I don't care if it forbidden, nor if it is cringeworthy. All I care is if it is interesting enough to take note of...
Pic is kinda related
I don't care if it forbidden, nor if it is cringeworthy. All I care is if it is interesting enough to take note of...
Pic is kinda related
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Shameful Self-Bump
(C'mon guys, I'm bored and you never know what you might learn...)
One day I told my DM I hated Monster Musume, He then purposely created a parallel world solely populated by Monster girls just to piss me off.
Guess where the current campaign is now
Started a thread, but this seems more appropriate.
A player sent me this comic for a campaign idea. Made in Abyss. Cool worldbuilding, lots of scenery porn, would make for interesting roleplay. Until all the low-key fetish material started adding up.
>puffy nipples
>guro orphan mercy killing
I was not warned.
As in, explicit child and tentacle rape, or just a setting with cute midgets and monsters in it? Because the former is a bit dark for a tabletop campaign but the latter just sounds like vanilla D&D.
There's gore and dark shit and harem comedy jokes and naked tweens and piss and blood, but no explicit rape or genitalia, not that that matters much. It's somebody's magical realm.
What's wrong with puffy nipples?
Might as well say that Berserk is also magical realm
It looks pretty magical realm to me.
In a game now that's pretty fetish-y. But it's a bunch of couples and it's everyone, not a dm's magical realm.
One couple is a human female and a male orc in a setting where that's really uncommon and taboo and they're trying to keep it hidden but they also go at it like rabbits so it's harder and harder to keep it a secret. He poses as just a manservant in public. It's pretty cute and they're roleplaying well. They're a couple irl.
The second player-couple are two humans but they're full on bdsm. Her character is a huge masochist and they do stuff related to that. He had to untie her when we got ambushed one night and it was pretty funny since combat had started, stuff like that. They're also roleplaying it well, in no small part to having practiced already with their irl relationship.
The final couple's characters aren't dating in game, they just met and they're just starting to admire each other over the course of their adventure. They're really cute together irl and they're equally cute in game. They keep saving each other and helping each other and doing stuff for each other and finding gifts for each others characters. It's really pleasant and obviously they're roleplaying well since they're just being themselves lol.
Thats really cute and wholesome. but I imagine this is the GM
We're at his house and his wife occasionally will hang out and voice an npc or play a story-relevant npc as her character for a session just to make them more interesting and so he doesn't have to but she's not there often enough to just join as a party member.
And to think she even brought a rape whistle.
My GM's fetish is describing with excessive detail the various foods we encounter in-game, while making everyone including himself hungry. He also loves introducing NPCs with big tiddies.
My GM created a monster that lurks in dark libraries and ambushes people called a "buttsqueazel". It has very long arms and reaching hands, and tries to grab and throttle you before running away. They're described as looking an awful lot like her husband.
My current GM introduced what I was worried was going to be a fetish character as a plot device, but she turned out to be a very clever subversion of the Mary Sue tropes. Hero High style Mutants and Masterminds campaign, and the NPC in question had the uncontrollable power to make anyone she's around fall in love/lust with her, the twist being that she's shy, hates the attention, and has been forced out of her own home because her parents started having very unparentlike thoughts about her.
My character's taking her to Homecoming, and she's going to break his poor little heart, I just known it.
Which one did you marry
Made in Abyss is pretty great. Sciencebro is pretty great
>you will never fuck the rabbit
Why live
Me and a buddy were trying out new groups, and ran across one playing Ironclaw. Being hopelessly naive and having generally a much too high opinion of our fellow man at the time, we figured many of the things we had heard about furries were wrong. This was not the case.
The first game went reasonably well, which only caused us to lower our guard. In hindsight, I imagine introducing everyone and explaining just what the fuck we were doing took the wind out of the degenerate sails. The second game was mildly creepy, we hoped it was just an off-day, the third game was creepy as fuck, then we didn't come back.
It was a shame, too. I was starting to grow attached to my pigman merchant/local lord. Had his general character worked out and everything.
