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you know they eventually have to a network that works before this matters right? marketers can sell water to the ocean, but retention is what matters
Working with the Jap gov? So someone who might be an IOTA dev maybe responded to a tweet from someone who is a janitor inside the Japanese capital building?
haha probably true, and I'm invested in iota
>mass media creates fake news based on a quote from microsoft
> David comes out and explained that they do not claim and has never claimed to be partners with Microsoft
nah, they probably just bumped into each other and just exchanged "excuse mes"
i can imagine that dominik soyboy staning next to the guy with thumbs up posing for a photo
you are a very stupid person!
You know that when they get it running you're going to kys when you realize you were to bizy being a brainlet and this year was actually the time to buy
The lie was only called out a week later... when people emailed microsoft and cisco.
IOTA devs were in on the lie.
give me a single tweet/blog/anouncment from any of the IOTA team where they claim to be partners with Microsoft. Just one. It's not their job to constantly monitor every newspaper to check if the writers are to retarded to read a press release and get the story right before they post clickbait articles on their sites.. Being a little late with clarifying because people misunderstand is NOT THE SAME as lying about it.
you stupid shit ... journalists lied ... but IOTA never said something about partnership! ... microsoft guy wrote something about beeing partner ... but IOTA did not ... buy your shitcoins, and stay out of IOTA ... but stop talking shit!
How about their live website? Microsoft is a "participant".
They're definitely cashing in on gains from supposed connections to big companies.
Sin of omission.
Guys sorry to be the bearer of bad news but bitcoin is dead. This board is now dedicated to paper routes and starting your own espresso shop
It's not omission if others are the ones talking.
It is if you think that people are supposed to go run around correcting retards all day.
So IOTA devs were unaware of the major news lighting up the web for an entire week? The same guy that spends all day shitposting on reddit?
The same news that was lighting up the IOTA subreddit and other websites?
These guys didn't have any obligation to speak out against it?
You deserve to lose your money, what am I doing trying to help you?
MICROSOFT IS A PARTICIPANT YOU FUCKING BRAINLET PAJEET! The lie people claimed IOTA told was that Microsoft was a PARTNER when they are just an participant.
your the one who missed the train ... you see IOTA on many TV chanels ... with guys from VOLKSWAGEN, they speak together about IOTA ... whats your FUD here? its all fake? german televisions are fake? volkswagen fake? ... grow up kid
I got dumped on by going high in on HST because supposed partnerships with UN/SAP and it turns out it's a bunch of lies there too. I'm smelling the same shit with IOTA, although their scam seems to be a bit more elaborate since they have a better product.
Why should I trust that this is going to go anywhere and invest?
if you are so retarded you buy IOTA just based on a clickbate news-article and do not even read the source anouncement to find out it is mis-quoted or read the whitepaper or do any form of research on your own you deserve to buy overpriced IOTA desu.
because its bigger than bitcoin and ethereum together ... wait until april ... i bet 1 bitcoin, that iota will be at about 50$ ... lets fix the bet, ok?
Call me when IOTA isn't broken as fuck
you could trust that companies like BOSCH that are world leading in technology have done their research when they choose to invest in IOTA over all other shitcoins, and that they would not invest in a scam or a PnD. Or you could DYOR and come to a conclusion on your own?
Nigga all you guys are the same, just saying 50x, 100x isn't going to convice me. If a project lies about partnerships, it's pretty fucking shady.
Those big names probably have inside knowledge or are in some telegram group that lets them know shit before all of us, so yeah, I'm not ready to get eaten alive by a whale. Again, I understand the tangle, but why would IOTA be a market leader in 2018?
wallet update was a day ago ... iota works perfectly ... and when iota releases the hardware ... you can put bitcoin, ripple und all the other shitcoins to trash ...
i know that you bitcoin fanboys tell everyone that iota lied ... but show me the lie ... show me one iota guy that lied? comon! give us a link!!
i know that you bitcoin fanboys tell everyone that iota lied ... but show me the lie ... show me one iota guy that lied? comon! give us a link!!
and iota will be the market leader, because it already builds many many real world usecases, with the biggest companies on this planet ... bitcoin has no real world use case ... ethereum has no real world usecase ... ripple maybe soon ... but all the other shitcoins have no real world usecase ... that exactly why iota will lead
>I'm smelling the same shit with IOTA
this is only of the few coins that isn't pajeets wet dream's shitcoin, but you'll notice soon enough.
