Dear Veeky Forums

Dear Veeky Forums,
I made this. I hope you enjoy.

fight! fight! fight!
purge. purge. purge.

Is this a _SU_ reference?

wow what an amazing guess

I'll never understand ho there.s an overlap in these two fandoms.

People can like more than one thing.

Why is Conan mad at that Simpsons character?

It's such a large overlap though. I don't think I've ever seen that many Imperium vs discussions about anyone else, even Startrek and Starwars.

I've not seen all that much of that myself.

Wouldn't it be "xenos scum"?

drawfag was a lazy fuck who didn't do his research

It seems to pop up whenever I'm in a /su/ thread. Admittedly that's not often but is far to frequent.

What language is that? I can tell it has common roots with Modern English, surely it's a cousin language like German.

Gems in 40K would still make more sense than Tau.

Its a parody of Sid the Sexist, a character from the British magazine Viz

Did this inspire that six bong greentext?

Gems seem like they would be a concept that would fit in Dragonball Z.

A strange superpowered alien race of invaders that takes over and converts planets, can fuse together to become stronger in battle, their leaders appear to be the most powerful fighting-wise out of their entire race.

Yellow Diamond is Frieza
Jasper is Vegeta
I'm just waiting for the Ginyu Tokusentai

>Jasper is Vegeta

Really? Thought it was Peridot.

Peridot doesn't have Vegeta's attitude problem, she's Dende. We're still on Namek, Jasper hasn't come around to the side of Earth, which won't happen until the Ginyu Force comes around and she bands with the CG to fight against them.

Jasper is an Earth Gem like Rose Quartz, and is a superior 'perfect' Quartz soldier from the moment of her birth unlike all other the low level freaks that were pumped out during the rebellion to put boots on the ground.

Peridot is a meme-dorito and/or Magneto

There's definitely some influence.

There a SU homebrew for playing games in the setting like what happens with other series?

Yeah but they're all garbage.

is that pic a Megas XLR reference?

Talk about obscure

It's not that obscure, most /co/mrades pine for it's return, though it is a hope long since abandoned.

Damn, a Megas XLR/Steven Universe crossover episode would be cool.

Megas is hardly that obscure on Veeky Forums


now kiss

The hope of Megas XLR returning, as an IP, are absolutely zilch, in a legal sense. You're fucked.
That is literally the context of that image, good job.

>Not posting best Diamond

With her one emotion: sadness.

You forgot the searing hatred and distrust that can appear in a moment when she becomes suspicious.

The Diamonds are literally each associated with one of the four humors, and largely take their color schemes from them.

Yellow Diamond = Choleric = Angry = Fire
Blue Diamond = Phlegmatic = Sad = Water
Pink Diamond = Sanguine = Happy = Air

And finally, the as of yet unseen and barely described White Diamond is most likely Melancholic = Peaceful = Earth

This is reinforced by the powers of the Gems that are associated with each of the Diamonds seen so far. Most blue Gems associated with Blue Diamond have a water-related power. Steven is a semi-reincarnation of Rose Quartz, a Gem associated with Pink Diamond, and can levitate/control his rate of descent. Gems associated with Yellow Diamond so far are usually warrior caste Gems.

The problem is that the creators themselfs have a shit idea of scale. Both on an artistic level(they don't even use height sheets) and on a metaphorical scale.
Homeworld is implyed to be in another galaxy, which by the way they were able to travel to in a time span of either half on hour or at max two days. Yet they seem to have only a handful of worlds in their empire and most of their tech is really ambigious.
What I want to say is that even 40k does a better job at scaling then SU

When does it say they only have a handful of worlds? Just because we haven't seen many in the show doesn't mean that's all there is.

They had something like 30 at the time of the rebellion, judging by the Diamond mural on the moon base.

I presume user is referring to the fact we know the amount of worlds that belonged personally to each Diamond, with Earth being PD's first colony.

Writers in general do seem to have a real problem when it comes to scale, particularly the scale of interstellar civilizations.

They have exactly this many worlds. This was a mural that showed up in the background of one episode in a Gem ruin. The single world on the far left in Pink Diamond's hand is Earth.

Far right, I mean.

>Yet they seem to have only a handful of worlds in their empire and most of their tech is really ambigious.
I think it's safe to say they don't have the internal drive to explore and expand that humans have. And not a great concept of time either.

Considering their non-biological nature and desire for raw resources to mass-produce new gems for reasons unrevealed they should be able to 'colonize' all sorts of different planets they encounter, no? Converting entire planetary systems into new hives for their gem soldiers, and then modifying the husks of the drained worlds into giant space ports.

I still don't understand what happened to the IP. Does the US government owns it own or what?

Keep in mind gems also alternate between current and old fashioned terminology all the time. Peridot and Pearl basically have all the same knowledge and technical expertise with entirely different terms for everything. Pearl, despite having a realistic sense of scale about our local stars, is the only one to say homeworld is in another galaxy. Galaxy used to refere to just the phenomenon known as the milky way, short hand for Galatea's Lactation, meaning galaxy used to just mean the arms of our 'universe'. When knew galaxies were discovered recently they were called other universes for a while.

Homeworld is most likely in what we currently call this galaxy, just a short hop into one of the other spiral arms.

>Astronomers = Lactationfags

Their only purpose is to expand though. They planned to make a hub world out of Earth from which they would have gone on. Also it is implyed that they are having resource problems right now.

Garnet said to Peridot "You can see homeworlds galaxy from here", but what you said made sense and it also sounds better.

