When playing a rogue, how do you avoid being edgy/stereotypical?
When playing a rogue, how do you avoid being edgy/stereotypical?
Lawful neutral.
Just dont be edgy?
come up with a character, with wants and fears and all the little things that give a character character, then decide on his class, independent of his personality.
why not have a rogue who altruistic and has a soft spot for those caught in a clutches of foul circumstances or a dick ass paladin whose is so jaded that he cant even remember why he does it anymore.
>Just dont be edgy?
>or a dick ass paladin whose is so jaded that he cant even remember why he does it anymore.
Mixed messages here.
Why is it that people assume that there's some big secret to not being edgy/stereotypical, or that there's not a place for that sort of thing depending on the campaign tone and what everyone else is doing. Do people not talk with each other about their games anymore?
You love your 'job'. You live for the thrill of sneaking right under peoples noses and making off a richer man.
Ezio from Assassin's Creed.
what i mean is you dont have to be a slave to your classes stereotypes, feel free to be a well read fighter or a drop out mage.
your characters class and personality traits should not have much influence on each other.
You're not "rogue" at all, you're actually a very loyal servant of your nation and the equivalent of a Special Forces Commando going in behind enemy territory, stealing intel, killing HVT's, and blowing some shit up before exfiltrating without a trace.
Building a character outside of the edgy/stereotypical tropes is a start.
Then evaluate your own RP : "am I going to be full on linkinpark edgy with my choice ?"
If yes then reevaluate and choose something else to do.
Don't carry edged weapons.
Alright, but who's in charge here?
Don't be a klepto, don't be forced to work for the law, be somewhat playful but not inappropriately so.
Personally, I love the Thief with a heart of gold archetype. It's somewhat stereotypical, but it isn't snowflake or edgy, so it's fine in my book.
This works great. It's not often you see a rogue played as a super soldier patriot.
>why not have a rogue who altruistic and has a soft spot for those caught in a clutches of foul circumstances
cliche as fuck
>a dick ass paladin whose is so jaded that he cant even remember why he does it anymore
cliche as fuck
Don't think of the "rogue" as a job description, think of it as a skillset. Now think, who might be interested in using that skillset? There you go, now you have numerous backgrounds for your character beyond the kleptomaniac thief.
Play more of a "locksmith" type character, someone who's good at doing certain physical/manual tasks but also tries to use it for some crime/adventuring/"totally legitimate activities officer" on the side.
The one thing I'd avoid is the lone assassin guy who either steals everything, stabs everything, or both.
ain't you
Be a fucking coward. A fat, ugly drunken wuss who happens to be decently sneaky.
I focus on being an expert on locks and my craft, over being a 'thief' or 'agile fighter'. In fact, I sometimes outright reject or neglect these aspects, depending on the game and what the GM is going for.
A Locksmith, after all, has all the skills of the professional thief/burglar, except he uses it for legal means, and earns a lucrative living by being the anti-rogue. You can value society and order, the safeguarding of life and belongings, while still becoming filthy rich. Best of all, treasure is fair gain, and all these skills are still as useful in the gentleman professional as they are the kleptomaniac halfling.
Be however you want. Your class doesn't have to be your defining attribute.
I use a blackjack & trouncheon instead...
But if you mean less edgy like a faggot than just play them as a fighter with skills. Don't think of yourself as a rogue, but as an auxiliary forces who instead of fighting rank & file, does skirmishes & favors ambushes/fieldcraft. One of the biggest ways not to be he standard edgelord rogue is to just not be urban focused. You have disable device/thieves tools not because you are a criminal but because you are a trap smith, you don't have stealth cause you're a cut purse it's because you don't want to be eaten by mountain cats while hunting.
Indiana Jones
yeah it does
For edgy, just don't. For stereotypical, don't worry about it.
Don't start the game off with dead parents.
Working as an agent for some kind of law enforcement or secret organization
They're stealing things to fund a just cause or to help a family member
They come from a wealthy family and steal things just for the thrill and challenge of it
Private investigator? Ex-Police/Guard detective? I'm sure in many ways Sherlock Holmes is a rogue. Even a hitman of some kind would be at least slightly different, but they all fit into the rogue archetype. Your character will only seem edgy if you RP him in an edgy faggot way
A high CHA INT rogue with a focus on disguises, poisons and courtly intrigue.
dressing as a noble to infiltrate a high profile party and assassinate a duke while surrounded by dozens of other nobles, would be neat.
Be a lovable rogue. Seriously user, it's such a fucking common archetype.
Why do you feel the need to be edgy? Be the guy who everyone knows is a burglar but is just too charming to turn in. Be Face from the A-team.