This is your next campaign setting
What do?
This is your next campaign setting
What do?
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I have no idea what this is, but I guess I'll be an American GI who's out to get his squad home in one piece.
Lament that I deleted all my porn, then tell you an amusing anecdote about my fetish for SS DL homosex.
Is it porn?
Because it looks like a porn to me.
Oh god
It looks like erotica, big difference.
So its intended audience is teenagers and middle aged women?
A furry erotica book about nazis?
...kinky, but not my cup of milk.
>I noticed you follow David Duke on Twitter
>So What
>Are you a white supremacist?
Holy shit, this guy
Now, OK, DEVIL'S advocate here - the story appears to be about a Wermacht soldier whose transported to another universe at the moment that would have been his death.
It just so happens this other universe is populated by furries n shit.
So the protag isn't a Nazi (necesarily), he's a Wehrmacht soldier. Granted Wehraboo's tend to be a little... off, but hey, they *were* damn snazzy dressers.
Not sure how this image fits in but doesn't Hitler look happy.
The author is a thinly-veiled neo-nazi
Let's be honest, he's stark naked about it.
Deus Vult both the nazis and the furries
If ever there was a setting worthy of DEUS VULT, it is this one.
No survivors fellow paladins. No survivors.
Given the OP pic, its likely a lot more than his neonazism was stark naked while he was spawning this "story"
>This is your next campaign setting
When in Rome... I ain't no furry, but I'd fuck that.
>I ain't no furry, but I'd fuck that.
This makes you a furry.
Plus, she probably only likes barbed dick.
Do you have a barbed dick?
Fucking furry.
I wish I had a barbed dick.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Might do a readthrough of this fantastic work of literature on /k/
>"So uh, you do realize that in Nazi Germany you’d be killed for being a furry, right?"
>Frankly I am tired of hearing this. This is a typical line from Alt-Right boneheads who are every bit as ignorant about the Third Reich as social justice warriors are. In fact, dressing up in polar bear fursuits was a common meme in German culture at the time. Second, German culture gave the world The Brothers Grimm fairy tales, which are based on ancient German and Germanic stories of anthropomorphized animals. I would argue that the ‘Furry’ concept we know today came from the Germanic mind itself. If so I am happy to add to that tradition.
What the actual fuck am I reading
>the story appears to be about a Wermacht soldier whose transported to another universe at the moment that would have been his death.
Was he killed by Komrade Truck?
Then again, human dick is among the largest compared to body so there might be perks.
This man is delusional. The Nazis killed gays, retards, and gypsies too.
It also has not-Soviet not-Orcs called Grimeskins who engage in liberation (read: rape).
>This was only meant to be a fantasy novel series, not some huge political lightning rod, which it became. I’ve been attacked by numerous social justice warriors in the furry fandom and have lashed out at them in various ways. When I get attacked, my instinct is to fight back and that is what I have been doing. That was probably also a mistake, and it’s one that I intend on correcting by focusing only on the book going forward.
I hate SJWs. They destroy everything.
>SJWs destroyed my gay furry Nazi fanfic
I'm not sure what's a joke or not anymore
Dude is a fan of David Duke and Nazi fetishist. Anyone further left than Stormfront is probably a SJW in his mind.
Go back to /pol/
Literally the only thing that happened was someone posted the image of the cover on Reddit and he was swarmed for being a NAZI. Literallly nothing can be fun, no jokes can be made, and only Fisher-Tek stories can be written thanks to SJWs and their fascist ideology.
a modern day ulysses
Dude in OP's pic is GERMAN.
He's been in Nazifur circles for years, and it's out of more than an appreciation of the HY haircuts and Hugo Boss.
Go yiff on the Eastern Front.
>Reee nazis get out
Do you realize how you sound?
How can furbois even compete?!
Germans and nazi apologists shouldn't really be all salty about that.
Nazis massacred our whole villages.
We just gave them a whole lot of new babies.
like someone who doesn't subscribe to an ideology based on denigration and idiocy?
Veeky Forums ain't for polshitters, deal with it
Honestly, replace the Liberator faces with your typical green orcs and shoop on some furry wolfgirl faces onto the women, and you have something which closely resembles a scene from the book. Add a furry version of a crying Wojak and you pretty much have brought that particular scene from the book to life.
It's an enjoyably bad read, and wouldn't be out of place on Literotica
I will be doing this guys ideamaybe a rasist who only restrains from shooting everything by my CO, unless my partey are all furrys, in that case.....
