So who's ready for the next leg up? We saw this same shit happen back in November. And September. And July. The more we go up, the further we fall, but it doesn't matter because we're just going to take off again. Next target high for BTC is $33000. Hard to say when that will happen. Could happen in January. Could happen next week.
Then again 2017 could have been a fluke year and we'll go back to flat to negative gains for another 3-4 years. Do your own research people. For all the people who were waiting to "buy the dip", the dip is now. Get in here and buy some mother fucking Bitcoin. Afraid you'll lose your money? Fuck you! You shouldn't be buying this shit unless you're ready to ride an 40% loss to a 250% gain, and then be ready to hold through it all over again. This shit is risky, which is why it pays so well.
Worried about the flippening? Buy both Bitcoin and Bcash. It's not that much harder at this point, and you've got insurance one way or the other.
Who wants to make some mother fucking money?
Julian Perry
fucking shit monaco is mooning without me better buy some
Ryder Collins
Fucking shit that image is unsettling as hell. Fuck yiu op.
William Lewis
Don't chase the moon. buy the dip. unless you're a new fag - chase the moon all you want
Lincoln Baker
Good to see you Monaco poster! Shill me on why I should buy Monaco!
Logan King
Unironically now is the time to accumulate as much OMG and ARK as possible.
Ian Myers
i wanted to buy btc at about 12k, think it will dip again this weekend or are we already set for takeoff? dont' fucking shill me, just be honest or fuck off you greasy cunts
Adrian Hill
I'm looking for the same but many here think we'll retest 10-11k
Charles Bennett
no one fuckin knows but id buy NOW
if were going to go to 0 it probably would have by now. it's fighting up. magic? or just a healthy correction before a growth spurt. HMM
Cameron Jones
why so?
Ryan James
It's entirely possible we see a protracted couple of weeks of Bitcoin bouncing around 13k +/- 1k, but the last time I thought we were going to dip was back at 11k on December 2nd, and we just ran the fuck up to almost 20k. Shit's hard to call, but if you think bitcoin will rise again, you're not getting much better prices than this.
Camden Lewis
yeah alright, and if it goes down again i can always switch over to something else, maybe nubits even if i have to, and buy the dip. thanks for the advice
Grayson Ward
Well like I said, this is crypto. I could be talking out my ass and you could be looking at huge losses. You could also be looking at huge gains. This shit is basically casino level gambling, except there usually isn't a house, and the odds are actually in your favor if you play right. There is a reason hodl is a meme. The hard part is figuring out your exit strategy.
Jose Nguyen
Bull trap?
Jaxon Barnes
1500 EOY . JPG
Aaron Rogers
bcash is a scam and we are in the bull trap rn
Bentley Murphy
Anthony Watson
4k on christmas eve
Dylan Morgan
I'm holding some different alt coins I bought a while back, I'm down in terms of BTC value and up in USD. I'm thinking I should sell all these coins back into BTC to lose as little as possible.
Stupid idea? These are just my mess around coins, I'm holding a lot of ETH.
Bentley Turner
Bcash is a scam, but it's got momentum and leadership vs Bitcoin's momentum and decided lack of leadership. I mean I fucking despise Kylo Ren and don't really give much of a fuck about Jiren fucking his mother if he wants fuck, but at least they can make a decision and not leave wallets with so few bitcoin they can't even afford the fee to transfer out. I mean Litecoin was better until the guy in charge made it clear he's half crazy, which is a step above the scamming chinaman and his terrorist butt buddy I suppose. Kind of highlights the need for someone/something to own the brand, but the second that happens we're back to centralization and our libertarian dreams of decentralized money fall by the wayside.
Wyatt Rodriguez
You have to evaluate your risk vs return. If you're making an acceptable return and not getting fucked too badly on risk, you're fine. That's the whole point of diversification. Just watch those shits coins. ETH is arguably a good call. It's due for a major run up given LTC and XRP. Money Skelly is kind of flaky at times though. Never know when he's going to tweet some dumb shit like kitty porn is totally cool.
Xavier Myers
seeing as how I'm down in terms of BTC don't you think I can get better re-entry points for my alts?
Blake Jones
>tweet some dumb shit like kitty porn is totally cool. But the moment he did that the price shot up $60 kek
Ethan Lewis
I don't know. My experience is don't hold shit coins long term, good alt coins can pay off, and the fewer moves you make the better. Trying to figure out if a trade is good by comparing how fast it's going relative to bitcoin relative to cash kind of makes for a headache. Either focus on fiat or satoshis, and don't worry about the other because then you start chasing gains instead of letting them come to you.
I guess I try not to evaluate things in terms of finding a BETTER entry point, because this market will fuck you if you try. Case in point, we hit a high close of 10502 in BTC on Dec 1st. I'm thinking "great, ATH, wait for a 20-40% dip and jump in." I'd basically be waiting until today when blood is running in the streets to buy in at what is still a higher price than the ATH I was looking at.
There's never really a good time to buy or sell outside of "am I making money?", and it really depends on what your goal at the time is. Are you building wealth? Trading for fun? Trying to make a livable income? Those all change how you should be behaving in the market.
Lucas Wilson
>Bcash i don't have to listen to this, i'm a millionaire, this is insulting. it's BITCOIN CASH i don't have to take this insult. i was a millionaire before i even got into bitcoin and this is the real bitcoin and its called bitcoin cash not bcash get it right
Matthew Butler
What kind of research are you talking about? How am I supposed to research the future price of BTC?
Xavier Torres
Easy there Kylo. Learn a bit more about branding before trying to transparently co-op someone else's.
Figure out how it works. What it does. What people use it for. Why is it going up? Why is it going down? Think things through, come up with some models. Make some predictions based on those models. Revise them as necessary.
Easy part is the price of anything will really only do three things: go up, go down, or do nothing. Figure out which one you think is most likely, and figure out how much you're willing to bet on that outcome.