What will the first traditional game played on Mars be?
I don't think it will be Chess,
What will the first traditional game played on Mars be?
I don't think it will be Chess,
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OP is a faggot, the new game by Paizo, where you roll a d20 and on a roll of 1-20 you fuck OP in the ass.
Now fuck off, retard.
You seem Mad Onlineā¢.
Its alteady been played.
RC cars.
Can you imagine the lag of the internet connection there? It will take minutes to get an answer from Earth!
That's /toy/ even though not a single toyfag does RC crap
git gud
It will be 'sex'.
You gave me another dream
If the Chinese have anything to say about it it'll be Go.
Can't wait to play by post with martians.
GURPS is first. GURPS is best.
It will almost certainly be chess, checkers, or a similar game played by the first astronauts to get there while inside their shitty habitat waiting out a dust storm.
rock paper scissors obviously
The first one I can think of is /osrg/'s "Warriors of Mars: Warfare on Barsoom". Or maybe someone's edited 'war of the worlds' wargame, transplanted to Mars.
This thread, in the name of John Carter, is now co-opted in the name of traditional games that takes place on Mars.
A War of the Worlds wargame, or the wargame that H. G. Wells actually made himself?
Mutant Chronicles: Warzone. Either the original 90s/2002 editions or the 2013 reboot Warzone: Resurrection. Mars features prominantly as a major battleground between the megacorps, Dark Legion and the Brotherhood.
Probably poker honestly
Would be "flavorful" if the first game was Settlers of Catan
blackjack is easier.
The first game to be played by contemporary humans on Mars shall be standard Casino style Craps (chips will represent such commodities as shares in the Martian Company and potable water).
Man, I hate this game. It's just so unbalanced and one sided.
How do we fix OPiF, Veeky Forums?
Some technically-dictated variant of Russian roulette.
>It will take minutes to get an answer from Earth!
play by letter chess is a thing.
there is a guy at a chess site that play more than 300 (or 3000 dont remember) play by letters (not letter since its use a pc) games at the same time
>That's /toy/ even though not a single toyfag does RC crap
/toy/ don't really like toys.
/toy/ is basically /sculpture/, but only allowing toys
Russian roulette as they run out of air and slowly descend to madness
You mean [spoiler]strip poker[/spoiler]
Veeky Forums complaints department
Have you tried not playing OPiF?
tic tac toe
They won't play anything on Mars, space travel is a lie, no one has ever been pas the Van Allen belts. That's why all the pictures from space have been digital photos, it's all CG.
Unless its something symbolic somehow it will probably just be some people playing cards or someone playing solitaire.
Hell even if there is something symbolic done cards will probably be the true answer.
Small chance someone will play rock, paper scissors, for something first maybe as a joke to break tension, if that even counts.
it's a question unrelated, but why are they currently trying to colonize the mars, and not the moon?
Rolled 13 (1d100)
mars has a really thin atmosphere, more space and sometimes can be kind of pleasant temperature-wise. it is a better choice than the moon, but still not a great planet for colonizing.
>Fuck, Marry, Kill.
>It will be recorded as being Chess because it will be Fuck, Marry, Kill.
Spin the bottle
Something where the materials are of very limited weight, and the game itself is of interest to the mars travelers.
It's a hard call. While the first explorers will need entertainment to keep themselves sane on the long voyage to the red planet and back, it's really easy to load some time wasters onto the ship's computer -- easier than launching a chess or go set that has some appreciable mass. An orbital launch can cost $30,000 per pound, but then again there's an acoustic guitar on the ISS so clearly humanity has decided that giving people in space something to do that's not staring at a glowing box for a while is worth the investment.
However, whatever game is going to get played on Mars ought to be something that can also be played on the trip, where astronauts are unlikely to be experiencing gravity, a fact that makes most board games fairly difficult to manage. A pen and paper RPG, doing it all Theater of the Mind, could be a good candidate since it gives you infinite replay value, incorporates an arbitrary player count, and a good campaign can kill all the spare time floating on trajectory from here to there. The rulebook(s) could be digitized if necessary, though our intrepid explorers would have to find a way around dice, since the polyhedrons we know and love require gravity in order to work right. Whatever, there are dice rings and apps. For the pen and paper elements, those are already probably going aboard, you could pad the paper budget fairly painlessly. After all, if you're going to overestimate the need for something, "Ability to take notes while on Mars" is probably second to "Food"
Packs of standard playing cards could be moderately zero-g friendly (put the deck back in the box, but avoid playing zero-g 52-card pickup, they could really get anywhere) and also affords a zillion games with fairly unlimited replay value.
Takeaway: If they send scientists, it'll probably be D&D. If they send ex-military types, it'll be poker.
Good analysis
If its ex-mil its still probably DnD desu
You know, even if they can't take minis and shit, after a day of treating martian rocks like holy relics, they'll just use them.
Settlers of Catan
Something paper and pencil based. Probably tic tac toe.
The Doom RPG
Hide the Sausage.
Now I'm hoping there'll be French people landing in there with the first few, and they'll play chat-bite.
You could play games like Go using a magnetized board like how they stream reviews of games on television.
It probably depends on who goes there first. If it's chinks or japs it'll probably be go or chinese chess or just normal chess, probably not 'jong. If it's Yuros it might just be cards since you can hold the cards in your hand.