Probably best summarized by weeabo 'cute', taken to a ridiculous degree.
I am suspicious of 'cute' as a narrative concept. It just seems so hollow, so empty. 'Beauty' is not empty- 'beauty' sent ships to Troy. But 'cute'? What has that ever done aside from offered a comfy distraction?
>The second game was mildly creepy
>The third game was creepy as fuck
Dude you can't just say shit like that and then NOT give storytiem, where do you think you are?
What I did not say is that my character is a wizard who pretty much hates anything that remotely looks like a monster.
So we now have a sorcerer who's going on a purge campaign in a parallel world after some (not so pretty) monstergirls tried to rape him and some other party members.
Bears, not the animal, the large hairy man kind
Now it's not really an issue in game, and it we DID decide to do a lewd game, but now he wants to ERP involving it with me outside of the game and I don't want to say no cause I really enjoy the nonbear related ERP he does in the game
That little boy is adorable, he get fucked?
>I was starting to grow attached to my pigman merchant/local lord. Had his general character worked out and everything.
Use him in a different campaign then, refluff as necessary to fit, it's what I've done
That little boy has all robot limbs, so I'd guess he already got fucked at least once.
The second game had one of the other characters, a dog man, trying to get with a few of the other pcs, including my piggy. Red flags went up, but since it was just one guy, we decided to let it go and chalk it up to awkward character integration. If dog man and horse guy want to fuck in their spare time, I don't give a fuck, just keep me out of it.
The third game had our characters trying to bring down this local baron who was evil because reasons. It was a great game at first, we planned out the whole operation like some cool bank heist movie, except with a bit of murdering assholes thrown in. My character wound up working well in setting up our infiltration strategy by setting up an inspection of the warehouse this baron used to store goods, with the pretense of cutting him in on a deal to store some sensitive product to occupy him and his elite bodyguards, but then things went south when the other guys got captured, blew my cover, then we got captured and taken to a rape dungeon. Considering the enthusiasm the other players had for what was coming, we both realized it was over. There wasn't a subversion either, the next half-hour or so was spent detailing the ways our characters got violated, with the other players chiming in on how great it felt.
I've tried to do him justice, but I haven't really gotten the opportunity to play any serious tg that doesn't center around fightan since then.
Our main job provider is a loving motherly type with huge tits who treats the party like her kids.
She's also wants to fuck the very young boyish heir in our party.
"wants to fuck the very young boyish heir" implied or "Hey kid wanna /ss/"?
Your DM clearly has patrician taste when it comes to fetishes.
Well, no about *my* GM since I'm the one.
I noticed a trend I had where I had a tendency to make a lot of subtly femdommy NPCs. I don't do that on purpose, and my games are PG-13 anyway, but... yeah. I suppose my interests tend to creep in a bit unconsciously. I like having an equal ratio of male and female important NPCs in the game, but I tend to make the ladies a bit more authoritarian.
I'm watching myself now because I don't want to bore my players with samey characters.
Sounds fun!
Well, he is an heir to (hopefully) something important.
DM one day decided to throw a amazonian style society at us, think wonder woman society but they're built like Lyris for ESO, later found out he did it trying to make fun of my character and get a rise out of me since I go to the gym. First time character usual strong guy barbarian, not completely stupid, unfortunately for him it didn't work out so well.
He was even more upset when I challenged their leader in a fight with the prize being her. I won
Meh. While I do agree the author has a few obvious fetishes he indulge in, none of that seems really gratuitous, same for the violence.
It's a very good manga and I encourage everyone to read it, take the awesome at face value and the magical realm with second degree.
>roleplaying themselves
>not letting yourselves be raped by monstergirls
What are you, gay?
I've got a God damned problem with magical realms. I'm a fucking horrible degenerate coupled with being a supremely upright, straight-laced type for all outwardly appearances. I'm pretty sure I had maladaptive daydreaming for a time growing up. Any time of fantasy as either a DM or a player can quickly bleed into magical realm and I have to keep myself on a very short leash and keep my writing very sharp to avoid it. Anybody else here know these feels?
