain.

Jump #353: Generic Xianxia
>Five of Cups (Disappointment), reversed: Dissatisfaction gives way to a new hope and understanding.
>Age: Thousands Of Years
Wait, really?
>Location: Free Choice
>Identity: Ancient Mentor
>Scenario: Brew the Elixir of Transcendence
I like the sound of this elixir. I'll be highly interested in seeing whether it can be brewed more than once, for that matter. Or maybe just keep it stored and make
>Drawbacks: (+1500) A Longer Stay: 80 Years, Animal Aggravation, Enemy Assassin Clan, Bandits, Demon Attacks, The Broken Wheel
Well, if I'm "thousands of years" old, another ninety in this jump before moving on won't be the end of everything, will it now? Though wild animals will definitely take issue with me. And bandits. And assassins. And demons. And the cycle of reincarnation being broken. Huh, that last one sounds like something I need to fix. Actually a lot of these sound like things I should fix.
>Teach Me, Master (1900)
If I am to mentor others, then I must be willing to learn that which I do not already know. Being the Xianxia Protagonist was tempting, but this won out.
>The Basics (Free, Mentor)
Well, if I'm a master, I'd certainly HOPE I have the basics down by now.
>You Do Your Master Proud (1600, Mentor)
Now, this is important. I can teach all kinds of skills. First thing I need to pass down to any students is how to learn. Then how to teach. Everything else after that is just the icing on the cake.
>Living Saint (1200, Mentor)
This is one with promise - the more I experience and the more I grow as a person, the more my power grows. Now, I'm not going to be silly and stay here for millions of years to be able to master this power, but I am most definitely going to keep this.
>Martial Arts (Free)
Again, if I can teach, by now I know martial arts sufficiently well.
>Cultivator (Free)
TRAIN my SOUL? ...whoa, I'm getting deja vu here.
>Pharmacist (1000)
Well if I'm going to brew the Elixir, I certainly need to know how.

>Reading Glasses (Free, Mentor)
I should find a mana-efficient way to reproduce these. Being able to read a book almost as fast as pages are turned is very handy.
>Old Reliable (850, Mentor)
Another upgrade to the Black Blade. A straight-up upgrade to the weapon, and the more I use it, the more powerful it will get. Never mind that it already does that slowly... now it's just not so slow.
>Haunted Printing Press (550, Mentor)
Now this, this is just freaking neat. I'm going to write manuscripts for people to learn what I know, I'm going to put them in the printing press with the supplies to make a thousand copies, and I'm going to distribute them. And they'll be as effective as me teaching someone directly. For two years. Including teaching perks. Which I have a lot of. Fuck the hell YES.
>A Faithful Blade (500)
Another upgrade to the Black Blade. If I throw it, it'll reappear in my hand at will. Handy, especially if fighting against the sort of enemies it was forged to fight.
>Alchemist’s Refining Equipment (Free, Pharmacist)
Obviously if I'm going to make things, I'm going to need the hardware.
>Band of Brothers (0)
500 points for eight companions. They'll have plenty of time to enjoy the local sights.

On my first morning in this world, I stretched, got out of bed, enjoyed a simple breakfast, and set forth to collect the essence of the Moon Lily, which grows in one place once a decade. While on the road to leading to the peak of the mountain upon which the Moon Lily grows, I was waylaid. Now, this wouldn't normally be an issue, but it was an assassin demon bear bandit.

I looked skyward and shouted, "You really wanted me to suffer, didn't you?!"

Hollow laughter rang in the distance.

I deal with it, and the eight other demon bears, before doing what I set out to do. The remaining issues I ran across on the road were more mundane (normal assassins, not demonic bear bandits) but... well, the point was made. Something had to be done.

The rightmost Moonlight Greatsword is the shiniest and thus is the most superior of all the swords.

Now, I won't bore you with the details. My entry into this world was at a most fortuitous time, and despite facing a particularly large number of problems, I was at last able to obtain all of the ingredients I needed to make the elixir. Things like the dawn's first light, the giggle of a newborn child (oddly harder to find than I expected), the sigh of a mother seeing her son off to war, the morning dew from the furthest mountain. I got every bit of it, fighting tooth and nail practically every time I went out. And WITH jumper-level cheating to make sure I was able to do it, it STILL took me ten years.

