What if the entire main cast of Trailer Park Boys was transported to the 41st Millennium and became Primaris Marines?
What if the entire main cast of Trailer Park Boys was transported to the 41st Millennium and became Primaris Marines?
What the fuck is happening to Veeky Forums?
It's that time of the year?
Liquor Marines
Greasy Marines
Samsquach Marines
Bobandy Marines that never wear power armor due to lacking a black carapace but instead all have a version of a rosariaus in the form of a walkie talkie.
None of those men could hope to survive the process of becoming a space marine.
Reminder to you retards that traffic doesn't increase in summer, you're just expecting shit threads and noticing more shit threads.
Summer on Veeky Forums isn't a season, it's a state of mind.
Doesn't matter anyway. Thanks to 1d4chan and /r/DNDGreentexts and /r/Rpghorrorstories, we have a steady stream of immigrants from Reddit. Get it yet?
You aren't supposed to actually put your name in that blank, Wayne
Fuck you always do stupid shit like this!
I don't know how much longer you can expect me to take it!
You'll take it as long and as hard as my Trap and GF take it.
Muh sikrit club
What's the password?
Traffic volume doesn't increase for the summer, traffic composition does. The reasonable people will usually have better things to do in the summertime than to sir at Taiwanese basket-weaving forums while highschoolers that were normally shitposting just in the evening now go all day long.
Your speculation as to the demographic composition of posters on Veeky Forums during various calendar months of the year based on zero data is intriguing.
I'm just drinking this now.
>In the grim darkness of Freedom 35K, there is only WHAT!!!
Is rpghorrorstories big now? I only visited it once when it was first made
Ricky you can't drink blood out of that cup all the guys who drank from it went crazy.
I know wut I'm doin Bubbles don't be so superfishes.
Rick you mean superstitious and it's not a superstition you just saw those guys drink from it and go insane.
I disagree. The correlation with global warming is to significant to ignore.
>In the grim darkness of the 40th century, there is only shit
And it's people like this who enable the site getting worse.
I'd buy a ticket to the founding of the latests Primaris Chapter - The Emperor's Shit Hawks, Randy,
It got a Dorkly post which boosted the traffic, got added to the RPG Subreddit community, and it's 50% new stories, 50% Images and Word For Word type-ups of That Guy Stories.
topkek. read it in their voices
Is it "stop making shit threads or label them as WH40K shit so I dont have to sift through this garbage"? I hope so.
Nope. It's Swordfish. It's always Swordfish.
40k finds a way to somehow get even less funny
>What if the entire main cast of Trailer Park Boys was transported to the 41st Millennium and became Primaris Marines?
Take your meds.
I got one helluva laugh out of this
I'm absolutely doing this
Space Wolves successors
Mr. Lahey is the liquor.
Who would be the Chaplain
The Apothecary?
The Techmarine
The Captain(beer gut)