Oh yeah. Same as you. I think it's pretty normal for things to bleed in repressed people.
I'm not sure my friends know about it, because they seem to humour me on my role as "the prude one", but I feel like I'm obviously slipping, sometimes, and they're not dumb.
My GM does the food thing too, but she also cooks for the group so it works out.
Harpys rule!
Llamias drool!
Go back to school!
You ain't cool!
> I'm a fucking horrible degenerate coupled with being a supremely upright, straight-laced type for all outwardly appearances
I know this feel, dude. I've made a fool of myself a few times trying to act overly prudish.
That is so adorable it hurts my soul, user
> none of that seems really gratuitous
What about the random bondage scene in chapter one?
>looks at another person's post
>has conflicting opinion
>Politely tells him to leave via Asian man
What a nice board...
Where the fuck do you think we are?
Tie cheesewire around your testicles and use it to suspend yourself over hot coals.
Sounds exotic. Thanks for the suggestion!
Unless he is autistic, say no and he will stop
When I was GM I described the parties rations as what I had cooked, but I put twists on them I.e the potatoes were called super tubers and pull nutrients from surrounding plants. They actually made it into a side quest to fix the farmlands, which I did not expect.
>not letting yourselves be raped by monstergirls
For the record they're not your average anime monstergirl but some real disturbing looking atrocitiesso.
Thus no way fag
And this guy is the reason why you must thoroughly understand another's post before posting about it. I do say, chap, you deserve a medal...
It's a punishment, which Riko earned, and also ties the director of the oprhanage to Ozen (both seem to do that on unruly students, and they look strikingly similar).
You say "random" but its anything but random.
Did you get to keep her?
I don't know if it's the GMs magical realm, but 3 different enemies have tried to fuck my character.
Never play handsome men in a Gothic setting, I guess.
Don't bully Yosuke
Our GM and his partner, who is in the party, are both really into BDSM. I think most of the group is, actually. Currently we're fighting a cult whose whole thing is domination and slavery - we've gone undercover in a forced labour camp to destroy it from the inside. The cult's god is this evil dominatrix chick and their whole doctrine is about how dominating others or becoming the perfect submissive is the holiest thing you can do. Despite the usual horror show you'd expect from a situation like that, everything is actually going fine because they're portrayed as vile and creepy rather than sexy. I'm fairly certain the GM had the idea of, "let's take something we like and make it nasty," so as to play on people's preferences and morals. The campaign has been running strong for nearly a year now. It's a great group with great people and a great GM, and everyone is good-humoured enough and mature enough to not make it weird (at least not in the bad way. Plenty of weird and wonderful shit in our campaign.)
That's honestly super cute.
I am the DM.
And besides, my magical realm is subtle enough for me to inject it seamlessly into the campaign and nobody ever found out.
Papi a shit.
And what, pray tell, is your magical realm?
Muscly women beating the shit out of each other.
Does he just describe every NPC's tits as a matter of course?
As long as you don't like Centoria then you're fine in my book.
Nah, I'm a Tiofag. If I had to pic a favorite out of the main cast, it'd be spooder.
Centorea is better than Papi.
It is. It's a fun group, and I don't get to play much outside of them so it's double nice to have them. I haven't said which I am in the group :^)
I just mean in the sense that they're playing a new couple who are very enamored, and they are themselves a new couple who are very enamored.
Why not tell us then?
I am fucking jealous, a group made up of mature deviants is my dream
Occasionally the GM will cook. He's pretty good, but he's also poor so when he does it it's kind of a big deal and we feel bad.
At this point, it's just a running gag, but yeah, basically.
Tio is good, just wish she was a little bit taller. Like, instead of being about 3 meters tall, she was 10 meters tall like the gigantes. That would be perfect.
Centorea and Papi are both trash
Thanks man. Nobody ever found out that I am OP [\spoiler]
Are you implying it isn't, user?
The test is whether you'd run a game of it.