Ten. Years. Of bandits. Wild animals. Assassins. Demons. Ghosts.

Legend has it that the Elixir of Infinitely Ascending Dragon Wave Particle Spiritual
Transcendence (or, more simply, the Elixir of Transcendence) takes a century to be properly prepared. As it turns out this isn't entirely accurate, it's only ninety years, but usually such a task would be trusted to a guild of alchemists and would fetch a king's ransom if it were able to be made.

After the initial preparations were made, I was free to attend to other responsibilities, however. For example, I'd neglected that my presence had disrupted the reincarnation cycle, and the effects of that imbalance... I'd only paid attention to my task until now. Now that I was free to wander and see the world around me, I noticed the winds were absent of a particular noise.

No young children. Anywhere.

This is the sort of thing that sounds a brown note.

I want to buy all 5 and import them into each other so I can get one stronk ass sword that can look like whichever version I like most at the time.

The following five years were spent running around like crazy, petitioning the celestial courts, trying to do work on the ground, and basically smooth things over so that humans could get pregnant again. The flow of souls WAS eventually restored, but for the remaining eighty-five years, I was tasked with constantly finding the restless dead and bringing them back to the wheel of karma so they could be reborn.

Fortunately, part of this coincided with the constant incursions of demons, and while it took time, I liberated the souls they'd stolen, sealed the breach between their home and the mortal realm, and that made things much easier.

With the demons dealt with, my attention was turned to the constant stream of bandits and assassins. It took twenty years of concerted effort, and putting my printing press to work to ensure that literacy became a thing, so that the economy of the country was brought up to a better standard and food became more plentiful. Remove the base reasons, and most violent offenders will be happy to live a normal life. Not all, but most. The assassins... well, I ended up forming a counter-assassin group. Very secretive and hush-hush but they were dedicated to protecting those in power and dealing with such threats however they had to.

Animals still hated me, but such is the way of things.

I trained a large number of students. Many directly, but most indirectly - training others to go out, serving as teacher-philosophers. If I had a shorter period of time to work with it might not have gone as well as it did, but it did go surprisingly well. A little too well. I think I accidentally kickstarted an industrial revolution.

Uh. Whoops. Oh look I finally finished brewing my potion, looks like that's my cue, I'm out of here!

There's no direct interaction between Levitation and Uplift. Speed probably softcaps out after double or triple the entry rates.

Not entirely sure yet, no. I'm probably going to be borrowing from the current structure of the Jump to salvage as many perks as possible so people can hopefully find most of what they've purchased in the past across the pair of them. Looking at how I can accommodate more origins other than protagonist stuff like how I did with Dark Souls 3 would also be a major focus, so it's likely that covenants won't play as central a role. (Well, Dark Souls 1 I can imagine them still being a major focus, but 2 didn't really do as much with them iirc. Origins based on the different kingdoms may actually be a cool design in that case.)

I'd happily appreciate the help when I get around to these. As for what had me thinking on this, someone in the IRC linked me one of the recent past threads where people were talking about this, but I was asleep at the time and missed it back then. Dark Souls has always been a bit of a rough Jump, but I've taken pride in it because it was also my first. Even though it was my first Jump though, I haven't put as much love on it as I have Soul Eater, so it seems like a good decision on that front too.

Maybe. Part of my philosophy with Jumps is that the world does exist and hunting things down is sometimes something the Jumper needs to do themselves. The hunt for the Moonlight Greatsword struck me as one of those things.

Why is she throwing his stuff out in pic related?

Will probably rewrite the pseudo-jump to Zendikar at some point. In the meantime, let's get this show on the road.
>Destroyer of Worlds, Decade! What is reflected in his eyes as he crosses the infinite worlds…?

Alright, now that that's settled, let's do this PROPERLY.

>"You're just going back to business as usual after all of that?"
Why not? I got all of my stuff back. Our most dangerous enemy has been booted off of the chain. And all of us are still alive. You know what I call that? I call that a good day."
>"…I suppose I can't argue. Are we going to address the elephant in the room?"
You mean Yuki's origins? No, I'm not worried about that-
>"No. The other thing."
Hm? What…?
>"…you looked like a total dork~."

