Fatanvious is a fucking pussy edition
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Setting General
Fucking Fatanvious and his Theofag alliance bullshit. He used to be cool.
C'mon man, at least make an argument. you're wrong, but I can't *prove* it.
If you want to speak about retarded special characters, can we please talk about Larry Chromium? Not only is he OP, he doesn't fit with the Wavach design or aesthetic at all. And he's written by a guy named Larry, who uses to call his OC Larry in his fanfiction.
I mean it's worse than and that guy literally went insane and shot up a schoolbus after he wrote the Red Moon book.
Fantavious was humbled by the might of the Theocracy, hail to The Bishopess!
>Saviour of the Three Blessed Kingdoms of Heaven
>Slayer of the Damned Pitlords
>Husband of the Harem of Twelve
>fucking pussy
Nah, you're a fag.
please don't let this become a general
BishopessX Fantavious OTP
Hey is there any merit to the Scraphounds variant lists? I've been running a Symmetran Bog God as my command vehicle but it seems totally useless unless I roll marsh terrain (which I only have a 5% chance of doing since the planet was glassed in the civil war).
I get tabled almost every game. Someone at the store recommended I try Drone Destroyers. Are they good?
Oh jeez, Larry
Wasn't his shit even worse than Drew the Jew?
All that shit got thrown out the window after he allied with the Theocracy, he doesn't do whatever the fuck he wants anymore.
t. Fantavious the pussy-whipped.
>Husband of the Harem of Twelve
kek are you new? That doesn't mean he has twelve wives, it means he's one of twelve husbands.
Fantavious is a cuck.
Faction specific:
>SD Rebalanced and point reduction across the board
>Wolf packs NOT returning
>Jin Nerf, teleporting now has a cool down
>WAC Revamp, new models in coming (Mechs?)
System in General
>Dice Pools now have a cap which scales with the games point values
>more focus on objective play, with missions NOW INCLUDED IN THE BOOK NO MORE BUYING MISSION EXPANSIONS
>C&C system reworked now based on more D4's instead of D6's so more consistent in armies with poor Comm stats.
I know his stuff is harder to find than the fucking Star Wars Christmas special, so I'd give that estimation some pretty fucking good odds
>SD Rebalanced and point reduction across the board
aw ye
>Wolf packs NOT returning
>Wolf packs NOT returning
We all know this is not true.
> No changes to Theocracy
> I can still hold off tables worth of enemy units with a handful of Holy Guard and a Grand Paladin.
BTW if someone is interested this is how it turned out last time we had something similar.
Worth a read at least, there's even a PDF summing things up.
Remember the Wayward Hearts novel by Sherman "gastric magic" Fief?
>How can I ruin the canon?
>I know, I'll make vore a regular thing in the setting
>Why are the fans angry?
>it means he's one of twelve husbands.
Which means that he's been all up in the Grand Princess's sweet sweet snatch.
Jesus christ that's worse than Larry
please no
Yeah, I'd rate it 1.5 Mad Dogs on a scale of shittiness.
>wolf packs not returning
Oh thank god they were the dumbest shit. Scrap dogs are raiders, they shouldn't rely on hierarchy
Grand Paladins are losing their bubble shields though.
Didn't they fire his ass not too long after that?
We ignore that part of the canon, hopefully new edition erases that crap.
They're sticking with the Mad Dog fluff, unfortunately. from what i hear there is more a focus on board based buffs based on table quarters/halves ect. trying to reward players for being aggressive again tieing in with more objective based play.
No changes leaked yet, I'd wait a bit.
You ever find it how all the official novel writers have the same first names as last names of Civil War generals? Is it a pseudonym thing or what?
Oh. Well shit. Do I actually have to bring sacred relics to deal with ranged fire now? Those things are a massive point sink.
But their clan bonuses were literally the only thing that let them function with so few Named Units!
They're getting a better replacement, though. Rosarii are the shit, and have some fuckawesome fluff.
