What did Veeky Forums look like before crypto?
What did Veeky Forums look like before crypto?
It was mostly oil barons and CEOs of multinational tech companies, but thankfully we displaced them.
Really shitty stockmarket advice
Dropship threads everywhere.
Any interesting stories from Veeky Forums the oldfags can tell the newfags?
stock market threads , get rich quick schemes , business advice , small business shilling . It was really comfy in the first year it was created , shame I never got into crypto always thought it was a meme
there was a saudi millionaire pajeet who posted on here regularly
we gambled on shitty stocks together - was quite fun
small businesses, advice, i made it stories
not saying it was perfect but it was a lot better than it is now thats for sure
Shipdropping memes and "which collige wud u chuse" threads.
lots of threads into what area of study to get into, how to save money, making fun of financially illiterate people, etc.
I really miss the 'shit poor people do' threads. They always had good stuff. Occasionally you would get the obligatory 'how do I turn 500 into 5 million' threads.
crypto destroyed this board entirely.
Not that different, less shilling, stock gambling, people pretending to be always right and having warned everyone else in advance. Windows vs Linux was probably the most original thing that's kind of dissappeared.
Arguing about whether the board mascot should be the Monopoly man or Holo.
BUY AMD was the norm
>threads on stocks including but not limited to penny stocks and day trading oil stocks
>there would only be one bitcoin/crypto general
>what college should I go to
>what should I do with a business degree
>whats the best business to open
>millionaire larp
>tons of I.T. goys and how much money they're making
>having ebay markets selling some trinket or other and how stressful it is
I've been going on biz for only 2 years so I haven't been here long but not much has changed since then its just mainly crypto themed now. This crypto craze seemed to start right before summer
Also threads would be 4+ days old and still be on page 1 or 2 with posts having hours or days spread between them so answers would take a long time to get
Are you all fucking new?
Veeky Forums didn't exist before cypto. It was made for crypto because the crypto shill threads were shitting up /g/. Mainly when dogecoin was first made.
The first few months were mainly dogecoin threads and a lot of shills. And other people trying to talk about normal stocks and telling cryptofags to fuck off.
Penny stocks
before that, flipping houses
>Dropshipping LARP
Find your niche/ I can't show you my site / 200k /month
>Economy or Accountability degree?
I want to make 200k per year right now
>Engineering or Computer Sciences?
I want to make 200k per year right now
>How much money do I need to fuck women like this?
Is 200k per year enough? Women are evil golddiggers just pay a prostitute
>Robinhood thread
Boomer things
>Buy ETH or regret it
lol don't fall for the russian vaporware scam, it will never make it pass 5$ retard
>Economic theory thread
I also remember the dropshipping threads that always popped up. Veeky Forums has always been obsessed with a quick buck
>neets getting into get rich quick schemes
never occurred to me
Dogecoin and blackcoin threads, annoying as fuck underage tards seeking career advice, some mentally ill kid begging for money to become a gaming YouTubers, dropshipping, penny stocks.
I remember a lot of anons going hard into copper stocks, I stopped browsing around that time so I never knew if they made good money from that.
Despite what some old biz fags may tell you, we should hace heard the crypto prophets and taken the crypto pill earlier.
Forgot the most important:
>Frugal thread
Piss in your mouth to cut your water bill
Eat the same cheap thing every meal until you die so you can save on life expenses
>ITT Things poor people do:
Create threads mocking poor people
>IT WORKS, HERBALIFE get in there faggots!
MLM is not a scam trust me I made 200k this week, now I'm just trying to get rid of my stock please buy you will make 200k per day
>how to scam grandma
>what is the best degree to get
>hurr durr pajeets steal my IT job
>want to start a porn site, pls help
>supplement reselling
>worst stock advice you've ever heard
>other work from home scams that don't work
Veeky Forums was created as a crypto containment board because we were shitting up /g/