The Dark Gods demand their due. How can we best slaughter the loyalists and the wretched xenos this edition?
8e Chaos Space Marines
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Havocs with autocannons
I'm kinda sad that daemon weapons aren't a thing anymore.
Ab-bro-don has one
Yeah I'm going to miss beating fools out of existence with the black mace.
They'll probably be back when codex proper comes out.
can't wait to take a bunch of these sassy bastards
So how does the tag work in regards to the chaos lord's re-roll 1s to hit rule? Would that mean I have to say my CSM are from a certain legion in the book or would I be okay to just have it apply to all of my CSM as long as they shared a mark or something?
It's explained pretty clearly in the chaos book. Legion means Whichever One Your Army Is, unless you take two different legions or you know, random allies or something.
Marks work the same way pretty much. Here, it's on this page.
Kinda shitty that marine Captains still have access to Relic Blades despite us loosing Daemon Weapons, but yes, I imagine they will return with our real codex.
How about dem Noise Marines, tho?
Take a squad of CC troops with some plasma pistols and a flamer. Thank me later. I tried it on a whim, and getting the extra attack in CC was well worth giving up that bolter.
A 10man termie blob with a jump sorcerer is scary because they can Deepstrike together and the sorcerer can keep up with warp time and 10 combi-anything is scary. I'm probably going to do 5 melta, 4 plasma, and a reaper. Yes, the reaper is fantastic because it is 4 D2 S7 shots.
I'm honestly not sure what I want to do with noise marines. 3 attacks from each sonic blaster at 24" and a bunch of attacks from each blastmaster is pretty tempting, but it makes for a pretty expensive unit.
I am getting really excited for stuff like termies and chosen with icon of excess though. extra fight phase attacks on 5s against all imperials strikes me as being good times
Land Raiders are balls to the wall insane now. They put out loads of heavy dakka while being virtually indestructible, driving them straight up the center to draw fire/deposit troops seems to be a viable tactic.
fuck yeah
When people complain about not having enough room for the lord, just give him a jump pack and have him tail the Rhino/Raider. There's almost nothing your opponents can do to shoot him that you can't play around.
Prep to job, cartoon villains
You can also just bring two. I'm liking two full of Berserkers with a unit or two of Terminators + Sorcerer ready to pop in as opportunity allows.
that termie unit will be at the 500-600 mark
Berzekers are mad cheap now only 17ppm chainaxe included for S6 Ap-1 attacks... And they fight twice. Take several 20man units and there are very few things they won't threaten.
bump for CHAOS
anyone putting together lists yet?
Chaos Lord w/ JP and dual claws 106
Chaos sorc in TDA (warptime) 140
5 Warp talons w/ dual claws 140
5 terminators w/ 5 combimelta, 2 CF, 3 power axe 309
10 CSM w/ 2 plasma gun & rhino w/ combi bolter 228
10 CSM w/ 2 plasma gun & rhino w/ combi bolter 228
10 havocs w/ 4 plasma gun & rhino w/ combi bolter 254
Laspred w/ twin LC and LC sponsons 202
Subtotal 1647
Aiming at 2k and waiting for the chaos deredeo points & stats to complet the list.
>chaos deredeo
the what now?
Yeah, in the Forgeworld chaos index, to be leaked yet.
is that supposed to say Chaos Dorito? Like the nacho cheese tortilla chip?
I like it.
lots of insane goodness there, can't wait for leaks or failing that, to someone upload the ebook or scananon but i need that book so bad
Yeah, that's going to be fuckin' rad! Can't wait to read those alternate land raiders
This post made me kek heartily for some reason.
so are helbrutes going to survive a walk across the table or not boys?
I can totally see it going either
didnt save the leak when it came out, can someone post the chaos pdf?
Looking at the Chaos index description on the GW webstore, i have come to the hermetically wishful conclusion of there maybe, just maybe: being a Chaos index 2 coming someday, with hopefully dark mechanicum, traitor guard, and the updates for world eaters, emperors children and maybe word bearers or iron warriors.