It took a strangely long time for them to do it.
so they can make beta rules for gluttony temptresses
We should make sure to specify in the OP whether or not the thread is a new setting or a continuation
Get out. This is more magical realm than the Bloodlords 3rd edition army book.
muh fetish
>so few named units
-mad dog
-that one bitch
I'll admit, all of them except Bone and Mad Dog suck in the current meta, but that doesn't mean they're not there
Like I said, we can hope it goes by newest edition. It will.
First thread archived
Spot and Rover were joke characters, man
This can either go really good or really bad for Wavachi Armored Corps players. I am a bit hopeful, hopefully it doesn't spiral into jin-tier low model count armies.
To be fair, so was mother assphodel, but theocracy kept her around anyway
So does anyone have the Bloodlords meet the gnomes greentext? That shit was fucked up but hilarious!
The ass was too fat user, how could you say no?
> Daring to disgrace the name of Mother Assphodel
> Being this heathen
I'm not gonna lie though, half of the fluff was written by nerds with boners.
And it's glorious.
Suck it. They just announced Gluttony Temptresses. Off to fap
Yeah, but the model gave many kids their first boners
There's a reason to keep it
Gluttony temptress best waifu
>Montrano Games being autistic again
It's not even surprising at this point.
Gluttony temptresses are vore exhibitionist inflation fetish bait and you know it, user.
I bet Drew the Jew did this. He's the only reason they didn't can Larry sooner.
For all it's flaws, this setting has the most interesting magic system ever created.
At least the autism is easy to ignore if you play with grown ups. The new sculpts actually look good out side of the obvious 'fan-service' ones.
There is literally nothing wrong with fanservice.
Too bad it got freeblade'd on the table and only exists to further the plot in the fluff.
Fucking Drew
Well yeah, but it gets a bit ridiculous at times, yanno?
Yep. Fluidly non handwaved and off the hook magic in a sci fi setting sounds like total bull, but it works. This setting never left the 80s and all the nonsense that comes with it, and that's why it's still the top wargame out there.
>all of the female models are THICC and half nude.
It makes it less accessable, visually appealing but I don't like the idea of this not being a game that kids can play, people gotta get stared somewhere.
>implying THICC is bad in any way
Kids got to learn somewhere.
Anyway, the Theocracy's creed really strikes me as compelling.
'For who has the bravery to stand against evil, if not us? For who is able to stand against evil, if not us?For who has the might to stand against evil, if not us? The sword of light is our weapon.'
>Implying you don't like the Canoness' model
It's pretty standard stuff, the only thing that makes the theocracy compelling is that they're evil as fuck in actuality.
>Ulston has new fluff, so he's an interesting character now!
>Bad news, Hand of Darkness units are ranged or non-combat units
>Undead mercenaries now instead of bad ass doom cultists
>But worst part
>"neutral" to Theocraps!
Seriously, think of reasonable alliances here!
Okay, I'll bite
What'd they give the only WAC Named Unit in the damn game to make him not bland as fuck anymore?
It's like you don't even read their fluff
>ANYONE being neutral to Theocraps
They're literally genocidal against anyone who isn't a Theocrat how did that work?
They're mercenaries now, Theocracy hire mercenaries now.
They literally have a core troop choice called Theocracy Death Squads who use illegal mind probes to find the improperly faithful and burn them alive.
They made him Space Griffith!
This. The reason they're so aggressive is they're the only ones trying to save the universe, but all the other factions keep getting in the way of their Holy Destiny.
Theocracy victory = peace and prosperity. Every man of sufficient valor a noble defender of the weak, with a beautiful priestess at his side.
Leaked Diorama from the pre-show at Games Con showing new Mech minis. Lots of stuff planned for Wavachi Armored Corps
Not even that, any mercenary units get a special rule called 'Converted' which means they benefit from full faith bonuses. That means you can run Scrapdog renegades with full junk AND faith bonuses!
.... Hm.
I think I might like him now.
He's no Scraphound, but then again, ALL THE SCRAPHOUNDS' NAMED UNITS ARE SHIT
Not canon since 2e
muh nigga.
>Every man of sufficient valor a noble defender of the weak, with a beautiful priestess at his side.