Honest question, IOTA has a supply of 2,779,530,283 MIOTA. Does anyone actually see this being a 3 figure coin?
>Everyone running around saying Iota partnered with MS
>dev silent
>price moons artificially, rumours escalate
>dev twiddled thumbs, whistles
>price propped up way too high, due for severe and painful correction
>equivalent to your project literally being on fire and burning out because of fake hype
>dev has bucket of water
>whistles, twiddled thumbs
Seriously, fuck this guy. I sold out a long time ago, so I didn't get burned, but he sure as hell helped torch his project. Not the first time either.
no pump? lol
I totally agree that the devs are typical ivory tower hackers, and I don't even wanna know about their political stance or whatever. But what does it matter? Sure, for anyone that does not know the strong(!) German background and network, things might be a little bit harder to swallow.
Some of you sound like the whiny little reddit bitches that always get triggered when Linus post something on the mailinglist. Granted, not a proper comparison, since Linus is actually based (on many levels). But you know what? IOTA devs know their shit too, even if they're faggots. Who fucking cares.
btw. did you guys see this shit already:
top fucking kek
It's not official until there's a skateboard.
> IOTA devs know their shit
The shit they know is stuff no one else knows. Like how to write your own hashing function that doesn't work or how the internet of things doesn't use the internet.
your friend is way smarter ;)
btw. funny how IOTA kept its value up quite good this night, and then all of a sudden, it still went down like any other coin by the morning..
>Like how to write your own hashing function that doesn't work or how the internet of things doesn't use the internet.
Yeah, that's a worrying episode, I don't like either. I hope they've learned their lesson right there. Then again, keep in mind that they target to fully deploy this on a new IoT infrastructure with new protocols, not using the good old TCP/IP stack. ...well, still not a good argument/excuse, but they might have had something else in mind here. I don't know.
sure I might miss out and next year IOTA could be at the thousands but I'm with this user and I'll sit this one out. sometimes greed gets the better of you
Sure. There will be a lot of IOT-PCs in the future.
that's the fun thing here. The expected growth just of the market is exponential.
Right. It's intended to work in an imagination land that doesn't exist yet.
Everything they claim to be improving can be done on good old TCP/IP and without their own crypto currency. It's understandable that they wanted to make their own one because when they started probably nothing was appropriate. The crypto for micro transactions won't be available till mid 2018 when ETH and ADA both go live with proof of stake.
But they failed to roll their own just like they couldn't roll their own hashing function. This tangle thing is actually less appropriate than bitcoin. So easy to DDOS. Devices have to do their own POW to spend.
oh damn, when you will forget about supply...?
look at ripple - means nothing and for some reasons you need that high supply of coins in circulation, as it starts to used in real you will get it why, take a look on btc - its no more crypto currency as mented to be, but story of value, there btc ends,its his destiny, for trading we have alt coins, here we go
>It's intended to work in an imagination land that doesn't exist yet.
It's called having a vision. If you rather invest in a shitcoin that doesn't have any, your choice. No risk, no fun, baby! And as already stated: the risk with IOTA is comparably small, but it is indeed a high risk market, so it's there anyways, no matter which (3rd gen) coin you pick.
There is no risk with IOTA it's 100% going to < 1 billion within a year. Probs fall out of top 10 this week.
It's. Just. Bad. Tech.
oh man, do you read that post before about meaning of iota ? you still not get it ?
why you cannot accept that there is coming something new, by technology we dont know yet..
i think we dont know yet so much about current upcoming technologies
nah, you're just a butthurt buttcoiner or adashill, or something. Bad tech my ass. But you know what? The fun thing is we can all put our shekkels where our mouth is. No need to constantly trashtalk competing coins like dirty pajeets.