Don't worry, the Chaos Codex is coming for you.
they already said that they are doing army specific codex books, the indexes are specifically to cover every citadel model that is currently for sale on their site so that they all have 8th edition rules day 1
The various flavors of csms are more likely to get codices. R&H are coming back in the FW guard book with elysians and kriegers
I have been a jobber for 3 editions now, with ending 7th as meerly mediocre. I look forward to staying middle of the pack
I just really want plastic heretic guardsmen..
>Chosen can't take axes anymore.
>I'll just throw that model from Dark Vengence in the bin, then.
yes they can dummy
nuh uh faggot
What's a Hellwright and a Dark Abeyant then? Models to come I'm assuming. Either way we get most of our 30k toys allowed in at long last which is freaking awesome.
yes they can why are you being a dummy
nuh uh, why are you being a faggot?
i hope R&H come fast... cultists seem to be the worst unit in all books... there seems to be no way to make them auto pass the moral check (except CP)... and their stats are horrible...
I guess they're meant to be taken with a dark apostle.
put them near a dark apostle
shit from the HH i guess
My concern is more about what do you want to put behind them ? Wouldn a rinho/land be a better choice to protect your real puncher?
Just noticed we lost dirge casters for our vehicles. Sad to see those go because of how fun it would be to charge a rhino into combat with one.
Destroyer blades too. I got excited when I read about Deff Rollas becoming brutal in CC and thought we would get something similar. also was hoping for a better version of daemonic possession RIP
I hope The Purge is still in somehow, I have a Verdun themed Nurgle renegade army and I don't want it to be shit this edition.
for first time in my life I care about the Red Corsairs
Do they have any special rules for 8th? I'm gonna be running my boys as WE because khorne but I really hope the Corsairs get something.
Huron actually looks good for a change, but red corsairs themselves didn't get any special rules like most CSM factions.
yup, but I hope they get something in the codex
what do you guys think about chaos bikers? loved them in the last edition (T6 XD and 2 melters for vehicle hunting ).... are they still worth using?
no T6 anymore
Alright, how does this look?
Fast attack Slaaneshi CSM, 1250pts
Lord w/ jump pack, twin claws - 106
Sorcerer w/ jump pack, force axe - 130
6x Noise marines w/ power sword, blastmaster, three sonic blasters, bolter - 140pts
6x Noise marines w/ power sword, blastmaster, three sonic blasters, bolter - 140pts
6x Noise marines w/ power sword, blastmaster, three sonic blasters, bolter - 140pts
6x Raptors w/ twin LC, 2x plasma pistols - 129pts
6x Raptors w/ twin LC, 2x plasma pistols - 129pts
6x Raptors w/ twin LC, 2x plasma pistols - 129pts
Lascannon Pred - 202pts
= 1245pts
6 x 6 units, which is nice and fluffy
they lost the toughness bonus but gained a wound
As a Slaanesh player with more Noise Marines than Chaos Marines I love the look of the new weapons, cheaper than before to bring them to the field and they're stronger too.
Assault 3 sonic blasters, heavy 3 single frequency and assault d6 varied frequency blastmasters is such an excessive amount of shot. Did I mention that d3 damage and AP -2 on single frequency blastmaster shots? Because that's beautiful.
Sexy, aren't they? What do you think of this list:
Chaos bikers != Nurgle bikers.
I love it!
Personally I think you should replace the bolters with chainswords on those 3 guys left without glorious noise and pop bolt pistols on the 3 Noise Champions to give them a little extra unf if you need it since they're free.
I also think you should drop the Noise Champ's Powerswords for Chainswords so you can afford an Icon of Excess in one of the units, I recommend a Raptor unit.
So what does everyone think about Plague Marines?
I wrote it in shorthand, so yes, all the champs have bolt pistols. I'm less concerned about the Icon simply because a lot of my local meta is non-Imperial, so I'll get less usage out of them.
>hurr why are my poorly trained shitty militia rabble not totally fearless
This shit is what fucked over 7th among other reasons
>stats are horrible...
Maybe quit jerking off to cultist-chan and actually read the fluff you'll see they are just normal crazed people. Why would they have 'good' stats?