Which one are you user
You are the fedora lord dm.
As expected of a fa/tg/uy.
I~I~I don't know, doesn't s~s~sound so bad.
I mean I don't care to be throttled by someone's significant other but a monster named a buttsqueazel sounds pretty hilarious.
I'm a currently DM for a group of friends, and since we all have know each others basically half our lives, we decided to magically realm the HELL out of this campaign.
Our fighter half-orc is slowly getting some heavy bimbofication. For the moment he's still playing a futa and he try very fucking hard to stay that way. Haven't deceided yet if he's gonna lose is dick or not.
Our monk got himself a flat chest harpy owl tsundere waifu. Ot was actually quite cute how he saved her from slave trader.
Our rogue just hapilly fuck everything. He said he want to taste the rainbow, and boy does he. That tiefling trap prince was really not expecting that.
Our gnome rogue keep meeting giant woman and getting squwash in their boobs and carried around. I may also give him a waifu in the future.
And finally my best buddy met a nice waitress, romanced her, married her, bought a home for them and now have a second child coming. She may or may not have the same name, character and physical apparence then his IRL wife.
And because all my player are the best, nobody complain when I trow them tentacles.
Reverse Magical Realm:
I'm super lax on PCs who want to get involved with romance ingame (ie all NPCs are bi, just because); different people like different parts of RP and grow their characters in different ways. If your character's story involves love, that should be great, right? I'll work with it no problem!
Well I decided to make a fresh start and have my group make new characters learning to adventure. We all know each other, so I encourage backstory ties between them. At some point one player's idea is that her character's been tragically locked up in a dungeon his whole childhood and he's just escaped. Soon after, all three are from the same dungeon.
That's kinda neat, right? Well they kept adding to it after the initial thumbs-up. Now it was a rape dungeon of neverending pain. They are all terribly dependent on an idea of finding a New Daddy for them all, a primary tormentor+caregiver who actually knows how to cook for them. This comes out in dialog during play piece-by-piece and wasn't written.
For the most part it's been funny inversions (like the first man they find is a frail squeamish adolescent and they snatch him up as the New Daddy anyway) but then they turn it dark and creepy anyway.
Like someone casually mentions "that time I was being starved so that I couldn't fight back very strongly" as working context for some new plan for bringing bring one hostile tribe to the negotiating table with another. Or one of them comically decides to demonstrate how to be Daddy for that NPC, then decides SHE should be HIS Daddy from now on, binds and torture-rapes him and makes him do it to the others, so it's the making of a monster or something.
And every time I'm just looking at them with watering eyes like wondering if this is some kinda therapy and if they need hugs after games.
This is basically all my fault but I can't just end it because they're emotionally attached to their broken-souled characters now.
>pic related
As to the topic at hand, we haven't had any so far. Closest would probably be one of the first times I've played. I was an elf in a setting where they tended to be xenophoic ass holes and I went super edgelord. GM then decided I would get caught by a tentacle monster that I had to escape. Every time I failed my roll he would describe how the monster was trying to pull down my pants and stick a tentacle where the sun doesn't shine. Got out before any penetration though.
Other closest would be when THAT GUY wanted to join my Shadowrun game. He broke rule #1, Characters Shall Not Be Fetish Fuel, by making some weird elf/changeling/cat girl thing. Let him play because I knew killing his character would piss him off more than not letting him play. Had my buddy call the cops with an anonymous tip that "some weirdo with a super illegal rifle was on a hill at these coordinates" in the middle of a mission. THAT GUY fought the law and the law won. Much salt was had and everyone laughed at his rage (he was an ass in general, only around him because he paid half of my buddies rent). THAT GUY ragequit, rest of us (including his GF) had fun, and I got to learn how the fuck to GM a game.
That comic is awesome.
This isn't exactly DM magical realm, but...