That's the 5th fucking time. Shit tier currency doesn't work.
The fucking MIT is saying that iota is shitty tech
we had the hash-incident coverd already, did you notice?
>The fucking MIT
>Some students of university X said...
besides, they might be not as unbiased as you think they are...
I'm an ADA/ETH shill. Look how much IOTA has just fallen. Do you really want to be the last one to figure out this tech doesn't work?
>mimimi your tech of coin X doesn't work
just... cookie?
It's not working with the Japanese government
It's going to a "job interview" with Jap companies alongside other cryptos
It's going to walk out with nothing but the money they scammed from yet more fake hype after they go to it and fail to show anyone any sort of working product.
>It's understandable that they wanted to make their own one because when they started probably nothing was appropriate.
No, that is absolutely, cateogorically, indefensibly retarded. The very first rule of cryptography is to never, ever, EVER roll your own algorithms. And yet they did it anyway and paid the price.
>mfw it's real
have you even read about iota since it mooned? its network failed under heavy congestion, thats why it never took another one of its turns mooning. cardano is literally just a working version of iota
I meant make their own currency rather than just use ETH.
Of course rolling their own hashing algorithm is enough for me to totally discount everything else. But for some others it isn't because they just don't get how dumb it is. There are so many red flags with this one that if you can't tell it's garbage you are a certified bag holder for the rest of your life.
Cardano is a working version of bitcoin. IOTA is a not working version of Internet of things that doesn't use the internet payment system.
So you didn't read the article? This is a new one. It's not only about the hash incident.
you are a retard... with an IQ of 80 ... you probably live in India! why do you type like this... oh yeah cuz you're a brainlet pajeet ... that got fooled by buzzwords and fake partnerships...
omfg, you doesnt read that bosch hardware using iota ? kek, there you stop fuding and take a look for your ponny altcoins
if you will find it, use your brain, you will get to it that they are real partners and possible public real partnership will be anounced in future
just you dont know what brings us future, all these coins are about trust, just be gentle and go find your community if you dont trust in iota, nobody cares, all have to do it by him self
You type like either a retarded 12 year old or a Pajeet
way to counter his argument sir
Who is worse, iota shills or cashies? You decide.
IF they get it running... maybe I'll put couple of k @$0.1
>iota shills
I hate most of them myself, especially if you should find yourself over at /r/iota... ewwwww...
>pajeets detected
fucking hell, sir! xD
>So you didn't read the article?
I did now. Some points are absolutely fair. Others are just outright stupid. For example the outage of 3-days incident. Or the fact that it currently needs that fucking coordinator. These are simply not valid points of criticism. It's not a boring, old blockchain, it's something new, and experimental. Maybe too experimental, at least for you guys. So what? I'm sure more problems will arise, but I'm also confident that problems will be fixed.
If you think that article is objective, as in unbiased, ...then you might be wrong. At least that's what I get from this. A warning, pointing out possible flaws, and risks, however, is totally appropriate. Fair enough.
Guy, you dont have to hold this forever. Shit is gonna go ti 5$ soon enough, so by the fucking dup right now.
>Or the fact that it currently needs that fucking coordinator.
How's that? Afaik, the coordinator is still running.
Just search reddit for "IOTA foundation coordinator open-source", "coordinator off july 2017"... so many lies...
"IOTA Data Marketplace participants"
go read by your self
This is the quote they got from Microsoft and got permission to use. It's worded akwardly and i get how people would be confused by this, but again. This is a direct quote from Microsoft. Not anything IOTA has made up. It's clearly stated in the nlog post that these companies are participants in the markedplace and not that they are partners.
>How's that?
It needs a critical minimum size to get secure. It's not designed for 100 idiots trading burpcoins in mom's basement. It's designed for a completely different league. Hence experimental. Is this so hard to understand?
b-b-but it s-says blockchain???
