How would real governments deal with superhumans? How would military's deal with them?
How would real governments deal with superhumans? How would military's deal with them?
How superhuman are they?
They will shoot them dead with Gun because Gun trumps all, it is deadliest weapon known to man so Gun will always win.
Recruit, recruit, recruit
The same way real governments and militaries deal with armed humans.
That's an insufficient answer.
If governments have the power to punish super humans then they will when necessary.
If they don't then they'd probably try to stay on good terms with them and placate them in whatever way they could.
>Join the Army, see the world!
Okay fine, the weakest superhuman is as strong as spiderman. So they can lift up to 15 tons, move 3x as fast as normals and can endure much more physical damage.
in order of precedence:
1. pay them a low-stress salary to do what the govt wants [i.e. don't cause trouble, do take orders if something rare comes up]
2. do what we want or the NSA doxes you and sends your /d/ search history to your grandmother
3. the CIA poisons your pizza delivery
4. drone-launched supersonic anti-tank missiles on your way to work
Wouldn't you rather make 200k a year (and work about 3 weeks of that year) than get doxed and droned?
Intense monitoring, chances are that psychics would be the first recruits. It wouldn't be just enough to entice super humans into your own ranks, you need to know about them, and specifically who else has them.
Depending on powers and strength, we'd see a weird new sort of proxy army/mercenary group beholden to no country. Those that can't be recruited will have their families leveraged against them, those that still don't fall in line might be killed or semi lobotomized depending on factors.
In any case, there's going to be a lot of sudden and horrifying surgery/testing done to see where these powers came from.
Tell me about your superhero fa/tg/uys.
Honestly I think it also depends a bit on how far back they've shown up. If they've always been around, society would be pretty different
>Remember those stories about how kingdoms were founded by people who could crush a house or slay a dragon? Yeah.
Wouldn't be any distinction between myth and history, I guess
This honestly feels the most realistic. The Government can easily afford to just pay a handful of superhumans to sit around and do nothing, and then offer larger bonuses and incentives to any that actually want to use those talents for the government.
probably create some kind of new department intended to deal with them. like special forces but for super hunting.
I mean, that's kind of relative right? That works against Spiderman or an X-Man, but what if they're Superman-tier and could bench press the entire planet if they wanted? Or are an alien who doesn't really give a shit about being doxxed because he doesn't have an identity to begin with.
I mean, at the point where youre dealing with an alien, it really isn't a superhuman anymore.
And of course, the answer is to hope option 1 works and theyll accept being able to laze around. Otherwise youll have to try and find a superhuman or two on the payroll that can beat them
>what if they're Superman-tier and could bench press the entire planet if they wanted?
They try not to piss him off, use psychological tactics to try and control them or at least convince him to work for them, and pray he doesn't decide to conquer the world.
It's a power level thing, but at that point, why are you still dealing with Earth?
There's a whole Galaxy out there, go have fun with that
I feel like society would adapt pretty well. Existing institutions could manage it.
Offer good salary and benefits to supers willing to work for the government, and pretty soon you've got a few of FBI SWAT teams that are half supers, half unpowered support personnel. You can rush those out to deal with psychos.
Most supers probably wouldn't want to spend their lives fighting, and would find private-sector employment. At a minimum, anyone with superhuman abilities could probably get a stipend from MIT or Pfizer to come into the lab once a week and run through some tests. The "THEY'RE GONNA LOCK YOU UP AND DISSECT YOU" storyline is kind of a cliche, and doesn't make a lot of sense compared to "would you accept a thousand dollars an hour to let us x-ray you?"
I imagine the standard US policy would be shoot it or recruit it. Might take a while to learn just what you can shoot it with but an answer would be found eventually.
Pay superhumans to police superhumans.
Depend on how strong they are but something like the SCP foundation would happen.
Depends on how pain receptive they are.
You might be able to use things like microwave agony cannons on some stupidheroes, then expose them to highly radioactive material for as long as it took to induce fatal radiation sickness. But obviously that's not gonna work for many, many, many capes.
If the weakest is as strong as Spiderman then I would be afraid of what would be the strongest.
>do what we want or the NSA doxes you and sends your /d/ search history to your grandmother
This scares me more than the missile tbqh.
I mean what could go wrong, right?
>I would be afraid of what would be the strongest.
Basically Squirrel Girl
Depends how you define "wrong".
Train them. Hire them. Use them. If they don't want to be used, leave them alone... no, that's utopian government, not real one. Destroy them.
Worm happens.
Man of Steel movie.
>How would real governments deal with superhumans? How would military's deal with them?
Ever read the 'Marshal Law' Comic series? The Governments make / engineer there own. And then use them like cannon fodder. Needless to say, more than a few of them come back how after the war with a few 'mental issues'. How the hell do you police them is the subject of the comics.
>how fast can you run your two mile?
>surprise! Urinanalysis!
>PMCS those vehicles, private.
>I dont care if you can turn rocks into gernades, you will shoot at least a 24 out of 40 on the M4 range
>I dont care if you can go back in time, flash, your supposed to be 15 minutes early or else you're late.
This is way too accurate
Depnds 100% on which government. For as much shit as the US government gets in regards to "being racist" it's by far the best at absorbing other cultures and groups. If superhumans could offer something we'd have no problem letting them live in peace.
Came here for this. Recommend me fanfic senpai
"Militaries". Who taught you to spell?
I kind of liked the winter men's take on it.
It took the interdimensional Illuminati, powers specifically targeting the crazy people of society and contessa's 24/7 interference to keep up the hero vs villain situation that had shown in worm.
What actually happens is that the supers take over the world and establish their own little dictatorships and....wait....that also happened in worm.
I take it back, Worm's parahuman warlord situation is what happens everywhere.
thanks, looks like a vidgame.
They would start by teaching you the difference between "militaries" and "military's."
Then that's a good answer. This is clearly more of a thought experiment than OP trying to get you to write fluff for his campaign.
It's almost like he left it vagueish for discussion purposes rather than wanted one definitive answer and shutting down the thread you fucking mong.
First thing I thought. This could range from ignoring them as they make the talk show rounds to falling to their knees in worship.
Hi, /k/.
Finally some specifics. If Spiderman is the weakest, then we're already beyond the point where they can be ignored and well into unmanageable territory. Now give me a percentage of population.
If they were all superman, then the aforementioned worship.
>Flying Bricks
Try to reason with them. Having what is essentially a flying tank mad at you is not a good thing.
Depends on how efficient their healing factors are. If they're Wolverine/Deadpool tier, then do everything necessary to keep them contained.
Extremely tricky. A full set of psychic powers effectively makes you a capital g god. Definitely bargain with them.
Leave them alone.
>Basically Squirrel Girl
So our universe is deterministic because it's a work of fiction made by greater beings and they inserted a joke character (and superpowered people) to fuck with us normal people out of boredom?