>maybe a rasist who only restrains from shooting everything by my CO
>Platoon with furries replacing Vietcong
Fire up CCR's "It Ain't Me" and we have ourselves a game
not sure what that is, I was aiming for twitch from the all guardsmen party. and maybe a henderson of plot derailment
Are you phoneposting or having a stroke? I'm worried.
phone, shut up its the middle of the night and my other devices are on charge. but thanks for the consern
>he doesn't know about Platoon
>he doesn't know about one of the most iconic Vietnam War films
wew lad
Now for the real question, are monstergirls furries?
ill look it up, and in answer no idea. welp I'm back to lurking have fun anons, I wonder if this will actualy become a setting?
The hook is that both the humans and orcs are stealing your women, and you have to stop them
Gee whiz, it sure is awful that happened to "him." If only "he," who is clearly not you, could have engaged in the harmless "fun," and "jokes," of his Nazi Furry Fanfic without being FURSECUTED.
God willing one day we'll live in a world where people can masturbate to the glorious aryan ubermensches of Hitler's Germany sexing up slutty animal women as God Intended, without dirty libtards coming along to basically put them in camps and mass murder them with gas chambers, you know, metaphorically.
>are monstergirls furries
yes but also no, its more of a sliding scale than a binary yes and no.
If this were a story of a Nazi isekai'd into a world of monstergirls, would it be preferable
You know that there were settings (or was it quests?) like that on Veeky Forums?
Something called like "Nazi's in Fantasyland" or whatever.
stereotypical elves are usually ethno-nationalists anyways so would it actually have any effect at all on society beyond the weapons he carrys with him
Now I want to read it.
Monstergirls aren't furry for three main reasons. One is that most of them are humans with animal or fantasy race features, not anthropomorphized animals. Some might say that's splitting hairs, but if you actually look at both side by side the distinction couldn't be more obvious. The second is that generally monster girls are based on something from legitimate fantasy sources, and they're just animefied/oversexed. Furry stuff is rarely based on anything except generic pornography with the humans replaced by animals, and the few times it is based on something less directly pornographic it always takes time to go to the Magical Realm so we can get details about lactating body nipples or whatever animal thing gets the creator off.
The third is that what constitutes furry is more in the eye of the beholder/creator than it is the thing itself. There's a reason paheal roots out generic furry stuff as best they can but doesn't forbid Pokemon, Lola Bunny or Sonic porn, and its that the furries themselves and their need to treat their fetishes as their entire sexual identity to claim victim status are what is toxic, not that they think horses are fuckable.
When they came for the Nazis, I said nothing because fuck those guys.
When they came for pedophiles, I said nothing because they're degenerates.
When they came for the Christians, I said nothing because Christfags are idiots who follow a 3000 year old fairy tale.
When they came for the comedians, I said nothing because that's the free market, they shouldn't have offended people who actually bought their stuff.
When they came for the Republicans, I said nothing because I believe in socialism and universal medical care.
When they came for the internet message boards, I said nothing because it wasn't my problem, there are always alternative sites.
When they came for the RPG splatbooks, I couldn't say anything because there was nobody left to listen.
There is a thriving genre of Russian modern literature you can find by googling "пoпaдaнeц".
>What if a modern paratrooper platoon was sent back in time to WW2?
>What if Stalin was a time-traveling bear?
>What if Hitler was a time-traveling bear?
>What if Stalin was a time-traveling Hitler?
>What if a time traveler went to Imperial Russia in a body of a bee?
yeeeeeah, this crap is also printed on paper that will hurt your butt if you try to wipe with it, so the only reason to ever buy it is get drunk and laugh your ass off at how mind-bogglingly BAD it is.
t. Nazifur
What if space drow invaded during WW2?
What makes furries different from monstergirls?
Are you talking shit about Polt?
tfw nazis use things that are supposed to remind us to always stand up to nazis in order to defend nazis. Nazis who fuck animals even.
Objectively a furry, and she has Nazi qualities in her pursuit of the ideal physical form, finding a mate with superior genes, and funding all those businesses and public works projects through dozens of shell companies.
Is Polt the BBEG?
Turtledove gotchu covered. I'm sure there is half a dozen rushen books that fit even better.
This is your brain on /pol/
you are a furry if you participate in the community and identify yourself with it.
otherwise, you are just a xenophile
Welcome to America, where we have a First Amendment and respect the freedom of speech for all. It is more important than ever to stand up to the hordes of fascist now inculcated within our borders, trying to stamp out the right of others to speak in the public square.
I can believe that she's the one behind all the monstergirl smuggling that's driven the conflict in the most recent arcs.
I'm no Nazi, I'm an idealist.
Clearly its Ms. Smith with her beguiling devil woman legs. Only Rach-nee can out-seduce her, for only she has 8 plus her spider-mouth-legs that kind of look like normal girl legs.
My wish is that someday /pol/tards will read a book and realize that freedom of speech isn't the same thing as freedom from consequences for being an asshole.
>Form a mob to kill an author for offending you because you're a special snowflake
I miss Smith fanservice.