>Working with Japanese government
>Most Xenophobic nation outside the Norks working with a bunch of Soyboys looking to build mudtopia.
The cofounder of IOTA made a conference in my school in Paris, there arent partners with Microsoft
And VeChain is working with the Chinese Government and it did nothing for the price. So fucking what.
Did you read and understand the whitepaper, or do you simply believe the claims? Not saying the whitepaper is wrong, just asking. I will believe it works when the coordinator is off.
Also, you did not answer my question. I asked whether the coordinator is off because you claimed that it's a lie that the coordinator is currently needed.
IOTA can only run on IoT devices which are fueled by dark matter energy collisions, in ternary, as it does not run on the classical Internet, but instead will be a network of meshnet networks.
Said by main developer of IOTA.
Quantum proof self made crypto primitives, yet vulnerable to differential cryptanalysis.
Decentralized yet down and unusable for 3 days when Coordinator was off. Baby training wheels, as if babies have or need training wheels, but IOTA DOES.
>Did you read
>understand the whitepaper
maybe. I do have some comp.sci. background, so I'm not totally clueless, but also not retard enough to pull a knowitall..
> I will believe it works when the coordinator is off.
that's the whole point.
>because you claimed that it's a lie that the coordinator is currently needed.
no I did not. Currently(!) the coordinator is needed, because there are simply way too many nodes out there. IOTA targets a market that is expected to grow exponentially. If you think the growth of personal computers was amazing, you haven't seen shit.
>Decentralized yet down and unusable for 3 days when Coordinator was off. Baby training wheels, as if babies have or need training wheels, but IOTA DOES.
that's simply a stupid thing to say. No point in arguing, if you don't realize or want to accept what they're trying to do. Hint: something that can not be done with a stupid blockchain.
>because there are simply way too many nodes out there.
ehhh, that should read: there are simply way too few... i.e. not enough... I need another coffee.. :(
Where did you take your comp.sci in Moldova?
Use your comp.sci to answer the question: What metrics determine when the Coordinator will not be needed?
moldova one of dumbest fucking country I've seen...
>girls super hot though
trade secret?
This is likely what happened:
>ISIS terrorist/part time IOTA dev: "Hey Nip buy our scamcoin or else"
>Polite Japanese salaryman: "Of course IOTA is a great coin and we are honored about your offer, we will think about it" (TL Note: this means no in Japanese)
>ISIS terrorist/part time IOTA dev: "We WUZ SAMURAI"
It's going to be rad when a team that actually knows what they're doing gets into DAG.
IOTA is literally joke tier
>traps hidden in code
>written in trinary because hipster
>little boy tantrum whenever criticised
>centralized AF
>can't use address more than once
>spreads fake news about hype
I swear it's a long con "art" project at this point
ITT: people who want to say that what happened with EMC2 is the same as IOTA
> Others are just outright stupid. [...] Or the fact that it currently needs that fucking coordinator.
I guess it was just a misunderstanding, I thought you meant that the coordinator being needed currently is outright stupid.
Still, I will wait until the coordinator is off, and then I decide whether iota is viable. That aside, even if iota is viable, it might be worse than Byteball.
>We just don't know...
yeah, yeah, I feel your pain :D
Btw. I think there was a second, more technical paper (just released recently)... maybe that will answer the question at what point the coordinator isn't needed any longer. Didn't have a look at it yet...
Thanks for the information, I will read that paper during christmas holidays. I've actually a PhD in computer science so I'm able to understand that stuff. I just hope the paper is better than some of the paper drafts I had the honor of reviewing during my time at university...
what do you think about ripple?
Ripple has issues too, but at least they're succeeding at their use case. I'd wait for them to go public and invest in the company rather than the token though.
Are you trying to tell me that installing a specialized trinary chip in every device on the planet is bad tech?
Next you'll be saying that the 4 IOTA posts here at all times and on r/cryptocurrency are astroturfing and not organic grassroots enthusiasm.