Well this is the 5th update in a fortnight. If the end times are not here they are certainly on the way.
Outsider pg. 118
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck it, these are the end times. Who /innawoods/ now.
I mean, I understand you are being diplomatic, but is giving away positions of your stuff really that good of an idea?
What is going on?
They can pretty much just guess where humanity comes from, drop a few probes down and then just send them in random directions until they hit radio signals.
>london bridge in the captcha
Heheheheheh, heheheh,
why is me seeing it here only the second time
>Well this is the 5th update in a fortnight.
>I missed FOUR updates
Either I just entered a time anomaly or hell is freezing over.
Ow shit nigga, what is happening.
I agree with here.
Just give them the position of the refuelling vessel (with an actual superior officer on it).
Plus if they're engaged in total warfare against the Umiak and have just lost their main mean of detection, they probably can't spare the probes.
I know, my only theory is that the author is actually in contact with our future blue waifu overlords and even they are telling him to pick up the pace or another seal has been broken.
Wait shit this is a 5th page not listed on his site for some reason. I've somehow missed FIVE updates to this comic. I must clearly be in some sort of alternate reality or viewing into the fucking future.
Post the link, OP:
It's Patreon access only right now. I just wanted to get some joy of watching Veeky Forums explode while I'm bored at work.
I don't know what this is but blue elves are dope.
That was my motto when I first started. Come for the waifus, stay for the lore.
This is your doctor speaking to you. We're trying to contact you with subliminal messages. You have been in a coma for 6 years. Wake up, if you can.
You need to trick your mind into thinking you died, so you "restart".
"They shake hands?"
-Best catty moment 2017
The pilots so far have been an absolute treat.
Much as I love Outsider the way it is (release schedule excepted but holy shit what mirror universe have I entered on THAT regard...) I sometimes really wish Alex was something other than a grunt. I love seeing these little cultural mis-matches and someone with an interest in history or anthropology or something would be great to provoke little discussions where Humans and Loroi compare little facets of their cultures.
I honestly wonder what has spurred this massive update, 6 in basically30 days compared to previous updates is insane.
Another outsider page? WHAT YEAR IS TODAY.
>Jardin giving the human home planet considerd to a genocidial specie than feel humans immunity to psy-power to be a threat.
What could go wrong.
He is continually surrounded by what appears to be attractive women, his blood is going somewhere else.
>empty space
>nobody goes there
Wait, is this now that Humanity Fuck Yeah story with humans originating from an "insanity zone" of space?
Francis said humanity has a 2yr head start before the front lines hit their space. Rather than get sandwiched in between and bombed by both sides the proactive choice is to go out and find a partner early.
More like, when you've been involved in a decades-long war with an enemy that has forced you to commit to a total war policy and devote the vast majority of your infrastructure and efforts to fighting them, exploration and colonisation of new territories becomes something of a secondary concern.
There's nothing spoopy out there; both sides just have other priorities that meant they've never come across humanity.
Why did you reply to me? My post had nothing to do with political implications of Jardin's actions.
But isn't exploration vital to any war effort?
No? Setting a colony up is a massive expenditure of resources, resources and people that you need in a war.
If 17th century France and Spain are having a war, will they send explorers into central Africa?
Not if you have enough resources to fuel the war machine you already have, no.
And space is nothing if not full of raw material. The asteroid belt alone houses an absolutely monstrous amount of useful resources.
I said exploration, not colonisation. One does not entail the other.
Well, Spain had just finished the Reconquista in XV century and sent Columbus on an expedition only months later. And I don't think that any Anglo-French war stopped American colonies of either side from exploring the continent.
>Who /innawoods/ now.
Can't risk it. There might be more pages released between now and when SHTF!
Considering the scale and numbers of the war and fleets involved, Sol is not a particularly rich system, relative to the infrastructure already in place to sustain the war.
The expected returns of exploration and exploitation of far-flung territories would take years to offset the expendature required to put the mining, refining and logistical structures in place to obtain anything useful. Simply put, it's not an expense that can be afforded when the miss-allocation of resources means they may not survive long enough to see a return on the investment.
You're confusing 'scouting' with 'exploration'. Scouts to look into enemy positions, strongholds and resources are essential, but are also a far lesser expense than exploration missions into uncharted regions, that may not even find anything of use.
The longer this comic goes on the more I get the feeling that Jimmy Arioch is a shit writer.
>telling the xenos where earth is
This is the dumbest man in the galaxy.
I meant that if they already control a respectable chunk of territory then they'll already be up to their ears in raw material, which makes exploration pointless as a wartime activity besides scouting out enemy holdings and positions.
Empty Quarter did not clue you in? There is nothing to explore there. The Loroi also rely on their Farseers to scout other civilizations. So no need to look for enemys there. They'll sense any approaching enemy months ahead of time.