A mob killing an author for writing something offensive.
A group of a handful of reddit dorks internet bullying a fanfic writer for being a nazi when he is, actually, a nazi.
Yep, seems about the same.
First Amendment only applies to government attempts at censoring free speech within certain boundaries.
The First Amendment does not exist to protect your feefees from those big mean SJW boogeymen who call you mean names on the internet.
We all miss Smith. I wish she was here right now so she could throw the /pol/ derailers in prison for fucking non-humans, as is her mission.
This is the world that we are coming to.
If all you do is mock those who are oppressed, don't expect people to defend you when you're the next victim.
>Play with liberal furry haters
>watch if they final solution the anthros or not
This is pretty good as Veeky Forums moral dilemmas go.
Also, Albedo would be prefect for that campaign, you just have to change the names of a couple weapons and make some heavy tanks and bam - Barbarossa with furries.
Frankly, at this point, it's so ridiculous that it's mostly harmless.
On a sidenote, I have a sweet spot for this guy.
He posted a bunch of illustrations made by Guy Sajer on the eastern front, and I like Guy Sajer a lot. The art, the Kursk comic, the Forgotten Soldier, the Gulag series...
Someone calling you a retard isn't oppression.
What you linked has no bearing on the subject at hand.
Its just hard to appreciate someone's taste in art when they're arguing how the deeply misunderstood Third Reich would have totally embraced Furry Sex. Its like an amazing delusion onion one feels compelled to peel.
>passive aggression
5-star post right here
What I'm saying is that it is the Third Reich except Hitler is a hermaphroditic centaur and instead of humans there are furries. And instead of war and genocide there is exclusively homosexual sex.
Why do leftists act as though bullying/harassment is justified when the victim is right wing? The author is a furry so he's obviously mentally ill, so why is it okay to harass him just because he has different political views? Lefties have no sense of nuance.
I feel like I'm reading one of those movie pitches that goes "(Popular film) on a (Alternate Setting)" Except instead of a die hard clone its nazi fursex.
Veeky Forums is an odd place
Because the only good nazi is a dead nazi.
Not a mental illness it is a fetish. Like you, obviously want a bit of Herm Hitler up you ;)
He's not being harassed for being right-wing, he's being harassed for being a neo-nazi. Unless you're happy to claim neo-nazism as an acceptable part of conservative thought, in which case fuck off back to your containment board /pol/
You love Nazi Germany? bend over....
Though that's also true of a good Stalinist.
>The Furred Reich
Ok I laughed, thats a little clever at least.
Authoritarians in general should be put up against the wall and shot but as long as we tolerate commie fucks then I think its hypocritical to not also tolerate nazi fucks.
and before you go sassing me, no, I don't think Socialism and Communism are the same thing, when I say commie fuck I mean authoritarian communists.
Do we tolerate authoritarian communists in the vein of Stalinism? That's news to me.
/pol/ isn't even pro-Nazi. There is one National Socialist general and it gets spammed all the time. Most people there are (((alt right))) teenagers and ancaps.
But yes I do find National Socialism to be acceptable. Not even a Stormfag. No infographs. No genocide denial. I just want to preserve and expand my race and nation by any means necessary.
So, it seems it's available, anyone has the pdf or at least read it?
How is it?
I don't know, I really have a fondness for that kind of thing that deviates completely from the norm. The guy is making his own little thing, and it's so different from my own mindset, it's like I'm looking at another universe. It's fscinating in a way. Like Dreaming from Utopia or that Lilo & Stitch finnish webcomic.
>he doesn't like stalag-fiction
What are you, a goyim?
yes? maoists are fucking everywhere dude.
I hope you don't expect everyone else to not hate you then.
>Authoritarians in general should be put up against the wall and shot
If not intentional, congrats, that's beautiful.
>or that Lilo & Stitch finnish webcomic. bad is it
Irrelevant. When the sickened capitalist system collapses, nature will do the work for us. Immigrants, Jews, and blacks will be exterminated while the whites will live off the land. (Whites who don't learn self sufficiently will be wiped out too, good riddance) Hate me all you want, you or your jin will be dead by the next century.
He doesn't deserve harassment, death threats or anything but listen. Every time you post something publicly on the internet, you do so knowing that people may find it, ridicule you for it, and all that.
Getting swarmed by reddit trolls isn't a violation of this guy's rights. If one of them doxes him, spams his Facebook, hacks his website or threatens his family, then we can stand up for him.
This applies to pretty much every internet retard ever.
Hey now, just because nazism isn't acceptable doesn't mean we get to kill/threaten nazis or make their opinions illegal. If we go down that road, there'll be legal or social precedent for this kind of shit, and that's a horrible idea.
Give the devil benefit of law, if only so the law will still be here to protect you when he is the judge.