2000 point list. Going to be fighting Tyranids and CSM most likely, plus some guard, SM, orks, and tau.
Battalion detachment
Captain (Relic blade, storm bolter) 97 pts
Librarian in terminator armor (Storm bolter, force stave) 161 pts
Tactical squad with gravgun, plasma cannon and combi-flamer, 175 pts
Tactical squad with plasmagun, missile launcher, combi-flamer, 179 pts
Infantry squad with flamer and autocannon, bolter sergeant, 63 pts
Fast attack:
5 assault marines with 2 flamers and a power sword, 87pts
Razorback (TL assault cannon, storm bolter) 102 pts
5 sternguard, 95 pts
Razorback(Lascannon, TL plasmagun) 110 pts
Contemptor dreadnought (DCCW, combi-bolter, Multimelta) 167pts
5 cataphractii terminators. sgt with combi-bolter and power sword, 1 with heavy flamer and
power fist, 1 with combi-bolter and power fist, 2 with double lightning claws, 241pts
5 vanguards with jump packs. Sgt with thunder hammer + storm shield, 3 with bolt pistol + power sword, 1 with bolt pistol + chainsword, 134 pts
Predator with TL lascannon and 2 heavy bolters, 172
Leman russ (Battle cannon, lascannon, 2 HBs) 190 pts
Heavy Weapons Squad with 3 mortars, 27pts