I'm not sure, but I think he doesn't like Chaos?
They're still pretty good; resilient and well-rounded.
Ah fair enough, lots of Imperium players at my store.
Looks good then.
Why are you so triggered?
Did you see the Primaris Marines get fucked by Deathguard in the Dark Imperium games on Twitch? Did you hear about Girlyman getting BTFO by Fulgrim? Is your store defaulting to Narrative Player with Tzeentch Players? Did you find out how many attacks Khorne Berzerkers can make?
>Did you find out how many attacks Khorne Berzerkers can make?
Ooh yes! I've been waiting for this for thirteen long years...
Thousand Sons list. Kinda wanted a land raider but it's so expensive
Fabius Bile can enhance any Chaos infantry now. Could be fun with Berzerkers.
New Abaddon model when?
Shame you need Chainswords instead of Chainaxes, duel wielding Chainaxes would be sweet but there's no benefit.
>npc players
Xenos thread is elsewhere
>edge lord
Necrons have their own thread
Okay we have Slaanesh, fair point.
Something pretty awesome I just noticed.
Thousand Sons and Death Guard can only take specific units, while Emperor's Children and World Eaters can take whatever the fuck they want (aside from guys who can't take their Legion or the appropriate Mark)
Get REKT other cults take your better/more numerous cult models and fuck off
Well, it makes sense for fluff. Thousand Sons are all either sorcerors or suits full of dust. No normal dudes. Death Guards are all plagued, no normal dudes. EC and WE's cult troops are just regular guys from the legion with different weapons.
Words cannot express the quality of this bait.
Number, on the other side, can.
Sure, I like it, it makes sense. Also get REKT other cults! Suck it!
Since we're getting chaos doritos, i started converting mine based on the space Crusade one.
>mfw I played with a berzerker horde today
They're back bois!
Really? They cant take Missile Launchers or Lascannons so popping tanks is out of the question, Blight Launchers and Plasma Guns are okay but you only get 2 per squad and they are 8 points more than a regular CSM without feeling anywhere close to that.
>tfw my footslogging pure Thousand Sons army is finally decent
>disgusting resilience
>extra point of toughness
>no different
whatever you say bro
How do they get anywhere? Considering dropping some rhinos maybe.
I didn't say there was no difference, I'm just saying those things haven't felt worth 8 points in my games. They can't do much to vehicles (except at close range with meltas of course) and bolters don't win prizes for their statline. Besides the blight launchers, flamers or plasma they dont seem to have a great deal of power behind them.
Hmmm, so there are PLAGUE MARINES and they are mostly good at killing INFANTRY
that's crazy dude, wow totally nuts
It's almost as if they're given an advantage and in return, are given a disadvantage.
Anyone got Kharn's new profile? Haven't been able to find it online.
Fabius has only one purpose, and you know it.
Alright here's my dakka emp children list tell me what you think
also word up to all my noise marine fans in this thread!
Jump Lord - 93pts
Jump Lord - 93pts
10x noise marines w/2x blastmstr, 8x sonic blster, 1x dsiren - 270pts
10x noise marines w/2x blastmstr, 8x sonic blster, 1x dsiren - 270pts
10x noise marines w/2x blastmstr, 8x sonic blster, 1x dsiren -270pts
10x cultists w/auto pistols and brutal ccw - 50pts
5x terminators w/combi-meltas and power axes - 275 pts
3x rhinos w/combi-bolter,havoc launcher,combi-plasma -98pts
1x land raider w/twin heavy bolter, 2x twin lascan, havoc launcher, combi-plasma - 382 pts
total 1997 pts
The game plan is to have the lords hang out (or strike in) near everything else to grant their aura to all the units nearby while those units shoot the dogshit out of everything.
I'm not sure if the list will deal with heavy threats very well, I've got the land raider and the termies with meltas for hard targets but everything else but the blastmasters on single is just dakka.
Land Raiders cannot take heavy flamers, that is worse
That is a big rough, but combi-flamer now lets you shoot it as a flamer every turn and it's pretty cheap (11 pts), so there's that