This post is smarter than anything I've seen on /sug/, which doesn't really surprise me.

The best part is that if they had managed to hang onto Earth it wouldn't have solved their resource problem, because Earth's resources are poisoned with the feelings of intelligent organic life or something that makes new gems come out wrong.

That's not true.

The reason the Earth gems made during the rebellion came out mostly fucked is because the process was being rushed and done haphazardly to create more boots on the ground to deal with the problem.

Even the alpha kindergarten gems came out fucked, dude, only beta was rushed.

The Diamonds want to expand, regular gems don't really care one way or another, they just obey. Since the Diamonds have been in a collective depression for thousands of years and can't seem to get over it no matter how much time passes, it makes sense that their empire is stagnating.

eh, Rose wasn't from Earth and we don't know how long after her arrival she turned, so it could be that gems from the first half of the kindergarten were fine but the rebellion happened.

Or maybe the fact there was life on this planet was unprescedented and we fought back and sent the colonists into a panic


I think the fact that we were intelligent and forming civilizations at the time the gems arrived really threw them for a loop.

Rose was an Earth Gem, just like Jasper.

Nothing about your fanon of Earth being poisoned is fact.

Did you not listen during the Human Zoo arc?

What about the Human Zoo.

Were all of those gems beta? I thought it was a mixed bag.

Alpha was fine. Only Amy came out too late. Beta was rushed and sloppy. The rebellion mearly attracted every missfit and gem with independent thought there was at the time. (Was it an inside job to get rid of all the off colours?!)

Rose has spoken about her time on homeworld and how she doesn't miss it. Thought wouldn't occur to her if she had never been.

Take a good look at the famethyst in the Zoo Arc, they're fucked too.

How would Little Kitten react to this?

>Even you hideous off coloured betas
The red gems came from the sandstone beta kindergarten. The amys from alpha

Not all of the staff at the Human Zoo came out shitty or deformed, alot of the Amethysts came out normal compared to the one we're used to of the main cast but were looked down upon for being from Earth due to everything that happened there, and thus assigned the worthless role of taking care of the biologicals at Pink Diamond's Zoo.

Jasper escaped that fate due to being the perfect example of a gem warrior superior to even non-Earth Jaspers and thus valuable for other tasks as one of Yellow Diamonds operatives.

How? They are all the same hight of what they are supposed to be. It is simply because they were PD underlings that they were just put away in this backwater space station

No, most of them are fine and sufficiently LARGE and THICC, the most notable fuckups are the skinny jasper and that midget red gem who's type I forget.

Carnelian was supposed to come out red, but not short.
The Amys all have weird personalities or strange things going on with them, take another look, they're all unique.

You're being stupid, you don't have to be from Earth to have a personality. Look at Topazx2 from the latest episodes, or the Lawyer Gem Steven had on Homeworld.

The only reason they might be 'strange' is because they have been stuck on a space station in the ass-end of nowhere for thousands of years together where their commanding officer mistreats them and all they've got to rely on is each other.

From what I gathered in the newest episode the term off coloures is just the general name for every out of line gem

All gems are a little bit unique. The Ruby squat should have shown that

Well the example in the latest episode is two cross-type fusions (with one having the most gems for one fusion seen so far) and a single gem that displays two individual personalities and has two heads.

this was also made at the same time
the drawfag was not very skilled but I believe that it conveys the intent



>browses Veeky Forums for Warhammer memes
>Sees SU
gg OP

I fail to understand how Peridot dressed as Magneto is relevant to the idea of Peridot having an argument with a Techpriest of the Adeptus Mechanicus

Here, have a picture of a dreadnought.

Shit, I thought it was Ayesha


Oh, right... Garnet. She's not even into science like either of them so she is even less likely to keep up with the terminology.

So you are butthurt that there are only 29 40k threads instead of 30? We sure are sorry.

She could have visited & spent time on Homeworld after being made on Earth, since the entire Rose Quartz line of Gems was made by Pink Diamond to be her personal attendants and Earth was her first colony.

I love that they have such a strong theme.
Pretty sailor moon mystics. I mean, that theme waters down after season 1 (the only good season) but it makes for a great space faction. Original and familiar at the same time.

Not to mention her other half is a ruby, which are kinda dumb.

So far we have seen only one example of a deformed Gem from Alpha, and even she got respect from the very Gem who's job it is to shit on the deformed.

...I'd also like to point out she had bad things to say about a gem that was merely produced in the wrong direction, despite no indication there was anything wrong with the gem personally.

autism is the overlap.

Plus, as far as we know deformation is just a thing that happens to a percentage of created gems.
When Steven goes to homeworld he joins forces with the ugly mutant gems hiding in the sewers.

But only the Betas got called "Off Color". She specified it was the Betas that were 'Off Color'. The Alpha Amethysts were merely mistreated and 'From Earth'. But they were not 'Off Color' like the mis-shapen, deformed, atypical Betas.

Not the worst thing I've seen.


You idiot
that's the Emperor in the OP
this is a 40k thread



Ah then I missunderstood your comment as nerdrage. My bad, have a pearl point.

I'm not even that guy, I'm the OP

I love it whenever Garnet does something dumb and people are like "Brrr why is she acting dumb when she is smart one" and people pull up an example from the first twenty episodes where Garnet genuinely thought random screaming and punching things is a valid solution.

Thnx luv'

Does this mean you don't want my pearl points?

because Peri has powers of metal manipulation

It's too late to take them back now, ya bastiche