>running Storm King's Thunder (5e D&D)
>getting towards the end of the campaign
>players receive potions that grow them to giant size from the giant royals
>players ask why the giants even had these potions that only work on regular-sized people
>tell them that they give them to guests of honor
>player later mentions that he assumed I meant they gave them to smallfolk they wanted to fuck
>I just meant they're for allied warriors
>but I actually do have a GTS fetish
>>but I actually do have a GTS fetish
>YFW one of them try to earn the right to use one
I am proud of you user.
>long running WoD campaign
>we have a rotating cast of characters and trade off Storyteller regularly to keep things interesting
>passes to friend X for this cycle
>He's pretty creative and involved but will hog the spotlight if you don't keep him in check
>First time as ST, been planning his part for months
>Party is a group of various supernaturals, part of a Delta Green like organization that maintains world peace
>Currently on the lamb since literal Nyarlathotep was elected president, tore down the Masquerade, and declared war against the supernatural
>X's story has us travel to Area 51 to secure an unknown package and have it safely escorted to where our organization can keep it safe
>Turns out to be an alien of the same race as Nyarlathotep, but a female
>Nyarla wants to capture her so they can breed and colonize the earth
>Since she's a horrifying guro monster in her true form she's disguised with an illusion
>Looking at her true form with magic gives you degrangements
>Illusion makes her look like a "budding pubescent girl"
>Warned by scientists not to trust her
>She's already made several attempts to seduce the male party members
Only one session in for his run but I'm fucking wary of this shit.
Nice pic
I was honestly expecting him to say "hot" but that is also pretty funny.
Half of what I consider my best ideas for fiction started out as fap fantasies. Really kinky shit, too. I have to remind myself when writing that just because my MC could easily get a hold of a harem, doesn't mean that readers want to hear about my plans for improving the world through magical breeding programs.
>character has the passive superpower that everyone wants to bone her
That sounds extremely magical realm.
And then you figure out that they become a sexy ass necromancer because they want everyone to become undead so they can have some goddamn peace and quiet!
It looks like your friend X just played Saya no Uta, hopefully he won't go the full hog with the breeding aspect.
but he's worst boy
>ot your average anime monstergirl but some real disturbing looking atrocitiesso
Oh, now I am interested. Regular monstergirls are got kinda stale but this may, uh, tickle my research purposes.
>having GM cook good stuff and describe it well enough to make you hungry for 110% enjoyment.
Sounds absolutely awesome. 10/10 would skip meals before playing.
As for the poor thing, I understand but you can always chip in for a "campaign's feasts fund"
>DM plants NPC to suggest our party goes on a "mission"
>go to a "town"
>guard "almost" doesn't "let us in" but we "convince" him with "glibness" to do so
>go to "seedy" tavern
>"talk" to the bartender
>tells us there are "rats in the basement"
>entire group is visibly uncomfortable
>DM looks as though he's about to cream himself
>play along out of sheer morbid fascination
>"go down" into the basement
>five "rats" attack our party
>kill them in 2 "turns"
>receive "gold" for this service
I don't know what part was worst but I'm never fucking playing with that freak again
>you are then permitted to see the queen.
>... now HER tits are absolutely marvelous
>they're bolstered by her royal undergarments and reflect the dignity of a woman of her position
>they look soft and the nipples are most likely pepperoni-esque
So when is the orgy happening?
My DM's magical realm are wholesome relationships.
I'm like, 80% certain the D&D game i'm currently in is the GM's magical realm. Not complaining mind you, it's been fun so far, but goddamn is it the horniest game I've ever played.
As a bit more detail, sex seems to come up every other adventure (prize goes to that wizard who polymorphed into a girl to have sex with his long lost twin because what the fuck m8), Also, literally every single character portrait seems to be an attractive anime dude.
>you are then permitted to see the king
>... now HIS tits are absolutely marvelous
>they're posted by his royal undergarments and reflect the dignity of a man of his girth
>they look soft and the nipples are most likely rock hard
the most degenerate fetish of all, I bet he makes couples hold hands.
I let everyone go hog wild with their magical realms once, but all they ended up doing was some rape and snuff. Pretty boring, desu.