In the continuing story of the "Accidentally Kidnapped Luke Skywalker" group:
Last session, the party stole a Star Destroyer with the aid of an ancient droid army. The bounty hunter revealed he was a blood relative of the Emperor and therefore had a claim to the throne. He more-or-less got some of the crew behind him, and sent many messages inciting rebellion to other Imperial ships.
The party discovered fragments of plans for "Project Bastion" (Death Star II) in the S.D's archives and, being good rebels, transmitted them to /everyone/.
Needless to say, Vader and co were pissed, and not the least because the party had programmed all of their surplus battle droids left behind at the fuel depot to sing "Happy Birthday to Darth Vader" in cheap tinny voices. The Empire tracked down the stolen S.D in less than a day.
But the party, while frantically removing tracking devices, wisely parked the ship way too close to a star. The Empire's fleet dropped out of hyperspace... and into a mess of a fight. Outnumbered 8 to 1, the PCs tried to flee, but their ship was hit by an ion cannon shot and partially disabled. Then, the boarding started. With the newly converted Imperial troops turning on them, and Vader personally leading the charge, they knew they were fucked.
The battle was long and bloody. Evil Leia (turned by Darth Vader after Hoth) got into a lightsaber duel with the twi'lek pilot. It went surprisingly well for them both, thanks to their willingness to tap into the Dark Side. The twi'lek isn't exactly... morally upright. Oh, she likes people, but she also gets really angry.
Anyway, the duel more or less ended in a force explosion stalemate, giving them both a chance to escape. Meanwhile, Luke was fighting (and losing) to Vader, but defiantly refusing to give in and join the evil ex-Jedi. The bounty hunter tried to help by locking doors, throwing grenades, and shooting a lot, but Vader was strong in the Force and in the plot armor, and kept marching on.