>ignoring that the church is matriarchal and run by Bishopesses
>ignoring that priestesses literally fucking eat their men now
So the devs have revealed they are making a new faction to appeal to JoJo's fans. Anybody have any insights as to what their fluff is?
>scrap dogs got tamed
They should be put to sleep. A dog's gotta be free.
>ignoring the fact that there's heretical subfactions
I don't think it's a new faction, per se, I think it might just be a Voidwalker variant
Gimmick might be good for this one, though.
How new.ru? The devs love to troll us.
They wouldn't do this. Would they?
>converted Scrapdogs
Time to Ol Yeller this shit
This is gonna be like the Crawl out through the Fallout SD model release
A bigass prank.
> Gluttony Temptresses
> Implying those heretics serve the Holy Destiny
And as for the church being a matriarchy, what are Clergymen? I know nobody runs them, but they exist. And the church head wasn't always a chick you know.
All I really want to do is play Carnofear again. My Mauluscs and Crazefears have been gathering dust on a shelf for years now. I miss the looks on people's faces when a couple dozen of them jump across the table at them. Might not have been the best tactic, but goddamn was it fun.
More WAC rumors
>Beam-Communicators: If any WAC unit can draw line of sight to the Command Vehicle/Mech or can draw line of sight to any other unit which can draw LOS to the CV it may re-roll any amount of dice on a failed Comm Check.
Looks like the Wavachi got good Comms for once.
Knights of Jo'Muun: An order of knights dedicated to slaying malicious inhumans. Not part of theocracy. Cool powers include Flow (see hamon) and Flux (see spin). Special units command unique spirits called Manifests (see stand). Yep, full fan service.
What were their tactics against Theofags, again?
They're... bringing back the Freeblades, but Jojo?
..... Bueno.
This isn't part of the Jojo bate is it?
I rushed them and hoped my Mauluscs could crush their templars. God damn the Templars looked funny back then.
>Jojo Freeblades
I wish I could upvote this epic thread! Hats off you, fine sirs!
Nope, no JoJo in sight.
Any tips on roleplaying Shinshiro warriors? Besides muh honor and bloodbaths, I mean.
inb4: calling me a weeb
Just avoid acting like a Jin Colour Bearer and you'll be fine
Stoicism is a major part of it. You're practically the opposite of a Theocracy Zealot, you're calm, controlled, and relaxed. That being said, don't be too inhuman, or there's no sense role-playing. Have some fun with it, even a stoic has some things they like and dislike.
And don't go all animu with the blade wankery. That shits ceremonial, only to be used in duels.
another leaked WAC Mech, this time a promo-pic.
I like how they turned the Wavachi aesthetic into a mech design. They look pretty big too, hopefully not too expensive or I am just gonna convert some fucking gundams and call it good.
I think the most important part is striking a good balance between your loyalty to your masters and the party itself. One betraying the Jin is pretty much completely out of character but you do have your loyalties to the part to think about. Remember, the Shinshiro aren't slaves, they willingly joined the Jin.
Please no Akira the Devil clones. I hate when players do that with Shinshiro characters. He's a cool character, but cloning him is plain unoriginal. Really picky GMs will flat out say "no dual-wield katanas" because of this.
>featuring Akira the Devil from the RoK series!
He was pretty edgy at times, but mostly badass!
Help anons
I've been running a renegade souls game for a few months but now my players want to form an actual legion. They were approached by a high paladin who told them where they needed to go to set up their home base. He was secretly a tempter in disguise. When he was revealed to our battlerager she decided to jump his bones and wants to betray the party, which she did. Kills all of her friends in the fight. Then HE betrayed HER, as tempters do, ending her as well.
I want him to ressurect the party as undead servants for another story arc where they break free.
Am I shitting on fluff by making a tempter bring them back to life? I know necromancy isn't their thing but I can't think of any other way to do it.
Jo'Muun seems to have a direct enemy faction now. Zenith Empire. It's literally an army of hellish kaiju of varying sizes. They finally explain who and what Great Zharka is!
Have her ally with an Everdying Bloodlord Rebirther, shit's ez pz