What games let me kill tabletop roleplayers?
What games let me kill tabletop roleplayers?
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Russian Roulette.
Russian Roulette doesn't let player kill other players.
If you're the one who brings the gun, you can take some amount of credit, though
Especially if you're not playing
The most dangerous one.
Proper Russian way to play Russian Roulette is to play it with certain soviet revolver with very loose fitted, highly mobile cylinder and shaking it a bit before pulling the trigger.
>The green-haired one is the poisonous one
The Fantasy Flight End of the World RPGs are literally all about the players themselves trying to survive an event heavily tilted against their favor.
Why would you want to kill tabletop roleplayers when you can kill cardfags?
>What games let me kill tabletop roleplayers?
Playing games that dont allow it to be played again
Dark Dungeons.
Satanic Panic
Werewolf: The Apocalypse.
Main evil antagonist company, Pentex, has a TTRPG arm called Black Dog, and all the satanic panic stereotypes of role playing games as evil and literally about training people to be evil is canonically true in universe.
You play homicidal furries tasked with defending the earth from the evils of Pentex, and a band of LARPers murdering hobos and performing evil earth destroying rites because "lol, it's just a game brah!" are fairly common antagonists in urban areas.
in the games I ran I had Black Dog be responsible for WELL KNOWN GUERRILLAS, a not at all thinly veiled Unknown Armies parody created by a toreador Greg Stolze
Alma Mater RPG. The players play a bunch of highschool students.
lead tag
Fedora: the Tipping.
ingame or reallife?
Dungeons and Dragons
In fact you are encouraged to brutalize the players in that game.
Hunter The Reckoning, go fuck up some goblins