So Veeky Forums,
what's your opinion on using 4e's neat abilities and spells to supplement and somewhat spice up 5 e's combat
So Veeky Forums
I got so excited for a moment there. Thinking Diarca was back, and we'd have Totemist Quest once more. Now I'm sad.
>what is the battlemaster fighter
low tier bait
It sounds like a good idea, but requiring extensive knowledge of both systems, which is apparently rare.
Could potentially be interesting, many of them are somewhat implemented as optional rules in the 5e DMG.
Of course, don't expect much civil conversation to occur in this thread. It's both D&D AND an Edition thread, so discussion will probably devolve after the first Greente- There it is.
It'd be a great idea if they were compatible, but what do you actually gain from it vs just playing 4e?
Battlemaster fighter is fucking trash
Me too. Fuck you, OP, you ain't Diarca.
Why would you think that? We're on Veeky Forums, not /qst/.
Why not use 4e wholesale?
I liked 4e's abilities, even if they mechanically weren't that unique some of the powers had some cool shit like a monk attack knocked an opponent into the air then sent them flying backwards. Now I can just punch things very very lots. 4e felt so much higher powered.
Even the sub-optimal builds were fun as fuck, shame I never got to play my Thri-kreen grapple fighter.
In my experience, despite the memes, 4e characters played more different to each other than characters in other editions. The layout and presentation was the same, but in practice how your particular set of powers and features worked allowed you to create a really distinct playstyle, which isn't really possible elsewhere.
Ikr, though there is the factor of more time to release things. 4e was at its end when I picked it up so there was all the stuff that could be mixed and matched. I built so many characters and only ever played the first.
More's the point, summoning feels really lame in 5e. I suppose it's balanced that you can't just wade into battle and drop the rock on enemies, but even the variety of summons is weak. Wizards get two straight combat summons (conjure minor/normal elemental) and a couple of utility summons (unseen servant,faithful hound).
Maybe as more books get released we can get more content to dick about with. Personally I'm hoping for a fixed Lore Wizard
Because Totemist Quest went on indefinite hiatus before /qst/ was created, so I mentally associate that picture showing up on Veeky Forums with the quest, even if that obviously couldn't happen anymore. I never saw it on /qst/, I have no mental image of it being there.
>/qst was created
Don't remind me. Veeky Forums basically died that day.
A very shitty version of the shittiest version of 4E Fighters?
You mean it was revived from the shitty pits of questhell. The board has been far better since then.
>The board has been far better since then
You're just mad because it's true.
We don't need circlejerk forum games here, and if /qst/ can't survive on its own then quests were always a parasite and deserve to starve to death.
>can't have 3.5 thread without cancerous 3aboos making it impossible to talk about unless you're doing nothing but praising it
>PF threads are /pfg/ or the above
>can't have 4E thread without it getting trolled
>Legend and FantasyCraft threads last about five minutes
>40k threads are even more boring than they used to be
>reminding me of Bloody Path
At least it lets me kill myself so I don't have to think about it anymore.
Hurr... THUNK
So the same as it ever was, except now we don't have to see shit like "Mahou Shonen Tank Witches Pantsu Quest Part MCXVII: Chapter 2 - In which we steal Mina's pantsu."
Pretty sure I could have a 3.5 thread without some faggot going >hurr durr subjectivism therefore I'm going to shit up the thread
the second someone suggests banning Codzilla and using Warblades instead of Fighters.
I've never understood why idiots found it so hard to wrap their heads around. It's really not that complicated.
Correlation is not causation you fucking nonce.
Bullshit. People have been saying that crap for years.
No they haven't.
Nice try newfag.
>4e's neat abilities and spells to supplemen
They're the same exact thing. 4e fighters ARE casters. There is no two ways about it. They cast a limited number of spells per day that augment their attacks. There is NO other explanation for why a fighter can use his daily power once per day.
>b-b-b-but he's tired
Then the number of uses should be based off of Constitution. Period.
>b-b-b-but it's situational
Then why does he get to determine the exact situation he can use his "situational" power in? That brings us to the third explanation, which involves you being outside of your character (which is metagaming):
>b-b-b-but it's a narrative game
D&D is not a narrative game. It never has been and never will be. Narrative mechanics do not belong in D&D, nor do mechanics that encourage metagaming. End. Of. Story.
Thanks for posting this, always gives me a chuckle.
Not an argument. Try to refute a single fucking thing I said, then we'll see who's chuckling.
There'd need to be an argument there in the first place.
Every class in 4e is a caster because it has shitty once-per-day abilities that add nothing to the game besides ""balance"" that could just have easily been achieved by removing SoDs and limiting caster utility.
Assertions =/= Arguments
Wayne's World, Wayne's World
Trolling Time
Woooo woo woooo!
Just expand the attack options (e.g. grapple, shove, etc.) that are available. It's not terribly hard.
Something that needs 5 minute short rests, not 1 hour short rests.