Jump 81: Fate/Stay Night
Location: Shirou's Mansion
Origin: Magus Heir [900]
Age: 24
Magic Circuits
Basic Training
Power of the Tsun
This is My Absolute Territory
Sorcerer's Apprentice - Third [900]
The Average One [600]
Head Bitch In Charge [300]
The Family Art - Alchemy [100]
Touch of Dere [0]

A Special Ruby

Family History
Nasuspeak [1000]
Spinal Tap [1200]
Sealing Designation [1400]

So, there's a bit of an adjustment period while my connection to other worlds is being healed. It means I'm not going to be doing much of anything for a while, particularly with that Sealing Designation and the pain I feel trying to access much of any of my abilities. But that's alright with me. Honestly? I'm going to take my time, relax, and spend time with my companions this time around. Catch up on some literature. The Fifth War can take care of itself after everything that led up to this point. Besides…things kind of ended up almost the exact same way as though I wasn't here. Kayneth got hit by a speeding bus about a week after the Fourth War ended, I hear.

You know the statement "Wipe my hard drive if I die"?

That's what the god is saying they'll do.

Oh, okay. Thanks NuBee

>No young children. Anywhere.
>This is the sort of thing that sounds a brown note.
>and basically smooth things over so that humans could get pregnant again.

...Still more merciful than the other setting I know where there's no more new souls to reincarnate. Stillbirths are not fun.

Well…not everything is the same. Eyes and Makoto went to visit a certain chestnut-haired girl who was now attending a school several cities over. They send me a few postcards, too. It looks like Sakura is starting to do well with herself. I hear Rin is trying to get back in touch with her, though she naturally refused to admit it.

Meanwhile, I have some notes to take and some studying to do.

Heaven's Feel…how fitting.

I'm actually not sure where to send Decade next while he's recovering. Will need to ponder it.

No problem dude.

>Kayneth got hit by a speeding bus about a week after the Fourth War ended, I hear.
But that leaves one question. Did Kayneth die or become Fastwheels. We may never know.

I assumed the celestial courts were kind enough to at least spare humanity the trauma of having nothing but stillbirths. That would be horrifying beyond belief, and if the reincarnation cycle got restarted everyone would just be getting abortions to spare themselves the trauma, if anything at all.

Vote for My Hero Academia

Might I suggest Redwall, or Duel Monsters Heroes? Or perhaps something like Splatoon or Undertale? Somewhere optimistic and happy.

I'll second that.

>Which nukes can't really do.
Not with that attitude!

Seriously though, the pure energy of a nuclear explosion is enormous, it is more than enough to cut up mountains, nukes are just really bad at directing their energy in any particular way.

I second the vote for My Hero

Mmmm, hey, since I've been trying to share more, and considering Fate/Stay Night has been getting talked about more the last few threads, would anyone like a link to a paste to read about an OC Hero I made for the Demiservant option in that Jump? I'd put it into a normal post, but I wrote a legend for him and it's too big.

Jumpers, here's a somewhat serious question I've been thinking about recently.

How many spoilers, if any, should be included in a jump? I know there are lot of items, locations, perks, descriptions, scenarios, etc. that simply won't work without including a bit of info that could be considered a spoiler, but I'm starting to wonder how often jumps accidentally ruin a major surprise for someone who hasn't already read or watched the work it's based on. Or how many people simply refuse to open a jump in fear of spoilers. I've also noticed that older works tend to include the most spoilers, although this is probably because the creator assumes that most people either already familiar with the story or don't care about the important bits.

I've always liked the idea of somehow making shaped charge nuclear warheads for battleship cannons.
Maybe built some mini ones for tanks too.

Link it!
Goddammit captcha you're a cheeky cunt. "Select all bridges", really?

I'd give it a read, NuBee.

Spoilers should be avoided when possible but never to the detriment of the jump, a jump should include a decent idea of what the setting involves at the very least.

As a jumper I have a boatload of learning and research perks at my disposal but for a moment lets day I did not.

With no outside learning or research perks how long would it take me to learn how to make noble phantasm weapons? I need more in order to truly troll old gil.

SB is where we kick our worst jumpmakers over to, so what do you expect out of them?

Cool, I'll link it below. I named him Sendoa and tried to play with some South American themes, and tried to mimic the hazy story structure you see in a lot of legends. Hope y'all enjoy.


I want a fem!Gil waifu now. Is that a bad thing?