His entire mission is to establish diplomatic contact and they'd have figured it out pretty damn quickly if he withheld the information. Telling them where the homeworld is helps build trust that we'll deal with them honestly, making future deception easier, should it become necessary.
Blind and isolationist xenophobia is simply not viable, especially when you're not even a speed-bump to either side. Alexander lets us know that a single, under-strength strike group out-numbers both the Terran defence AND scout fleets, COMBINED and with weapons that we may as well have no protection against. Shutting ourselves off would only result in a situation similar to Japan in 1853
That's pretty much exactly what I said, yes, thank you for repeating me.
There Be Dragons in Space. Jardin notices that certain stars are missing from their star map, so Loroi just never bothered.
>That's pretty much exactly what I said, yes, thank you for repeating me.
So... I'm repeating you repeating me?
So your initial response was pointless. Congratulations.
The End Times™ are upon us! Repent! Repent! Repent, pray to your Emperor, your Dark Gods, your Science! For we are doomed!
I really don't like spaceweb FTL, was hoping they had something similar to Battletech's jumpdrive FTL instead.
You're thinking like a Starfleet officer who thinks everyone is friendly and holds to your high moral standards. You don't tell aliens you've just fucking met where the fucking homeworld is, in case they decide to conquer or bomb it. Yeah it might be fine or it might result in the enslavement or extinction of humanity, it's a first contact scenario have some fucking discretion.
>You're thinking like a Starfleet officer who thinks everyone is friendly and holds to your high moral standards
...I don't think even Starfleet does that. I mean, the prime directive exists so you don't give people shit until they've proven they are capable of using it without immediately trying to invade someone else or blow themselves up with it.
Dear lord I forgot that movie existed.
The very fact that I DON'T expect everyone to be friendly is the exact REASON I consider Alex to have made the right choice!
The Loroi, now they're extremely interested in learning where this psychic-immune species of nearly-physically-identical aliens comes from, would find Earth and its colonies anyway and we know they can wipe us out without even diverting many resources from their war effort!
In that situation, honesty and friendliness is the best solution, so that they underestimate you and you can deceive them easier, until you find a chance to become sufficiently powerful that it's not worth the effort it'd take to wipe you out. Further, neither side in the war recognises the right of third parties to be neutral and the Loroi apparently will straight-up genocide you rather than let you side with their enemies. We don't know what the Umiak do to their enemies, but we do know that they enslave their allies in all but name, so I can't imagine vanquished foes have it much better. Meanwhile, we have little data on how the Loroi treat their allies, but so far it at least seems a LITTLE more equitable than the Umiak policy.
In short, we lose little by revealing Earth's location and potentially gain a major espionage advantage.
The Federation is retarded on many, MANY levels. Their sole criteria for First Contact is, "Do they have FTL?" no question of culture or society! And it's heavily implied that most captains will follow the prime directive and not interfere even when non-interference means the destruction of a pre-first-contact civilization, either by internal pressure, or external disaster!
They do.
The web is probably just the mainroutes
In-setting, Earth is unlikely to continue to be overlooked for very long. Its discovery is most likely to occur as part of a battle, at which point one or both sides would exterminate humanity to guarantee it could not join the enemy side.
Jardin has contacted, and therefore joined, the Loroi. If the Umiak find Earth before the Loroi do, then humanity will have been drafted onto both sides, and will be exterminated.
The Loroi were the preferred choice because it's better to be subordinate than enslaved.
>Their sole criteria for First Contact is, "Do they have FTL?" no question of culture or society!
Actually, that's not remotely true. We've never gotten a full reading of it (Mostly because it's got 47 different subsections to it and no one wants to sit there and read all of that on a TV show)
Even outside of all we know, that's not it at all. The Prime Directive is why Starfleet didn't get involved in the Klingon Civil War. As it was a purely internal matter.
You fail to understand the scale of the situation. The war is going to push up upon Earth in roughly 2 years. That means this isn't some great-wasteland of space, but merely a backwater that is slipping into the war anyway.
Our area of space is unot because of lack of ability, but lack of priority. If the Loroi decide they want to know where Humanti came from, a few far-seers on scout ships could likely explore the entire region in weeks. Currently those seers and ships are better used elsewhere, but if "prevent the uncooperative humans from being subsumed by the Umiak" becomes a priority then we're toast. Earth would be discovered, and bombed to ruin in short order, probably by the happiest-genocider Stillstorm.
Jardin's most important task is convincing the Loroi we are friendly, and either harmless or only most useful when being treated reasonably.
>few far-seers on scout ships
Except that humans don't show up on the tedar (telepathy detection and ranging)
No matter how you put it, saying "here are all our systems" instead of just showing them the border and the first outpost is playing all your cards early and is fucking retarded.
Especially if they side with the Umiaks in the end.
>humans don't show up on the tedar
Humans may not, but I'd be very surprised if literally every plant and animal on Earth is also immune. All they need to do is get close enough to "hmm, there's life in that system, go check it out."
Not to mention more conventional means of detecting transmissions, drive signatures, atmospheric pollutants indicative of an industrial base, etc. The Loroi have more tricks than just psychic bullshit, or they wouldn't be in space at all.
The important part of the Far-seers is they can detect living minds from other systems, at a distance of many lightyears. This reduces the need to scout by a massive factor, since you only need to enough systems manually to get close enough to the others to catch them in the seers eye.
So now that I am reading through this comic...I feel like the author has been playing quite a lot of Master of Orion.
Author says that MoO and Yamato were major influences.
They also asked if he requires them to accomodate his "needs" and he refused so i guess he is a bit frustrated.
>Their sole criteria for First Contact is, "Do they have FTL?" no question of culture or society!
Not true
There's an episode where Riker infiltrates an alien society on the cusp of FTL that's locked in a 1950s esque nationalistic isolationism.
Eventually they decide to NOT make contact and get the lead researcher to drop their work to delay the races entry into space.
Sweet. I wish I had known earlier there was an online comic based on my space waifus. Or maybe not, seeing how it has been apparently very rarely updated.
What is Yamato? I know it only as the name for a class of WW2 Japanese ships.
Also an anime based on a space battle ship that has enemy elves that are waifu Teir or something. I don't know much about it, never seen it.
Battleship Yamato is a Japanese science fiction anime. Come for the asses, stay for the space opera and exterminatus.
Space battleship Yamato is an anime about a space ship using the hulk of the old yamato to make an OP space ship (thanks to waifu aliens too). They made a remake too recently. I think they are making season 2 now.
I remember one MOO2 game where i played humans, i genocided most of aliens i conquered, but for elerian i transfered one pop to every human colony as sex slaves for the population. There was also one pop of one other race as slaves for hard labour, but i don't remember who those were.
>revealing Earth location to fuckin xenos
Nice move asshole
It's a modern remake of an anime made in the 80s
Don't make me post berserk gifs.
He is French
He's American, m8.
No he is from California.
Hello /pol/.
How do you resist the urge for creative lithovore?
I think he is from California, same as the Author.
You don't have to visit /pol/ to make jokes.
His surname is French, that leaves a mark on a man
Guess someone did pull through with that satanic virgin sacrifice after all
Or he could be Canadian?
I guess i must confess those humans were custom race with creative
Somebody from /co/ killed himself?
Holy fuck. Am I in a coma or something.
Wait, what
He immediatly also tells them where earth is
A colony or their meet up point would've been enough, it's not like they can read his thoughts or anything
indeed he is a fucking traitor to his race
Clearly you must have if you haven't heard of patreon.
Yeah, and then they realise it's a colony from the low populations and examining radio signals in the area, decide mankind is not trustworthy and put us on their immediate shitlist because they can't read our thoughts and we can't be trusted. Nice going.
We went over the creator cucking himself out f his own harem fantasy last thread.
We have chocolate and the author said it would be like catnip to them... nothing is happening to us.
Shut the FUCK up, Donnies.
Oh come on if the ends were happening then Order of the Stick, Berserk AND HxH would all also be publishing according to schedule.
>Humans may not, but I'd be very surprised if literally every plant and animal on Earth is also immune.
I wouldn't. Every species we've seen was genemoded by some ancient alien empire, chances are telepathy and the ability to be detected telepathy isn't a natural ability.
One seal at a time.
You would trust an alien that goes all "here's the outpost, here's the main planet, grab the keys and make yourself at home"?
They have a class of diplomats, you know. I don't expect them to go berserk if humans don't ask the Loroi if they would like to fuck our wives.
Seriously, he gave vital information (and his only bargaining chip) for zero advantage.
You're using metaknowledge Jardin doesn't have.
And i don't think he gave it that much thought in those few seconds.
>We don't know what the Umiak do to their enemies
We do. They exterminate them.
Thanks doc, but my life sucked on the outside and it is quite comfy in here.
Tell my parents to fuck themselves, I'm not coming back.
There are other species that weren't engineered by the Soia, and Loroi telepathy works fine on them.
The Umiak for example, and the Barsam's humanity equivalent.
Point of order, he doesn't even know if their races are sexually compatible, casual fucking is clearly not a cultural more for him, the last thing you do when a pow is go around fucking your captors, alien diseases, etc
Now, him giving away earth is fucking dumb. There is no way a fucking grunt is cleared to do that. What he should be doing is arranging a meeting between his superiors and their superiors.
'this is our closest colony, if you contact my people in such and such a way we can meet on neutral ground and conduct diplomacy. If need be, hold me as hostage as garuntee.'
At that point his job is to be friendly and non committal, saying all this should be worked out through their superiors but freely sharing cultural shit in an effort to get to know them and lay the groundwork for proper talks
Instead we have this fucking jagoff who clearly has NO first contact protocol training all but giving away the location of planet Earth
Who else is expecting that humanity already struck at deal with the umiak by the time he finaly arrives on earth?